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Line 1037: -- these can then be passed directly into the hr_entry_api's and

1033: -- Get all entries and entry values for the Adoption
1034: --
1035: -- Decode the rate code to give the meaning using local variables
1036: -- populated earlier by Calculate_correct_APAB_rate
1037: -- these can then be passed directly into the hr_entry_api's and
1038: -- simplifies comparison with hypo entries
1039: --
1040: select entry.element_entry_id,
1041: entry.element_link_id,

Line 1221: hr_entry_api.update_element_entry (

1217: hr_utility.trace (l_proc||' processed - correct it');
1218: else
1219: -- update old entry
1220: hr_utility.trace (l_proc||' unprocessed - update it');
1221: hr_entry_api.update_element_entry (
1222: p_dt_update_mode => 'CORRECTION',
1223: p_session_date => old_entry.effective_start_date,
1224: p_element_entry_id => old_entry.element_entry_id,
1225: p_input_value_id1 => g_APAB_element.rate_id,

Line 1257: hr_entry_api.delete_element_entry (

1253: hr_utility.trace (l_proc||' Old entry already processed');
1254: else
1255: hr_utility.trace (l_proc||' Old entry NOT already processed');
1256: --Old entry not already processed so delete it
1257: hr_entry_api.delete_element_entry (
1258: p_dt_delete_mode => 'ZAP',
1259: p_session_date => old_entry.effective_start_date,
1260: p_element_entry_id => old_entry.element_entry_id);
1261: end if;

Line 1305: -- hr_entry_api's take the lookup meanings not the lookup codes.

1301: p_effective_start_date => old_entry.effective_start_date,
1302: p_effective_end_date => old_entry.effective_end_date,
1303: p_pay_as_lump_sum => person.pay_APAB_as_lump_sum);
1304: --
1305: -- hr_entry_api's take the lookup meanings not the lookup codes.
1306: -- converted rate codes to meanings before calling the
1307: -- api. Later fix made old_entry (csr_existing_entries) return
1308: -- the meaning, so rate passed directly.
1309: --

Line 1310: hr_entry_api.insert_element_entry (

1306: -- converted rate codes to meanings before calling the
1307: -- api. Later fix made old_entry (csr_existing_entries) return
1308: -- the meaning, so rate passed directly.
1309: --
1310: hr_entry_api.insert_element_entry (
1311: p_effective_start_date=> old_entry.effective_start_date,
1312: p_effective_end_date => old_entry.effective_end_date,
1313: p_element_entry_id => l_dummy,
1314: p_target_entry_id => old_entry.element_entry_id,

Line 1351: hr_entry_api.insert_element_entry (

1348: if (not hypothetical_entry.dealt_with (new_entry) = 'TRUE')
1349: and (not hypothetical_entry.stopped (new_entry) = 'TRUE')
1350: then
1351: hr_entry_api.insert_element_entry (
1352: p_effective_start_date =>
1353: hypothetical_entry.effective_start_date (new_entry),
1354: p_effective_end_date =>
1355: hypothetical_entry.effective_end_date (new_entry),

Line 1756: hr_entry_api.delete_element_entry (

1752: hr_utility.trace (l_proc||' Deleting element entry_id '||
1753: to_char (obsolete.element_entry_id));
1754: hr_utility.trace (l_proc||'-------------------------------------------');
1755: --
1756: hr_entry_api.delete_element_entry (
1757: p_dt_delete_mode => 'ZAP',
1758: p_session_date => obsolete.effective_start_date,
1759: p_element_entry_id => obsolete.element_entry_id);
1760: end loop;