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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 63

      select standard_type
      into   l_standard_type
      from   ecx_standards
      where  standard_id = p_standard_id;
Line: 82

      SELECT  standard_id
      INTO    l_standard_id
      FROM    ecx_standards
      WHERE   standard_code = 'CUSTOM'
      and     standard_type = l_standard_type;
Line: 107

               SELECT xref_ext_value
               INTO   l_ext_val
               FROM   ecx_xref_dtl
               WHERE  tp_header_id      = p_tp_id AND
                      xref_int_value    = p_tbl(i).value AND
                      standard_id       = l_standard_id AND
                      xref_category_id  = p_tbl(i).xref_category_id AND
                      direction         = 'OUT';
Line: 123

                  SELECT xref_std_value
                  INTO  l_ext_val
                  FROM  ecx_xref_standards
                  WHERE standard_id = p_standard_id
                  AND   xref_category_id = p_tbl(i).xref_category_id
                  AND   xref_int_value = p_tbl(i).value;
Line: 137

                     SELECT  standard_id
                     INTO    l_univ_std_id
                     FROM    ecx_standards
                     WHERE   standard_code = 'UNIVERSAL'
                     and     standard_type = l_standard_type;
Line: 147

                     SELECT xref_std_value
                     INTO  l_ext_val
                     FROM  ecx_xref_standards
                     WHERE standard_id = l_univ_std_id
                     AND   xref_category_id = p_tbl(i).xref_category_id
                     AND   xref_int_value = p_tbl(i).value;
Line: 304

            SELECT xref_int_value
              INTO l_int_val
              FROM ecx_xref_dtl
             WHERE tp_header_id = p_tp_id AND
                   standard_id  =  p_standard_id AND
                   xref_category_id = p_apps_tbl(j).xref_category_id AND
                   xref_ext_value     = p_apps_tbl(j).value AND
                   direction = 'IN';
Line: 321

                 SELECT xref_std_value
                 INTO  l_int_val
                 FROM  ecx_xref_standards
                 WHERE standard_id = p_standard_id
                 AND   xref_category_id = p_apps_tbl(j).xref_category_id
                 AND   xref_int_value = p_apps_tbl(j).value;
Line: 440

           select standard_type
           into   l_standard_type
           from   ecx_standards
           where  standard_id = p_standard_id;
Line: 459

	   SELECT  standard_id
	   INTO	   l_standard_id
	   FROM	   ecx_standards
	   WHERE   standard_code = 'CUSTOM'
           and     standard_type = l_standard_type;
Line: 473

         	  SELECT  xref_int_value
                   INTO   l_int_val
                   FROM   ecx_xref_dtl
                   WHERE  tp_header_id = p_snd_tp_id AND
                          standard_id    =  l_standard_id AND
                          xref_category_id = p_category_id AND
                          xref_ext_value     = p_value AND
                          direction = 'IN';
Line: 485

                                  SELECT xref_int_value
                                  INTO  l_int_val
                                  FROM  ecx_xref_standards
                                  WHERE standard_id = p_standard_id
                                  AND   xref_category_id = p_category_id
                                  AND   xref_std_value = rtrim(p_value);
Line: 495

                                        SELECT  standard_id
                                        INTO    l_univ_std_id
                                        FROM    ecx_standards
                                        WHERE   standard_code = 'UNIVERSAL'
                                        and     standard_type = l_standard_type;
Line: 505

                                        SELECT xref_int_value
                                        INTO  l_int_val
                                        FROM  ecx_xref_standards
                                        WHERE standard_id = l_univ_std_id
                                        AND   xref_category_id = p_category_id
                                        AND   xref_std_value = rtrim(p_value);
Line: 533

         		SELECT xref_ext_value
                        INTO   l_ext_val
                        FROM   ecx_xref_dtl
                        WHERE  tp_header_id = p_rec_tp_id AND
                               standard_id = l_standard_id AND
                               xref_category_id = p_category_id AND
                               xref_int_value     = l_int_val AND
                               direction = 'OUT';
Line: 545

                                  SELECT xref_std_value
                                  INTO  l_ext_val
                                  FROM  ecx_xref_standards
                                  WHERE standard_id = p_standard_id
                                  AND   xref_category_id = p_category_id
                                  AND   xref_int_value = p_value;
Line: 555

                                        SELECT xref_std_value
                                        INTO  l_ext_val
                                        FROM  ecx_xref_standards
                                        WHERE standard_id = l_univ_std_id
                                        AND   xref_category_id = p_category_id
                                        AND   xref_int_value = p_value;
Line: 642

	SELECT standard_type
	INTO l_standard_type
	FROM ecx_standards
	WHERE standard_id = i_standard_id;
Line: 659

    SELECT standard_id
	INTO l_standard_id
	FROM ecx_standards
	WHERE standard_code = 'CUSTOM'
	AND standard_type   = l_standard_type;
Line: 672

	  SELECT xref_int_value
	  INTO l_int_val
	  FROM ecx_xref_dtl
      WHERE tp_header_id   = i_snd_tp_id
      AND standard_id      = l_standard_id
      AND xref_category_id = i_category_id
      AND xref_ext_value   = io_value
      AND direction        = 'IN';
Line: 684

        SELECT xref_int_value
        INTO l_int_val
        FROM ecx_xref_standards
        WHERE standard_id    = i_standard_id
        AND xref_category_id = i_category_id
        AND xref_std_value   = rtrim(io_value);
Line: 694

          SELECT standard_id
          INTO l_univ_std_id
          FROM ecx_standards
          WHERE standard_code = 'UNIVERSAL'
          AND standard_type   = l_standard_type;
Line: 704

          SELECT xref_int_value
          INTO l_int_val
          FROM ecx_xref_standards
          WHERE standard_id    = l_univ_std_id
          AND xref_category_id = i_category_id
          AND xref_std_value   = rtrim(io_value);
Line: 726

        SELECT xref_ext_value
        INTO l_ext_val
        FROM ecx_xref_dtl
        WHERE tp_header_id   = i_rec_tp_id
        AND standard_id      = l_standard_id
        AND xref_category_id = i_category_id
        AND xref_int_value   = l_int_val
        AND direction        = 'OUT';
Line: 738

          SELECT xref_std_value
          INTO l_ext_val
          FROM ecx_xref_standards
          WHERE standard_id    = i_standard_id
          AND xref_category_id = i_category_id
          AND xref_int_value   = io_value;
Line: 748

            SELECT xref_std_value
            INTO l_ext_val
            FROM ecx_xref_standards
            WHERE standard_id    = l_univ_std_id
            AND xref_category_id = i_category_id
            AND xref_int_value   = io_value;