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Line 58: null , p_card_number, -- party id is null as we reference cards through ap_cards_all.employee_id

54: begin
55: -- return instrument id if card already exists in oracle payments
56: iby_fndcpt_setup_pub.card_exists(1.0,NULL,
57: x_return_status, x_msg_count, x_msg_data,
58: null , p_card_number, -- party id is null as we reference cards through ap_cards_all.employee_id
59: p_card_instrument, x_response);
60: if (x_return_status = 'S') then
61: x_instr_id := p_card_instrument.card_id;
62: -- Inserting an update_card to set the new expiration date if it is not null

Line 96: /* This function returns card_id from ap_cards_all for a

92: return -1;
93: -- raise;
94: end create_iby_card;
96: /* This function returns card_id from ap_cards_all for a
97: given credit card number. If card numbers does not
98: exist then it creates a card in oracle payments and
99: in ap_cards_all with appropriate references. Avoiding
100: calls to diagnostic since these are used in bulk uploading.

Line 99: in ap_cards_all with appropriate references. Avoiding

96: /* This function returns card_id from ap_cards_all for a
97: given credit card number. If card numbers does not
98: exist then it creates a card in oracle payments and
99: in ap_cards_all with appropriate references. Avoiding
100: calls to diagnostic since these are used in bulk uploading.
101: */
102: function get_card_id(p_card_number IN VARCHAR2,
103: p_card_program_id IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,

Line 122: from ap_cards_all

118: l_instr_id := create_iby_card(p_card_number, p_party_id, null);
119: begin
120: if (l_instr_id > 0) then
121: select card_id into l_card_id
122: from ap_cards_all
123: where card_reference_id = l_instr_id
124: and card_program_id = p_card_program_id
125: and rownum = 1;
126: return l_card_id;

Line 132: -- create a row in ap_cards_all and get card_id

128: return -1;
129: end if;
130: exception when no_data_found then
131: l_user_id := fnd_global.user_id;
132: -- create a row in ap_cards_all and get card_id
133: insert into ap_cards_all (card_id,
134: card_program_id,
135: org_id,
136: card_reference_id,

Line 133: insert into ap_cards_all (card_id,

129: end if;
130: exception when no_data_found then
131: l_user_id := fnd_global.user_id;
132: -- create a row in ap_cards_all and get card_id
133: insert into ap_cards_all (card_id,
134: card_program_id,
135: org_id,
136: card_reference_id,
137: request_id,

Line 179: l_card_reference_id ap_cards_all.card_reference_id%type;

176: /* Returns card_reference_id (IBY_CREDITCARD.instrid) */
177: FUNCTION get_card_reference_id(p_document_payable_id IN NUMBER)
179: l_card_reference_id ap_cards_all.card_reference_id%type;
180: BEGIN
182: select crd.card_reference_id -- Instrument ID
183: into l_card_reference_id

Line 188: ap_cards_all crd

184: from ap_invoices_all inv,
185: iby_docs_payable_all iby,
186: ap_expense_report_headers_all erh,
187: ap_credit_card_trxns_all ctx,
188: ap_cards_all crd
189: where iby.document_payable_id = p_document_payable_id
190: and iby.calling_app_doc_unique_ref2 = inv.invoice_id
191: and inv.invoice_id = erh.vouchno
192: and inv.invoice_type_lookup_code in ('EXPENSE REPORT', 'MIXED')