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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 147

    select address_style into st from fnd_territories_vl
    where territory_code = country_code;
Line: 211

            select territory_short_name into description
            from fnd_territories_vl
            where territory_code = country_code;
Line: 265

    select meaning
    into   attn
    from   ar_lookups
    where  lookup_type = 'ADDRESS_LABEL'
    and    lookup_code = 'ATTN_DEFAULT_MSG';
Line: 309

    select meaning into label from ar_lookups
            where lookup_type = 'ADDRESS_LABEL' and
                  lookup_code = 'MAIL_STOP';
Line: 540

||   insert_lbs
||   For the given string 'str_in', this procedure inserts a line break
||   character at every 'w' bytes. The line break character insertion
||   continues till the remaing string length becomes less than 'w'.
||   String 'str_out' contains the result of line insertion. The number of line
||   breaks inserted and the remaining string length are stored in 'lb_num'
||   and 'remaining', respectively.
||   str_in         : string to be processed
||   w              : skip length for line break insertion
||   str_out(out)   : line break inserted string
||   lb_num (out)   : the number of line breaks inserted
||   remaining (out): remaining (byte) string length
PROCEDURE insert_lbs( str_in in VARCHAR2, w in NUMBER,
                      str_out out NOCOPY  VARCHAR2, lb_num out NOCOPY  NUMBER,
                      remaining out NOCOPY NUMBER ) IS

    len NUMBER(5);                      -- length of target string
Line: 567

    str_inserted VARCHAR2(4000);        -- line break inserted string
Line: 568

    lb_num_inserted NUMBER(5);          -- the number of line breaks inserted
Line: 575

    str_inserted := '';
Line: 576

    lb_num_inserted := 0;
Line: 586

           (LB is not inserted when w = len) */

            -- bug2411369 : Changed to width_m
            -- substrb_m( str_in, s, w, str, ww );
Line: 593

            str_inserted := str_inserted || str || '
Line: 596

            lb_num_inserted := lb_num_inserted + 1;
Line: 600

            s := s + lengthb(str);  -- update starting position
Line: 601

            total_s := total_s + ww ; -- update total length
Line: 607

                /* exit if there are no space to insert line breaks */

Line: 619

    str_inserted := str_inserted || str; -- concatenate the rest of the string
Line: 621

    str_out := str_inserted;
Line: 622

    lb_num := lb_num_inserted;
Line: 628

END insert_lbs;
Line: 640

||   line break character codes and puncuation marks are inserted: the line
||   break character code is insertd such that the address string can fit
||   in the given address box size.
||   Defining the following 9 definitions for a desired address style should
||   enable the function to generate an address label formatted for the
||   desired address style:
||     1) a list of address segments being displayed
||        - define in display order
||     2) the number of address segments defined
||     3) a list of line break address segment candidates
||        - define in preferable order
||     4) the number of line break address segment candidates defined
||     5) default punctuation mark for the address segments
||     6) exceptional punctuations for the address segments
||          - the former segment of an address segment pair
||          - the latter segment of an address segment pair
||          - punctuation mark for an address segment pair
||          Note exceptional punctuation mark can only be applied
||          when both address segment pair are not NULL segments.
||     7) the number of defined exceptional punctuations for the address
||        segments
||     8) punctuation marks for the address sub-segments
||          - used to recognize punctuation mark in the address segment
||            so that the segment can be decomposed into sub-segments
||     9) the number of defined punctuation marks for address sub-segments
||   These definitions are address style specific and are defined in
||   'set_definitions' local procedure; the definitions for the default format
Line: 705

||      marks are inserted/attached in concatenated address segments and
||      then construct a formatted address string by inserting/attaching them
||      into/to the address segments. This is achieved by two steps:
||      the  and the .
||      The line break character code can be categorized into the following
||      5 types for its inserting place:
||      a) at the end of the line break address segments determind
||         in the 
||      b) at the end of the extra line break address segments determind
||         in the 
||      c) at the end of the line break address sub-segments determined
||         in the 
||      d) inside the address segment whose length is longer than 'width':
||         determined in the 
||      e) inside the address sub-segment whose length is longer than 'width':
||         determined in the 
||      --------------------
||      1) This step first tries to put the address segments in
||         'width x height_min' area by breaking the line 'height_min-1' times:
||         The top 'height_min-1' line break address segments in the candidate
||         list are used for line breaking. However, a line break address
||         segment whose line is NULL is not used for line breaking.
||      2) Each divided line is then examined if the length exceeds 'width'.
||         If line overflow is detected, the  is
||         proceeded to sub-divide the overflowed line.
||      3) When every line length becomes equal to or shorter than 'width',
||         then the total number of line breaks (all line break character code
||         types) is evaluated. If the number is equal to or less than
||         'height_max-1', then proceed to a segment concatenation process
||         . If not, restart the  by selecting the top
||         'height_min-2' line break segments from the candidate list. (Note
||         that line break address segment whose line is NULL is not used
||         for line breaking.) This is continued till the  can proceed to the process  or the number of selected
||         candidate reaches 0. If the last trial with 0 line break segment
||         fails, then another concatination process  is proceeded.
||      ------------------------
||      1)  This step first searchs for an alternative line break address
||          segment from the candidate list that has not yet been used as the
||          line break address segment or as the extra line break address
||          segment.
||      2a) If the alternative segment is found, it is used as an extra line
||          break address segment and allocate the next segment to the extra
||          line break segment in a new line. If the allocated segment length
||          exceeds than 'width', then a) split the segment (if the segment is
||          not decomposable); b) arrange the location of the sub-segments
Line: 776

||      1) insert line break character codes (type e) into the address
||         sub-segment
||      2) attach a line break character code (type c) to the tail of the
||         address sub-segment and attach a punctuation mark for the address
||         sub-segments to the tail of non line break address sub-segments
||      3) insert line break character codes (type d) into the address segment
||      4) attach a line break character code (type a and b) to the tail of the
||         address segment and attach a punctuation mark for the address
||         segments to the tail of non line break address segments
||      ---
||      1) concatenate all address segments while inserting punctuation mark
||         for the address segments in between the segments
||      2) insert line break character code at every 'width'
||      3) truncate the exceeded line beyond the address box size
||      where 'width', 'height_min', and 'height_max' are arguments to
||      the function as can be seen below.
||   address_style                 : address format style
||   address1                      : address line 1
||   address2                      : address line 2
||   address3                      : address line 3
||   address4                      : address line 4
||   city                          : name of city
||   county                        : name of county
||   state                         : name of state
||   province                      : name of province
||   postal_code                   : postal code
||   territory_short_name          : territory short name
||   country_code                  : country code (mandatory)
||   customer_name                 : customer name
||   bill_to_location              : bill to location
||   first_name                    : contact first name
||   last_name                     : contact last name
||   mail_stop                     : mailing informatioin
||   default_country_code          : default country code (mandatory)
||   default_country_desc          : default territory short name (mandatory)
||   print_home_country_flag       : flag to control printing of home county
||                                   (mandatory, 'Y': print, 'N': don't print)
||   width                         : address box width          (mandatory,not 0)
||   height_min                    : address box desired height (mandatory,not 0)
||   height_max                    : address box maximum height (mandatory,not 0)
||   formatted address string
||   Except those denoted as mandatory, any parameter to the function can
||   have NULL value.
||   The function retrieves an address style value and a territory short name
||   value via country_code if NULL is passed to the function for these
||   parameters.
||   capable of handling multi-byte character as well as single-byte
||   characters
||   word wrap algorithm is incorporated in the Line Dividing Step
||   and the Line Sub Dividing Step
FUNCTION format_address_label( address_style           IN VARCHAR2,
                               address1                IN VARCHAR2,
                               address2                IN VARCHAR2,
                               address3                IN VARCHAR2,
                               address4                IN VARCHAR2,
                               city                    IN VARCHAR2,
                               county                  IN VARCHAR2,
                               state                   IN VARCHAR2,
                               province                IN VARCHAR2,
                               postal_code             IN VARCHAR2,
                               territory_short_name    IN VARCHAR2,
                               country_code            IN VARCHAR2,
                               customer_name           IN VARCHAR2,
                               bill_to_location        IN VARCHAR2,
                               first_name              IN VARCHAR2,
                               last_name               IN VARCHAR2,
                               mail_stop               IN VARCHAR2,
                               default_country_code    IN VARCHAR2,
                               default_country_desc    IN VARCHAR2,
                               print_home_country_flag IN VARCHAR2,
                               width                   IN NUMBER,
                               height_min              IN NUMBER,
                               height_max              IN NUMBER
                              )return VARCHAR2 IS

    Constant Variables

/* Address segment INDEX */
IDX_ADDRESS1                    CONSTANT NUMBER := 1;
Line: 1049

/* counter that holds # of line breaks inserted in the splitted address
   segments */
lb_seg_splitted_num NUMBER(5);
Line: 1053

/* counter that holds # of line breaks inserted in the splitted address
   sub-segment */
lb_subseg_splitted_num NUMBER(5);
Line: 1300

    ELSE                /* Default Address Style (DO NOT DELETE !) */

        addr_seg(1)  := IDX_FIRST_NAME;
Line: 1751

||   by inserting line break characters at every box width
||   p    : display order of target segment
||   remaining line length (byte) after the segment split
FUNCTION split_segment( p NUMBER ) return NUMBER IS

    str_splitted VARCHAR2(300); -- splitted string
Line: 1764

    lb_num NUMBER(5);           -- the number of line breaks inserted
Line: 1768

    /* insert line break character codes at every 'width' */

    insert_lbs( source(addr_seg(p)), width, str_splitted, lb_num, r );
Line: 1778

    lb_seg_splitted_num := lb_seg_splitted_num + lb_num; -- update line break
Line: 1792

||   by inserting line break characters at every box width
||   p     : display order of target segment
||   p_sub : order of target sub-segment
||   remaining line length (byte) after the sub-segment split
FUNCTION split_subsegment( p NUMBER, p_sub NUMBER ) return NUMBER IS

    str_splitted VARCHAR2(300); -- splitted string
Line: 1806

    lb_num NUMBER(5);           -- the number of line breaks inserted
Line: 1810

    /* insert line break character codes at every 'width' */

Line: 1821

    lb_subseg_splitted_num := lb_subseg_splitted_num + lb_num; -- update line
Line: 1900

                       the line, then the previoius segment is selected as an
                       extra line break address segment */

                    lb_seg_extra_num := lb_seg_extra_num + 1;
Line: 1911

                   is selected as a line break address sub-segment */

                lb_subseg_num(p) := lb_subseg_num(p) + 1;
Line: 1953

||     3. must be selected from the line break address segment candidate list
||   a   : display order of address segment where search ends
||   b-1 : display order of address segment where search starts
||   0 :
||       if search fails (this includes the case when the line consists
||       of only one segment)
||   display order of address segment:
||       if search succeeds
FUNCTION search_alt_lb_seg( a NUMBER, b NUMBER ) return NUMBER IS

    not_used BOOLEAN := TRUE;           -- flag that evaluates criteria 1
Line: 2058

||   Selection of the extra line break segment is made via 'search_alt_lb_seg'
||   functioin. But if this search fails, then the previous segment to the
||   overflowed segment is chosed as an extra line break address segment
||   as long as the segment is not the first non-NULL segment in the line.
||   a : display order of the first segment in the line
||   b : display order of the last segment in the line
PROCEDURE arrange_segment( a NUMBER, b NUMBER ) IS

    r NUMBER(5);                -- remaining length in the line
Line: 2147

                p := alt_lb_seg_pos+1;          -- update segment counter
Line: 2171

                           should not be selected as an extra line break
                           address segment since the p th segment is the first
                           non-NULL segment in the line */

                        r := arrange_subsegment( p, p, width );
Line: 2292

||      line break characters inserted one
||   2) Add line break characters to the line break address sub-segment
||   3) Substitute the longer address segment than the box width with the
||      line break characters inserted one
||   4) Add line break characters to the line break address segments
||   concatenated address string in which a number of punctuation marks and
||   line break character codes are inserted; places where line break character
Line: 2301

||   code are inserted should be determined before this function.
FUNCTION concatenate_segments return VARCHAR2 IS

    lb_found BOOLEAN;           -- flag to indicate the detection of line break
Line: 2308

    alt_source VARCHAR2(300);   -- line break character inserted address
Line: 2319

          line break characters inserted one */

    FOR i IN 1..source_sub_splitted_num LOOP

        source_sub(source_sub_splitted.p(i)*SUBSEG_NUM +
                   source_sub_splitted.p_sub(i) ):=source_sub_splitted.val(i);
Line: 2393

          line break characters inserted one */

    FOR i IN 1..source_splitted_num LOOP
        source(addr_seg(source_splitted.p(i))) := source_splitted.val(i);
Line: 2449

                   if not found, LB is not inserted */

                nn_segment := search_nn_segment( previous_lb_pos+1, i );
Line: 2502

||   2) Insert a line break character into the concatenated string at every
||      'width'
||   3) Truncate the line break inserted string such that it can fit in the
||      address box region
||   string after 1),2) and 3) are processed
FUNCTION truncate_segments return VARCHAR2 IS

    lb_num NUMBER(5);           -- # of line breaks inserted
Line: 2518

    answer VARCHAR2(4000);      -- concatenated and line break inserted address
Line: 2532

    /* insert a line break character into the concatenated string at every
       'width' */

    insert_lbs( concatenated, width, answer, lb_num, remaining );
Line: 2538

    /* truncate the line break character inserted string such that it can
       fit in the address box */

    IF lb_num > lb_seg_limit_num THEN

        tmp := answer;
Line: 2796

            first_segment := last_segment + 1;  -- update the first segment
Line: 2941

    select decode(value , 'UTF8' , 3 , 2 )
      into multi_char_byte
      from nls_database_parameters
     where parameter = 'NLS_CHARACTERSET';