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Line 852: FROM qp_pricing_attributes

848: product_attribute ,
849: product_attr_value,
850: product_uom_code ,
851: pricing_attribute_context
852: FROM qp_pricing_attributes
853: WHERE list_line_id = parent_list_line_id;
855: -- fix for accrual_flag for multi-tier lines
856: CURSOR c_offer_type(p_list_header_id NUMBER) IS

Line 865: FROM qp_rltd_modifiers a, qp_pricing_attributes b, qp_pricing_attributes c

862: CURSOR c_pbh_pricing_attr_id(l_id NUMBER) IS
863: SELECT c.pricing_attribute_id,
864: c.list_line_id
865: FROM qp_rltd_modifiers a, qp_pricing_attributes b, qp_pricing_attributes c
866: WHERE c.list_line_id = a.from_rltd_modifier_id
867: AND a.to_rltd_modifier_id = b.list_line_id
868: AND b.pricing_attribute_id = l_id;

Line 1079: FROM qp_pricing_attributes

1075: WHERE a.modifier_id = cp_listLineId;
1077: CURSOR c_pricingAttrId (cp_listLineId NUMBER, cp_productAttr VARCHAR2, cp_productAttrValue VARCHAR2) IS
1078: SELECT pricing_attribute_id
1079: FROM qp_pricing_attributes
1080: WHERE list_line_id = cp_listLineId
1081: AND product_attribute = cp_productAttr
1082: AND product_attr_value = cp_productAttrValue
1083: AND excluder_flag = 'Y';

Line 5510: SELECT pricing_attribute_id FROM qp_pricing_attributes

5506: , x_pricingAttrTbl IN OUT NOCOPY Qp_Modifiers_Pub.pricing_attr_tbl_type
5507: )
5508: IS
5509: CURSOR c_pricingAttr(cp_listLineId NUMBER) IS
5510: SELECT pricing_attribute_id FROM qp_pricing_attributes
5511: WHERE list_line_id = cp_listLineId
5512: OR list_line_id IN (select to_rltd_modifier_id FROM qp_rltd_modifiers WHERE from_rltd_modifier_id = cp_listLineId AND rltd_modifier_grp_type = 'PRICE BREAK');
5513: i NUMBER;
5514: BEGIN

Line 8058: FROM qp_pricing_attributes

8054: l_related_modifier_id NUMBER;
8056: CURSOR get_accr_pricing_attribute_id (p_list_line_id NUMBER) IS
8057: SELECT pricing_attribute_id
8058: FROM qp_pricing_attributes
8059: WHERE list_line_id = p_list_line_id
8060: AND excluder_flag = 'N';
8062: l_object_version_number NUMBER;

Line 10282: Relations between ozf products and qp products ie ozf_discount_products and qp_pricing_attributes are stored for every product irrespective of the apply discount flag or the include volume flag

10278: -- This line can be related to the ozf_product since the ozf product in this case has a one to one relation with qp pricing attribute.
10279: If the ozf product is an exclusion no qp_list_line is created for it. A qp pricing attribute is created for every PBH discount line created for the ozf discount line.
10281: 2. Products.
10282: Relations between ozf products and qp products ie ozf_discount_products and qp_pricing_attributes are stored for every product irrespective of the apply discount flag or the include volume flag
10283: */
10286: --===================================Push Discount Rules to QP===========================

Line 11341: columns in tables qp_list_lines and qp_pricing_attributes

11338: /*
11339: This procedure creates SD offer discount line records.
11340: The mapping b/w QP and SDR lines is stored in orig_sys_line_ref and orig_sys_header_ref
11341: columns in tables qp_list_lines and qp_pricing_attributes
11342: */
11344: PROCEDURE populateSDDiscountRulesRec(
11345: x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2