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Line 2724: from hr_locations_all hla

2720: cursor get_town_old (l_assignment_id NUMBER, l_effective_date Date) is
2721: select hla.town_or_city
2722: ,hla.region_2
2723: ,hla.region_3
2724: from hr_locations_all hla
2725: ,hr_organization_units hou
2726: ,per_all_assignments_f paa
2727: where paa.organization_id = hou.organization_id
2728: and hou.location_id = hla.location_id

Line 2773: from hr_locations hl,

2769: --and l_effective_date between paa.effective_start_date and paa.effective_end_date;
2770: /*Cursor to pick up Employee's Work Location*/
2771: cursor get_work_location (l_assignment_id NUMBER) is
2772: select hlp.meaning --distinct TOWN_OR_CITY
2773: from hr_locations hl,
2774: hr_lookups hlp,
2775: per_all_assignments_f paa
2776: where hl.location_id = paa.location_id
2777: and paa.assignment_id = l_assignment_id

Line 2803: from hr_locations hl, hr_all_organization_units hau

2799: AND rowid = (select max(rowid) from per_people_extra_info where person_id = l_person_id ) ;
2800: --cursor to get employers town or city
2801: CURSOR csr_get_work_location (l_organization_id number) IS
2802: select town_or_city
2803: from hr_locations hl, hr_all_organization_units hau
2804: where hau.organization_id = l_organization_id
2805: and hau.location_id = hl.location_id;
2806: /*Cursor to get Start and Termination date of employee*/
2807: cursor get_start_date (l_assignment_id NUMBER, l_effective_date Date) is

Line 3430: from hr_locations hl,

3426: If l_work_location is null then
3427: BEGIN
3428: select distinct TOWN_OR_CITY
3429: into l_work_location
3430: from hr_locations hl,
3431: per_all_assignments_f paa
3432: where hl.location_id = paa.location_id
3433: And paa.assignment_id = t_emp(j).emp_id;
3434: exception