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2 /* $Header: INVRCVCS.pls 120.14.12020000.3 2013/01/30 08:06:21 alxue ship $*/
4 -- Added two new global variables to store the values for the po, WMS and inv
5 -- patch LEVEL.
6 -- Since we are hard prereqing PO ARU we do not need to check if PO.J is
7 -- installed. However, since all the code already is using it all we need
8 -- to do is assign it the value of g_inv_patch_level since if inv.J or
9 -- higher is installed, it will imply the PO.J functionality exists.
10 g_po_patch_level  NUMBER := inv_control.Get_Current_Release_Level;
11 g_inv_patch_level NUMBER := inv_control.Get_Current_Release_Level;
12 g_wms_patch_level NUMBER := wms_control.Get_Current_Release_Level;
14 -- Added global constant to identify patchset J
15 g_patchset_j      NUMBER := 110510;
16 g_patchset_j_po   NUMBER := 110510;
19 /*
20  * FP-J Lot/Serial Support Enhancement
21  * Added lot_number with default NULL value. Used for matching lots
22  */
23 TYPE cascaded_trans_rec_type IS RECORD
24   (
25    customer_id NUMBER,
26    error_message VARCHAR2(255),
27    error_status VARCHAR2(1),
28    expected_receipt_date DATE,
29    from_organization_id NUMBER,
30    group_id NUMBER,
31    item_id NUMBER,
32    locator_id NUMBER,
33    oe_order_header_id NUMBER,
34    oe_order_line_id NUMBER,
35    parent_transaction_id NUMBER,
36    po_distribution_id NUMBER,
37    po_header_id NUMBER,
38    po_line_id NUMBER,
39    po_line_location_id NUMBER,
40    po_release_id NUMBER,
41    primary_quantity NUMBER,
42    primary_unit_of_measure VARCHAR2(25),
43    qty_rcv_exception_code VARCHAR2(25),
44    quantity NUMBER,
45    quantity_shipped NUMBER,
46    revision VARCHAR2(3),
47    ship_to_location_id NUMBER,
48    shipment_header_id NUMBER,
49    shipment_line_id NUMBER,
50    source_doc_quantity NUMBER,
51    source_doc_unit_of_measure VARCHAR2(25),
52    subinventory VARCHAR2(10),
53    tax_amount NUMBER,
54    to_organization_id NUMBER,
55    transaction_type VARCHAR2(25),
56    unit_of_measure VARCHAR2(25),
57    inspection_status_code VARCHAR2(25),
58    p_lpn_id NUMBER,
59    item_desc VARCHAR2(240),
60    project_id number default null,
61    task_id   number  default null,
62    lot_number mtl_lot_numbers.lot_number%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
63    serial_number mtl_serial_numbers.serial_number%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, --9651496,9764650
64    req_header_id  NUMBER 	--12546176
65    );
67 TYPE cascaded_trans_tab_type IS TABLE OF cascaded_trans_rec_type
70 -- po_startup_value block record type
71  TYPE po_startup_value_tp IS RECORD
72    (inv_org_id           NUMBER, --bug 5195963
73     org_name             VARCHAR2(240),
74     org_location         VARCHAR2(60),
75     sob_id               NUMBER,
76     ussgl_value          VARCHAR2(60),
77     period_name          VARCHAR2(60),
78     gl_date              DATE,
79     category_set_id      NUMBER,
80     structure_id         NUMBER,
81     user_id              NUMBER,
82     logon_id             NUMBER,
83     creation_date        DATE,
84     update_date          DATE,
85     inv_status           VARCHAR2(1),
86     po_status            VARCHAR2(1),
87     qa_status            VARCHAR2(1),
88     wip_status           VARCHAR2(1),
89     pa_status            VARCHAR2(1),
90     oe_status            VARCHAR2(1),
91     override_routing     VARCHAR2(60),
92     transaction_mode     VARCHAR2(60),
93     receipt_traveller    VARCHAR2(60),
94     receipt_num_code     VARCHAR2(60),
95     receipt_num_type     VARCHAR2(60),
96     po_num_type          VARCHAR2(60),
97     coa_id               NUMBER,
98     allow_express        VARCHAR2(1),
99     allow_cascade        VARCHAR2(1),
100     org_locator_control  NUMBER,
101     negative_inv_receipt_code  NUMBER,
102     gl_set_of_bks_id      VARCHAR2(60),
103     blind_receiving_flag  VARCHAR2(1),
104     allow_unordered       VARCHAR2(1),
105    display_inverse_rate  VARCHAR2(60),
106    currency_code         VARCHAR2(60),
107    project_reference_enabled   NUMBER,
108    project_control_level       NUMBER,
109    employee_id           NUMBER,
110    wms_install_status    VARCHAR2(1),
111    wms_purchased         VARCHAR2(1),
112    effectivity_control   NUMBER);
114  -- po_startup_value block
115  g_po_startup_value po_startup_value_tp;
118 -- rcv_global_var block record type
119 TYPE rcv_global_var_tp IS RECORD
120   (interface_group_id        NUMBER,
121    transaction_header_id     NUMBER,
122    receipt_num               NUMBER,
123    unordered_mode            VARCHAR2(30),
124    receiving_dsp_val         VARCHAR2(80),
125    express_mode              VARCHAR2(30));
127 g_rcv_global_var  rcv_global_var_tp;
129 -- We use the following data structure to store new lot numbers created
130 -- at receipt time.
131 TYPE lot_status_rec IS RECORD
132 -- Increased lot size to 80 Char - Mercy Thomas - B4625329
133   (lot_number VARCHAR2(80),
134    inventory_item_id NUMBER,
135    organization_id NUMBER
136    );
137 TYPE lot_status_rec_tb_tp IS TABLE OF lot_status_rec
140 g_lot_status_tb lot_status_rec_tb_tp;
143 -- We use the following data structure to store lpn_id used in this transaction cycle
144 TYPE lpn_id_tb_tp IS TABLE OF NUMBER
147 g_lpn_id_tb lpn_id_tb_tp;
150 TYPE trans_rec_type IS RECORD
151   (transaction_id NUMBER,
152    primary_quantity NUMBER,
153    secondary_quantity NUMBER --invconv kkillams
154    );
156 TYPE trans_rec_tb_tp IS TABLE OF trans_rec_type
159 --These constants  are used  by the  break api in
160 --determining the order in  which  lots are split
161 g_order_lots_by_exp_date NUMBER := 1;
162 g_order_lots_by_creation_date   NUMBER := 2;
164 g_order_lots_by NUMBER := g_order_lots_by_exp_date;--Default is by  exp date
166 PROCEDURE init_form_values(p_org_id              IN  NUMBER,
167                            x_inv_org_id          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER, --bug 5195963
168 			   x_org_name            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
169 			   x_org_location        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
170 			   x_sob_id              OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
171 			   x_ussgl_value         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
172 			   x_period_name         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
173 			   x_gl_date             OUT NOCOPY DATE,
174 			   x_category_set_id     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
175 			   x_structure_id        OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
176 			   x_user_id             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
177 			   x_logon_id            OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
178 			   x_creation_date       OUT NOCOPY DATE,
179 			   x_update_date         OUT NOCOPY DATE,
180 			   x_inv_status          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
181 			   x_po_status           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
182 			   x_qa_status           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
183 			   x_wip_status          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
184 			   x_pa_status           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
185 			   x_oe_status           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
186 			   x_override_routing    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
187 			   x_transaction_mode    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
188 			   x_receipt_traveller   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
189 			   x_receipt_num_code    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
190 			   x_receipt_num_type    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
191 			   x_po_num_type         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
192 			   x_coa_id              OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
193 			   x_allow_express       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
194 			   x_allow_cascade       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
195 			   x_org_locator_control OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
196 			   x_negative_inv_receipt_code OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
197 			   x_gl_set_of_bks_id     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
198 			   x_blind_receiving_flag OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
199 			   x_allow_unordered      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
200 			   x_display_inverse_rate OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
201 			   x_currency_code        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
202 			   x_project_reference_enabled  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
203                            x_project_control_level      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
204                            x_effectivity_control  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
205                            x_employee_id          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
206                            x_wms_install_status   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
207                            x_wms_purchased        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
208                            x_message              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
209                            );
211 -- a wrapper of the above to initialize global g_startup_value block
213 PROCEDURE init_startup_values(p_organization_id IN NUMBER);
215 -- Overloaded the procedure. This will be called from patchset J development.
216 PROCEDURE init_rcv_ui_startup_values(p_organization_id       IN NUMBER,
217 				     x_org_id               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
218 				     x_org_location         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
219 				     x_org_locator_control  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
220 				     x_manual_po_num_type   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
221 				     x_wms_install_status   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
222 				     x_wms_purchased        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
223 				     x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
224 				     x_msg_data             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
225 				     x_inv_patch_level      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
226 				     x_po_patch_level       OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
227 				     x_wms_patch_level      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER);
229 PROCEDURE init_rcv_ui_startup_values(p_organization_id       IN NUMBER,
230 				     x_org_id               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
231 				     x_org_location         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
232 				     x_org_locator_control  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
233 				     x_manual_po_num_type   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
234 				     x_wms_install_status   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
235 				     x_wms_purchased        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
236 				     x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
237 				     x_msg_data             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
239 -- break lot/serial record for transaction record
241 PROCEDURE break
242   (p_original_tid        IN mtl_transaction_lots_temp.transaction_temp_id%TYPE,
243    p_new_transactions_tb IN trans_rec_tb_tp,
244    p_lot_control_code    IN NUMBER,
245    p_serial_control_code IN NUMBER);
247 --PROCEDURE rcv_process_receive_txn;
249 PROCEDURE rcv_gen_receipt_num
250   (x_receipt_num        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
251    p_organization_id IN     NUMBER,
252    x_return_status      OUT        NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
253    x_msg_count          OUT        NOCOPY NUMBER,
254    x_msg_data           OUT        NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
258 PROCEDURE rcv_clear_global;
262 /*************************************************
263 * Name: get_po_routing_id
264 * This API returns routing id for a given PO header ID
265 * Routing ID is defined at PO line-location level (po_line_locations_all)
266 * We use the following rule to set headers routing ID
267 * If there is one line detail needs inspection the entire PO needs inspection
268 * elsif there is one line detail needs direct receiving the entire PO direct
269 * else (all line detail are standard) the entire PO is standard
270 * rounting lookups: 1. standard   2. Inspect  3. Direct
272 ******************************************************/
275 PROCEDURE get_po_routing_id (x_po_routing_id    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
276 			     x_is_expense       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
277 			     p_po_header_id  IN     NUMBER,
278 			     p_po_release_id IN     NUMBER,
279 			     p_po_line_id    IN     NUMBER,
280 			     p_item_id       IN     NUMBER,
281 			     p_item_desc     IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
282                              p_organization_id  IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL);  -- Bug 8242448
285 /*************************************************
286 * Name: get_routing_id
287 * This API returns routing id for a given PO header ID or shipment header
288 * id or for the rma
289 * It also validates the lpn_context and the routing id
290 * The LPN Context can only be pregenerated and resides in inventory
291 * for a direct receipt and for others it can be in receiving and pregenerated.
292 ******************************************************/
293 PROCEDURE get_routing_id (x_routing_id         OUT    NOCOPY NUMBER,
294 			  x_return_status      OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
295 			  x_msg_count          OUT    NOCOPY NUMBER,
296 			  x_msg_data           OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
297 			  x_is_expense         OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
298 			  p_po_header_id       IN     NUMBER,
299 			  p_po_release_id      IN     NUMBER,
300 			  p_po_line_id         IN     NUMBER,
301 			  p_shipment_header_id IN     NUMBER,
302 			  p_oe_order_header_id IN     NUMBER,
303 			  p_item_id            IN     NUMBER,
304 			  p_organization_id    IN     NUMBER,
305 			  p_vendor_id          IN     NUMBER,
306 			  p_lpn_id             IN     NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
307 			  p_item_desc          IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
308                           p_from_lpn_id        IN     NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
309                           p_project_id         IN     NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
310                           p_task_id            IN     NUMBER DEFAULT NULL);
316 /*************************************************
317 * Name: get_asn_routing_id
318 * This API returns routing id for a given shipment_header_ID,
319 * lpn_id, po_header_id combination.
320 * PO_header_id, po_line_id and item_id are queried based on the combination,
321 * and then passed to get_po_routing_id.
322 * If any of the lines has a direct routing, this API will return direct.
323 *******************************************************/
325   PROCEDURE get_asn_routing_id
326   (x_asn_routing_id     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
327    x_return_status      OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
328    x_msg_count          OUT    NOCOPY NUMBER,
329    x_msg_data           OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
330    p_shipment_header_id IN NUMBER,
331    p_lpn_id             IN NUMBER,
332    p_po_header_id       IN NUMBER
333    );
338 /*********************************************
339 *  This api first checks if lpn exists or not by calling validate_LPN api.
340 *  If yes, it simply returns the lpnID,
341 *  If not, it calls create_LPN api and return the lpnID
342 ********************************************************/
344 PROCEDURE create_lpn(p_organization_id IN     NUMBER,
345 		     p_lpn             IN     VARCHAR2,
346 		     p_lpn_ID             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
347 		     x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
348 		     x_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
352 -- This api creates a record in the mtl_transaction_lots_temp
353 -- It checks if the p_transaction_temp_id is null, if it is, then it
354 -- generates a new id and returns that.
355 PROCEDURE insert_lot(p_transaction_temp_id        IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
356 		     p_created_by                 IN     NUMBER,
357 		     p_transaction_qty            IN     NUMBER,
358 		     p_primary_qty                IN     NUMBER,
359 		     p_lot_number                 IN     VARCHAR2,
360 		     p_expiration_date            IN     DATE,
361 		     p_status_id                  IN     NUMBER := NULL,
362 		     x_serial_transaction_temp_id    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
363 		     x_return_status                 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
364 		     x_msg_data                      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
365                      p_secondary_quantity         IN     NUMBER DEFAULT null--OPM Convergence
366           );
368 -- This api creates a record in the mtl_transaction_serial_temp
369 -- It checks if the p_transaction_temp_id is null, if it is, then it
370 -- generates a new id and returns that.
371 PROCEDURE insert_serial(p_serial_transaction_temp_id IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
372 			p_org_id                     IN     NUMBER,
373 			p_item_id                    IN     NUMBER,
374 			p_rev                        IN     VARCHAR2,
375 			p_lot                        IN     VARCHAR2,
376 			p_txn_src_id                 IN     NUMBER,
377 			p_txn_action_id              IN     NUMBER,
378 			p_created_by                 IN     NUMBER,
379 			p_from_serial                IN     VARCHAR2,
380 			p_to_serial                  IN     VARCHAR2,
381 			p_status_id                  IN     NUMBER := NULL,
382 			x_return_status                 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
383 			x_msg_data                      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
385 -- Bug 8892966
386 -- Added procedure get_rma_uom_code
390                p_item_id            IN     NUMBER,
387 PROCEDURE get_rma_uom_code(x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
388                x_uom_code           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
389                p_order_header_id    IN     NUMBER,
391                p_organization_id    IN     NUMBER);
392 -- Bug 8892966
394 -- Bug 8892966
395 -- Added procedure get_asn_uom_code
396 PROCEDURE get_asn_uom_code(x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
397                x_uom_code           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
398                p_shipment_header_id IN     NUMBER,
399                p_item_id            IN     NUMBER,
400                p_organization_id    IN     NUMBER);
401 -- Bug 8892966
403 -- Bug 8892966
404 PROCEDURE get_asn_uom_code(
405      x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
406    , x_uom_code           OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
407    , p_shipment_header_id IN            NUMBER
408    , p_item_id            IN            NUMBER
409    , p_organization_id    IN            NUMBER
410    , P_item_desc          IN            Varchar2
411    );
412 -- Bug 8892966
414 --BUG#3062591
415 --This api used to return the default UOM value from purchaseorderlines
416 --whenjust item is entered in the Mobile Receipt page.
417 --UOM is defaulted in the following way.
418 --if a single line for the item exist, api will return the UoM based on PO line.
419 --if multiple lines for the same item  exist with same UoM, api will return
420 --this UoM.
421 --multiple lines for the same item exist with  different UoM, api will not
422 --return any UOM and just '@@@'
423 PROCEDURE get_uom_code(x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
424 		       x_uom_code           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
425          	       p_po_header_id       IN     NUMBER,
426                        p_item_id            IN     NUMBER,
427 		       p_organization_id    IN     NUMBER,
428 		       p_line_no            IN     NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,  --BUG 4500676
429 		       p_item_desc          IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL --BUG 4500676
430 		       );
431 --Bug #3285227
432 -- This api is used to return the possible value that can be used for
433 -- subinventory when the item and PO/Shipment Number/RMA are entered.
434 -- For RMA it always returns null for subinventory.
435 -- Overloaded this procedure by adding two new OUT parameters
436 --    -> x_lpn_context    - Stores context of the LPN passed
437 --    -> x_default_source - Stores the defaulting source
438 -- This version is called from RcptGenFListener.java if
439 --  WMS and PO patch levels are J or higher. For all other cases,
440 --  the older implementation is called.
441 PROCEDURE get_sub_code(
442            x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
443 		       x_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
444 		       x_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
445 		       x_sub_code           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
446 		       x_locator_segs       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
447 		       x_locator_id         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
448            x_lpn_context        OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
449            x_default_source     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
450 		       p_po_header_id       IN         NUMBER,
451 		       p_po_release_id      IN         NUMBER,
452 		       p_po_line_id         IN         NUMBER,
453 		       p_shipment_header_id IN         NUMBER,
454 		       p_oe_order_header_id IN         NUMBER,
455 		       p_item_id            IN         NUMBER,
456 		       p_organization_id    IN         NUMBER,
457 		       p_lpn_id             IN         NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
458            p_project_id         IN         NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
459            p_task_id            IN         NUMBER DEFAULT NULL);
461 -- This api is used to return the possible value that can be used for
462 -- subinventory when the item and PO/Shipment Number/RMA are entered.
463 PROCEDURE get_sub_code(
464            x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
465 		       x_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
466 		       x_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
467 		       x_sub_code           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
468 		       x_locator_segs       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
469 		       x_locator_id         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
470 		       p_po_header_id       IN         NUMBER,
471 		       p_po_release_id      IN         NUMBER,
472 		       p_po_line_id         IN         NUMBER,
473 		       p_shipment_header_id IN         NUMBER,
474 		       p_oe_order_header_id IN         NUMBER,
475 		       p_item_id            IN         NUMBER,
476 		       p_organization_id    IN         NUMBER,
477 		       p_lpn_id             IN         NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
478            p_project_id         IN         NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
479            p_task_id            IN         NUMBER DEFAULT NULL);
481 -- This api calls inventory api to insert a range serial
483 --Bug 3890706 - Added the procedure to default the location
484 -- 	        if line number or item is entered during the receipt
486 PROCEDURE get_location_code
487 (
488  x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
489  x_location_code      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
490  p_po_header_id       IN         NUMBER,
491  p_item_id            IN         NUMBER,
492  p_po_line_id         IN         NUMBER,
493  p_po_release_id      IN         NUMBER,
494  p_organization_id    IN 	 NUMBER,
495  p_shipment_header_id IN         NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,  --BUG 5124472 (FP of BUG 5117987)
496  p_from_lpn_id        IN         NUMBER DEFAULT NULL); --BUG 5124472 (FP of BUG 5117987)
498 --End of fix for Bug  3890706
500 --Bug 4003683 - Added the procedure to default the revision for the item.
503       x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
504       x_revision_code      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
505       p_document_type      IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
506       p_po_header_id       IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
507       p_po_line_id         IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
511       p_item_id            IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
508       p_po_release_id      IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
509       p_req_header_id      IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
510       p_shipment_header_id IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
512       p_organization_id    IN  NUMBER,
513        p_oe_order_header_id IN  NUMBER DEFAULT NULL -- Bug #:5768262 Added parameter p_oe_order_header_id to default the revision of item for RMA
514     )  ;
516 --End of fix for Bug 4003683
518 PROCEDURE insert_range_serial
519   (p_api_version        IN  NUMBER,
520    p_init_msg_list      IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
521    p_commit             IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
522    p_validation_level   IN  NUMBER   := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
523    p_inventory_item_id  IN NUMBER,
524    p_organization_id    IN NUMBER,
525    p_from_serial_number IN VARCHAR2,
526    p_to_serial_number   IN VARCHAR2,
527    p_revision           IN VARCHAR2,
528    p_lot_number         IN VARCHAR2,
529    p_primary_lot_quantity IN NUMBER,
530    p_transaction_action_id IN NUMBER,
531    p_current_status     IN NUMBER,
532    p_serial_status_id   IN  NUMBER,
533    p_update_serial_status IN VARCHAR2,
534    p_inspection_required IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
535    p_hdr_id             IN  NUMBER,
536    p_from_lpn_id        IN  NUMBER,
537    p_to_lpn_id          IN  NUMBER,
538    p_primary_uom_code   IN  VARCHAR2,
539    p_call_pack_unpack   IN  VARCHAR2,
540    x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
541    x_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
542    x_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
543    p_subinventory       IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
544    p_locator_id         IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL);
547 -- This api updates the current_status for a range of serials
549 PROCEDURE update_serial_status
550   (p_api_version        IN  NUMBER,
551    p_init_msg_list      IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
552    p_commit             IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
553    p_validation_level   IN  NUMBER   := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
554    p_inventory_item_id  IN  NUMBER,
555    p_organization_id    IN  NUMBER,
556    p_from_serial_number IN  VARCHAR2,
557    p_to_serial_number   IN  VARCHAR2,
558    p_current_status     IN  NUMBER,
559    p_serial_status_id   IN  NUMBER,
560    p_update_serial_status IN VARCHAR2,
561    p_lot_number         IN  VARCHAR2,
562    p_primary_lot_quantity IN NUMBER,
563    p_inspection_required IN NUMBER,
564    p_hdr_id             IN  NUMBER,
565    p_from_lpn_id        IN  NUMBER,
566    p_to_lpn_id          IN  NUMBER,
567    p_revision           IN  VARCHAR2,
568    p_primary_uom_code   IN  VARCHAR2,
569    p_call_pack_unpack   IN  VARCHAR2 := 'FALSE',
570    x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
571    x_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
572    x_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
573    p_subinventory       IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
574    p_locator_id         IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
575    p_txn_src_id IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);
578 -- This is a wrapper to call inventory INV_LOT_API_PUB.insertLot
579 -- it stores the inserted lot info in a global variable for
580 -- transaction exception rollback
582 PROCEDURE insert_dynamic_lot
583   (p_api_version        IN  NUMBER,
584    p_init_msg_list      IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
585    p_commit             IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
586    p_validation_level   IN  NUMBER   := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
587    p_inventory_item_id  IN NUMBER,
588    p_organization_id    IN NUMBER,
589    p_lot_number         IN VARCHAR2,
590    p_expiration_date    IN OUT NOCOPY DATE,
591    p_transaction_temp_id  IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
592    p_transaction_action_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
593    p_transfer_organization_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
594    p_status_id          IN NUMBER,
595    p_update_status      IN VARCHAR2 := 'FALSE',
596    x_object_id          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
597    x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
598    x_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
599    x_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
600    p_parent_lot_number  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, -- bug 10176719 - inserting parent lot number
601    p_origination_type   IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL    -- bug 15896641 - inserting origination type
602    );
604 PROCEDURE process_lot
605   (p_api_version        IN  NUMBER,
606    p_init_msg_list      IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
607    p_commit             IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
608    p_validation_level   IN  NUMBER   := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
609    p_inventory_item_id  IN NUMBER,
610    p_organization_id    IN NUMBER,
611    p_lot_number         IN VARCHAR2,
612    p_expiration_date    IN OUT NOCOPY DATE,
613    p_transaction_temp_id  IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
614    p_transaction_action_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
615    p_transfer_organization_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
616    p_status_id          IN NUMBER,
617    p_update_status      IN VARCHAR2 := 'FALSE',
618    p_is_new_lot         IN VARCHAR2 := 'TRUE',
619    p_call_pack_unpack   IN VARCHAR2 := 'FALSE',
620    p_from_lpn_id        IN NUMBER,
621    p_to_lpn_id          IN NUMBER,
622    p_revision           IN VARCHAR2,
623    p_lot_primary_qty    IN NUMBER,
624    p_primary_uom_code   IN VARCHAR2,
625    p_transaction_uom_code IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
626    x_object_id          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
627    x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
628    x_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
629    x_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
630    p_subinventory       IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
631    p_locator_id         IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
632    p_lot_secondary_qty    IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, --OPM Convergence
633    p_secondary_uom_code   IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null,--OPM Convergence
634    p_parent_lot_number  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,    -- bug 10176719 - inserting parent lot number
635    p_origination_type   IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL       -- bug 15896641 - inserting origination type
636 );
639 PROCEDURE gen_txn_group_id;
641 PROCEDURE validate_trx_date(p_trx_date        IN     DATE,
642 			    p_organization_id IN     NUMBER,
643 			    p_sob_id          IN     NUMBER,
644 			    x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
645 			    x_error_code         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
647 PROCEDURE get_req_shipment_header_id
648   (x_shipment_header_id     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
649    x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
650    x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
651    x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
652    p_organization_id        IN NUMBER,
653    p_requiition_header_id   IN NUMBER,
654    p_item_id                IN NUMBER,
655    p_rcv_txn_type           IN VARCHAR2,
656    p_lpn_id                 IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL);
658 -- Bug 2086271
659 PROCEDURE get_req_shipment_header_id
660   (x_shipment_header_id     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
661    x_from_org_id            OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
662    x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
663    x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
664    x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
665    p_organization_id        IN NUMBER,
666    p_requiition_header_id   IN NUMBER,
667    p_item_id                IN NUMBER,
668    p_rcv_txn_type           IN VARCHAR2,
669    p_lpn_id                 IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL);
672 PROCEDURE DO_CHECK(p_organization_id	        IN     NUMBER,
673 		   p_inventory_item_id	        IN     NUMBER,
674 		   p_transaction_type_id	IN     NUMBER,
675 		   p_primary_quantity	        IN     NUMBER,
676 		   x_return_status                 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
677 		   x_msg_data                      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
678 		   x_msg_count                     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER);
680 PROCEDURE insert_mtlt
681   (p_mtlt_rec mtl_transaction_lots_temp%ROWTYPE);
683 PROCEDURE insert_msnt
684   (p_msnt_rec mtl_serial_numbers_temp%ROWTYPE);
687 	(x_return_status   	OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
688 	 x_serial_control	OUT    NOCOPY NUMBER,
689 	 p_from_org_id		IN     NUMBER,
690 	 p_item_id		    IN     NUMBER
691 	);
694        (x_return_status      OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
695         x_serial_control     OUT    NOCOPY NUMBER,
696         p_to_org_id          IN     NUMBER,
697         p_ship_head_id       IN     NUMBER,
698         p_requisition_id     IN     NUMBER,
699         p_item_id            IN     NUMBER);
701 -- WMS+PJM Integration
702 -- returns project and task fields
704        (x_return_status 	OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
705 	x_project_tasks_count	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
706 	x_distributions_count   OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
707 	p_document_type 	IN  VARCHAR2,
708 	p_po_header_id		IN  NUMBER,
709 	p_po_line_id		IN  NUMBER,
710 	p_oe_header_id		IN  NUMBER,
711 	p_req_header_id		IN  NUMBER,
712 	p_shipment_header_id	IN  NUMBER,
713         p_item_id               IN  NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
714         p_item_rev              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
715        );
719 PROCEDURE create_cross_reference(p_api_version IN NUMBER,
720 				 p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false,
721 				 p_commit IN VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false,
722 				 p_organization_id IN NUMBER,
723 				 p_inventory_item_id IN NUMBER,
724 				 p_cross_reference IN VARCHAR2,
725 				 p_cross_reference_type IN VARCHAR2,
726 				 x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
727 				 x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
728 				 x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
732 /* bug#2156143. Added procedures to get lot control of an item
733 at source org, for transactions INTRANSIT SHIPMENT and
737         (x_return_status    OUT     NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
738          x_msg_count        OUT     NOCOPY NUMBER,
739          x_msg_data         OUT     NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
740          x_lot_control      OUT     NOCOPY NUMBER,
741          p_from_org_id      IN      NUMBER,
742          p_item_id          IN      NUMBER
743 );
746        (x_return_status      OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
747         x_msg_count          OUT    NOCOPY NUMBER,
748         x_msg_data           OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
749         x_lot_control        OUT    NOCOPY NUMBER,
750         p_to_org_id          IN     NUMBER,
751         p_ship_head_id       IN     NUMBER,
752         p_requisition_id     IN     NUMBER,
753         p_item_id            IN     NUMBER
754 );
757  PROCEDURE get_default_task(
758     x_return_status       OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
759     x_task_number         OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
760     p_document_type       IN     VARCHAR2,
761     p_po_header_id        IN     NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
762     p_po_line_id          IN     NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
763     p_oe_header_id        IN     NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
764     p_req_header_id       IN     NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
765     p_shipment_header_id  IN     NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
766     p_item_id             IN     NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
767     p_item_rev            IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
768     p_project_id          IN     NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
769   );
771  PROCEDURE check_lot_serial_codes(
772     p_lpn_id                IN NUMBER,
773     p_req_header_id         IN NUMBER,
774     p_shipment_header_id    IN NUMBER,
775     x_lot_ser_flag          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
776     x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
777     x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
778     x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
779   );
782 /**
783   *   This procedure checks for the following
784   *   1. Whether the given LPN or its child LPN has contents. If
785   *   either the given
786   *      LPN or its child LPNs do not have any contents then
787   *   through error.
788   *   2. Check If the LPN is already processed, and there is a
789   *   RTI record exists
790   *      for the LPN.
792   *  @param  p_lpn_id
793   *  @param  x_return_status
794   *  @param  x_msg_count
795   *  @param  x_msg_data
796 **/
799     p_lpn_id            IN NUMBER,
800     x_lpn_flag          OUT  NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
801     x_return_status     OUT  NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
802     x_msg_count         OUT  NOCOPY  NUMBER,
803     x_msg_data          OUT  NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
804 );
805 --
808 -- This proecedure will return subinventory code and locator id
809   -- for given receiving LPN.
811 /**
812   * This procedure takes in the LPN and fetches the LPN context,
813   * subinventory code and locator id.
814   * If the LPN resides in receiving, it also fetches the subinventory
815   * and locator for that LPN
816   **/
817   PROCEDURE get_rcv_sub_loc(
818       x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
819     , x_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
820     , x_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
821     , x_lpn_context        OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
822     , x_locator_segs       OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
823     , x_location_id        OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
824     , x_location_code      OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
825     , x_sub_code           OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
826     , x_locator_id         OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
827     , p_lpn_id             IN            NUMBER
828     , p_organization_id    IN            NUMBER
829     );
831   PROCEDURE validate_from_lpn(
832     p_lpn_id            IN            NUMBER
833   , p_req_id            IN            VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
834   , x_lpn_flag          OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
835   , x_count_of_lpns     OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
836   , x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
837   , x_msg_count         OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
838   , x_msg_data          OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
839   --BUG 3402623: Add 2 more parameters for SHIPMENTEXP
840   , p_shipment_num      IN            VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null
841   , p_org_id            IN            NUMBER DEFAULT null
842   );
844 PROCEDURE  clear_lot_rec; -- Bug # 3156689
846 -- Bug 4087032 Need to write a wrapper on LENGTH function as
847 -- it creates compiltaion issues in 8i env.
848 FUNCTION get_serial_length(p_from_ser IN VARCHAR2)
849   return NUMBER;
851 --<R12 MOAC START>
852 /* Function get_operating_unit_id returns the org_id. */
853 FUNCTION get_operating_unit_id ( p_receipt_source_code IN VARCHAR2,
854                                  p_po_header_id IN NUMBER,
855                                  p_req_line_id IN NUMBER,
856                                  p_oe_order_header_id IN NUMBER
857                                 )
859 --<R12 MOAC END>
861 /** Start of fix for bug 5065079 (FP of bug 4651362)
862   * Following procedure is added to count the number of open shipments for
863   * an internal requisition.
864   **/
865 PROCEDURE count_req_open_shipments
866   (p_organization_id         IN NUMBER,
867    p_requisition_header_id   IN NUMBER,
868    x_return_status           OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2 ,
869    x_msg_count               OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER ,
870    x_msg_data                OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
871    x_open_shipments          OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
872    );
874  /* End of fix for bug 5065079 */
876 --BUG 5068944 (FP of BUG 4992317)
877 PROCEDURE get_rec_uom_code(
878                           x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
879 			, x_uom_code            OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
880 			, p_shipment_header_id  IN           NUMBER
881 			, p_item_id            IN            NUMBER
882                         , p_organization_id    IN            NUMBER
883 			);
884 --END BUG 5068944