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2 /* $Header: benvrbrt.pkh 120.0.12010000.2 2009/02/11 08:49:57 pvelvano ship $ */
3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 /*
5 +==============================================================================+
6 |			Copyright (c) 1997 Oracle Corporation		       |
7 |			   Redwood Shores, California, USA	  	           |
8 |			        All rights reserved.			           |
9 +==============================================================================+
10 Name
11 	Determine Variable Rates
12 Purpose:
13       Determine Variable rates for activity base rates, coverages, and actl premiums.
14       This process establishes if variable rate profiles or variable rate rules are
15       used, if profiles are used call evaluate profile process to determine profile to
16       use, if rules are used call fast formula to return value, and finally passes
17       back the value information for the first profile/rule that passes.
19 History:
20         Date             Who        Version    What?
21         ----             ---        -------    -----
22         2 Jun 97         Ty Hayden  110.0      Created.
23         7 Oct 98         T Guy      115.2      Implemented schema changes for
24                                                ben_enrt_rt
25         30-OCT-98        G PERRY    115.3      Removed Control m
26         18-Jan-99        G Perry    115.4      LED V ED
27         09 Mar 99        G Perry    115.5      IS to AS.
28         27 May 99        maagrawa   115.6      Modified the procedure to be called without
29                                                chc_id and pass the reqd. parameters instead.
30         21 Jun 99        lmcdonal   115.7      Moved limit check code into its own
31                                                procedure.
32          1 Jul 99        lmcdonal   115.8      removed limit check to benutils.
33         20-JUL-99        Gperry     115.9      genutils -> benutils package
34                                                rename.
35         29-May-00        mhoyes     115.10   - Added defaulted record structures.
36         28-Jun-00        mhoyes     115.11   - Added p_currepe_row to main.
37         21-mar-01        tilak      115.12     param ultmt_upt_lmt,ultmt_lwr_lmt added
38         01-apr-01        tilak      115.13     param ultmt_upt_lmt_calc_rl,ultmt_lwr_lmt_calc_rl added
39         26-Sep-01        kmahendr   115.14   - Added ann_mn_elcn_val, ann_mx_elcn_val param
40         13-Nov-02        vsethi     115.15     Bug 1210355, Added package variable g_vrbl_mlt_code
41         				       to store the mlt_code defined in profile
42         23-Dec-2002      rpgupta    115.16     Nocopy changes
43 	11-Feb-2009      velvanop   115.17     Bug 7414757: Added parameter p_entr_val_at_enrt_flag.
44 	                                       VAPRO rates which are enter value at Enrollment.
45 */
46 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
48 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
49 -------------------------------- main -----------------------------------------
50 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
52   (p_currepe_row            in ben_determine_rates.g_curr_epe_rec
53    := ben_determine_rates.g_def_curr_epe_rec
54   ,p_per_row                in per_all_people_F%rowtype
55    := ben_determine_rates.g_def_curr_per_rec
56   ,p_asg_row                in per_all_assignments_f%rowtype
57    := ben_determine_rates.g_def_curr_asg_rec
58   ,p_ast_row                in per_assignment_status_types%rowtype
59    := ben_determine_rates.g_def_curr_ast_rec
60   ,p_adr_row                in per_addresses%rowtype
61    := ben_determine_rates.g_def_curr_adr_rec
62   ,p_person_id              IN number
63   ,p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id IN number
64   ,p_enrt_bnft_id           IN number default null
65   ,p_actl_prem_id           IN number default null --\
66   ,p_acty_base_rt_id        IN number default null -- Only one of these 3 have val.
67   ,p_cvg_amt_calc_mthd_id   IN number default null --/
68   ,p_effective_date         IN date
69   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt         IN date
70   ,p_calc_only_rt_val_flag  in boolean default false
71   ,p_pgm_id                 in number  default null
72   ,p_pl_id                  in number  default null
73   ,p_oipl_id                in number  default null
74   ,p_pl_typ_id              in number  default null
75   ,p_per_in_ler_id          in number  default null
76   ,p_ler_id                 in number  default null
77   ,p_business_group_id      in number  default null
78   ,p_bnft_amt               in number  default null
79   ,p_entr_val_at_enrt_flag  in out nocopy varchar2 -- Added parameter for Bug 7414757
80   ,p_val                    out nocopy number
81   ,p_mn_elcn_val            out nocopy number
82   ,p_mx_elcn_val            out nocopy number
83   ,p_incrmnt_elcn_val       out nocopy number
84   ,p_dflt_elcn_val          out nocopy number
85   ,p_tx_typ_cd              out nocopy varchar2
86   ,p_acty_typ_cd            out nocopy varchar2
87   ,p_vrbl_rt_trtmt_cd       out nocopy varchar2
88   ,p_ultmt_upr_lmt          out nocopy number
89   ,p_ultmt_lwr_lmt          out nocopy number
90   ,p_ultmt_upr_lmt_calc_rl  out nocopy number
91   ,p_ultmt_lwr_lmt_calc_rl  out nocopy number
92   ,p_ann_mn_elcn_val        out nocopy number
93   ,p_ann_mx_elcn_val        out nocopy number
94    );
96   -- Bug 1210355
97   g_vrbl_mlt_code varchar2(30);
98   --
99 end ben_determine_variable_rates;