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Line 1116: cursor c_account is select email_account_id from iem_mstemail_accounts

1113: cursor c1 is select * from iem_migration_store_temp
1114: where migration_id=l_id and (dp_status='E' or mig_Status='E');
1115: l_mig_count number;
1116: cursor c_account is select email_account_id from iem_mstemail_accounts
1117: where active_flag in ('Y','N') ;
1118: begin
1120: for i in p_folders.first..p_folders.last LOOP

Line 1162: update iem_mstemail_accounts

1158: select count(*) into l_mig_count from iem_migration_details
1159: where email_account_id=v1.email_account_id and nvl(folder_status,' ')<>'M'
1160: and folder_type<>'H';
1161: IF l_mig_count>0 then
1162: update iem_mstemail_accounts
1163: set active_flag='M'
1164: where email_account_id=v1.email_Account_id;
1165: END IF;
1166: END LOOP;

Line 1184: cursor c_account is select email_account_id from iem_mstemail_accounts

1180: l_dp_status varchar2(10);
1181: l_folder_status varchar2(10);
1182: l_mig_id number;
1183: l_mig_count number;
1184: cursor c_account is select email_account_id from iem_mstemail_accounts
1185: where active_flag in ('Y','N') ;
1186: begin
1187: for i in p_messages.first..p_messages.last LOOP
1188: select migration_id,mig_status,dp_status into l_mig_id,l_mig_status,l_dp_status

Line 1227: update iem_mstemail_accounts

1223: select count(*) into l_mig_count from iem_migration_details
1224: where email_account_id=v1.email_account_id and nvl(folder_status,' ')<>'M'
1225: and folder_type<>'H';
1226: IF l_mig_count>0 then
1227: update iem_mstemail_accounts
1228: set active_flag='M'
1229: where email_account_id=v1.email_Account_id;
1230: END IF;
1231: END LOOP;

Line 1252: cursor c_account is select email_account_id from iem_mstemail_accounts

1248: l_mig_count number;
1249: l_id number;
1250: l_id1 number;
1252: cursor c_account is select email_account_id from iem_mstemail_accounts
1253: where active_flag in ('Y','N') ;
1254: begin
1255: SAVEPOINT start_migration;
1256: -- Create a record in IEM_COMP_RT_STATS

Line 1340: update iem_mstemail_accounts

1336: for v1 in c_account LOOP
1337: select count(*) into l_mig_count from iem_migration_details
1338: where email_account_id=v1.email_account_id and folder_status<>'M';
1339: IF l_mig_count>0 then
1340: update iem_mstemail_accounts
1341: set active_flag='M'
1342: where email_account_id=v1.email_Account_id;
1343: END IF;
1344: END LOOP;

Line 1388: cursor c_account is select email_account_id from iem_mstemail_accounts

1384: cursor c_mig_folder is
1385: select distinct migration_id,folder_Status from iem_migration_Details
1386: where migration_id in (select a.migration_id from iem_migration_store_temp a,iem_migration_details b
1387: where a.migration_id=b.migration_id and b.folder_Status='M' and a.mig_Status in (null,'D'));
1388: cursor c_account is select email_account_id from iem_mstemail_accounts
1389: where active_flag='M' ;
1390: l_mig_count number;
1392: begin

Line 1481: update iem_mstemail_accounts

1477: select count(*) into l_mig_count from iem_migration_details
1478: where email_account_id=v1.email_account_id and folder_status<>'M'
1479: and folder_type<>'H';
1480: IF l_mig_count=0 then
1481: update iem_mstemail_accounts
1482: set active_flag='N'
1483: where email_account_id=v1.email_Account_id;
1484: commit;
1485: END IF;

Line 1522: (select email_account_id from iem_mstemail_accounts);

1518: l_rule_id number;
1519: l_max_id number;
1520: l_val number;
1521: cursor c_account is select * from iem_email_accounts where email_account_id not in
1522: (select email_account_id from iem_mstemail_accounts);
1523: cursor c_agent is select * from iem_agent_Accounts where agent_account_id not in
1524: (select agent_id from iem_agents);
1525: cursor c_intent is
1526: select distinct a.classification_id,a.classification from

Line 1553: l_sc_lang iem_mstemail_accounts.sc_lang%type;

1549: l_msg_data varchar2(1000);
1550: l_deleted_flag varchar2(1);
1551: l_dblink iem_db_connections.db_link%type;
1552: l_weight number;
1553: l_sc_lang iem_mstemail_accounts.sc_lang%type;
1554: cursor c_rule is select email_user,domain from iem_email_accounts
1555: where upper(email_user) not in ('ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS');
1556: begin
1557: -- Migrate Email Account Config Data

Line 1623: insert into iem_mstemail_accounts

1619: end if;
1620: exception when others then -- just incase the 1159 column is not present.
1622: end;
1623: insert into iem_mstemail_accounts
1627: USER_NAME ,

Line 1677: update iem_mstemail_accounts

1673: sysdate,
1674: l_last_update_login);
1676: if upper(v1.email_user) in ('INTENT','ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS') then
1677: update iem_mstemail_accounts
1678: set deleted_flag='Y'
1679: where user_name=v1.email_user;
1680: end if;

Line 1683: IEM_MSTEMAIL_ACCOUNTS_PVT.encrypt_password(

1679: where user_name=v1.email_user;
1680: end if;
1682: -- Encrypt the Password
1683: IEM_MSTEMAIL_ACCOUNTS_PVT.encrypt_password(
1684: P_Api_Version_Number =>1.0,
1685: P_Init_Msg_List =>'F',
1686: P_Commit =>'F',
1687: p_email_account_id =>v1.email_Account_id,

Line 1796: select nvl(max(email_account_id),0) into l_max_id from iem_mstemail_accounts;

1792: update iem_route_classifications
1793: set deleted_flag='N'
1794: where deleted_flag is null; -- So that can be re runnable..
1795: -- Reset the Sequence to have highest email account id id
1796: select nvl(max(email_account_id),0) into l_max_id from iem_mstemail_accounts;
1797: LOOP
1798: select iem_mstemail_accounts_s1.nextval into l_val from dual;
1799: exit when l_val>l_max_id;
1800: END LOOP;

Line 1798: select iem_mstemail_accounts_s1.nextval into l_val from dual;

1794: where deleted_flag is null; -- So that can be re runnable..
1795: -- Reset the Sequence to have highest email account id id
1796: select nvl(max(email_account_id),0) into l_max_id from iem_mstemail_accounts;
1797: LOOP
1798: select iem_mstemail_accounts_s1.nextval into l_val from dual;
1799: exit when l_val>l_max_id;
1800: END LOOP;
1802: -- Reset the Sequence to have highest agent id