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2 /* $Header: ICXVPPIS.pls 120.6.12010000.2 2008/08/02 14:39:15 kkram ship $*/
4 TYPE g_item_csr_type    IS REF CURSOR;
6 TYPE g_ctx_item_rec_type IS RECORD
7 (
8   inventory_item_id             NUMBER,
9   po_line_id                    NUMBER,
10   req_template_name             icx_cat_items_ctx_hdrs_tlp.req_template_name%TYPE,
11   req_template_line_num         NUMBER,
12   org_id                        NUMBER,
13   language                      icx_cat_items_ctx_hdrs_tlp.language%TYPE,
14   source_type                   icx_cat_items_ctx_hdrs_tlp.source_type%TYPE,
15   item_type			icx_cat_items_ctx_hdrs_tlp.item_type%TYPE,
16   purchasing_org_id             NUMBER,
17   owning_org_id                 NUMBER,
18   po_category_id                NUMBER,
19   supplier_id                   NUMBER,
20   supplier_part_num             icx_cat_items_ctx_hdrs_tlp.supplier_part_num%TYPE,
21   supplier_part_auxid           icx_cat_items_ctx_hdrs_tlp.supplier_part_auxid%TYPE,
22   supplier_site_id              NUMBER,
23   status                        NUMBER,
24   ip_category_id                NUMBER,
25   ip_category_name              icx_cat_categories_tl.category_name%TYPE,
26   req_template_po_line_id       NUMBER,
27   item_revision                 icx_cat_items_ctx_hdrs_tlp.item_revision%TYPE,
28   po_header_id                  NUMBER,
29   document_number               icx_cat_items_ctx_hdrs_tlp.document_number%TYPE,
30   line_num                      NUMBER,
31   allow_price_override_flag     icx_cat_items_ctx_hdrs_tlp.allow_price_override_flag%TYPE,
32   not_to_exceed_price           NUMBER,
33   line_type_id                  NUMBER,
34   unit_meas_lookup_code         icx_cat_items_ctx_hdrs_tlp.unit_meas_lookup_code%TYPE,
35   suggested_quantity            NUMBER,
36   unit_price                    NUMBER,
37   amount                        NUMBER,
38   currency_code                 icx_cat_items_ctx_hdrs_tlp.currency_code%TYPE,
39   rate_type                     icx_cat_items_ctx_hdrs_tlp.rate_type%TYPE,
40   rate_date                     DATE,
41   rate	                        NUMBER,
42   buyer_id                      NUMBER,
43   supplier_contact_id           NUMBER,
44   rfq_required_flag             icx_cat_items_ctx_hdrs_tlp.rfq_required_flag%TYPE,
45   negotiated_by_preparer_flag   icx_cat_items_ctx_hdrs_tlp.negotiated_by_preparer_flag%TYPE,
46   description                   icx_cat_items_ctx_hdrs_tlp.description%TYPE,
47   long_description              po_attribute_values_tlp.long_description%TYPE,
48   organization_id               NUMBER,
49   master_organization_id        NUMBER,
50   order_type_lookup_code	icx_cat_items_ctx_hdrs_tlp.order_type_lookup_code%TYPE,
51   supplier                      icx_cat_items_ctx_hdrs_tlp.supplier%TYPE,
52   global_agreement_flag         icx_cat_items_ctx_hdrs_tlp.global_agreement_flag%TYPE,
53   merged_source_type            icx_cat_items_ctx_hdrs_tlp.merged_source_type%TYPE,
54   ctx_inventory_item_id         NUMBER,
55   ctx_source_type               icx_cat_items_ctx_hdrs_tlp.source_type%TYPE,
56   ctx_item_type			icx_cat_items_ctx_hdrs_tlp.item_type%TYPE,
57   ctx_purchasing_org_id         NUMBER,
58   ctx_supplier_id               NUMBER,
59   ctx_supplier_site_id          NUMBER,
60   ctx_supplier_part_num         icx_cat_items_ctx_hdrs_tlp.supplier_part_num%TYPE,
61   ctx_supplier_part_auxid       icx_cat_items_ctx_hdrs_tlp.supplier_part_auxid%TYPE,
62   ctx_ip_category_id            NUMBER,
63   ctx_po_category_id            NUMBER,
64   ctx_item_revision             icx_cat_items_ctx_hdrs_tlp.item_revision%TYPE,
65   ctx_rowid                     VARCHAR2(50)
66 );
68 TYPE g_bpa_online_flag_rec_type IS RECORD
69 (
70   line_chngd_flg                VARCHAR2(1),
71   attr_val_chngd_flg            VARCHAR2(1),
72   attr_val_tlp_chngd_flg        VARCHAR2(1),
73   gbpa_enabled_field_chngd_flg  VARCHAR2(1),
74   gbpa_other_flds_chngd_flg     VARCHAR2(1)
75 );
77 PROCEDURE deleteItemCtxHdrsTLP
78 (       p_current_ctx_item_rec  IN      g_ctx_item_rec_type
79 );
81 PROCEDURE deleteItemCtxDtlsTLP
82 (       p_current_ctx_item_rec  IN      g_ctx_item_rec_type
83 );
85 PROCEDURE processCurrentCtxItemRow
86 (       p_current_ctx_item_rec  IN      g_ctx_item_rec_type             ,
87         p_current_cursor        IN      VARCHAR2                        ,
88         p_mode                  IN      VARCHAR2
89 );
91 PROCEDURE populateItemCtxTables
92 (       p_mode                  IN      VARCHAR2                        ,
93         p_current_cursor        IN      VARCHAR2
94 );
96 PROCEDURE populateVendorNameChanges
97 (       p_vendor_party_id             IN              NUMBER                  ,
98         p_vendor_name           IN              VARCHAR2
99 );
101 PROCEDURE populateVendorMerge
102 (       p_from_vendor_id        IN              NUMBER                  ,
103         p_from_site_id          IN              NUMBER                  ,
104         p_to_vendor_id          IN              NUMBER                  ,
105         p_to_site_id            IN              NUMBER
106 );
108 PROCEDURE purgeInvalidBlanketLines;
110 -- Start of comments
111 --      API name        : purgeInvalidItems
112 -- *    Type            : Private
113 -- *    Pre-reqs        : None.
114 -- *    Function        : Takes care of purging the intermedia index for ip catalog search.
115 --			  Purges the inactive blankets, global_blankets,
116 --			  inactive and deleted quote lines,
117 --			  inactive and deleted requisition template lines and
118 --			  master items belonging to inactive purchasing categories
119 --                        This procedure is called from the Concurrent program:
120 --                        'Purge Catalog interMedia Index'
121 -- *    Parameters      :
122 --      IN              :       none
123 --      OUT             :       x_errbuf                OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
124 --                              x_retcode               OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
125 -- *    Version         : Current version       1.0
126 --                        Previous version      1.0
127 --                        Initial version       1.0
128 --
129 --      Notes           : None.
130 --
131 -- End of comments
132 PROCEDURE purgeInvalidItems
133 (       x_errbuf                OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2                ,
134         x_retcode               OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
135 );
137 -- Start of comments
138 --      API name        : rebuildIPIntermediaIndex
139 -- *    Type            : Private
140 -- *    Pre-reqs        : None.
141 -- *    Function        : Takes care of re-building the intermedia index for ip catalog search.
142 --                        This procedure is called from the Concurrent program:
143 --                        'Rebuild Catalog interMedia Index'
144 -- *    Parameters      :
145 --      IN              :       none
146 --      OUT             :       x_errbuf		OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2
147 --                              x_retcode		OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
148 -- *    Version         : Current version       1.0
149 --                        Previous version      1.0
150 --                        Initial version       1.0
151 --
152 --      Notes           : None.
153 --
154 -- End of comments
155 PROCEDURE rebuildIPIntermediaIndex
156 (       x_errbuf                OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2                ,
157         x_retcode               OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
158 );