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1 PACKAGE BODY qa_mqa_plan_elements AS
2 /* $Header: qacharb.pls 120.2 2006/02/05 18:06:27 bso noship $ */
5 --
6 -- Removed DEFAULT clause for GSCC compliance
7 -- Before removal
8 --      x_spec_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT -1
9 -- After removal
10 --      x_spec_id IN NUMBER
11 -- rkunchal
12 --
14 --
15 -- changed x_spec_id default to null instead of -1
16 -- for performance purpose
17 -- jezheng
18 -- Wed Nov 27 13:48:52 PST 2002
19 --
21 FUNCTION get_elements(x_plan_id IN NUMBER, x_spec_id IN NUMBER)
22 RETURN PlanElementRefCursor IS
23 --
24 -- Get all plan elements info for a particular collection plan.
25 -- bso Fri May  5 17:29:39 PDT 2000
26 --
27 x_ref PlanElementRefCursor;
30 -- When user doesnt enter any spec, a -1 is passed in..........not a null.
32 -- rkaza bugs 2753703, 2767550. 01/27/2003. Refer to bug texts for more
33 -- info.  Previously the where clause used to have 3 outer joins qa_chars,
34 -- qa_spec_chars, qa_specs and the user entered spec value. It gave
35 -- incorrect results. For Eg: 1) Either the char is removed if no spec matches. 2) More
36 -- than one row results for the same char if the char is present in some
37 -- other spec other than the one specified by user. 3) The char is retained
38 -- if no spec matches but some spec limits found in qa_spec_chars are also
39 -- retained when they have to be made null. In order to correct this
40 -- behavior the qa_spec_chars and qa_specs need to combined into one without
41 -- an outer join between them based on common_spec. Since we didnt want to
42 -- create a new view for a bug fix, we have combined them in the from clause
43 -- itself. Also we put the filtering condition for the user entered spec
44 -- value in the same.
46 --
47 -- See Bug 2624112
48 -- The decimal precision for a number type collection
49 -- element is to be configured at plan level.
50 -- rkunchal Wed Oct 16 05:32:33 PDT 2002
51 --
52 -- Modified the query again for Global Specifications Enhancements
53 --
54 -- rkunchal
55 --
57 -- Modified to include Read Only Flag for Collection Plan Element
58 -- saugupta
61 --
62 -- Bug 3257220
63 -- Corrected precision problem.  The previous SQL decode
64 -- for decimal_precision is not correct.  Changed to nvl.
65 -- bso Thu Nov 13 15:59:14 PST 2003
66 --
68 --
69 -- Bug 4958730.  SQL Repository fix for SQL ID 15007756
70 -- Rewrite SQL by using a more streamlined get_spec_limit
71 -- PL/SQL function.   Also reformatted.
72 -- bso Sun Feb  5 17:48:31 PST 2006
73 --
74 OPEN x_ref FOR
76     SELECT
77         qc.char_id,
78         qc.name,
79         qp.prompt,
80         qc.data_entry_hint,
81         qc.datatype,
82         qc.display_length,
83         nvl(qp.decimal_precision,
84             nvl(qc.decimal_precision, 12)) decimal_precision,
85         qp.default_value,
86         decode(qp.values_exist_flag,
87             1, 1,
88             decode(qc.sql_validation_string, null, 2, 1)) lov_flag,
89         qp.mandatory_flag,
90         qp.displayed_flag,
91         qp.read_only_flag,
92         qa_mqa_plan_elements.get_spec_limit(
93             qc.char_id,
94             qc.datatype,
95             qscqs.char_id,
96             qc.uom_code,
97             qp.uom_code,
98             qscqs.uom_code,
99             qc.decimal_precision,
100             qp.decimal_precision,
101             qc.target_value,
102             qscqs.target_value) target_value,
103         qa_mqa_plan_elements.get_spec_limit(
104             qc.char_id,
105             qc.datatype,
106             qscqs.char_id,
107             qc.uom_code,
108             qp.uom_code,
109             qscqs.uom_code,
110             qc.decimal_precision,
111             qp.decimal_precision,
112             qc.upper_spec_limit,
113             qscqs.upper_spec_limit) upper_spec_limit,
114         qa_mqa_plan_elements.get_spec_limit(
115             qc.char_id,
116             qc.datatype,
117             qscqs.char_id,
121             qc.decimal_precision,
118             qc.uom_code,
119             qp.uom_code,
120             qscqs.uom_code,
122             qp.decimal_precision,
123             qc.lower_spec_limit,
124             qscqs.lower_spec_limit) lower_spec_limit,
125         qa_mqa_plan_elements.get_spec_limit(
126             qc.char_id,
127             qc.datatype,
128             qscqs.char_id,
129             qc.uom_code,
130             qp.uom_code,
131             qscqs.uom_code,
132             qc.decimal_precision,
133             qp.decimal_precision,
134             qc.upper_reasonable_limit,
135             qscqs.upper_reasonable_limit) upper_reasonable_limit,
136         qa_mqa_plan_elements.get_spec_limit(
137             qc.char_id,
138             qc.datatype,
139             qscqs.char_id,
140             qc.uom_code,
141             qp.uom_code,
142             qscqs.uom_code,
143             qc.decimal_precision,
144             qp.decimal_precision,
145             qc.lower_reasonable_limit,
146             qscqs.lower_reasonable_limit) lower_reasonable_limit,
147         qa_mqa_plan_elements.get_spec_limit(
148             qc.char_id,
149             qc.datatype,
150             qscqs.char_id,
151             qc.uom_code,
152             qp.uom_code,
153             qscqs.uom_code,
154             qc.decimal_precision,
155             qp.decimal_precision,
156             qc.upper_user_defined_limit,
157             qscqs.upper_user_defined_limit) upper_user_defined_limit,
158         qa_mqa_plan_elements.get_spec_limit(
159             qc.char_id,
160             qc.datatype,
161             qscqs.char_id,
162             qc.uom_code,
163             qp.uom_code,
164             qscqs.uom_code,
165             qc.decimal_precision,
166             qp.decimal_precision,
167             qc.lower_user_defined_limit,
168             qscqs.lower_user_defined_limit) lower_user_defined_limit
169     FROM
170         qa_chars qc,
171         qa_plan_chars qp,
172        (SELECT
173             qsc.CHAR_ID,
174             qsc.ENABLED_FLAG,
175             qsc.TARGET_VALUE,
176             qsc.UPPER_SPEC_LIMIT,
177             qsc.LOWER_SPEC_LIMIT,
178             qsc.UPPER_REASONABLE_LIMIT,
179             qsc.LOWER_REASONABLE_LIMIT,
180             qsc.UPPER_USER_DEFINED_LIMIT,
181             qsc.LOWER_USER_DEFINED_LIMIT,
182             qsc.UOM_CODE
183         FROM
184             qa_spec_chars qsc,
185             qa_specs qs
186         WHERE
187             qsc.spec_id = qs.common_spec_id AND
188             qs.spec_id = x_spec_id) QscQs
189     WHERE
190         qp.plan_id = x_plan_id AND
191         qp.enabled_flag = 1 AND
192         qc.char_id = qp.char_id AND
193         qc.char_id = QscQs.char_id (+)
194     ORDER BY qp.prompt_sequence;
196 RETURN x_ref;
198 END get_elements;
201 FUNCTION no_action_triggers(x_plan_id IN NUMBER, x_char_id IN NUMBER)
203 --
204 -- Simple function to decide whether there will be some action triggers.
205 --
206     result BOOLEAN;
207     dummy NUMBER;
208     CURSOR c IS
209         SELECT plan_char_action_trigger_id
210         FROM   qa_plan_char_action_triggers
211         WHERE  plan_id = x_plan_id AND
212                char_id = x_char_id;
214     OPEN c;
215     FETCH c INTO dummy;
216     result := c%NOTFOUND;
217     CLOSE c;
219     RETURN result;
220 END no_action_triggers;
223 FUNCTION get_online_action_triggers(x_plan_id IN NUMBER, x_char_id IN NUMBER)
224     RETURN ActionTriggerRefCursor IS
225 --
226 -- Return a ref cursor that loops through all online (aka immediate)
227 -- action triggers of a plan element.
228 -- bso Fri May  5 17:29:30 PDT 2000
229 --
230     x_ref ActionTriggerRefCursor;
232     --
233     -- Since this SQL is extremely complicated.  We may as well do a
234     -- simple existence query to find out if we need to really do it.
235     -- Return a no-row-selected query if there is nothing to be found.
236     --
237     IF no_action_triggers(x_plan_id, x_char_id) THEN
238         OPEN x_ref FOR
239             SELECT
240                 null plan_char_action_trigger_id,
241                 null plan_char_action_id,
242                 null trigger_sequence,
243                 null operator,
244                 null low_value_lookup,
245                 null high_value_lookup,
246                 null low_value_other,
247                 null high_value_other,
248                 null action_id,
249                 null message,
250                 null assigned_char_id,
251                 null assign_type,
252                 null online_flag
253             FROM  dual
254             WHERE 1 = 2;
255         RETURN x_ref;
256     END IF;
258     OPEN x_ref FOR
259     --
260     -- The first select selects all triggers with online actions eliminating
261     -- all deferred actions.  Unfortunately, this also eliminates those
262     -- triggers that have no online actions, which we still need, hence the
263     -- union all statement.  May Hari Seldon help me find a more elegant
264     -- solution through the force of psychohistory.  (This SQL actually has
265     -- a pretty good performance.  All accesses are done by indices.)
266     -- bso
267     --
268         SELECT
269             qpcat.plan_char_action_trigger_id,
270             qpca.plan_char_action_id,
274             qpcat.high_value_lookup,
271             qpcat.trigger_sequence,
272             qpcat.operator,
273             qpcat.low_value_lookup,
275             qpcat.low_value_other,
276             qpcat.high_value_other,
277             qpca.action_id,
278             qpca.message,
279             qpca.assigned_char_id,
280             qpca.assign_type,
281             1 online_flag
282         FROM
283             qa_plan_char_action_triggers qpcat,
284             qa_plan_char_actions qpca,
285             qa_actions qa
286         WHERE
287             qpcat.plan_id = x_plan_id AND
288             qpcat.char_id = x_char_id AND
289             qpcat.plan_char_action_trigger_id =
290                 qpca.plan_char_action_trigger_id AND
291             qpca.action_id = qa.action_id AND
292             qa.online_flag = 1
293         UNION ALL
294     --
295     -- This select gets all the triggers with either no actions or only
296     -- deferred actions.
297     --
298         SELECT
299             qpcat.plan_char_action_trigger_id,
300             -1,                      -- no action in this part
301             qpcat.trigger_sequence,
302             qpcat.operator,
303             qpcat.low_value_lookup,
304             qpcat.high_value_lookup,
305             qpcat.low_value_other,
306             qpcat.high_value_other,
307             -1 action_id,
308             null,                     -- message, null in this case
309             -1,                       -- action details, -1 in this case
310             null,                     -- action details, null in this case
311             1                         -- online flag, always 1 in this case
312         FROM
313             qa_plan_char_action_triggers qpcat
314         WHERE
315             qpcat.plan_id = x_plan_id AND
316             qpcat.char_id = x_char_id AND
317             NOT EXISTS
318             (SELECT
319                  1
320              FROM
321                  qa_plan_char_actions qpca,
322                  qa_actions qa
323              WHERE
324                  qpca.plan_char_action_trigger_id =
325                      qpcat.plan_char_action_trigger_id AND
326                  qpca.action_id = qa.action_id AND
327                  qa.online_flag = 1)
328         ORDER BY 3, 1;
329         --
330         -- A PL/SQL bug prevents me from using the following.  It
331         -- complains that plan_char_action_trigger_id appears in more
332         -- than one table and should use qualifier.  This is allowed
333         -- in direct SQL/Plus.  Since order by always refers to the
334         -- output column position, there should not be any need for
335         -- explicit qualifiers.  Using integer column position.
336         -- bso
337         --
338         -- order by trigger_sequence, plan_char_action_trigger_id;
339     RETURN x_ref;
340 END get_online_action_triggers;
343 FUNCTION get_action_tokens(x_plan_char_action_id IN NUMBER)
344     RETURN ActionTokenRefCursor IS
345 --
346 -- Return a ref cursor that loops through all action tokens
347 -- given an action of an action trigger.
348 -- bso Fri May  5 17:29:57 PDT 2000
349 --
350     x_ref ActionTokenRefCursor;
352     OPEN x_ref FOR
353         SELECT token_name, char_id
354         FROM   qa_plan_char_action_outputs
355         WHERE  plan_char_action_id = x_plan_char_action_id;
356     RETURN x_ref;
357 END get_action_tokens;
360 FUNCTION get_plan_name(x_plan_id IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
361 --
362 -- Return a plan name given a plan ID.
363 --
364     x_name qa_plans.name%TYPE;
366     SELECT name INTO x_name
367     FROM   qa_plans
368     WHERE  plan_id = x_plan_id;
370     RETURN x_name;
371 END get_plan_name;
374 PROCEDURE get_spec_type (p_plan_id IN NUMBER, x_spec_type OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
375     x_spec_type_name OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS
377 --
378 -- Return a spec type and spec type name given a plan ID.
379 --
380     x_type qa_plans.spec_assignment_type%TYPE;
381     x_type_name VARCHAR2(30);
384     SELECT spec_assignment_type INTO x_type
385     FROM   qa_plans
386     WHERE  plan_id = p_plan_id;
388     SELECT meaning into x_spec_type_name
389     FROM mfg_lookups
390     WHERE lookup_type = 'QA_SPEC_TYPE'
391     AND   lookup_code = x_type;
393     x_spec_type :=  to_char(x_type);
395 END get_spec_type;
397 --
398 -- For Specifications Enhancements
399 -- rkunchal
400 --
402 FUNCTION get_spec_limit(plan_char_uom VARCHAR2, spec_char_uom VARCHAR2,
403                         decimal_precision NUMBER, value NUMBER)
405   return_val  NUMBER;
408   IF value IS NULL THEN
409     RETURN NULL;
410   END IF;
412   IF plan_char_uom <> spec_char_uom THEN
413     return_val := INV_CONVERT.INV_UM_CONVERT(null,
414                                              decimal_precision,
415                                              value,
416                                              spec_char_uom,
417                                              plan_char_uom,
418                                              null,
419                                              null);
420   ELSE
421     return_val := value;
422   END IF;
424   RETURN return_val;
425 END get_spec_limit;
427 -- Bug 3288391. The function added for returning specification limits for
428 -- date and datetime elements
429 -- saugupta Thu, 11 Dec 2003 22:07:25 -0800 PDT
430 FUNCTION get_spec_limit(plan_char_uom VARCHAR2, spec_char_uom VARCHAR2,
431                         decimal_precision NUMBER, x_value VARCHAR2)
434   RETURN x_value;
435 END get_spec_limit;
438     --
439     -- Bug 4958730.  SQL Repository fix for SQL ID 15007756
440     -- requires a rewrite of the above "get_spec_limit" function.
441     -- We will take in raw IDs and data from the SQL (see
442     -- java/util/ContextElementTable.java) and perform the
443     -- decode and nvl here instead.
444     --
445     -- bso Sun Feb  5 17:30:58 PST 2006
446     --
447     FUNCTION get_spec_limit(
448         p_char_id NUMBER,
449         p_datatype NUMBER,
450         p_spec_char_id NUMBER,
451         p_qc_uom_code VARCHAR2,
452         p_qpc_uom_code VARCHAR2,
453         p_qsc_uom_code VARCHAR2,
454         p_qc_dec_prec NUMBER,
455         p_qpc_dec_prec NUMBER,
456         p_qc_spec_limit VARCHAR2,
457         p_qsc_spec_limit VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
459         l_spec_limit qa_chars.target_value%TYPE;
461     BEGIN
462         IF p_spec_char_id IS NULL THEN
463             l_spec_limit := p_qc_spec_limit;
464         ELSE
465             l_spec_limit := p_qsc_spec_limit;
466         END IF;
468         IF p_datatype <> qa_ss_const.number_datatype THEN
469         --
470         -- No UOM Conversion needed.  Simply return the spec limit.
471         --
472             RETURN l_spec_limit;
473         END IF;
475         --
476         -- Perform UOM Conversion by calling the original function.
477         --
478         RETURN get_spec_limit(
479             plan_char_uom => nvl(p_qpc_uom_code, p_qc_uom_code),
480             spec_char_uom => nvl(p_qsc_uom_code, p_qc_uom_code),
481             decimal_precision => nvl(p_qpc_dec_prec, nvl(p_qc_dec_prec, 12)),
482             value => to_number(l_spec_limit));
484     END get_spec_limit;
487 END qa_mqa_plan_elements;