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1 PACKAGE BODY paywsdyg_pkg AS
2 -- $Header: pydygpkg.pkb 120.7.12020000.4 2012/12/14 05:27:02 nvankadh ship $
3 --
4 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
5 -- | Global Constants                                                          |
6 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
7   g_package varchar2(80) := 'paywsdyg_pkg';
8   --
9   -- The end-of-line character to use in generated PL/SQL
10   --
11   g_eol CONSTANT VARCHAR2(10) := fnd_global.newline;
13   -- A quick command for formatting ease, end of section.
14   --
15   g_eos CONSTANT VARCHAR2(10) := g_eol||g_eol||'--'||g_eol;
19 -- To store the dynamic triggers as a package use array so as to overcome
20 -- the limit of 32767
21 g_dyt_pkg_head    dbms_sql.varchar2s;
22 g_dyt_pkg_body    dbms_sql.varchar2s;
23 g_dyt_pkg_hindex number := 0;
24 g_dyt_pkg_bindex number := 0;
26 -- Global for PAY schema name
27 g_pay_schema  varchar2(30) := null;
29 --
30 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
31 -- | NAME       : init_dyt_pkg                                                 |
32 -- | SCOPE      : PRIVATE                                                      |
33 -- | DESCRIPTION: The dynamic generation will build up code and store it in an |
34 -- |       an array of varchar2(32767).  Before starting these global place-   |
35 -- |       holders will need to be emptied and indexes reset.  This is what is |
36 -- |       done here.                                                          |
37 -- | PARAMETERS : none                                                         |
38 -- | RETURNS    : None, simply clears global placeholder                       |
39 -- | RAISES     : None                                                         |
40 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
42 procedure init_dyt_pkg is
43   l_index      number := 0;
44   l_proc varchar2(30) := g_package||'.init_dyt_pkg';
45 begin
46   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,10);
48   -- delete all elements from package head pl/sql table.
49   l_index   := g_dyt_pkg_head.first;
50   while l_index is not null loop
51     g_dyt_pkg_head.delete(l_index);
52     l_index := g_dyt_pkg_head.next(l_index);
53   end loop;
54   -- delete all elements from package body pl/sql table.
55   l_index   := g_dyt_pkg_body.first;
56   while l_index is not null loop
57     g_dyt_pkg_body.delete(l_index);
58     l_index := g_dyt_pkg_body.next(l_index);
59   end loop;
61   --initialize the index
62   g_dyt_pkg_hindex := 0;
63   g_dyt_pkg_bindex := 0;
65   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,900);
66 exception
67   when others then
68     hr_utility.trace('Unhandled Error: '||l_proc);
69     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,1000);
70      raise;
71 end init_dyt_pkg;
73 --
74 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
75 -- | NAME       : add_to_dyt_pkg                                               |
76 -- | SCOPE      : PRIVATE                                                      |
77 -- | DESCRIPTION: The dynamic generation will build up code and store it in an |
78 -- |       an array of varchar2(32767).  The task of this procedure is to split|
79 -- |       the above array elements into array elements of size 254. This is   |
80 -- |       required so as to the package body of more than 32 K size can be    |
81 -- |       parsed using dbms_sql procedure.                                    |
82 -- | PARAMETERS : p_new_code_tbl - A big fat table containing rows of new code |
83 -- |              p_body       - Flag, false => package header, true => body   |
84 -- | RETURNS    : None, simply sets global placeholder                         |
85 -- | RAISES     : None                                                         |
86 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
88 procedure add_to_dyt_pkg
89 (
90  p_new_code_tbl  t_varchar2_32k_tbl
91  ,p_body BOOLEAN
92 ) is
94  l_code_index    number := p_new_code_tbl.first;
95   l_line varchar2(254);
96   l_start number;
97   l_end number;
98   l_next varchar2(1);
99   l_proc varchar2(80) := g_package||'.add_to_dyt_pkg';
100 begin
101   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,10);
102   <<ROW_OF_CODE_LOOP>>
103   while l_code_index is not null loop
104     l_start := 0;
105     -- read the string of the passed on code, chop it into the array element
106     -- size of 254 and store it in global package placeholders.
107     <<CHAR254_LOOP>>
108     while substrb(p_new_code_tbl(l_code_index),l_start,254) is not null LOOP
109       l_line := substrb(p_new_code_tbl(l_code_index),l_start ,254);
110       -- Find a proposed end point for this set of max 254chars
111       l_end := greatest(instr(l_line,' ',-1),instr(l_line,g_eol,-1));
113       -- If the next char is ok, or no space/returns at all then we use the max
114       --
115       l_next := substrb(p_new_code_tbl(l_code_index),l_start + 254 ,1);
116       if (l_next = ' ' or l_next = g_eol or l_next is null or l_end = 0) then
117         l_end := 254;
118       end if;
120       --Get correct subset (so not in mid word)
121       l_line := substrb(p_new_code_tbl(l_code_index),l_start ,l_end);
123       -- add the new code to either header or body as appropriate
124       if (p_body) then
125         g_dyt_pkg_bindex  :=  g_dyt_pkg_bindex  + 1;
126         g_dyt_pkg_body (g_dyt_pkg_bindex) := l_line;
127       else
128         g_dyt_pkg_hindex  :=  g_dyt_pkg_hindex  + 1;
129         g_dyt_pkg_head (g_dyt_pkg_hindex) := l_line;
130       end if;
131       --
132       -- Start next chunk from where we have taken code up to
133       l_start := l_start + l_end;
134     end loop char254_loop;
136     l_code_index := p_new_code_tbl.next(l_code_index);
137   end loop row_of_code_loop;
138   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,900);
139 exception
140   when others then
141     hr_utility.trace('Unhandled Error: '||l_proc);
142     hr_utility.trace(l_proc ||' g_dyt_pkg_hindex - ' ||  g_dyt_pkg_hindex
143                             ||' g_dyt_pkg_bindex - ' ||  g_dyt_pkg_bindex );
144      raise;
145 end ADD_TO_DYT_PKG;
146 --============================================
147 --
148 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
149 -- | NAME       : insert_parameters                                            |
150 -- | SCOPE      : PUBLIC                                                       |
151 -- | DESCRIPTION: Helper procedure to maintain parameters                      |
152 -- |              Inserts new rows if none exist, otherwise updates the        |
153 -- |              existing row if it's 'automatic' flag is set to 'Y'or null   |
154 -- | PARAMETERS : p_usage_type     - Value for the usage_type column           |
155 -- |              p_usage_id       - Value for the usage_id column             |
156 -- |              p_parameter_type - Value for the parameter_type column       |
157 -- |              p_parameter_name - Value for the parameter_name column       |
158 -- |              p_value_name     - Value for the value_name column           |
159 -- |              p_automatic      - Value for the automatic column            |
160 -- | RETURNS    : The primary key of the new or existing row                   |
161 -- | RAISES     : None                                                         |
162 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
163   FUNCTION insert_parameters(
164     p_usage_type      IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
165     p_usage_id        IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
166     p_parameter_type  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
167     p_parameter_name  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
168     p_value_name      IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
169     p_automatic       IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
171     --
172     -- Get the next primary key value from the database sequence
173     CURSOR get_id IS
174       SELECT  pay_trigger_parameters_s.NEXTVAL
175       FROM    dual;
176     --
177     -- Find any existing parameter matching the name, type and usage ID
178     CURSOR get_existing(
179       cp_id   IN NUMBER,
180       cp_type IN VARCHAR2,
181       cp_name IN VARCHAR2
182     ) IS
183       SELECT  parameter_id,automatic
184       FROM    pay_trigger_parameters
185       WHERE   UPPER(parameter_name)  = UPPER(cp_name)
186       AND     usage_type      = cp_type
187       AND     usage_id        = cp_id;
188     --
189     l_rc    NUMBER;
190     l_auto  VARCHAR2(1);
191     --
192   BEGIN
193     --
194     -- Find any existing parameter
195     OPEN get_existing(p_usage_id,p_usage_type,p_parameter_name);
196     FETCH get_existing INTO l_rc,l_auto;
197     IF get_existing%NOTFOUND THEN
198       l_auto := 'X';
199     END IF;
200     CLOSE get_existing;
201     --
202     -- If l_auto is 'X' then the parameter doesn't exist
203     IF l_auto = 'X' THEN
204       --
205       -- Get a new primary key
206       OPEN get_id;
207       FETCH get_id INTO l_rc;
208       CLOSE get_id;
209       --
210       -- Insert the new row
211       INSERT INTO pay_trigger_parameters(
212         parameter_id,
213         usage_type,
214         usage_id,
215         parameter_type,
216         parameter_name,
217         value_name,
218         automatic
219       ) VALUES (
220         l_rc,
221         p_usage_type,
222         p_usage_id,
223         p_parameter_type,
224         p_parameter_name,
225         p_value_name,
226         p_automatic
227       );
228     --
229     -- If l_auto is 'Y' then the parameter
230     -- can be updated it with new values, if the parameter is not automatic
231     -- then the user has modified it in some way so we can't change it
232     ELSIF (l_auto = 'Y') THEN
233       UPDATE  pay_trigger_parameters
234       SET     usage_type      = p_usage_type,
235               usage_id        = p_usage_id,
236               parameter_type  = p_parameter_type,
237               parameter_name  = p_parameter_name,
238               value_name      = p_value_name,
239               automatic       = p_automatic
240       WHERE   parameter_id    = l_rc;
241     END IF;
242     --
243     -- Return the primary key we found or generated
244     RETURN l_rc;
245   END insert_parameters;
246 --
247 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
248 -- | NAME       : insert_declarations                                          |
249 -- | SCOPE      : PRIVATE                                                      |
250 -- | DESCRIPTION: Simply inserts values into the PAY_TRIGGER_DECLARATIONS table|
251 -- | PARAMETERS : p_event_id      - The event_id column                        |
252 -- |              p_variable_name - The variable_name column                   |
253 -- |              p_data_type     - The data_type column                       |
254 -- |              p_variable_size - The variable_size column                   |
255 -- | RETURNS    : Primary key of the inserted row                              |
256 -- | RAISES     : None                                                         |
257 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
258   FUNCTION insert_declarations(
259     p_event_id      IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
260     p_variable_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
261     p_data_type     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
262     p_variable_size IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
264     --
265     -- Get the next value from the primary key sequence
266     CURSOR get_id IS
267       SELECT  pay_trigger_declarations_s.NEXTVAL
268       FROM    dual;
269     --
270     l_rc NUMBER;
271     --
272   BEGIN
273     --
274     -- Fetch the new primary key
275     OPEN get_id;
276     FETCH get_id INTO l_rc;
277     CLOSE get_id;
278     --
279     -- Insert the new row
280     INSERT INTO pay_trigger_declarations(
281 			declaration_id,
282 			event_id,
283 			variable_name,
284 			data_type,
285 			variable_size
286 		) VALUES (
287 			l_rc,
288 			p_event_id,
289 			p_variable_name,
290 			p_data_type,
291 			p_variable_size
292 		);
293 		--
294 		-- Return the new primary key
295 		RETURN l_rc;
296 	END insert_declarations;
297 --
298 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
299 -- | NAME       : insert_initialisations                                       |
300 -- | SCOPE      : PRIVATE                                                      |
301 -- | DESCRIPTION: Just inserts a new row into the initialisations table        |
302 -- | PARAMETERS : p_event_id      - Value for the event_id column              |
303 -- |              p_process_order - Value for the process_order column         |
304 -- |              p_plsql_code    - Value for the plsql_code column            |
305 -- |              p_process_type  - Value for the process_type column          |
306 -- | RETURNS    : Primary key of the new row                                   |
307 -- | RAISES     : None                                                         |
308 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
309   FUNCTION insert_initialisations(
310 			p_event_id        IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
311 			p_process_order   IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
312 			p_plsql_code      IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
313 			p_process_type    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
315     --
316     -- Fetch the next primary key value from the database sequence
317     CURSOR get_id IS
318       SELECT  pay_trigger_initialisations_s.NEXTVAL
319       FROM    dual;
320     --
321     l_rc NUMBER;
322     --
323   BEGIN
324     --
325     -- Fetch the primary key value
326     OPEN get_id;
327     FETCH get_id INTO l_rc;
328     CLOSE get_id;
329     --
330     -- Insert the new row
331 		INSERT INTO pay_trigger_initialisations(
332 			initialisation_id,
333 			event_id,
334 			process_order,
335 			plsql_code,
336 			process_type
337 		) VALUES (
338 			l_rc,
339 			p_event_id,
340 			p_process_order,
341 			p_plsql_code,
342 			p_process_type
343 		);
344 		--
345 		-- Return the new primary key value
346 		RETURN l_rc;
347 	END insert_initialisations;
348 --
349 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
350 -- | NAME       : insert_support                                               |
351 -- | SCOPE      : PRIVATE                                                      |
352 -- | DESCRIPTION: Just insert a new row into the supporting package table      |
353 -- | PARAMETERS : p_event_id    - The value for the event_id column            |
354 -- |              p_header_code - The value for the header_code column         |
355 -- |              p_body_code   - The value for the body_code column           |
356 -- | RETURNS    : The new primary key value                                    |
357 -- | RAISES     : None                                                         |
358 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
359   FUNCTION insert_support(
360 			p_event_id        IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
361   		p_header_code     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
362   		p_body_code       IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
364     --
365     -- Fetch the next value from the primary key generating sequence
366     CURSOR get_id IS
367       SELECT  pay_trigger_support_s.NEXTVAL
368       FROM    dual;
369     --
370     l_rc NUMBER;
371     --
372   BEGIN
373     --
374     -- Get a new primary key value
375     OPEN get_id;
376     FETCH get_id INTO l_rc;
377     CLOSE get_id;
378     --
379     -- Insert the data into the table
380   	INSERT INTO pay_trigger_support(
381   		support_id,
382   		event_id,
383   		header_code,
384   		body_code
385   	) VALUES (
386   		l_rc,
387   		p_event_id,
388   		p_header_code,
389   		p_body_code
390     );
391     --
392     -- Return the primary key
393     RETURN l_rc;
394   END insert_support;
395 --
396 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
397 -- | NAME       : get_applsys_user                                             |
398 -- | SCOPE      : PRIVATE                                                      |
399 -- | DESCRIPTION: Determine the Oracle username that the applsys (FND) user    |
400 -- |              is created under. Needed for the ad_ddl calls.               |
401 -- | PARAMETERS : None                                                         |
402 -- | RETURNS    : The Oracle user name                                         |
403 -- | RAISES     : NO_DATA_FOUND - If we can't work out who the FND user is     |
404 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
405   FUNCTION get_applsys_user RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
406     --
407     -- Fetch the username from foundation (AOL) tables
408     CURSOR get_user(cp_appl IN VARCHAR2) IS
409       SELECT  fou.oracle_username
410       FROM    fnd_oracle_userid         fou,
411               fnd_product_installations fpi,
412               fnd_application           fa
413       WHERE   fou.oracle_id             = fpi.oracle_id
414       AND     fpi.application_id        = fa.application_id
415       AND     fa.application_short_name = cp_appl;
416     --
417     l_user    VARCHAR2(30);
418     --
419   BEGIN
420     --
421     -- Try to get the username
422     -- Raise NO_DATA_FOUND if (surprisingly enough) no data was found
423     OPEN get_user('FND');
424     FETCH get_user INTO l_user;
425     IF get_user%NOTFOUND THEN
426       CLOSE get_user;
428     END IF;
429     CLOSE get_user;
430     --
431     -- Send back the username
432     RETURN l_user;
433   END get_applsys_user;
434 --
435 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
436 -- | NAME       : get_table_product                                            |
437 -- | SCOPE      : PRIVATE                                                      |
438 -- | DESCRIPTION: Get the product that a table belongs to (PAY, PER, etc)      |
439 -- |              needed for calls to ad_ddl                                   |
440 -- | PARAMETERS : p_table - The name of the table to find                      |
441 -- | RETURNS    : The product (application) short name                         |
442 -- | RAISES     : NO_DATA_FOUND - If the table isn't listed as belonging to    |
443 -- |              any particular application                                   |
444 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
445   FUNCTION get_table_product(p_table IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
446     --
447     -- Get the application short name from the foundation tables
448     CURSOR get_table(cp_name IN VARCHAR2) IS
449       SELECT  fa.application_short_name
450       FROM    fnd_application fa,
451               fnd_tables      ft
452       WHERE   fa.application_id = ft.application_id
453       AND     ft.table_name     like translate(cp_name,'#','%');
454     --
455     l_appl VARCHAR2(50);
456     --
457   BEGIN
458     --
459     -- Fetch the data, crash and burn if none was found
460     OPEN get_table(p_table);
461     FETCH get_table INTO l_appl;
462     IF get_table%NOTFOUND THEN
463       CLOSE get_table;
465     END IF;
466     CLOSE get_table;
467     --
468     -- Send back the application short name
469     RETURN l_appl;
470   END get_table_product;
471 --
472 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
473 -- | NAME       : get_table_from_trigger                                       |
474 -- | SCOPE      : PRIVATE                                                      |
475 -- | DESCRIPTION: Find out which table a specified trigger belongs to,         |
476 -- |              we need this 'cos the trigger name sort of contains the      |
477 -- |              table name but we mangle it up a bit to fit it in.           |
478 -- | PARAMETERS : p_trigger - The name of the trigger                          |
479 -- | RETURNS    : The table name                                               |
480 -- | RAISES     : NO_DATA_FOUND if the trigger name is bobbins so we couldn't  |
481 -- |              find the table                                               |
482 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
483   FUNCTION get_table_from_trigger(p_trigger IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
484     --
485     -- Fetch the table name from from RDBMS data dictionary views
486     CURSOR get_trigger(cp_name IN VARCHAR2) IS
487       SELECT  atr.table_name
488       FROM    user_triggers atr
489       WHERE   trigger_name = cp_name;
490     --
491     l_tabl VARCHAR2(50);
492     --
493   BEGIN
494     --
495     -- Get the data, spoon up if we couldn't find the table
496     OPEN get_trigger(p_trigger);
497     FETCH get_trigger INTO l_tabl;
498     IF get_trigger%NOTFOUND THEN
499       CLOSE get_trigger;
501     END IF;
502     CLOSE get_trigger;
503     --
504     -- Send back the table name
505     RETURN l_tabl;
506   END get_table_from_trigger;
507 --
508 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
509 -- | NAME       : get_trigger_name                                             |
510 -- | SCOPE      : PUBLIC                                                       |
511 -- | DESCRIPTION: See Header                                                   |
512 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
513   FUNCTION get_trigger_name(
514     p_id IN NUMBER,
515     p_table IN VARCHAR2,
516     p_action IN VARCHAR2
518     --
519     l_newtab VARCHAR2(30);
520     l_id     VARCHAR2(30);
521     --
522   BEGIN
523     --
524     -- The ID portion is the primary key of the event, the triggering action
525     -- and the text 'DYT' to mark this as a DYnamically generated Trigger
526     l_id := '_'||LTRIM(RTRIM(TO_CHAR(p_id)))||p_action||'_DYT';
527     --
528     -- The new table name is the original with the underscores removed (so
529     -- we can fit more of it in) chopped off so we can fit the ID on the
530     -- end
531     l_newtab := SUBSTR(REPLACE(p_table,'_'),1,30-LENGTH(l_id));
532     --
533     -- Concatenate the new table name and the ID for the trigger name
534     RETURN (l_newtab||l_id);
535   END get_trigger_name;
536 --
537 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
538 -- | NAME       : trigger_exists                                               |
539 -- | SCOPE      : PRIVATE                                                      |
540 -- | DESCRIPTION: Check to see if the specified trigger exists or not          |
541 -- | PARAMETERS : p_name - The name of the                                     |
542 -- | RETURNS    : Boolean flag, TRUE if the trigger exists, FALSE otherwise    |
543 -- | RAISES     : None                                                         |
544 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
545   FUNCTION trigger_exists(p_name IN VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN IS
546     --
547     -- Get trigger information from the Oracle data dictionary
548     CURSOR get_trigger(cp_name IN VARCHAR2) IS
549       SELECT 'Y'
550       FROM   user_triggers
551       WHERE  trigger_name = cp_name;
552     --
553     l_rc VARCHAR2(1);
554     --
555   BEGIN
556     --
557     -- Fetch the data, switch the flag manually if the trigger wasn't found
558     OPEN get_trigger(p_name);
559     FETCH get_trigger INTO l_rc;
560     IF get_trigger%NOTFOUND THEN
561       l_rc := 'N';
562     END IF;
563     CLOSE get_trigger;
564     --
565     -- Send back the boolean version of the flag
566     RETURN (l_rc = 'Y');
567   END trigger_exists;
568 --
569 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
570 -- | NAME       : drop_trigger                                                 |
571 -- | SCOPE      : PUBLIC                                                       |
572 -- | DESCRIPTION: See header                                                   |
573 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
574   PROCEDURE drop_trigger(p_name IN VARCHAR2) IS
575   BEGIN
576     IF trigger_exists(p_name) THEN
577       ad_ddl.do_ddl(
578         get_applsys_user,
579         get_table_product(get_table_from_trigger(p_name)),
580         ad_ddl.drop_trigger,
581         'DROP TRIGGER '||p_name,
582         p_name
583       );
584     END IF;
585   END drop_trigger;
586 --
587 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
588 -- | NAME       : drop_trigger_indirect                                        |
589 -- | SCOPE      : PUBLIC                                                       |
590 -- | DESCRIPTION: See header                                                   |
591 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
592   PROCEDURE drop_trigger_indirect(p_id IN NUMBER) IS
593     --
594     CURSOR get_info(cp_id IN NUMBER) IS
595       SELECT  table_name,
596               triggering_action
597       FROM    pay_trigger_events
598       WHERE   event_id = cp_id;
599     --
600     l_table VARCHAR2(30);
601     l_mode VARCHAR2(1);
602   BEGIN
603     OPEN get_info(p_id);
604     FETCH get_info INTO l_table,l_mode;
605     CLOSE get_info;
606     --
607     drop_trigger(get_trigger_name(p_id,l_table,l_mode));
608   END drop_trigger_indirect;
609 --
610 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
611 -- | NAME       : create_trigger                                               |
612 -- | SCOPE      : PUBLIC                                                       |
613 -- | DESCRIPTION: See header                                                   |
614 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
615   PROCEDURE create_trigger(
616     p_trigger IN VARCHAR2,
617     p_table   IN VARCHAR2,
618     p_action  IN VARCHAR2,
619     p_sql     IN VARCHAR2
620   ) IS
621     --
622     l_mode  VARCHAR2(30) := 'INVALID';
623   BEGIN
624     IF p_action = 'I' THEN
625       l_mode := 'INSERT';
626     ELSIF p_action = 'U' THEN
627       l_mode := 'UPDATE';
628     ELSIF p_action = 'D' THEN
629       l_mode := 'DELETE';
630     END IF;
631     --
632     ad_ddl.do_ddl(
633       get_applsys_user,
634       get_table_product(p_table),
635       ad_ddl.create_trigger,
636       'CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER '||p_trigger||' '||
637         'AFTER '||l_mode||' '||
638         'ON '||p_table||' FOR EACH ROW '||
639         p_sql,
640       p_trigger
641     );
643   END create_trigger;
644 --
645 --
646 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
647 -- | NAME       : enable_trigger                                               |
648 -- | SCOPE      : PUBLIC                                                       |
649 -- | DESCRIPTION: See header                                                   |
650 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
651   PROCEDURE enable_trigger(p_trigger IN VARCHAR2,p_enabled IN BOOLEAN) IS
652     --
653     l_mode VARCHAR2(30);
654     --
655   BEGIN
656     --
657     -- Can only do this if the trigger exists
658     IF trigger_exists(p_trigger) THEN
659       --
660       -- Turn the boolean flag into DDL that the database understands
661       IF p_enabled THEN
662         l_mode := 'ENABLE';
663       ELSE
664         l_mode := 'DISABLE';
665       END IF;
666       --
667       -- Use AOL calls to do the DDL 'properly' (although I don't see how you
668       -- could do this 'improperly' :-)
669       ad_ddl.do_ddl(
670         get_applsys_user,
671         get_table_product(get_table_from_trigger(p_trigger)),
672         ad_ddl.alter_trigger,
673         'ALTER TRIGGER '||p_trigger||' '||l_mode,
674         p_trigger
675       );
676     END IF;
677   END enable_trigger;
678 --
679 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
680 -- | NAME       : replace_placeholders                                         |
681 -- | SCOPE      : PUBLIC                                                       |
682 -- | DESCRIPTION: See header                                                   |
683 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
684   PROCEDURE replace_placeholders(
685     p_sql IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
686     p_id IN NUMBER,
687     p_extra IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
688   ) IS
689     --
690     -- Get the mappings that the user has defined, or have been automatically
691     -- generated, only initialisations can use placeholders and placeholders
692     -- are always inputs
693     CURSOR get_places(cp_id IN NUMBER) IS
694       SELECT  parameter_name,
695               value_name
696       FROM    pay_trigger_parameters
697       WHERE   usage_type = 'I'
698       AND     parameter_type = 'I'
699       AND     usage_id = cp_id;
700     --
701     l_replace VARCHAR2(60);
702     --
703   BEGIN
704     --
705     -- Get all the mappings
706     FOR l_rec IN get_places(p_id) LOOP
707       l_replace := l_rec.value_name;
708       --
709       -- Add any extra text (used by the statement verifier)
710       IF p_extra IS NOT NULL THEN
711         IF SUBSTR(l_replace,1,LENGTH(p_extra)) <> p_extra THEN
712           l_replace := p_extra||l_replace;
713         END IF;
714       END IF;
715       --
716       -- Modify the SQL statement
717       p_sql := REPLACE(p_sql,l_rec.parameter_name,l_replace);
718     END LOOP;
719   END replace_placeholders;
720 --
721 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
722 -- | NAME       : map_select_list                                              |
723 -- | SCOPE      : PRIVATE                                                      |
724 -- | DESCRIPTION: Describe the supplied SQL select statement, create parameter |
725 -- |              mappings if the validate only parameter is FALSE             |
726 -- | PARAMETERS : p_id            - The primary key of the initialisation that |
727 -- |                                owns this statement                        |
728 -- |              p_code          - The SQL select statement                   |
729 -- |              p_validate_only - Set to TRUE if you only want to check that |
730 -- |                                the SQL is OK.                             |
731 -- | RETURNS    : None                                                         |
732 -- | RAISES     : could_not_analyse_query - If the Parse or Describe_Columns   |
733 -- |                                        calls fail, probably because your  |
734 -- |                                        SQL statement is pants             |
735 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
736   PROCEDURE map_select_list(
737     p_id            IN NUMBER,
738     p_code          IN VARCHAR2,
739     p_validate_only IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE
740   ) IS
741     --
742     l_csr   INTEGER;
743     l_cols  INTEGER;
744     l_desc  Dbms_Sql.Desc_Tab;
745     l_name  VARCHAR2(35);
746     l_code  VARCHAR2(32767) := p_code;
747     l_rc    NUMBER;
748     --
749   BEGIN
750     --
751     -- Open a dynamic SQL cursor for parsing and describing
752     l_csr := Dbms_Sql.Open_Cursor;
753     --
754     -- Replace the placeholders but add a colon to the start of local
755     -- variable names (turning them into bind variables) so that the
756     -- statement will parse OK
757     replace_placeholders(l_code,p_id,':');
758     --
759     BEGIN
760       --
761       -- Parse and describe the statement
762       Dbms_Sql.Parse(l_csr,l_code,Dbms_Sql.Native);
763       Dbms_Sql.Describe_Columns(l_csr,l_cols,l_desc);
764       Dbms_Sql.Close_Cursor(l_csr);
767         --
768         -- Turn all errors into one of our custom errors
769         Dbms_Sql.Close_Cursor(l_csr);
770         fnd_message.set_name('PAY','PAY_DYG_CANNOT_ANALYSE_QUERY');
771         app_exception.raise_exception;
772     END;
773     --
774     -- Process all the columns that the Describe told us about
775     -- N.B. This DOES NOT WORK CORRECTLY for aliased columns, boo!
776     FOR l_cnt IN 1..l_cols LOOP
777       l_name := 'l_'||LOWER(l_desc(l_cnt).col_name);
778       -- We should probably validate l_name here but not doing it gives
779       -- users a bit more flexibility with the way in which they use the form
780       --
781       IF NOT p_validate_only THEN
782         --
783         -- If we're not just validating the statement then insert (or update,
784         -- see the 'insert_parameters' description) the parameter mapping
785         l_rc := insert_parameters(
786                   'I',
787                   p_id,
788                   'R',
789                   LOWER(l_desc(l_cnt).col_name),
790                   l_name,
791                   'Y'
792                 );
793       END IF;
794     END LOOP;
795     --
796   END map_select_list;
797 --
798 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
799 -- | NAME       : scan_for_placeholders                                        |
800 -- | SCOPE      : PRIVATE                                                      |
801 -- | DESCRIPTION: Find the placeholders in the supplied code. Optionally       |
802 -- |              add default parameter mappings to the parameter table        |
803 -- | PARAMETERS : p_id            - The primary key of the initialisation that |
804 -- |                                owns this statement                        |
805 -- |              p_code          - The SQL or PL/SQL code                     |
806 -- |              p_validate_only - Set to TRUE if you only want to check that |
807 -- |                                the statement is OK, i.e. not create maps  |
808 -- | RETURNS    : None                                                         |
809 -- | RAISES     : None                                                         |
810 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
811   PROCEDURE scan_for_placeholders(
812     p_id            IN NUMBER,
813     p_code          IN VARCHAR2,
814     p_type          IN VARCHAR2,
815     p_validate_only IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE
816   ) IS
817     --
818     l_st      NUMBER;
819     l_en      NUMBER;
820     l_name    VARCHAR2(35);
821     l_holder  VARCHAR2(35);
822     --
823     l_pl      NUMBER := 0;
824     l_rc      NUMBER;
825     --
826   BEGIN
827     --
828     -- Scan all through the code
829     FOR l_cnt IN 1..LENGTH(p_code) LOOP
830       --
831       -- If we're not currently looking at a placeholder then see if we're on
832       -- the start of one and remember the position if we are
833       IF l_st IS NULL THEN
834         IF  UPPER(SUBSTR(p_code,l_cnt,3)) = '$L_' OR
835             UPPER(SUBSTR(p_code,l_cnt,5)) IN ('$OLD_','$NEW_')
836         THEN
837           l_st := l_cnt;
838         END IF;
839       ELSE
840         --
841         -- Otherwise see if we're on the end of the placeholder,
842         -- if we are then remember the position
843         IF SUBSTR(p_code,l_cnt,1) = '$' THEN
844           l_en := l_cnt;
845           --
846           -- Work out the placeholder name
847           l_holder := LOWER(REPLACE(SUBSTR(p_code,l_st,(l_en-l_st)+1),'$'));
848           --
849           -- Turn the placeholder into the variable name
850           IF SUBSTR(l_holder,1,2) = 'l_' THEN
851             l_name := l_holder;
852           ELSIF SUBSTR(l_holder,1,4) = 'old_' THEN
853             l_name := REPLACE(l_holder,'old_',':old.');
854           ELSIF SUBSTR(l_holder,1,4) = 'new_' THEN
855             l_name := REPLACE(l_holder,'new_',':new.');
856           ELSE
857             l_name := NULL;
858           END IF;
859           --
860           IF l_name IS NOT NULL THEN
861             -- Check that the variable we're going to use in l_value is valid
862             -- Might implement this at a later date, the form will work without
863             -- it but people can generata code that won't compile
864             NULL;
865           END IF;
866           --
867           IF NOT p_validate_only THEN
868             --
869             -- Create or update the parameter mapping if we don't want to just
870             -- validate the code
871             l_rc := insert_parameters(
872                       'I',
873                       p_id,
874                       'I',
875                       SUBSTR(p_code,l_st,(l_en-l_st)+1),
876                       l_name,
877                       'Y'
878                     );
879           END IF;
880           l_pl := l_pl + 1;
881           --
882           -- Null out the starting position 'cos we've just got to the end
883           -- of a placeholder, so we'll now look for a new one
884           l_st := NULL;
885         END IF;
886       END IF;
887     END LOOP;
888     --
889     -- If it's an Assignment type initialisation (and we're not just validating
890     -- the code) then create a default mapping for the return value.
891     IF l_pl = 1 AND l_name IS NOT NULL AND p_type = 'A' THEN
892       IF SUBSTR(l_name,1,5) IN (':old.',':new.') THEN
893         l_name := 'l_'||SUBSTR(l_name,6);
894       ELSE
895         l_name := 'return_variable';
896       END IF;
897       --
898       IF NOT p_validate_only THEN
899         l_rc := insert_parameters('I',p_id,'R',NULL,l_name,'Y');
900       END IF;
901     END IF;
902     --
903   END scan_for_placeholders;
904 --
905 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
906 -- | NAME       : validate_select                                              |
907 -- | SCOPE      : PUBLIC                                                       |
908 -- | DESCRIPTION: See header                                                   |
909 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
910   PROCEDURE validate_select(
911     p_id      IN NUMBER,
912     p_code    IN VARCHAR2,
913     p_type    IN VARCHAR2
914   ) IS
915   BEGIN
916     -- Should the validate only flag be set on these?
917     -- I think it probably should, I'll check that later.
918     scan_for_placeholders(p_id,p_code,p_type);
919     map_select_list(p_id,p_code);
920   END validate_select;
921 --
922 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
923 -- | NAME       : map_parameter_list                                           |
924 -- | SCOPE      : PUBLIC                                                       |
925 -- | DESCRIPTION: See header                                                   |
926 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
927   PROCEDURE map_parameter_list(
928     p_id            IN NUMBER,
929     p_module        IN VARCHAR2,
930     p_type          IN VARCHAR2,
931     p_usage         IN VARCHAR2,
932     p_validate_only IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE
933   ) IS
934     --
935     l_overload    Dbms_Describe.Number_Table;
936     l_position    Dbms_Describe.Number_Table;
937     l_c_level     Dbms_Describe.Number_Table;
938     l_arg_name    Dbms_Describe.Varchar2_Table;
939     l_dty         Dbms_Describe.Number_Table;
940     l_def_val     Dbms_Describe.Number_Table;
941     l_p_mode      Dbms_Describe.Number_Table;
942     l_length      Dbms_Describe.Number_Table;
943     l_precision   Dbms_Describe.Number_Table;
944     l_scale       Dbms_Describe.Number_Table;
945     l_radix       Dbms_Describe.Number_Table;
946     l_spare       Dbms_Describe.Number_Table;
947     --
948     l_params      INTEGER := 0;
949     l_overloaded  BOOLEAN := FALSE;
950     l_weirdtype   BOOLEAN := FALSE;
951     l_cackmode    BOOLEAN := FALSE;
952     l_name        VARCHAR2(2000);
953     l_mode        VARCHAR2(1);
954     l_arg         VARCHAR2(60);
955     l_rc          NUMBER;
956     --
957   BEGIN
958     BEGIN
959       --
960       -- Lovely Oracle supplied package to describe a stored procedure
961       -- into the tables we declared earlier
962       Dbms_Describe.Describe_Procedure(
963         p_module,
964         null,
965         null,
966         l_overload,
967         l_position,
968         l_c_level,
969         l_arg_name,
970         l_dty,
971         l_def_val,
972         l_p_mode,
973         l_length,
974         l_precision,
975         l_scale,
976         l_radix,
977         l_spare
978       );
981       fnd_message.set_name('PAY','PAY_DYG_CANNOT_DESC_MODULE');
982       fnd_message.set_token('MODULE_NAME',UPPER(p_module),FALSE);
983       app_exception.raise_exception;
984     END;
985     --
986     -- Now we've described the module we'll flip through the parameters
987     -- we were told about and check that they're all OK.
988     BEGIN
989       LOOP
990         l_params := l_params + 1;
991         --
992         -- Set the overloaded flag
993         IF l_overload(l_params) > 1 THEN
994           l_overloaded := TRUE;
995         END IF;
996         --
997         -- This one uses a type we don't support, flag that up guv'nor
998         IF l_dty(l_params) NOT IN (1,2,12) THEN
999           l_weirdtype := TRUE;
1000         END IF;
1001         --
1002         -- Complicated bit to check that the parameter's being used in the
1003         -- right way, here we go;
1004         --   * IN OUT parameters (l_p_mode = 2) aren't ever allowed
1005         --   * If it's being used in a function type initialisation
1006         --     (p_usage = 'I' AND p_type = 'F') and it's an OUT parameter
1007         --     (l_p_mode = 1) and it's not the return value (l_position = 0)
1008         --     then it's wrong
1009         --   * For component usages (p_usage = 'C') OUT parameters
1010         --     (l_p_mode = 1) aren't ever allowed.
1011         -- If we find any of these conditions then set the flag
1012         IF (l_p_mode(l_params) = 2) OR
1013            (p_usage = 'I' AND
1014             p_type = 'F'  AND
1015             l_p_mode(l_params) = 1 AND
1016             l_position(l_params) <> 0) OR
1017            (p_usage = 'C' AND l_p_mode(l_params) = 1)
1018         THEN
1019           l_cackmode := TRUE;
1020         END IF;
1021         --
1022       END LOOP;
1023     EXCEPTION
1025         --
1026         -- The describe procedure doesn't tell us how many rows it
1027         -- put into the return tables so use this to quit the loop
1028         -- when we flop over the end of the table
1029         l_params := l_params - 1;
1030     END;
1031     --
1032     -- Raise an error 'cos we can't deal with overloaded stuff
1033     IF l_overloaded THEN
1034       fnd_message.set_name('PAY','PAY_DYG_OVERLOADS_EXIST');
1035       fnd_message.set_token('MODULE_NAME',UPPER(p_module),FALSE);
1036       app_exception.raise_exception;
1037     END IF;
1038     --
1039     -- Raise an error 'cos we can't have weird types
1040     IF l_weirdtype THEN
1041       fnd_message.set_name('PAY','PAY_DYG_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE');
1042       fnd_message.set_token('MODULE_NAME',UPPER(p_module),FALSE);
1043       app_exception.raise_exception;
1044     END IF;
1045     --
1046     -- Raise an error if the parameters are being used in the wrong way
1047     IF l_cackmode THEN
1048       fnd_message.set_name('PAY','PAY_DYG_INCOMPATIBLE_MODE');
1049       fnd_message.set_token('MODULE_NAME',UPPER(p_module),FALSE);
1050       app_exception.raise_exception;
1051     END IF;
1052     --
1053     -- Set up the default parameter mappings if we didn't just want to validate
1054     -- the code
1055     IF NOT p_validate_only THEN
1056       FOR l_cnt IN 1..l_params LOOP
1057         --
1058         -- Is it the return value, or IN or OUT (shake it all about)?
1059         IF l_position(l_cnt) = 0 THEN
1060           l_mode := 'R';
1061         ELSE
1062           IF l_p_mode(l_cnt) = 0 THEN
1063             l_mode := 'I';
1064           ELSIF l_p_mode(l_cnt) = 1 THEN
1065             l_mode := 'O';
1066           END IF;
1067         END IF;
1068         --
1069         -- If it's the return value then just create a dummy return that the
1070         -- user'll have to change, we've got no way of working out a sensible
1071         -- default mapping for this
1072         IF l_mode = 'R' THEN
1073           l_rc := insert_parameters(
1074                     p_usage,
1075                     p_id,
1076                     l_mode,
1077                     NULL,
1078                     'return_variable',
1079                     'Y'
1080                   );
1081         ELSE
1082           l_arg := LOWER(l_arg_name(l_cnt));
1083           --
1084           -- Turn the parameter name into a local variable name
1085           -- or a bind variable.
1086           -- At some point we should also check that bind variables aren't
1087           -- being mapped to OUT parameters, but not here.
1088           IF SUBSTR(l_arg,1,4) = 'p_l_' THEN
1089             l_name := 'l_'||SUBSTR(l_arg,5);
1090           ELSIF SUBSTR(l_arg,1,6) = 'p_old_' THEN
1091             l_name := ':old.'||SUBSTR(l_arg,7);
1092           ELSIF SUBSTR(l_arg,1,6) = 'p_new_' THEN
1093             l_name := ':new.'||SUBSTR(l_arg,7);
1094           ELSE
1095              l_name := NULL;
1096           END IF;
1097           --
1098           -- Create or update the parameter mapping
1099           l_rc := insert_parameters(p_usage,p_id,l_mode,l_arg,l_name,'Y');
1100         END IF;
1101       END LOOP;
1102     END IF;
1103   END map_parameter_list;
1104 --
1105 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1106 -- | NAME       : automap_parameters                                           |
1107 -- | SCOPE      : PUBLIC                                                       |
1108 -- | DESCRIPTION: See header                                                   |
1109 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1110   PROCEDURE automap_parameters(
1111     p_id      IN NUMBER,
1112     p_usage   IN VARCHAR2,
1113     p_comp_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
1114   ) IS
1115     --
1116     -- Get the initialisation we asked for, or all of them if the ID's NULL
1117     CURSOR get_inits(cp_id IN NUMBER,cp_comp IN NUMBER) IS
1118       SELECT initialisation_id,
1119              plsql_code,
1120              process_type
1121       FROM   pay_trigger_initialisations
1122       WHERE  (initialisation_id = cp_comp OR cp_comp IS NULL)
1123       AND    (event_id = cp_id OR cp_id IS NULL);
1124     --
1125     -- Get the component we asked for, or all of them if the ID's NULL
1126     CURSOR get_comps(cp_id IN NUMBER,cp_comp IN NUMBER) IS
1127       SELECT component_id,
1128              module_name
1129       FROM   pay_trigger_components
1130       WHERE  (component_id = cp_comp OR cp_comp IS NULL)
1131       AND    (event_id = cp_id OR cp_id IS NULL);
1132     --
1133   BEGIN
1134     --
1135     -- We want to map parameters for initialisations
1136     IF p_usage = 'I' THEN
1137       FOR init_rec IN get_inits(p_id,p_comp_id) LOOP
1138         --
1139         -- Scan SQL select or assignment type initialisations for placeholders
1140         IF init_rec.process_type IN ('S','A') THEN
1141           scan_for_placeholders(
1142             init_rec.initialisation_id,
1143             init_rec.plsql_code,
1144             init_rec.process_type
1145           );
1146         END IF;
1147         --
1148         -- Map the select list of SQL statements
1149         IF init_rec.process_type = 'S' THEN
1150           map_select_list(init_rec.initialisation_id,init_rec.plsql_code);
1151         END IF;
1152         --
1153         -- Map the parameter list for function or procedure type initialisations
1154         IF init_rec.process_type IN ('F','P') THEN
1155           map_parameter_list(
1156             init_rec.initialisation_id,
1157             init_rec.plsql_code,
1158             init_rec.process_type,
1159             'I'
1160           );
1161         END IF;
1162         --
1163       END LOOP;
1164     END IF;
1165     --
1166     -- If we want to map the parameters of component modules...
1167     IF p_usage = 'C' THEN
1168       FOR comp_rec IN get_comps(p_id,p_comp_id) LOOP
1169         --
1170         -- They're always procedures, so we always need to map the parameters
1171         map_parameter_list(comp_rec.component_id,comp_rec.module_name,'P','C');
1172       END LOOP;
1173     END IF;
1174   END automap_parameters;
1175 --
1176 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1177 -- | NAME       : lob_to_varchar2                                              |
1178 -- | SCOPE      : PUBLIC                                                       |
1179 -- | DESCRIPTION: See header                                                   |
1180 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1181   FUNCTION lob_to_varchar2(p_clob IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
1182     l_vc2 VARCHAR2(32767);
1183     l_s BINARY_INTEGER;
1184   BEGIN
1185     --
1186     -- Use the supplied package to read the data out of the CLOB and dump it
1187     -- into a VARCHAR2, which are easier to manipulate.
1188     -- N.B. CLOBs can hold something like 2Gb, this VARCHAR2 can only hold
1189     --      about 32Kb. Ooer. Shouldn't really be a problem, 32Kb is quite
1190     --      a big bit of PL/SQL, just don't put millions of comments in :-)
1191 	  Dbms_Lob.Open(p_clob,Dbms_Lob.Lob_Readonly);
1192  		l_s := Dbms_Lob.Getlength(p_clob);
1193  		Dbms_Lob.Read(p_clob,l_s,1,l_vc2);
1194 	  Dbms_Lob.Close(p_clob);
1195 	  --
1196 	  -- Send back the text
1197 	  RETURN l_vc2;
1198 	END lob_to_varchar2;
1199 --
1200 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1201 -- | NAME       : get_reverted                                                 |
1202 -- | SCOPE      : PUBLIC                                                       |
1203 -- | DESCRIPTION: See header                                                   |
1204 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1205   PROCEDURE get_reverted(
1206     p_id    IN     NUMBER,
1207     p_head     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
1208     p_body     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
1209   ) IS
1210     --
1211     -- Fetch the last saved version of the code from the database table
1212   	CURSOR get_old(cp_id IN NUMBER) IS
1213   		SELECT	header_code,body_code
1214   		FROM		pay_trigger_support
1215   		WHERE		support_id = cp_id;
1216   	--
1217   	l_h CLOB;
1218   	l_b CLOB;
1219   	--
1220   BEGIN
1221     --
1222     -- Grab the data into the two CLOBS
1223 		OPEN get_old(p_id);
1224   	FETCH get_old INTO l_h,l_b;
1225 		CLOSE get_old;
1226 		--
1227 		-- Turn the CLOBs into VARCHAR2s to send them back. Forms went all weird
1228 		-- when I tried to pass CLOBs back and forth, something to do with RPC
1229 		-- (or whatever it's called) perchance?
1230 	  p_head := lob_to_varchar2(l_h);
1231 	  p_body := lob_to_varchar2(l_b);
1232 	  --
1233   END get_reverted;
1234 --
1235 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1236 -- | NAME       : get_package_name                                             |
1237 -- | SCOPE      : PRIVATE                                                      |
1238 -- | DESCRIPTION: Use this so that the supporting package name is always       |
1239 -- |              generated the same way                                       |
1240 -- | PARAMETERS : p_event - The primary key of the event that this supporting  |
1241 -- |                        package supports                                   |
1242 -- |              p_table - The table that the owning trigger will get created |
1243 -- |                        against (to save us having to work it out)         |
1244 -- | RETURNS    : The generated package name that should be used               |
1245 -- | RAISES     : None                                                         |
1246 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1247   FUNCTION get_package_name(
1248     p_event IN NUMBER,
1249     p_table IN VARCHAR2
1251     --
1252     l_newtab VARCHAR2(30);
1253     l_id     VARCHAR2(30);
1254     --
1255   BEGIN
1256     --
1257     -- The ID will be the event's primary key followed by 'DYG' to denote
1258     -- that the package has been DYnamically Generated
1259     l_id := '_'||LTRIM(RTRIM(TO_CHAR(p_event)))||'_DYG';
1260     --
1261     -- Fiddle about with the table name in a similar fashion to what we do
1262     -- when we're creating a trigger name
1263     l_newtab := SUBSTR(REPLACE(p_table,'_'),1,30-LENGTH(l_id));
1264     --
1265     -- Send back the two bits joined together
1266     RETURN LOWER(l_newtab||l_id);
1267   END get_package_name;
1268 --
1269 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1270 -- | NAME       : drop_package                                                 |
1271 -- | SCOPE      : PRIVATE                                                      |
1272 -- | DESCRIPTION: Drop the specified database package                          |
1273 -- | PARAMETERS : p_table - The table that the owning event's trigger will be  |
1274 -- |                        created against, needed so we can work out what    |
1275 -- |                        application (PAY, PER) the trigger belongs to      |
1276 -- |              p_name  - The name of the package                            |
1277 -- | RETURNS    : None                                                         |
1278 -- | RAISES     : None                                                         |
1279 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1280   PROCEDURE drop_package(p_table IN VARCHAR2,p_name IN VARCHAR2) IS
1281   BEGIN
1282     --
1283     -- Use the AOL DLL routine
1284     ad_ddl.do_ddl(
1285       get_applsys_user,
1286       get_table_product(p_table),
1287       ad_ddl.drop_package,
1288       'DROP PACKAGE '||p_name,
1289       p_name
1290     );
1293       --
1294       -- This shouldn't ever occur 'cos do_ddl seems to trap everything
1295       hr_utility.set_location('DROP PACKAGE '||p_name,ABS(SQLCODE));
1296   END drop_package;
1297 --
1298   FUNCTION module_ok(p_name IN VARCHAR2,p_type IN VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN IS
1299     --
1300     CURSOR get_errors(cp_name IN VARCHAR2,cp_type IN VARCHAR2) IS
1301       SELECT  'SOME'
1302       FROM    user_errors
1303       WHERE   name = UPPER(cp_name)
1304       AND     type = cp_type;
1305     --
1306     l_cnt   VARCHAR2(10);
1307     --
1308   BEGIN
1309     --
1310     -- Try and fetch some errors
1311     OPEN get_errors(UPPER(p_name),p_type);
1312     FETCH get_errors INTO l_cnt;
1313     IF get_errors%NOTFOUND THEN
1314       l_cnt := 'NONE';
1315     END IF;
1316     CLOSE get_errors;
1317     --
1318     RETURN (l_cnt = 'NONE');
1319   END module_ok;
1321 -- -------------------- build_dyt_pkg_from_tbl ----------------------------
1322 -- Description:
1323 -- Runs a SQL statement using the dbms_sql package. No bind variables
1324 -- allowed. This procedure uses pl/sql table of varchar2 as an input
1325 -- and hence is suitable to compile very large packages i.e more than
1326 -- 32767 char.
1327 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1328 procedure build_dyt_pkg_from_tbl(
1329                   p_package_body    dbms_sql.varchar2s,
1330                   p_package_index   number,
1331                   p_body            boolean )
1332 is
1333   l_csr_sql integer;
1334   l_rows    number;
1335   l_proc varchar2(80) := g_package||'.build_dyt_pkg_from_tbl';
1337 begin
1338   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,10);
1339   hr_utility.trace('p_package_index - '||p_package_index);
1341   --
1342   l_csr_sql := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
1343   dbms_sql.parse( l_csr_sql, p_package_body,1,p_package_index,p_body, dbms_sql.v7 );
1344   l_rows := dbms_sql.execute( l_csr_sql );
1345   dbms_sql.close_cursor( l_csr_sql );
1346   --
1348   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,900);
1349 exception
1350   when others then
1351     hr_utility.trace('Unhandled Exception: '||l_proc);
1352      raise;
1353 end build_dyt_pkg_from_tbl;
1355 --
1356 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1357 -- | NAME       : execute_by_chopping_up                                       |
1358 -- | SCOPE      : PRIVATE                                                      |
1359 -- | DESCRIPTION: We store the supporting packages as CLOBs (which get         |
1360 -- |              converted back and forth into VARCHAR2s when we need to) but |
1361 -- |              the AOL routine to create a package needs it in a PL/SQL     |
1362 -- |              table. This routine chops up the package code, sticks it into|
1363 -- |              the right kind of table and creates the package.             |
1364 -- | PARAMETERS : p_name  - The name of the package to create, the AOL create  |
1365 -- |                        routine seems to trap all the errors so we need    |
1366 -- |                        this to check for errors                           |
1367 -- |              p_table - The table that the owning event's trigger will be  |
1368 -- |                        created against, needed to work out what product   |
1369 -- |                        this package belongs to                            |
1370 -- |              p_sql   - The PL/SQL package creation code                   |
1371 -- |              p_body  - A flag, 'TRUE' if this is the body, else 'FALSE'   |
1372 -- | RETURNS    : Flag to indicate whether the code compiled OK or not         |
1373 -- | RAISES     : None                                                         |
1374 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1375   FUNCTION execute_by_chopping_up(
1376     p_name  IN VARCHAR2,
1377     p_table IN VARCHAR2,
1378     p_sql   IN VARCHAR2,
1379     p_body  IN VARCHAR2
1381     --
1382     l_num   NUMBER := 1;
1383     l_pos   NUMBER := 1;
1384     l_offs  NUMBER := 1;
1385     l_line  VARCHAR2(254);
1386     l_user  VARCHAR2(30) := get_applsys_user;
1387     l_prod  VARCHAR2(50) := get_table_product(p_table);
1388     l_type  VARCHAR2(20);
1389     --
1390   BEGIN
1391     --
1392     -- Loop round all the code
1393     LOOP
1394       --
1395       -- Find the next end of line (relies on lines being less than 254
1396       -- characters long :-) or just use whatever's left in the string
1397       l_pos := INSTR(p_sql,g_eol,l_offs);
1398       IF l_pos > 0 THEN
1399         l_line := SUBSTR(p_sql,l_offs,l_pos-l_offs);
1400         l_offs := l_pos + 1;
1401       ELSE
1402         l_line := SUBSTR(p_sql,l_offs);
1403         l_offs := LENGTH(p_sql) + 1;
1404       END IF;
1405       --
1406       -- Shove the line we found into the PL/SQL table
1407       ad_ddl.build_package(l_line,l_num);
1408       l_num := l_num + 1;
1409       --
1410       -- Bail when we're past the end of the string
1411       EXIT WHEN l_offs > LENGTH(p_sql);
1412     END LOOP;
1413     --
1414     -- Call the AOL routine to create the package in the 'right' way
1415     ad_ddl.create_package(
1416       l_user,
1417       l_prod,
1418       UPPER(p_name),
1419       p_body,
1420       1,
1421       l_num - 1
1422     );
1423     --
1424     -- Tell the caller whether the procedure created OK or not
1425     IF p_body = 'TRUE' THEN
1426       l_type := 'PACKAGE BODY';
1427     ELSE
1428       l_type := 'PACKAGE';
1429     END IF;
1430     --
1431     RETURN (module_ok(p_name,l_type));
1432   END execute_by_chopping_up;
1433 --
1434 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1435 -- | NAME       : compile_package                                              |
1436 -- | SCOPE      : PUBLIC                                                       |
1437 -- | DESCRIPTION: See header                                                   |
1438 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1439   PROCEDURE compile_package(
1440     p_event   IN            NUMBER,
1441     p_table   IN            VARCHAR2,
1442     p_header  IN            VARCHAR2,
1443     p_body    IN            VARCHAR2,
1444     p_name    IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
1445     p_head_ok IN OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN,
1446     p_body_ok IN OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN
1447   ) IS
1448     l_sql VARCHAR2(32767);
1449   BEGIN
1450     --
1451     -- Get the name of the package according to the standard
1452     p_name := get_package_name(p_event,p_table);
1453     --
1454     -- Make up the full CREATE statement then execute using the AOL routines
1455     l_sql := 'CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE '||
1456               p_name||' AS '||g_eol||p_header||g_eol||
1457              'END '||p_name||';';
1458     p_head_ok := execute_by_chopping_up(p_name,p_table,l_sql,p_body=>'FALSE');
1459     p_body_ok := p_head_ok;
1460     --
1461     -- Make up the full BODY CREATE statement then execute using the AD routines
1462     IF p_head_ok THEN
1463       l_sql := 'CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY '||
1464                 p_name||' AS '||g_eol||p_body||g_eol||
1465                'END '||p_name||';';
1466       p_body_ok := execute_by_chopping_up(p_name,p_table,l_sql,p_body=>'TRUE');
1467     END IF;
1468     --
1469   END compile_package;
1470 --
1471 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1472 -- | NAME       : table_has_business_group                                     |
1473 -- | SCOPE      : PUBLIC                                                       |
1474 -- | DESCRIPTION: See header                                                   |
1475 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1476   FUNCTION table_has_business_group(p_table IN VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN IS
1477     --
1478     -- Cursor to fetch the nullable flag
1479 --  	CURSOR get_null(cp_table IN VARCHAR2) IS
1480 --  		SELECT	atc.nullable
1481 --  		FROM		all_tab_columns atc
1482 --  		WHERE		atc.column_name = 'BUSINESS_GROUP_ID'
1483 --  		AND		atc.table_name  = p_table
1484 --              AND             atc.owner       = g_pay_schema;
1486 -- Bug 15882261 : Modified the cursor definition to refer to dba_tab_columns
1487 --		  instead of all_tab_columns
1489   	CURSOR get_null(cp_table IN VARCHAR2) IS
1490   		SELECT	tab.nullable
1491   		FROM		dba_tab_columns tab, user_synonyms syn
1492   		WHERE		tab.column_name = 'BUSINESS_GROUP_ID'
1493 		AND 		tab.table_name = syn.table_name
1494 		AND 		tab.owner = syn.table_owner
1495   		AND		syn.synonym_name  = p_table
1496                 AND             tab.owner       = g_pay_schema;
1499     --
1500   	l_rc	VARCHAR2(1);
1501   BEGIN
1502     --
1503     -- Fetch Schema name if required
1504     --
1505     g_pay_schema := get_table_owner(p_table);
1506     --
1507     -- Fetch column information from the RDBMS data dictionary
1508   	OPEN get_null(p_table);
1509   	FETCH get_null INTO l_rc;
1510   	IF get_null%NOTFOUND THEN
1511   		l_rc := 'Y';
1512   	END IF;
1513   	CLOSE get_null;
1514   	--
1515   	-- Return the boolean equivalent to the NOT NULL flag
1516   	RETURN (l_rc = 'N');
1517   END table_has_business_group;
1518 --
1519 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1520 -- | NAME       : table_has_payroll                                            |
1521 -- | SCOPE      : PUBLIC                                                       |
1522 -- | DESCRIPTION: See header                                                   |
1523 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1524   FUNCTION table_has_payroll(p_table IN VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN IS
1525     --
1526     -- Cursor to fetch the nullable flag
1527 --  	CURSOR get_null(cp_table IN VARCHAR2) IS
1528 --  		SELECT	atc.nullable
1529 --  		FROM		all_tab_columns atc
1530 --  		WHERE		atc.column_name = 'PAYROLL_ID'
1531 --  		AND		atc.table_name  = p_table
1532 --              AND             atc.owner       = g_pay_schema;
1535 -- Bug 15882261 : Modified the cursor definition to refer to dba_tab_columns
1536 --		  instead of all_tab_columns
1538   	CURSOR get_null(cp_table IN VARCHAR2) IS
1539   		SELECT	tab.nullable
1540   		FROM	dba_tab_columns tab, user_synonyms syn
1541   		WHERE	tab.column_name = 'PAYROLL_ID'
1542 		AND 	tab.table_name  = syn.table_name
1543 		AND 	tab.owner       = syn.table_owner
1544   		AND	syn.synonym_name  = p_table
1545                 AND     tab.owner       = g_pay_schema;
1547     --
1548   	l_rc	VARCHAR2(1);
1549   BEGIN
1550     --
1551     -- Fetch Schema name if required
1552     --
1553     g_pay_schema := get_table_owner(p_table);
1554     --
1555     --
1556     -- Fetch the nullable flag from the data dictionary
1557   	OPEN get_null(p_table);
1558   	FETCH get_null INTO l_rc;
1559   	IF get_null%NOTFOUND THEN
1560   		l_rc := 'Y';
1561   	END IF;
1562   	CLOSE get_null;
1563   	--
1564   	-- Return the boolean equivalent of the NOT NULL flag
1565   	RETURN (l_rc = 'N');
1566   END table_has_payroll;
1567 --
1568 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1569 -- | NAME       : default_declarations                                         |
1570 -- | SCOPE      : PRIVATE                                                      |
1571 -- | DESCRIPTION: Create the default declaration definitions that a trigger    |
1572 -- |              will need if it's created against a table with a business    |
1573 -- |              group ID or a payroll ID                                     |
1574 -- | PARAMETERS : p_has_bus  - Previously derived flag to indicate the presence|
1575 -- |                           of a manadatory business_group_id in the table  |
1576 -- |              p_has_pay  - Previously derived flag to indicate the presence|
1577 -- |                           of a manadatory payroll_id column in the table  |
1578 -- |              p_event_id - The primary key of the event which will own     |
1579 -- |                           this trigger                                    |
1580 -- | RETURNS    : None                                                         |
1581 -- | RAISES     : None                                                         |
1582 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1583 	PROCEDURE default_declarations(
1584 	  p_has_bus   IN BOOLEAN,
1585 	  p_has_pay   IN BOOLEAN,
1586 	  p_event_id IN NUMBER
1587 	) IS
1588 	  l_rc NUMBER;
1589 	BEGIN
1590 	  IF p_has_bus THEN
1591   		l_rc := insert_declarations(p_event_id,'business_group_id','N');
1592 	  	l_rc := insert_declarations(p_event_id,'legislation_code','C',30);
1593 	  END IF;
1594 	  --
1595 	  IF p_has_pay THEN
1596 	  	l_rc := insert_declarations(p_event_id,'payroll_id','N');
1597 	  END IF;
1598 	END default_declarations;
1599 --
1600 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1601 -- | NAME       : default_initialisations                                      |
1602 -- | SCOPE      : PRIVATE                                                      |
1603 -- | DESCRIPTION: Create the default initialisation definitions that a trigger |
1604 -- |              will need if it's created against a table with a business    |
1605 -- |              group ID or a payroll ID                                     |
1606 -- | PARAMETERS : p_has_bus  - Previously derived flag to indicate the presence|
1607 -- |                           of a manadatory business_group_id in the table  |
1608 -- |              p_has_pay  - Previously derived flag to indicate the presence|
1609 -- |                           of a manadatory payroll_id column in the table  |
1610 -- |              p_event_id - The primary key of the event which will own     |
1611 -- |                           this trigger                                    |
1612 -- |              p_type     - The type of trigger, I, U or D for Insert,      |
1613 -- |                           Update or Delete                                |
1614 -- |              p_bus_id   - The primary key of the newly created business   |
1615 -- |                           group id initialisation record                  |
1616 -- |              p_leg_id   - Primary key of new legislation ID initialisation|
1617 -- |                           record                                          |
1618 -- |              p_pay_id   - Primary key of new payroll ID initialisation    |
1619 -- |                           record                                          |
1620 -- | RETURNS    : The primary keys of the newly created initialisation IDs,    |
1621 -- |              via OUT parameters, if there are any, otherwise these values |
1622 -- |              will be NULL                                                 |
1623 -- | RAISES     : None                                                         |
1624 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1625 	PROCEDURE default_initialisations(
1626 	  p_has_bus   IN     BOOLEAN,
1627 	  p_has_pay   IN     BOOLEAN,
1628 		p_event_id  IN     NUMBER,
1629 		p_type      IN     VARCHAR2,
1630 		p_bus_id       OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
1631 		p_leg_id       OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
1632 		p_pay_id       OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
1633 	) IS
1634 		--
1635 		l_age     VARCHAR2(10);
1636 		--
1637 	BEGIN
1638     --
1639     -- Use the :old or :new record depending on the trigger type
1640 		IF p_type = 'D' THEN
1641 			l_age := 'OLD';
1642 		ELSE
1643 			l_age := 'NEW';
1644 		END IF;
1645 		--
1646     -- Create the business_group_id and legislation_code initialisations if
1647     -- the table has a mandatory business group ID column
1648 		IF p_has_bus THEN
1649   		p_bus_id := insert_initialisations(
1650   		              p_event_id,
1651   		              -20,
1652   		              '$'||l_age||'_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID$',
1653   		              'A'
1654   		            );
1655       p_leg_id := insert_initialisations(
1656                     p_event_id,
1657                     -10,
1658                     'SELECT legislation_code '||
1659                     'FROM per_business_groups '||
1660                     'WHERE business_group_id = $L_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID$',
1661                     'S'
1662                   );
1663     END IF;
1664     --
1665     -- Create the payroll_id initialisation if the table has a manadatory
1666     -- payroll_id column
1667 		IF p_has_pay THEN
1668   		p_pay_id := insert_initialisations(
1669   		          p_event_id,
1670   		          -30,
1671   		          '$'||l_age||'_PAYROLL_ID$',
1672   		          'A'
1673   		        );
1674   	END IF;
1675 		--
1676 	END default_initialisations;
1677 --
1678 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1679 -- | NAME       : default_parameters                                           |
1680 -- | SCOPE      : PRIVATE                                                      |
1681 -- | DESCRIPTION: Create the parameter mappings for the default modules        |
1682 -- |              belonging to an event (initialisations and components)       |
1683 -- | PARAMETERS : p_event_id - The primary key of the event which will own     |
1684 -- |                           the trigger that needs these parameters         |
1685 -- | RETURNS    : None                                                         |
1686 -- | RAISES     : None                                                         |
1687 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1688 	PROCEDURE default_parameters(
1689 		p_event_id IN NUMBER
1690 	) IS
1691 	BEGIN
1692     --
1693     -- Simply call the auto-mapper for all modules in this event, nothing
1694     -- apart from the defaults should have been created at this point
1695     -- Currently no default components are created so just call the automapper
1696     -- for initialisations
1697 		automap_parameters(p_event_id,'I',NULL);
1698 	END default_parameters;
1699 --
1700 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1701 -- | NAME       : flag_to_boolean                                              |
1702 -- | SCOPE      : PRIVATE                                                      |
1703 -- | DESCRIPTION: Simple helper function to convert a Y/N flag to a boolean    |
1704 -- | PARAMETERS : p_flag - The text flag, should be Y or N                     |
1705 -- | RETURNS    : TRUE if the flag is 'Y', FALSE otherwise                     |
1706 -- | RAISES     : None                                                         |
1707 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1708   FUNCTION flag_to_boolean(p_flag IN VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN IS
1709   BEGIN
1710     -- Could do; IF p_flag = 'Y' THEN... But I think this way's neater
1711   	RETURN (NVL(p_flag,'N') = 'Y');
1712   END flag_to_boolean;
1713 --
1714 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1715 -- | NAME       : generate_trigger                                             |
1716 -- | SCOPE      : PUBLIC                                                       |
1717 -- | DESCRIPTION: See header                                                   |
1718 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1719   PROCEDURE generate_trigger(
1720     p_id   IN            NUMBER,
1721     p_name IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
1722     p_ok      OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN
1723   ) IS
1724   	--
1725   	-- Cursor to get the information about the trigger from the database
1726   	CURSOR csr_name(cp_id IN NUMBER) IS
1727           SELECT pte.table_name,     pte.triggering_action,
1728                  pte.generated_flag, pte.enabled_flag,
1729                  pdt.dated_table_id, nvl(pdt.dyn_trigger_type,'T'),
1730                  pdt.dyn_trigger_package_name
1731           FROM   pay_dated_tables pdt,
1732                  pay_trigger_events pte
1733           WHERE  pte.table_name = pdt.table_name(+)
1734           AND    pte.event_id = cp_id;
1735   	--
1736   	l_table     VARCHAR2(30);
1737   	l_trigger   VARCHAR2(30);
1738   	l_action    VARCHAR2(1);
1739   	l_gen_flag  VARCHAR2(1);
1740   	l_enb_flag  VARCHAR2(1);
1741   	l_tab_id    NUMBER;
1742   	l_dyn_type  VARCHAR2(1);
1743         l_dyt_pkg   VARCHAR2(80);
1744 --
1745   	l_sql				VARCHAR2(32767);
1746   	l_rc        NUMBER;
1747   	--
1748         l_proc      VARCHAR2(30) := 'generate_trigger';
1749   BEGIN
1750     hr_utility.set_location(' Entering: '||l_proc,10);
1751     --Calling from SINGLE (Dynamic Triggers Form)
1752     --
1753     -- Fetch the trigger event information
1754  	OPEN csr_name(p_id);
1755  	FETCH csr_name INTO l_table,l_action,
1756                             l_gen_flag,l_enb_flag,
1757                             l_tab_id,l_dyn_type,l_dyt_pkg;
1758  	CLOSE csr_name;
1761  -- Eg Set up to store as db triggers, as package code or both
1762  -- Added by jford 1-OCT-02 as part of cont calc
1763  --
1764     IF (l_dyn_type = 'P' or l_dyn_type = 'B') THEN
1765       hr_utility.trace('   Handle Dynamic Triggers as Package Style.');
1766       -- dyn trigger code should be handled as package
1767       --  >> GENERATE PACKAGE
1768       -- generate code FOR ALL DYT's ON TABLE eg many dyn_triggers
1769       gen_dyt_pkg_full_code(l_tab_id,p_ok);
1770       p_name := l_dyt_pkg;
1771     ELSE
1772       -- type is just original 'T' Trigger mechanism so use existing code
1773       --  >> GENERATE DBMS TRIGGER
1774       hr_utility.trace('   Handle Dynamic Triggers as Individual Database Trigger Style.');
1775       -- Get the trigger name in the standard format
1776         --if weve got an old crap dyt_pkg, then dump it
1777         if (l_dyt_pkg is not null) then
1778           drop_package(l_table,l_dyt_pkg);
1779           update pay_dated_tables set dyn_trigger_package_name = null
1780           where table_name = l_dyt_pkg and dated_table_id = l_tab_id;
1781         end if;
1782  	l_trigger := get_trigger_name(p_id,l_table,l_action);
1783  	p_name := l_trigger;
1784   	--
1785   	-- If we should be generating the trigger then lets do it
1786   	IF flag_to_boolean(l_gen_flag) THEN
1787           --
1788           -- Generate the PL/SQL block that the trigger will use
1789           generate_code(p_id,l_sql);
1790           --
1791           -- Create the trigger using the generated PL/SQL and the AOL routines
1792     	  create_trigger(l_trigger,l_table,l_action,l_sql);
1793     	  p_ok := module_ok(l_trigger,'TRIGGER');
1794           if (p_ok) then
1795             hr_utility.trace('   Database Trigger '||p_name||' created with success');
1796           else
1797             hr_utility.trace('   Database Trigger '||p_name||' created with failure');
1798             update pay_trigger_events
1799             set generated_flag = 'N', enabled_flag = 'N'
1800             where event_id = p_id;
1801             l_enb_flag := 'N';
1802           end if;
1803           --
1804           -- Enable the new trigger as required
1805           enable_trigger(l_trigger,flag_to_boolean(l_enb_flag));
1806 	  --
1807   	ELSE
1808           --
1809           -- Otherwise, drop it to make sure it definitely doesn't exist
1810           drop_trigger(l_trigger);
1811           p_ok := TRUE;
1812           hr_utility.trace('   Database Trigger '||p_name||' dropped with success.');
1813   	  --
1814   	END IF;
1815      END IF;
1817     hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving: '||l_proc,900);
1818   END generate_trigger;
1819 --
1820 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1821 -- | NAME       : compile_package_indirect                                     |
1822 -- | SCOPE      : PUBLIC                                                       |
1823 -- | DESCRIPTION: See header                                                   |
1824 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1825   PROCEDURE compile_package_indirect(p_id IN NUMBER) IS
1826     --
1827     -- Cursor to get all we need to know about the event, since we only get
1828     -- passed the primary key of the support package
1829     CURSOR get_info(cp_id IN NUMBER) IS
1830       SELECT  pte.event_id,
1831               pte.table_name,
1832               pts.header_code,
1833               pts.body_code
1834       FROM    pay_trigger_events pte,
1835               pay_trigger_support pts
1836       WHERE   pte.event_id = pts.event_id
1837       AND     pts.support_id = cp_id;
1838     --
1839     l_id      NUMBER;
1840     l_name    VARCHAR2(30);
1841     l_pname   VARCHAR2(30);
1842     l_head_ok BOOLEAN;
1843     l_body_ok BOOLEAN;
1844     l_head    CLOB;
1845     l_body    CLOB;
1846   BEGIN
1847     --
1848     -- Fetch the information we need
1849     OPEN get_info(p_id);
1850     FETCH get_info INTO l_id,l_name,l_head,l_body;
1851     CLOSE get_info;
1852     --
1853     -- Compile the package using the direct method, passing the info we found
1854     compile_package(
1855       l_id,
1856       l_name,
1857       lob_to_varchar2(l_head),
1858       lob_to_varchar2(l_body),
1859       l_pname,
1860       l_head_ok,
1861       l_body_ok
1862     );
1865       -- Output a trrace message if we fail
1866       hr_utility.set_location('COMPILE_PACKAGE_INDIRECT',ABS(SQLCODE));
1867   END compile_package_indirect;
1868 --
1869 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1870 -- | NAME       : create_defaults                                              |
1871 -- | SCOPE      : PUBLIC                                                       |
1872 -- | DESCRIPTION: See header                                                   |
1873 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1874   PROCEDURE create_defaults(p_id IN NUMBER) IS
1875   	--
1876   	-- Fetch to get some more information that we need
1877   	CURSOR csr_name(cp_id IN NUMBER) IS
1878   		SELECT	pte.table_name,
1879   		        pte.triggering_action
1880   		FROM		pay_trigger_events pte
1881   		WHERE		pte.event_id = cp_id;
1882   	--
1883   	l_table 		VARCHAR2(30);
1884   	l_action    VARCHAR2(1);
1885   	l_bus_id    NUMBER;
1886   	l_leg_id    NUMBER;
1887   	l_pay_id    NUMBER;
1888   	l_rc        NUMBER;
1889   	l_has_bus   BOOLEAN;
1890   	l_has_pay   BOOLEAN;
1891     --
1892   BEGIN
1893     --
1894     -- Get the additional information
1895     OPEN csr_name(p_id);
1896     FETCH csr_name INTO l_table,l_action;
1897     CLOSE csr_name;
1898     --
1899     -- See if the table's got a business group ID and/or a payroll ID
1900     l_has_bus := table_has_business_group(l_table);
1901     l_has_pay := table_has_payroll(l_table);
1902     --
1903     -- Create the default declarations and initialisations that we need for
1904     -- a business group or payroll context trigger, then call the automapper
1905     -- to create the necessary parameter mappings for these initialisations
1906  		default_declarations(l_has_bus,l_has_pay,p_id);
1907   	default_initialisations(
1908   	  l_has_bus,
1909   	  l_has_pay,
1910   	  p_id,
1911   	  l_action,
1912   	  l_bus_id,
1913   	  l_leg_id,
1914   	  l_pay_id
1915   	);
1916   	default_parameters(p_id);
1917   	--
1918   	-- Insert some dummy code for the support package to give the user a hint
1919   	-- then compile it (for what it's worth :-)
1920   	l_rc := insert_support(
1921   	          p_id,
1922   	          '/* Add your support package header code here */',
1923   	          '/* Add your support package body code here */'
1924   	        );
1925     compile_package_indirect(l_rc);
1926   	--
1927   END create_defaults;
1928 --
1929 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1930 -- | NAME       : add_declarations                                             |
1931 -- | SCOPE      : PRIVATE                                                      |
1932 -- | DESCRIPTION: Add the declaration section to the PL/SQL code               |
1933 -- | PARAMETERS : p_id  - The primary key value of the event that the code is  |
1934 -- |                      being generated for                                  |
1935 -- |              p_sql - The current PL/SQL code that the declaration section |
1936 -- |                      will be added to                                     |
1937 -- | RETURNS    : The PL/SQL code with the declaration section added, via the  |
1938 -- |              IN/OUT parameter                                             |
1939 -- | RAISES     : None                                                         |
1940 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1941   PROCEDURE add_declarations(p_id IN NUMBER,p_sql IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS
1942   	--
1943   	-- Get all the declarations defined for this event, decoding the type code
1944   	CURSOR get_decls(cp_id IN NUMBER) IS
1945   		SELECT 'l_'||variable_name variable_name,
1946   		       DECODE(data_type,
1947   		         'C','VARCHAR2',
1948   		         'D','DATE',
1949   		         'N','NUMBER'
1950   		       ) data_type,
1951   		       data_type data_type_code,
1952   		       variable_size
1953   		FROM   pay_trigger_declarations
1954   		WHERE  event_id = cp_id;
1955 		--
1956   BEGIN
1957     --JFORD 15-SEP-03 Due to data inconsistencies the owness is now on the
1958     --calling code to be responsible for adding the DECLARE keyword
1959     --
1960     -- Process all the declarations
1961   	FOR l_rec IN get_decls(p_id) LOOP
1962   	  --
1963   	  -- Add the variable declaration, padding it out with spaces to make the
1964   	  -- formatting look nice.
1965   	  p_sql := p_sql||'  '||RPAD(l_rec.variable_name,30)||' '||l_rec.data_type;
1966           --
1967   	  IF l_rec.data_type_code = 'C' THEN
1968   		  p_sql := p_sql||'('||LTRIM(RTRIM(TO_CHAR(l_rec.variable_size)))||')';
1969   	  END IF;
1970   	  p_sql := p_sql||';'||g_eol;
1971   	END LOOP;
1972   END add_declarations;
1973 --
1974 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1975 -- | NAME       : add_initialisations                                          |
1976 -- | SCOPE      : PRIVATE                                                      |
1977 -- | DESCRIPTION: Add the PL/SQL code that will initialise the declarations    |
1978 -- | PARAMETERS : p_id    - The primary key of the event that we are           |
1979 -- |                        generating PL/SQL code for                         |
1980 -- |              p_sql   - The PL/SQL code that will have the initialisation  |
1981 -- |                        code added to it                                   |
1982 -- |              p_table - The table that this trigger will get created on,   |
1983 -- |                        needed to work out which bits of information we    |
1984 -- |                        can send to the functional area checking routine   |
1985 -- | RETURNS    : The modified PL/SQL code with the initialisation section     |
1986 -- |              added via the IN OUT parameter and a flag indicating if any  |
1987 -- |              initialisations were written (not sure this is good practice)|
1988 -- | RAISES     : None                                                         |
1989 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1990 	FUNCTION add_initialisations(
1991 	  p_id    IN            NUMBER,
1992 	  p_sql   IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
1993 	  p_table IN            VARCHAR2
1995   	--
1996   	-- Cursor to fetch all the initialisations that this event uses
1997   	CURSOR get_inits(cp_id IN NUMBER) IS
1998   	  SELECT   initialisation_id,
1999   	           plsql_code,
2000   	  	       process_type,
2001   	  	       process_order
2002   	  FROM     pay_trigger_initialisations
2003   	  WHERE		 event_id = cp_id
2004   	  ORDER BY process_order;
2005   	--
2006   	-- Get the name of the variable that the return value of a function or
2007   	-- assignment will be returned into
2008   	CURSOR get_outs(cp_id IN NUMBER) IS
2009   	  SELECT   parameter_name,
2010   	           value_name
2011   	  FROM     pay_trigger_parameters
2012   	  WHERE    parameter_type = 'R'
2013   	  AND      usage_id = cp_id
2014   	  AND      usage_type = 'I'
2015   	  ORDER BY parameter_id;
2016   	--
2017   	-- Get the mappings for the parameter list of a function or procedure
2018   	CURSOR get_parms(cp_id IN NUMBER) IS
2019   	  SELECT   parameter_name,
2020   	           value_name
2021   	  FROM     pay_trigger_parameters
2022   	  WHERE    parameter_type IN ('I','O')
2023   	  AND      value_name IS NOT NULL
2024   	  AND      usage_id = cp_id
2025   	  AND      usage_type = 'I'
2026   	  ORDER BY parameter_id;
2027   	--
2028   	l_inits BOOLEAN := FALSE;
2029   	l_fgt   BOOLEAN := FALSE;
2030 		--
2031   	l_par   VARCHAR2(30);
2032   	l_val   VARCHAR2(35);
2033   	l_plsql VARCHAR2(32767);
2034   	l_sel   VARCHAR2(32767);
2035   	l_int   VARCHAR2(32767);
2036   	l_cnt   NUMBER;
2037   	--
2038   	l_bus   BOOLEAN := NOT no_business_context(p_table,p_id);
2039   	l_pay   BOOLEAN := NOT no_payroll_context(p_table,p_id);
2040     --
2041 	BEGIN
2042 	  --
2043 	  -- Add an explanatory comment
2044   	p_sql := p_sql||'  /* Initialising local variables */'||g_eol;
2045     --
2046     -- Process all the initialisations
2047   	FOR l_rec IN get_inits(p_id) LOOP
2048   		l_inits := TRUE;
2049   		--
2050   		-- If the initialisation is an assignment or a function then
2051   		-- indent, add the return variable and the assignment operator
2052   		IF l_rec.process_type IN ('A','F') THEN
2053   		  OPEN get_outs(l_rec.initialisation_id);
2054 				FETCH get_outs INTO l_par,l_val;
2055 				CLOSE get_outs;
2056 				--
2057   	    p_sql := p_sql||'  '||l_val||' := ';
2058   	  --
2059   	  -- Just indent if the initialisation is a procedure
2060   		ELSIF l_rec.process_type IN ('P') THEN
2061   	    p_sql := p_sql||'  ';
2062   	  END IF;
2063       --
2064       -- Fetch the actual code into a local variable we can modify
2065   		l_plsql := l_rec.plsql_code;
2066   		--
2067       -- If it's a SQL select or an assignment then we need to replace any
2068       -- $<TYPE>_<NAME>$ placeholders with the variables that they represent
2069   		IF l_rec.process_type IN ('S','A') THEN
2070  				replace_placeholders(l_plsql,l_rec.initialisation_id,NULL);
2071 	  	END IF;
2072   		--
2073       -- If it's an assignment, function or procedure then add the code
2074       -- from the initialisation definition
2075   		IF l_rec.process_type IN ('A','F','P') THEN
2076   			p_sql := p_sql||l_plsql;
2077  			  --
2078  			  -- If it's an assignment then that's all we need to do so add the
2079  			  -- end of line terminator
2080   			IF l_rec.process_type = 'A' THEN
2081   			  p_sql := p_sql||';'||g_eol;
2082   			END IF;
2083   		END IF;
2084   		--
2085       -- If it's a SQL select statement then...
2086   		IF l_rec.process_type = 'S' THEN
2087   		  --
2088    -- Initialise the select and into list
2089   l_sel := '';
2090   l_int := '';
2091   --
2092   -- Loop round all the output mappings for this initialisation
2093 	FOR l_inner IN get_outs(l_rec.initialisation_id) LOOP
2094           --
2095           -- If it's not the first mapping then add the correct padding
2096 		IF get_outs%ROWCOUNT > 1 THEN
2097 			l_sel := l_sel||', '||g_eol||'         ';
2098 			l_int := l_int||', '||g_eol||'         ';
2099 		END IF;
2100 		--
2101 		-- Add the parameter name to the select list and the return
2102 		-- variable to the 'into' clause
2103 		l_sel := l_sel||l_inner.parameter_name;
2104 		l_int := l_int||l_inner.value_name;
2105 	END LOOP;
2106 	--
2107 	-- Concatenate the select list, into list and the remainder of the
2108 	-- select statement (the FROM clause onwards) to the PL/SQL code
2109 	-- N.B. This code relies on the SQL select only bringing back 1
2110 	-- record, otherwise it will fail at runtime, could be changed to
2111 	-- generate a cursor, but that's quite a big change
2112   	p_sql :=  p_sql||'  SELECT '||l_sel||g_eol||'  INTO   '||l_int||g_eol;
2113   	p_sql :=  p_sql||' '||
2114             SUBSTR(l_plsql,INSTR(UPPER(l_plsql),' FROM '))||'; '||g_eol;
2115   	END IF;
2116   	--
2117   	-- If the initialisation's a function or a procedure then...
2118   	IF l_rec.process_type IN ('F','P') THEN
2119   	  --
2120   	  -- Get the parameter mappings for the function or procedure
2121   	  l_cnt := 0;
2122   	FOR l_inner IN get_parms(l_rec.initialisation_id) LOOP
2123   	  --
2124   	  -- Process the first/not first parameter in the list in
2125   	  -- different ways so that the code is formatted correctly
2126 		IF get_parms%ROWCOUNT > 1 THEN
2127 			p_sql := p_sql||','||g_eol;
2128 		ELSE
2129 			p_sql := p_sql||'('||g_eol;
2130 		END IF;
2131 		--
2132 		-- Add the parameter to the list in full 'parameter => value' notation
2133 		-- to allow the user to omit parameters from the call
2134 		p_sql :=  p_sql||'    '||
2135 		          RPAD(l_inner.parameter_name,30)||' => '||l_inner.value_name;
2136 			l_cnt := l_cnt + 1;
2137   	END LOOP;
2138        --
2139         -- Finish off the statement by closing the parameter list bracket
2140         IF l_cnt > 0 THEN
2141     			p_sql := p_sql||g_eol||'  ); '||g_eol;
2142     	  END IF;
2143   		END IF;
2144   		--
2145   		-- Add a final comment line to delimit the initialisation block
2146   		p_sql := p_sql||'  --'||g_eol;
2147   	END LOOP;
2148   	--
2149   	-- Always write the Functional Grouping of Triggers check
2150     -- This could be made more efficient by placing it just after the required
2151     -- variables (legislation, business group and payroll) have been initialised
2152     -- so that any other unnecessary inititialisations aren't carried out if the
2153     -- trigger isn't supposed to be firing
2154     IF NOT l_fgt THEN
2155       paywsfgt_pkg.write_fgt_check(p_id,p_sql,l_bus,l_pay);
2156     END IF;
2157   	--
2158     -- Let the caller know if we wrote any initialisations or not
2159   	RETURN l_inits;
2160 	END add_initialisations;
2161 --
2162 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2163 -- | NAME       : write_parameters                                             |
2164 -- | SCOPE      : PRIVATE                                                      |
2165 -- | DESCRIPTION: Add the parameter list for a component procedure call to the |
2166 -- |              specified PL/SQL text                                        |
2167 -- | PARAMETERS : p_id    - The primary key of the component being processed   |
2168 -- |              p_sql   - The current PL/SQL code that the parameter list    |
2169 -- |                        will be added to                                   |
2170 -- |              p_extra - Any extra text to add before the parameter list    |
2171 -- |                        item, used to indent the line correctly            |
2172 -- | RETURNS    : The modified PL/SQL code via the OUT parameter               |
2173 -- | RAISES     : None                                                         |
2174 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2175   PROCEDURE write_parameters(
2176     p_id    IN            NUMBER,
2177     p_sql   IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
2178     p_extra IN            VARCHAR2
2179   ) IS
2180   	--
2181     -- Cursor to fetch the parameter mappings for the specified module
2182   	CURSOR get_parms(cp_id IN NUMBER) IS
2183   	  SELECT   parameter_name,
2184   	           value_name
2185   	  FROM     pay_trigger_parameters
2186   	  WHERE    parameter_type IN ('I','O')
2187   	  AND      value_name IS NOT NULL
2188   	  AND      usage_id = cp_id
2189   	  AND      usage_type = 'C'
2190   	  ORDER BY parameter_id;
2191   	--
2192   	l_num NUMBER := 0;
2193   	--
2194   BEGIN
2195     --
2196     -- Process each parameter in turn
2197   	FOR l_rec IN get_parms(p_id) LOOP
2198   		l_num := l_num + 1;
2199   		--
2200   		-- Open the bracket for the first row, otherwise add a comma
2201   		IF get_parms%ROWCOUNT > 1 THEN
2202   			p_sql := p_sql||','||g_eol;
2203   		ELSE
2204   			p_sql := p_sql||'('||g_eol;
2205   		END IF;
2206   		--
2207       -- Add the parameter mapping in full 'parameter => value' notation
2208   		p_sql := p_sql||'  '||p_extra||
2209   		         RPAD(l_rec.parameter_name,30)||' => '||l_rec.value_name;
2210   	END LOOP;
2211 		--
2212 		-- Add a closing bracket, only if one or more parameters was written
2213 		IF l_num > 0 THEN
2214   		p_sql := p_sql||g_eol||p_extra||')';
2215   	END IF;
2216   END write_parameters;
2217 --
2218 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2219 -- | NAME       : add_components                                               |
2220 -- | SCOPE      : PRIVATE                                                      |
2221 -- | DESCRIPTION: Add the components (the procedure calls that actually do some|
2222 -- |              work) to the PL/SQL code                                     |
2223 -- | PARAMETERS : p_id  - The primary key of the event we're processing        |
2224 -- |              p_sql - The current PL/SQL block that the component calls    |
2225 -- |                      will get added to                                    |
2226 -- | RETURNS    : The modified PL/SQL block via the OUT parameter and a flag   |
2227 -- |              indicating if any components were written (not sure this is  |
2228 -- |              good programming practice)                                   |
2229 -- | RAISES     : None                                                         |
2230 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2231 	FUNCTION add_components(
2232 	  p_id  IN            NUMBER,
2233 	  p_sql IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
2235 		--
2236     -- Get global component calls, ones that always get called, i.e. they
2237     -- aren't specific to any legislation, business group or payroll
2238 		CURSOR get_globals(cp_id IN NUMBER) IS
2239 			SELECT component_id,
2240 			       module_name
2241 			FROM   pay_trigger_components
2242 			WHERE  legislation_code IS NULL
2243 			AND    business_group_id IS NULL
2244 			AND    payroll_id IS NULL
2245 			AND    enabled_flag = 'Y'
2246 			AND    event_id = cp_id;
2247 		--
2248 		-- Legislation specific components, only get called if the legislation
2249 		-- code of the current record matches the component definition
2250 		CURSOR get_legs(cp_id IN NUMBER) IS
2251 			SELECT component_id,
2252 			       legislation_code,
2253 			       module_name
2254 			FROM   pay_trigger_components
2255 			WHERE  legislation_code IS NOT NULL
2256 			AND    payroll_id IS NULL
2257 			AND    business_group_id IS NULL
2258 			AND    enabled_flag = 'Y'
2259 			AND    event_id = cp_id
2260 			ORDER BY legislation_code;
2261 		--
2262 		-- Business group specific components, only get called if the business
2263 		-- group of the current record matches the component definition
2264 		CURSOR get_buss(cp_id IN NUMBER) IS
2265 			SELECT component_id,
2266 				     business_group_id,
2267 			       module_name
2268 			FROM   pay_trigger_components
2269 			WHERE  legislation_code IS NULL
2270 			AND    payroll_id IS NULL
2271 			AND    business_group_id IS NOT NULL
2272 			AND    enabled_flag = 'Y'
2273 			AND    event_id = cp_id
2274 			ORDER BY business_group_id;
2275 		--
2276 		-- Payroll specific components, only get called if the payroll
2277 		-- id of the current record matches that of the component definition
2278 		CURSOR get_pays(cp_id IN NUMBER) IS
2279 			SELECT component_id,
2280 				     payroll_id,
2281 			       module_name
2282 			FROM   pay_trigger_components
2283 			WHERE  legislation_code IS NULL
2284 			AND    business_group_id IS NULL
2285 			AND    payroll_id IS NOT NULL
2286 			AND    enabled_flag = 'Y'
2287 			AND    event_id = cp_id
2288 			ORDER BY payroll_id;
2289 		--
2290 		l_comps  BOOLEAN := FALSE;
2291 		l_ifs    NUMBER := 0;
2292 		--
2293     -- Remember the last code we wrote so we know when to end/start IF blocks
2294 		l_oldleg VARCHAR2(30) := '$NO_LEGISLATION_CODE$';
2295 		l_oldbus NUMBER       := -65536;
2296 		l_oldpay NUMBER       := -65536;
2297 		--
2298 	BEGIN
2299     --
2300     -- Fetch and write details of all the global components
2301   	p_sql := p_sql||'  /* Global component calls */'||g_eol;
2302 		FOR l_rec IN get_globals(p_id) LOOP
2303 			l_comps := TRUE;
2304 			--
2305 			p_sql := p_sql||'  '||l_rec.module_name;
2306 			write_parameters(l_rec.component_id,p_sql,'  ');
2307 			p_sql := p_sql||';'||g_eol;
2308 		END LOOP;
2309 	  p_sql := p_sql||'  --'||g_eol;
2310 		--
2311 		-- Fetch and write details of legislation specific components
2312   	p_sql := p_sql||'  /* Legislation specific component calls */'||g_eol;
2313     l_ifs := 0;
2314 		FOR l_rec IN get_legs(p_id) LOOP
2315 			l_comps := TRUE;
2316 			--
2317       -- If the legislation code has changed then add a new IF clause
2318 			IF l_rec.legislation_code <> l_oldleg THEN
2319 				IF get_legs%ROWCOUNT > 1 THEN
2320    				p_sql := p_sql||'  END IF; '||g_eol||'  --'||g_eol;
2321 					l_ifs := l_ifs - 1;
2322 				END IF;
2323    			p_sql :=  p_sql||'  IF l_legislation_code = '''||
2324    			          l_rec.legislation_code||''' THEN'||g_eol;
2325 				l_ifs := l_ifs + 1;
2326 				--
2327 				l_oldleg := l_rec.legislation_code;
2328 			END IF;
2329 			--
2330       -- Write the component call information
2331 			p_sql := p_sql||'    '||l_rec.module_name;
2332 			write_parameters(l_rec.component_id,p_sql,'    ');
2333 			p_sql := p_sql||';'||g_eol;
2334 		END LOOP;
2335 		--
2336 		-- Close the final IF clause (if we wrote any)
2337 		IF l_ifs > 0 THEN
2338    				p_sql := p_sql||'  END IF; '||g_eol;
2339 		END IF;
2340 		p_sql := p_sql||'  --'||g_eol;
2341 		--
2342     -- Fetch and write details of legislation specific components
2343   	p_sql := p_sql||'  /* Business group specific component calls */'||g_eol;
2344     l_ifs := 0;
2345 		FOR l_rec IN get_buss(p_id) LOOP
2346 			l_comps := TRUE;
2347 			--
2348       -- Write a new IF clause if the business group changed
2349 			IF l_rec.business_group_id <> l_oldbus THEN
2350 				IF get_buss%ROWCOUNT > 1 THEN
2351    				p_sql := p_sql||'  END IF; '||g_eol||'  --'||g_eol;
2352 					l_ifs := l_ifs - 1;
2353 				END IF;
2354 	   		p_sql :=  p_sql||'  IF l_business_group_id = '||
2355 	   		          TO_CHAR(l_rec.business_group_id)||' THEN'||g_eol;
2356 				l_ifs := l_ifs + 1;
2357 				--
2358 				l_oldbus := l_rec.business_group_id;
2359 			END IF;
2360 			--
2361 			-- Write the component call details
2362 			p_sql := p_sql||'    '||l_rec.module_name;
2363 			write_parameters(l_rec.component_id,p_sql,'    ');
2364 			p_sql := p_sql||';'||g_eol;
2365 		END LOOP;
2366     --
2367     -- Close the final IF statement if needed
2368 		IF l_ifs > 0 THEN
2369    				p_sql := p_sql||'  END IF; '||g_eol;
2370 		END IF;
2371 		p_sql := p_sql||'  --'||g_eol;
2372 		--
2373     -- Write payroll specific component calls
2374   	p_sql := p_sql||'  /* Payroll specific component calls */'||g_eol;
2375     l_ifs := 0;
2376 		FOR l_rec IN get_pays(p_id) LOOP
2377 			l_comps := TRUE;
2378 			--
2379       -- Add a new IF clause if the payroll ID changes
2380 			IF l_rec.payroll_id <> l_oldpay THEN
2381 				IF get_pays%ROWCOUNT > 1 THEN
2382    				p_sql := p_sql||'  END IF; '||g_eol||'  --'||g_eol;
2383 					l_ifs := l_ifs - 1;
2384 				END IF;
2385 	   		p_sql :=  p_sql||'  IF l_payroll_id = '||
2386 	   		          TO_CHAR(l_rec.payroll_id)||' THEN'||g_eol;
2387 				l_ifs := l_ifs + 1;
2388 				--
2389 				l_oldpay := l_rec.payroll_id;
2390 			END IF;
2391 			--
2392       -- Write the component module call
2393 			p_sql := p_sql||'    '||l_rec.module_name;
2394 			write_parameters(l_rec.component_id,p_sql,'    ');
2395 			p_sql := p_sql||';'||g_eol;
2396 		END LOOP;
2397     --
2398     -- Close the final IF if required
2399 		IF l_ifs > 0 THEN
2400    				p_sql := p_sql||'  END IF; '||g_eol;
2401 		END IF;
2402 		p_sql := p_sql||'  --'||g_eol;
2403 		--
2404     -- Let the caller know whether or not we wrote and components
2405 		RETURN l_comps;
2406 	END add_components;
2407 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2408 -- | NAME       : generate_code                                                |
2409 -- | SCOPE      : PUBLIC                                                       |
2410 -- | DESCRIPTION: See header                                                   |
2411 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2412   PROCEDURE generate_code(p_id IN NUMBER,p_sql IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS
2413     --
2414 	l_inits BOOLEAN;
2415 	l_comps BOOLEAN;
2416 	l_table pay_trigger_events.table_name%TYPE;
2417         l_name  pay_trigger_events.short_name%TYPE;
2418         l_type  pay_trigger_events.triggering_action%TYPE;
2419         l_desc  VARCHAR2(80);
2420         l_info  pay_trigger_events.description%TYPE;
2422   	--
2423   	-- Get some extra information about the event we're generating code for
2424   	CURSOR csr_name(cp_id IN NUMBER) IS
2425   		SELECT	pte.table_name,
2426   		        pte.short_name,
2427   		        pte.triggering_action,
2428   		        DECODE(pte.triggering_action,
2429   		          'I','Insert',
2430   		          'U','Update',
2431   		          'D','Delete'
2432   		        ),
2433   		        pte.description
2434   		FROM		pay_trigger_events pte
2435   		WHERE		pte.event_id = cp_id;
2436     --
2437   BEGIN
2438     --
2439     -- Fetch the additional information we need before we can generate
2440     OPEN csr_name(p_id);
2441     FETCH csr_name INTO l_table,l_name,l_type,l_desc,l_info;
2442     CLOSE csr_name;
2443     --
2445 -- Initialise the statement PL/SQL code
2446   	p_sql := '';
2447   	--
2449         -- Add DECLARE before calling add_declarations
2450         p_sql := p_sql||'DECLARE '||g_eol;
2451    	p_sql := p_sql||'  /* Local variable declarations */'||g_eol;
2453         -- Add the seeded declaration section
2454 	add_declarations(p_id,p_sql);
2456         -- Add any hard-coded declarations
2457         p_sql := p_sql||'  l_mode  varchar2(80);'||g_eos;
2458   	--
2459   	-- Add an initial comment section to the trigger code
2460   	p_sql := p_sql||'BEGIN'||g_eol;
2461   	p_sql := p_sql||'/*'||g_eol;
2462   	p_sql := p_sql||'  ================================================'||g_eol;
2463   	p_sql := p_sql||'  This is a dynamically generated database trigger'||g_eol;
2464   	p_sql := p_sql||'  ================================================'||g_eol;
2465   	p_sql := p_sql||'            ** DO NOT CHANGE MANUALLY **          '||g_eol;
2466   	p_sql := p_sql||'  ------------------------------------------------'||g_eol;
2467   	p_sql := p_sql||'    Table:  '||l_table||g_eol;
2468   	p_sql := p_sql||'    Action: '||l_desc||g_eol;
2469   	p_sql := p_sql||'    Date:   '||TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI')||g_eol;
2470   	p_sql := p_sql||'    Name:   '||l_name||g_eol;
2471   	p_sql := p_sql||'    Info.:  '||l_info||g_eol;
2472   	p_sql := p_sql||'  ================================================'||g_eol;
2473   	p_sql := p_sql||'*/'||g_eol||'--'||g_eol;
2474   	--
2476     --Add our system to let future processes know whether this is existing or new dyt
2477     p_sql := p_sql||'  l_mode := pay_dyn_triggers.g_dyt_mode;'||g_eol;
2478     p_sql := p_sql||'  pay_dyn_triggers.g_dyt_mode := pay_dyn_triggers.g_dbms_dyt;'||g_eol;
2480     -- Add the data migrator check - Bug 1885557
2481     p_sql := p_sql||'IF NOT (hr_general.g_data_migrator_mode <> ''Y'') THEN'||g_eol;
2482     p_sql := p_sql||'  RETURN;'||g_eol;
2483     p_sql := p_sql||'END IF;'||g_eol;
2484     --
2485     -- Add the initialisation and component PL/SQL code
2486   	l_inits := add_initialisations(p_id,p_sql,l_table);
2487   	l_comps := add_components(p_id,p_sql);
2488   	--
2489     -- If we didn't add any initialisations or components then add a NULL
2490     -- operation to prevent compilation errors when triggers without any
2491     -- default initialisations are first created
2492   	IF NOT l_inits AND NOT l_comps THEN
2493   		p_sql := p_sql||'  NULL;'||g_eol;
2494   	END IF;
2497     p_sql := p_sql||'  pay_dyn_triggers.g_dyt_mode := l_mode;'||g_eol;
2500     --
2501     -- Add a default exception block to catch all errors and write the
2502     -- trigger name and error text to the standard Oracle Apps error logging
2503     -- mechanism
2504   	p_sql := p_sql||'EXCEPTION'||g_eol;
2505   	p_sql := p_sql||'  WHEN OTHERS THEN'||g_eol;
2506   	p_sql := p_sql||'    hr_utility.set_location('''||
2507   	         get_trigger_name(p_id,l_table,l_type)||''',ABS(SQLCODE));'||g_eol;
2508         p_sql := p_sql||'    pay_dyn_triggers.g_dyt_mode := l_mode;'||g_eol;
2509   	p_sql := p_sql||'    RAISE;'||g_eol;
2510   	p_sql := p_sql||'  --'||g_eol;
2511   	p_sql := p_sql||'END;'||g_eol;
2512   END generate_code;
2513 --
2514 --
2515 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2516 -- | NAME       : delete_event_children                                        |
2517 -- | SCOPE      : PUBLIC                                                       |
2518 -- | DESCRIPTION: See header                                                   |
2519 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2520   PROCEDURE delete_event_children(p_id IN NUMBER) IS
2521     --
2522     -- Get some more information we need before we can delete the event
2523     CURSOR get_trigger(cp_id IN NUMBER) IS
2524   		SELECT	pte.table_name,
2525   		        pte.triggering_action
2526    		FROM		pay_trigger_events pte
2527   		WHERE		pte.event_id = cp_id;
2528     --
2529     -- Get all the initialisations that this event uses
2530     CURSOR get_inits(cp_id IN NUMBER) IS
2531   		SELECT	initialisation_id
2532    		FROM		pay_trigger_initialisations
2533   		WHERE		event_id = cp_id;
2534     --
2535     -- Get all the components that this event uses
2536     CURSOR get_comps(cp_id IN NUMBER) IS
2537   		SELECT	component_id
2538    		FROM		pay_trigger_components
2539   		WHERE		event_id = cp_id;
2540     --
2541     l_tname VARCHAR2(30);
2542     l_action VARCHAR2(1);
2543     l_name VARCHAR2(30);
2544     --
2545   BEGIN
2546     --
2547     -- Get the table name and triggering action of the event we're deleting
2548     OPEN get_trigger(p_id);
2549     FETCH get_trigger INTO l_tname,l_action;
2550     CLOSE get_trigger;
2551     --
2552     -- Work out the trigger name according to the standard format
2553     l_name := get_trigger_name(p_id,l_tname,l_action);
2554     --
2555     -- Drop the trigger (uses AOL routines)
2556     drop_trigger(l_name);
2557     --
2558     -- Fetch all the initialisations, delete their children and finally
2559     -- the initialisations themselves
2560     FOR l_rec IN get_inits(p_id) LOOP
2561       delete_initialisation_children(l_rec.initialisation_id);
2562     END LOOP;
2563     DELETE
2564     FROM  pay_trigger_initialisations
2565     WHERE event_id = p_id;
2566     --
2567     -- Fetch all the components, delete their children and finally
2568     -- the components themselves
2569     FOR l_rec IN get_comps(p_id) LOOP
2570       delete_component_children(l_rec.component_id);
2571     END LOOP;
2572     DELETE
2573     FROM  pay_trigger_components
2574     WHERE event_id = p_id;
2575     --
2576     -- Delete the local variable declarations that the trigger uses
2577     DELETE
2578     FROM  pay_trigger_declarations
2579     WHERE event_id = p_id;
2580     --
2581     -- Drop the support package and delete it's definition
2582     drop_package(l_tname,get_package_name(p_id,l_tname));
2583     DELETE
2584     FROM  pay_trigger_support
2585     WHERE event_id = p_id;
2586     --
2587     -- Don't delete the actual event, the caller (e.g. Forms) must do this
2588   END delete_event_children;
2589 --
2590 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2591 -- | NAME       : delete_initialisation_children                               |
2592 -- | SCOPE      : PUBLIC                                                       |
2593 -- | DESCRIPTION: See header                                                   |
2594 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2595   PROCEDURE delete_initialisation_children(p_id IN NUMBER) IS
2596   BEGIN
2597     --
2598     -- Delete all the parameters that the requested initialisation uses
2599     DELETE
2600     FROM  pay_trigger_parameters
2601     WHERE usage_type = 'I'
2602     AND   usage_id   = p_id;
2603     --
2604     -- The caller must delete the initialisation itself
2605   END delete_initialisation_children;
2606 --
2607 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2608 -- | NAME       : delete_component_children                                    |
2609 -- | SCOPE      : PUBLIC                                                       |
2610 -- | DESCRIPTION: See header                                                   |
2611 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2612   PROCEDURE delete_component_children(p_id IN NUMBER) IS
2613   BEGIN
2614     --
2615     -- Delete all the parameters that the requested component uses
2616     DELETE
2617     FROM  pay_trigger_parameters
2618     WHERE usage_type = 'C'
2619     AND   usage_id   = p_id;
2620     --
2621     -- The caller must delete the component itself
2622   END delete_component_children;
2624 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2625 -- | NAME       : delete_parameters_directly                                   |
2626 -- | SCOPE      : PUBLIC                                                       |
2627 -- | DESCRIPTION: See header                                                   |
2628 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2629   PROCEDURE delete_parameters_directly(p_param_id IN NUMBER) IS
2630   BEGIN
2631     --
2632     -- Delete a parameter directly, used by table event updates form
2633     DELETE
2634     FROM  pay_trigger_parameters
2635     WHERE  parameter_id   = p_param_id;
2636     --
2637     -- The caller must delete the initialisation itself
2638   END delete_parameters_directly;
2640 --
2641 --
2642 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2643 -- | NAME       : get_dyt_pkg_params_tbl                                       |
2644 -- | SCOPE      : PRIVATE                                                      |
2645 -- | DESCRIPTION: See header                                                   |
2646 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2647   PROCEDURE get_dyt_pkg_params_tbl(p_tab_id IN NUMBER
2648                              ,p_tab_name IN VARCHAR2
2649                              ,p_params IN OUT NOCOPY g_params_tab_type) IS
2650     --
2651   cursor csr_params (cp_tab_id in number)
2652   is
2653     select parameter_name, usage_type, value_name
2654     from pay_trigger_parameters
2655     where usage_type in ('PI','PU','PD')
2656     and usage_id = cp_tab_id
2657     order by parameter_name;
2661 -- Bug 15882261 : Modified the cursor definition to refer to dba_tab_columns
2662 --		  instead of all_tab_columns
2664   cursor csr_col_type (cp_tab_name varchar2, cp_col_name varchar2)
2665   is
2666     select tab.data_type
2667     from dba_tab_columns tab, user_synonyms syn
2668     where syn.synonym_name  = cp_tab_name
2669     and   tab.table_name  = syn.table_name
2670     and   tab.owner       = syn.table_owner
2671     and   tab.column_name like cp_col_name
2672     and   tab.owner       = g_pay_schema
2673     and rownum = 1; --Assuming if the params been truc'd to 30 then its the only col
2674                     --on the base table with these first 30chars
2676   -- nb ORDERED hint for performance fix 3110997
2677   cursor csr_type_from_pkg (cp_tab_name varchar2, cp_param_name varchar2)
2678   is
2679     SELECT /*+ ORDERED */ a.pls_type
2680       FROM (select /*+ NO_MERGE */
2681                    DISTINCT hook_package
2682               from hr_api_hooks h,
2683                    hr_api_modules m
2684              where m.api_module_id = h.api_module_id
2685                and m.module_name = cp_tab_name) V,
2686            USER_OBJECTS B,
2687            SYS.ARGUMENT$ A
2688      WHERE A.OBJ# = B.OBJECT_ID
2689        AND B.OBJECT_NAME = V.hook_package
2690        AND A.LEVEL# = 0
2691        AND A.argument = cp_param_name
2692        AND B.object_type = 'PACKAGE'
2693        AND rownum = 1;
2694 --    Commented for bug fix 7006158.
2695 --    SELECT /*+ ORDERED */ a.pls_type
2696 --    FROM   USER_OBJECTS B,
2697 --           SYS.ARGUMENT$ A
2698 --    WHERE  A.OBJ# = B.OBJECT_ID
2699 --    AND    B.OBJECT_NAME in (select hook_package
2700 --                             from hr_api_hooks h, hr_api_modules m
2701 --                             where m.api_module_id = h.api_module_id
2702 --                             and m.module_name = cp_tab_name)
2703 --    AND    A.LEVEL# = 0
2704 --    AND    A.argument = cp_param_name
2705 --    AND    B.object_type = 'PACKAGE'
2706 --    AND    rownum = 1;
2708   i number := 0;
2710   BEGIN
2711     --
2712     -- Fetch Schema name if required
2713     --
2714     g_pay_schema := get_table_owner(p_tab_name);
2715     --
2716     --get all mappings of dyn-trigger-package-procedure params, eg all names
2717     -- of dyn-trigger local vars into a record with info on I,U,D  --given table id
2718     FOR param_rec in csr_params(p_tab_id) LOOP
2719       p_params(i).local_form := param_rec.parameter_name;
2720       p_params(i).usage_type := param_rec.usage_type;
2721       p_params(i).value_name := param_rec.value_name;
2722       IF SUBSTR(p_params(i).local_form,1,2) = 'l_' THEN
2723             p_params(i).param_form := 'p_l_'||SUBSTR(p_params(i).local_form,3);
2724       ELSIF SUBSTR(p_params(i).local_form,1,5) = ':old.' THEN
2725             p_params(i).param_form := 'p_old_'||SUBSTR(p_params(i).local_form,6);
2726       ELSIF SUBSTR(p_params(i).local_form,1,5) = ':new.' THEN
2727             p_params(i).param_form := 'p_new_'||SUBSTR(p_params(i).local_form,6);
2728       ELSE
2729             p_params(i).param_form := NULL;
2730       END IF;
2732       --Get col type using the text after the '.' in local form(plus % for like in csr)
2733       --
2734       open csr_col_type(p_tab_name,upper(substr(p_params(i).local_form,instr(p_params(i).local_form,'.')+1))||'%');
2735       fetch csr_col_type into p_params(i).data_type;
2736       close csr_col_type;
2738       -- if we didnt get a data_type (eg name different than base col.)
2739       -- then have to resort to the inefficient approach,
2740       -- getting the type from the user hook pkg definition, on which these parameter
2741       -- mappings are based.  (Because essentially all these dynamic procedures do
2742       -- is act as the call package from the hook pkg.)
2743       if (p_params(i).data_type is null) then
2744         open csr_type_from_pkg(p_tab_name,
2745                  upper('p_'||SUBSTR(p_params(i).local_form,6)));
2746         fetch csr_type_from_pkg into p_params(i).data_type;
2747         close csr_type_from_pkg;
2748       end if;
2749         --If still null try one last hack in case we're working on the ALL version
2750       if (p_params(i).data_type is null) then
2751         open csr_type_from_pkg(replace(p_tab_name, '_ALL_','_'),
2752                  upper('p_'||SUBSTR(p_params(i).local_form,6)));
2753         fetch csr_type_from_pkg into p_params(i).data_type;
2754         close csr_type_from_pkg;
2755       end if;
2756      --If still null try one last hack, cos know all should have this
2757      --and if no hook we might miss it (eg pay_element_entry_val)
2758      if (p_params(i).data_type is null
2759          and p_params(i).value_name = 'P_DATETRACK_MODE') then
2760        p_params(i).data_type := 'VARCHAR2';
2761      end if;
2763        -- if still null then maybe raise a better error?
2766       --All param versions must be less than 30 chars as used in dbms triggers
2767       p_params(i).param_form := substr(p_params(i).param_form,0,30);
2768       i := i+1;
2769     END LOOP;
2770   END get_dyt_pkg_params_tbl;
2772 --
2773 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2774 -- | NAME       : get_dyt_rhi_params                                       |
2775 -- | SCOPE      : PRIVATE                                                      |
2776 -- | DESCRIPTION: See header                                                   |
2777 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2778  PROCEDURE get_dyt_rhi_params(p_tab_id IN NUMBER
2779                             ,p_tab_name IN VARCHAR2
2780                             ,p_params IN OUT NOCOPY g_params_tab_type) IS
2782   -- Local variables to catch the values returned from
2783   -- hr_general.describe_procedure
2784   --
2785   l_overload            dbms_describe.number_table;
2786   l_position            dbms_describe.number_table;
2787   l_level               dbms_describe.number_table;
2788   l_argument_name       dbms_describe.varchar2_table;
2789   l_datatype            dbms_describe.number_table;
2790   l_default_value       dbms_describe.number_table;
2791   l_in_out              dbms_describe.number_table;
2792   l_length              dbms_describe.number_table;
2793   l_precision           dbms_describe.number_table;
2794   l_scale               dbms_describe.number_table;
2795   l_radix               dbms_describe.number_table;
2796   l_spare               dbms_describe.number_table;
2798   l_datatype_str      varchar2(20);            -- String equivalent of
2799                                                -- l_datatype number.
2800 -- Oracle Internal DataType, Parameter, Default Codes and New Line Constants
2801 --
2802 c_dtype_undefined constant number      default   0;
2803 c_dtype_varchar2  constant number      default   1;
2804 c_dtype_number    constant number      default   2;
2805 c_dtype_long      constant number      default   8;
2806 c_dtype_date      constant number      default  12;
2807 c_dtype_boolean   constant number      default 252;
2809  cursor csr_hooks (cp_tab_name varchar2)
2810   is
2811    select hook_package pkg, hook_procedure proc
2812           ,decode(hook_procedure, 'AFTER_INSERT', 'PI',
2813                            'AFTER_UPDATE', 'PU',
2814                            'AFTER_DELETE', 'PD') usage_type
2815    from hr_api_hooks h, hr_api_modules m
2816    where m.api_module_id = h.api_module_id
2817    and m.module_name = cp_tab_name;
2818   --
2820   i number := 1;
2821   j number := 0;  --p_params, our local store, starts from 0
2823   l_prefix varchar2(15); --Local Form prefix
2824   l_o      varchar2(15) := 'p_old_'; --Old Style Local Form prefix
2825   l_n      varchar2(15) := 'p_new_'; --Old Style Local Form prefix
2826   l_value_name varchar2(80);
2828  l_proc varchar2(80) := 'get_dyt_rhi_params';
2830   BEGIN
2832     -- Want an exhaustive list of params, whatever is available to hook
2833     --should be passed
2834     --In terms of this internal table structure, want
2835     --NB names based on form param screen, NOT what makes logical sense!
2836     -- param_form - ':old.column_name'
2837     -- local_form - 'p_column_name_o'
2838     -- value_name - 'P_old_column_name'
2839 << HOOK_MODULES >>
2840 FOR hook_rec in csr_hooks(p_tab_name) LOOP
2842      hr_general.describe_procedure
2843   (object_name   => hook_rec.pkg || '.' || hook_rec.proc
2844    ,reserved1     => null
2845    ,reserved2     => null
2846    ,overload      => l_overload
2847    ,position      => l_position
2848    ,level         => l_level
2849    ,argument_name => l_argument_name
2850    ,datatype      => l_datatype
2851    ,default_value => l_default_value
2852    ,in_out        => l_in_out
2853    ,length        => l_length
2854    ,precision     => l_precision
2855    ,scale         => l_scale
2856    ,radix         => l_radix
2857    ,spare         => l_spare
2858    );
2861    << ONE_PROC_PARAM_LOOP >>
2862    FOR i in 1..l_position.COUNT loop
2863          --hr_utility.trace(' Found parameter '||l_argument_name(i)||' type '||l_         --
2864          if l_datatype(i) <> c_dtype_varchar2 and
2865              l_datatype(i) <> c_dtype_number   and
2866              l_datatype(i) <> c_dtype_date     and
2867              l_datatype(i) <> c_dtype_boolean  and
2868              l_datatype(i) <> c_dtype_long     then
2869             -- Error: In a hook package procedure all the parameter datatypes
2870             -- must be VARCHAR2, NUMBER, DATE, BOOLEAN or LONG. This API
2871             -- module will not execute until this problem has been resolved.
2872             hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_51968_AHK_HK_PARA_D_TYPE');
2873             hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 80);
2874           else
2875             -- Set the datatype string with the corresponding word value
2876             if l_datatype(i) = c_dtype_varchar2 then
2877               l_datatype_str := 'VARCHAR2';
2878             elsif l_datatype(i) = c_dtype_number then
2879               l_datatype_str := 'NUMBER';
2880             elsif l_datatype(i) = c_dtype_date then
2881               l_datatype_str := 'DATE';
2882             elsif l_datatype(i) = c_dtype_boolean then
2883               l_datatype_str := 'BOOLEAN';
2884             else
2885               l_datatype_str := 'LONG';
2886           end if;
2888       p_params(j).local_form := 'NOT CALCULATED';
2889       p_params(j).param_form := 'NOT CALCULATED';
2890       p_params(j).value_name := substr(l_argument_name(i),0,30);
2891       p_params(j).usage_type := hook_rec.usage_type;
2892       p_params(j).data_type  := l_datatype_str;
2893       j := j+1;
2894           end if;
2899     --Debug Output all the paramaters in my table form
2900        --FOR j in 0..(p_params.COUNT - 1) loop
2901          --hr_utility.trace(j||' '||p_params(j).value_name||' '||p_params(j).usage_type||' '||p_params(j).data_type);
2902        --end loop;
2904        hr_utility.trace('Total RHI params '||p_params.count);
2906     -- If we didnt get any hook params then there might not be a hook pkg!
2907     -- So just base the params on what we actually need, i.e. the param mappings
2908     if ( p_params.count = 0 ) then
2909       hr_utility.trace('No hook params => build params from what is required from components');
2911       get_dyt_pkg_params_tbl(p_tab_id,p_tab_name,p_params);
2912       --On top of the ones we need in dyt call, we also know we need p_datetrack
2913       --in both after_delete and after_update.
2914       i := p_params.count;
2915       p_params(i).local_form := 'NOT CALCULATED';
2916       p_params(i).param_form := 'NOT CALCULATED';
2917       p_params(i).value_name := 'P_DATETRACK_MODE';
2918       p_params(i).usage_type := 'PU';
2919       p_params(i).data_type  := 'VARCHAR2';
2920       p_params(i).local_form := 'NOT CALCULATED';
2921       p_params(i+1).param_form := 'NOT CALCULATED';
2922       p_params(i+1).value_name := 'P_DATETRACK_MODE';
2923       p_params(i+1).usage_type := 'PD';
2924       p_params(i+1).data_type  := 'VARCHAR2';
2926        hr_utility.trace('Total RHI params '||p_params.count);
2927       -- Example of structure of p_params from get_dyt_pkg_params_tbl
2928       --local_form - :new.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE
2929       --param_form - p_new_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE
2930       --value_name - P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE
2932     end if;
2934   END get_dyt_rhi_params;
2936 --
2937 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2938 -- | NAME       : get_dyt_pkg_version_of_code                                  |
2939 -- | SCOPE      : PRIVATE                                                      |
2940 -- | DESCRIPTION: This procedure takes an extract of dynamically generated code|
2941 -- |              relevant for dbms triggers and turns it in to code useful for|
2942 -- |              code that resides in packages.   Main use to convert code    |
2943 -- |              generated by                                                 |
2944 -- |              + add_declarations                                           |
2945 -- |              + add_initialisations                                        |
2946 -- |              + add_components                                             |
2947 -- |              in to code being built as part of + Gen_dyt_pkg_full_code    |
2948 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2949   PROCEDURE get_dyt_pkg_version_of_code(p_sql IN OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
2950                                         p_tab_name   IN     varchar2,
2951                                         p_usage_type IN     varchar2) IS
2952     --
2953     l_pos number;
2954     l_col_name varchar2(32767);
2955     l_new_col_name varchar2(2000);
2957   cursor  csr_missing_params (cp_table_name in varchar2, cp_type in varchar2) is
2958   /* Component calls use this , ignore locals cos these will always be made*/
2959     SELECT   upper(value_name) name
2960     FROM     pay_trigger_parameters
2961     WHERE    parameter_type IN ('I','O')
2962     AND      value_name IS NOT NULL
2963     AND      usage_id in (select component_id
2964                           from pay_trigger_events te, pay_trigger_components tc
2965                           where te.event_id = tc.event_id
2966                           and triggering_action = cp_type
2967                           and   te.table_name = cp_table_name)
2968     AND      usage_type = 'C'
2969     AND      value_name like ':%'
2970     MINUS
2971   /* aru params use this */
2972     SELECT upper(parameter_name)
2973     FROM pay_trigger_parameters
2974     WHERE usage_type = 'P'||cp_type
2975     AND usage_id = (select dated_table_id
2976                       from pay_dated_tables
2977                       where table_name = cp_table_name);
2979   l_missing     varchar2(60);
2980   l_missing_rep varchar2(60);
2981   l_extract     varchar2(32767);
2982   l_extract_new varchar2(32767);
2983   l_pos_next    number;
2984   i number;
2986   BEGIN
2987   --Make life easier by getting sql in caps
2988   p_sql := upper(p_sql);
2990 -- >>> 1.  Do some funky stuff to overcome major headaches.
2991 --
2992 --OLD SKOOL
2993 --  DB TRIG -> CC PKG
2994 --NEW SKOOL
2996 --
2997 --     The original dyt's as db triggers had access to ALL values on the table
2998 --     old and new, no worries, so CC pkg code could be built expecting ALL values.
2999 --     However, now the CC pkg is called by a dyt_pkg which is referred to as an
3000 --     user hook call pkg, as is called by the user hook pkg.  Trouble is what
3001 --     parameters the user hook package has access to is in the lap of the gods
3002 --     aka the developers who build them.  It is acceptable for example to not pass
3003 --     the new version of values if they are non-updateable, i.e. they are defo the same
3004 --     so why bother passing?
3005 --     BUT, out dyt_pkg's need to call the CC pkg and this is still expecting ALL values
3006 --     old and new for each column.
3007 --     Therefore we do a crafty trick/hack, getting those values that are referenced in
3008 --     component code and are not passed in by the hook.  We make the assumption,
3009 --     fairly solid, that we can safely replace the missing value with the same
3010 --     existing value.  EG If business_group_id is non-updateable (often) then the value
3011 --     p_business_group_id wont exist in the scope of our hook pkg and thus not be
3012 --     in our call-package, however p_business_group_id_o will be passed in.
3013 --     So we replace all instances of :new.business_group_id (because everything
3014 --     is still in old-skool db style) and replace it with :old.business_group_id.!
3015 --     et voila, the CC pkg
3016 --     gets all the values, just sometimes the same value for old and new.
3018   --missing_param defo upper
3019   for missing_param in csr_missing_params(p_tab_name,p_usage_type) loop
3020     --Most of the time missing new value, cos non-updateable
3021     --eg turn :new.business_group_id to :old.business_group_id
3022    l_missing := missing_param.name;
3023     if (substr(l_missing,1,4) = ':NEW' ) then
3024       l_missing_rep := replace(missing_param.name,'NEW','OLD');
3026     --But as developer has control, may be some the other way eg one off dates
3027     --and id's where arbitrary which is passed, and not changed
3028     elsif (substr(l_missing,1,4) = ':OLD' ) then
3029             l_missing_rep := replace(missing_param.name,'OLD','NEW');
3030     else
3031        l_missing_rep := l_missing||'xxx'; --no change so will fall over
3032     end if;
3033     --hr_utility.trace('Missing param: '||l_missing||' replace with: '||l_missing_rep);
3034    p_sql := replace(p_sql,l_missing,l_missing_rep);
3036   end loop;
3038 -- >>> 2.  Turn any references to :old. style notation to param style
3039 --    EG.  :old.cost_allocation_keyflex_id => p_old_cost_allocation_keyflex
3040 --
3041     -- Find first occurences of :old.
3042     l_pos := instr(p_sql,':OLD.');
3043     -- Loop through all occurences
3044     while (l_pos > 0) loop
3046 --Get extract from this instance of :new to next :new instance
3047 --
3048       l_pos_next := instr(p_sql,':OLD.',l_pos+1);
3049 --hr_utility.trace(l_pos||' <- l_pos -> '||l_pos_next);
3050       if (l_pos_next <> 0  ) then
3051         l_extract := substr(p_sql,l_pos,l_pos_next - l_pos);
3052       else
3053         l_extract := substr(p_sql,l_pos);
3054         l_pos_next := length(p_sql)+1;
3055       end if;
3057       l_col_name := translate(l_extract,' ),|;'||g_eol,'*****');
3058       l_col_name := substr(l_col_name,1,instr(l_col_name,'*')-1);
3060 -- Amend the prefix and make sure we're not over the 30 char limit
3061       l_new_col_name := substr(replace(l_col_name,':OLD.','P_OLD_'),1,30);
3063 --hr_utility.trace(l_pos||' Replace- '||l_col_name||'  with- '||l_new_col_name);
3065       l_extract_new := replace(l_extract,l_col_name,l_new_col_name);
3066       p_sql := substr(p_sql,0,l_pos-1)||l_extract_new||substr(p_sql,l_pos_next);
3068     --Find next occurence ,will be first as just done previous first,
3069     --but go from l_pos as quicker
3070       l_pos := instr(p_sql,':OLD.',l_pos);
3072   end loop;
3074 -- >>> 3.  Turn any references to :new. style notation to param style
3075 --
3077     -- Find first occurences of :new.
3078     l_pos := instr(p_sql,':NEW.');
3079     -- Loop through all occurences
3080     while (l_pos > 0) loop
3082 --Get extract from this instance of :new to next
3083 --
3084       l_pos_next := instr(p_sql,':NEW.',l_pos+1);
3085 --hr_utility.trace(l_pos||' <- l_pos -> '||l_pos_next);
3086       if (l_pos_next <> 0  ) then
3087         l_extract := substr(p_sql,l_pos,l_pos_next - l_pos);
3088       else
3089         l_extract := substr(p_sql,l_pos);
3090         l_pos_next := length(p_sql)+1;
3091       end if;
3093       l_col_name := translate(l_extract,' ),|;'||g_eol,'*****');
3094       l_col_name := substr(l_col_name,1,instr(l_col_name,'*')-1);
3096 -- Amend the prefix and make sure we're not over the 30 char limit
3097       l_new_col_name := substr(replace(l_col_name,':NEW.','P_NEW_'),1,30);
3099 --hr_utility.trace(l_pos||' Replace- '||l_col_name||'  with- '||l_new_col_name);
3101       l_extract_new := replace(l_extract,l_col_name,l_new_col_name);
3102       p_sql := substr(p_sql,0,l_pos-1)||l_extract_new||substr(p_sql,l_pos_next);
3104     --Find next occurence ,will be first as just done previous first,
3105     --but go from l_pos as quicker
3106       l_pos := instr(p_sql,':NEW.',l_pos);
3108   end loop;
3110 -- >>> 4.  Remove the instances of DECLARE
3111 --  --now the calling code adds the DECLARE explicitly, as opposed to add_declarations
3112     --this should actually not find any DECLARE chars
3113     p_sql := replace(p_sql,'DECLARE');
3114   end get_dyt_pkg_version_of_code;
3116 --
3117 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
3118 -- | NAME       : get_dyt_proc_name                                            |
3119 -- | SCOPE      : PRIVATE                                                      |
3120 -- | DESCRIPTION: Would like to use full dynamic trigger name simply as proc   |
3121 -- |              name but sadly some are too long, so strip down, but keep the|
3122 -- |              last few chars as these are often the useful identifiers.    |
3123 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
3124   FUNCTION get_dyt_proc_name(p_dyt_name IN VARCHAR2) RETURN varchar2 IS
3126    l_suffix      pay_trigger_events.short_name%TYPE;
3127    l_proc_name   varchar2(30);
3128   BEGIN
3130     --Strip off the useful suffix   (make sure its max 30chars)
3131     l_suffix := substr(   substr(p_dyt_name,instr(p_dyt_name,'_',-1)) , 1 , 30);
3133     --First version of proc_name is as many chars at start of p_dyt_name
3134     l_proc_name := substr(p_dyt_name,1,30 - length(l_suffix));
3135     --Full version is first||suffix
3136     l_proc_name := l_proc_name||l_suffix;
3138     --hr_utility.trace(' Got DYT pkg procedure name: '||l_proc_name);
3139     return l_proc_name;
3140   END;
3142 --
3143 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
3144 -- | NAME       : gen_dyt_pkg_full_code                                        |
3145 -- | SCOPE      : PUBLIC                                                       |
3146 -- | DESCRIPTION: See header                                                   |
3147 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
3148   PROCEDURE gen_dyt_pkg_full_code(p_tab_id IN NUMBER,
3149                                   p_ok IN OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN) IS
3150     --
3152     l_tab_id            pay_dated_tables.dated_table_id%TYPE;
3153     l_tab_name          pay_dated_tables.table_name%TYPE;
3154     l_tab_dyt_types     pay_dated_tables.dyn_trigger_type%TYPE;
3155     l_tab_dyt_pkg_name  pay_dated_tables.dyn_trigger_package_name%TYPE;
3156     l_datetracked_table varchar2(5);
3158     --
3159     l_hs     varchar2(32000);  --Used as header sql placeholders
3160     l_bs     varchar2(32000);  --Used as body sql placeholder
3161     l_hsql     varchar2(32000);  --Used as header
3162     l_bsql     varchar2(32767);  --Used as body
3164     l_dyt_params g_params_tab_type; --hold params to build dyt in dyt_pkg
3165     l_hok_params g_params_tab_type; --hold params to build rhi-hook wrapper
3166     l_dbt_name varchar2(80);
3168     l_head_ok BOOLEAN;
3169     l_body_ok BOOLEAN;
3170     l_flag varchar2(1);
3172     l_dyt_pkg_head_tbl           t_varchar2_32k_tbl;
3173     l_dyt_pkg_body_tbl           t_varchar2_32k_tbl;
3175     --
3176     --Given id, get table info
3177     CURSOR csr_table_info (cp_tab_id in NUMBER) IS
3178       SELECT  pdt.dated_table_id,
3179               pdt.table_name,
3180               nvl(pdt.dyn_trigger_type,'T'),
3181               pdt.dyn_trigger_package_name,
3182               decode(start_date_name,
3183                      null, 'N',
3184                      'Y')
3185       FROM    pay_dated_tables pdt
3186       WHERE   pdt.dated_table_id = (cp_tab_id);
3188     -- Get details of all dyn-triggers on given table
3189     CURSOR csr_dyts_on_table(cp_name in VARCHAR2) IS
3190       SELECT  pte.event_id, pte.short_name,
3191               pte.triggering_action, pte.description,
3192               DECODE(pte.triggering_action, 'I','Insert','U','Update', 'D','Delete' ) info,
3193               enabled_flag,generated_flag
3194       FROM    pay_trigger_events pte
3195       WHERE   pte.table_name = (cp_name)
3196       AND     nvl(pte.protected_flag,'N') <> 'Y';
3198     --
3199     l_proc varchar2(35) := 'gen_dyt_pkg_full_code';
3200   BEGIN
3201    hr_utility.set_location(' Entering: '||l_proc,10);
3202     -- The package to hold the code is created with two sections.
3203     -- a. The main trigger code, built using info from the dynamic triggers screen
3204     -- b. The after_update, after_insert, after_delete standard called by rhi,
3205     --    these act as wrappers calling (a)'s.
3206     --
3207     -- These parts are all built dynamically
3208     -- At this time, this code may have been called for the generation of a
3209     -- SINGLE trigger, However, we generate a dynamic trigger package (dyt_pkg)
3210     -- representing code for ALL triggers on that table.
3212   -- NB. It is important to note that there is a subtle difference between
3213   -- database triggers and dynamic triggers.  The latter are defined on site giving
3214   -- great flexibility, i.e. what customer-specific calls need to be made as part of
3215   -- this process.  How the code is actually stored provides more flexibility.
3216   -- This is table specific and defined in pay_dated_tables, eg the dyn-trigger
3217   -- code can be stored as database triggers, in a separate package or in both of these.
3218   -- ...
3219   -- Since continuous calc we are moving toward the idea of no database triggers,
3220   -- (negative issues with maintenance) and toward stored code as a package.
3221   -- Indeed, many seeded offerings on core tables will have this behaviour.  However,
3222   -- we allow greater customer flexibilty by leaving database triggers as an option.
3223   -- (Especially useful for non-API supported customer database tables.)
3224     --
3225     -- Fetch the table information, given this passed id
3226     OPEN csr_table_info(p_tab_id);
3227     FETCH csr_table_info INTO l_tab_id, l_tab_name,
3228                               l_tab_dyt_types,  l_tab_dyt_pkg_name,
3229                               l_datetracked_table;
3230     CLOSE csr_table_info;
3233     -- Create table of varchar2's representing the full head and body code.
3234     -- Initialise the holders of PL/SQL code
3235     --
3236 -- >>> 1.  Add the start of this 'dynamic-trigger package code', incl comments
3237 --
3238     l_hs := l_hs||'/*'||g_eol;
3239     l_hs := l_hs||'  =================================================='||g_eol;
3240     l_hs := l_hs||'  This is a dynamically generated database package  '||g_eol;
3241     l_hs := l_hs||'  containing code to support the use of dynamic     '||g_eol;
3242     l_hs := l_hs||'  triggers.                                         '||g_eol;
3243     l_hs := l_hs||'  Preference of package Vs dbms triggers supporting '||g_eol;
3244     l_hs := l_hs||'  dyn'' triggers is made via the dated table form.  '||g_eol;
3245     l_hs := l_hs||'  .                                                 '||g_eol;
3246     l_hs := l_hs||'  This code will be called implicitly by table rhi  '||g_eol;
3247     l_hs := l_hs||'  and explictly from non-API packages that maintain '||g_eol;
3248     l_hs := l_hs||'  data on the relevant table.                       '||g_eol;
3249     l_hs := l_hs||'  =================================================='||g_eol;
3250     l_hs := l_hs||'              ** DO NOT CHANGE MANUALLY **          '||g_eol;
3251     l_hs := l_hs||'  --------------------------------------------------'||g_eol;
3252     l_hs := l_hs||'    Package Name: '||l_tab_dyt_pkg_name||g_eol;
3253     l_hs := l_hs||'    Base Table:   '||l_tab_name||g_eol;
3254     l_hs := l_hs||'    Date:         '||TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI')||g_eol;
3255     l_hs := l_hs||'  =================================================='||g_eol;
3256     l_hs := l_hs||'*/'||g_eos;
3258     -- Add first line of code to two main placeholders, and add the comments
3259     --
3260     l_hsql := l_hsql||'Create or replace package '||l_tab_dyt_pkg_name||g_eol
3261                   ||'AS'||g_eos;
3262     l_hsql := l_hsql||l_hs;
3263     l_bsql := l_bsql||'Create or replace package body '||l_tab_dyt_pkg_name||g_eol
3264                   ||'IS'||g_eos;
3265     l_bsql := l_bsql||l_hs;
3266     l_hs :='';
3267     --
3269     -- Shove this first chunk of code into holder
3270     l_dyt_pkg_head_tbl(0) := l_hsql;
3271     l_dyt_pkg_body_tbl(0) := l_bsql;
3273 -- >>> 2. Get all parameters defined for this table in to table of records for future
3274 --        manipulation.  This table holds the following info:
3275    hr_utility.set_location('  -Get parameters DYT : '||l_proc,20);
3277     --        i. local name   --entered in form
3278     --        ii. generated pkg param version of i-used for internal pkg proc
3279     --        iii. usage type   -- eg PI Insert, PU Update, PD Delete
3280     --        iv. type of col
3281     --
3282     get_dyt_pkg_params_tbl(l_tab_id, l_tab_name, l_dyt_params);
3283    hr_utility.set_location('  -Get parameters after_xxx : '||l_proc,25);
3284     get_dyt_rhi_params(l_tab_id, l_tab_name, l_hok_params);
3286 -- >>> 3. Add the dynamic trigger code as separate public procedures
3287 --        loop for each dyn trig, calling a procedure to create appropriate  code
3288 --
3289    hr_utility.set_location('  -Create dyt procedure code: '||l_proc,30);
3290     FOR dyt_rec in csr_dyts_on_table(l_tab_name)  LOOP
3291         gen_dyt_pkg_proc(dyt_rec.event_id,dyt_rec.short_name,
3292                              l_tab_name,dyt_rec.triggering_action,
3293                              dyt_rec.description,dyt_rec.info,
3294                              l_dyt_params,l_hs,l_bs);
3295         l_dyt_pkg_head_tbl(csr_dyts_on_table%ROWCOUNT) := l_hs;
3296         l_dyt_pkg_body_tbl(csr_dyts_on_table%ROWCOUNT) := l_bs;
3298         l_hs := '';l_bs :='';
3300     END LOOP;
3301     --
3302 -- >>> 4. Add the wrapper procedures for row handler entry points
3303     -- Create the wrapper procedures that the rhi will call, these simply call
3304     -- the newly created, dynamic trigger code procedures
3305     -- Three times, one for each trigger type
3306     --
3307    hr_utility.set_location('  -Create hook entry point procedure code: '||l_proc,40);
3308     gen_dyt_pkg_rhi_proc(l_tab_name,'I','INSERT',l_hok_params,l_hs,l_bs,l_dyt_params, l_dyt_pkg_head_tbl, l_dyt_pkg_body_tbl, l_datetracked_table);
3309     l_hs := ''; l_bs := '';
3310     --
3311     gen_dyt_pkg_rhi_proc(l_tab_name,'U','UPDATE',l_hok_params,l_hs,l_bs,l_dyt_params, l_dyt_pkg_head_tbl, l_dyt_pkg_body_tbl, l_datetracked_table);
3312     l_hs := ''; l_bs := '';
3313     --
3314     gen_dyt_pkg_rhi_proc(l_tab_name,'D','DELETE',l_hok_params,l_hs,l_bs,l_dyt_params, l_dyt_pkg_head_tbl, l_dyt_pkg_body_tbl, l_datetracked_table);
3315     l_hs := ''; l_bs := '';
3318 -- >>> 5.  Complete the package code
3319 --
3320     l_hsql := ''; l_bsql := '';
3321     l_hsql := l_hsql||'END '||l_tab_dyt_pkg_name||';'||g_eol;
3322     l_bsql := l_bsql||'/*    END_PACKAGE     */'||g_eol;
3323     l_bsql := l_bsql||'END '||l_tab_dyt_pkg_name||';'||g_eol;
3324     l_dyt_pkg_head_tbl(l_dyt_pkg_head_tbl.last + 1) := l_hsql;
3325     l_dyt_pkg_body_tbl(l_dyt_pkg_body_tbl.last + 1) := l_bsql;
3328     -- This is the first time we will be adding to the g_dyt_pkg_head and g_dyt_pkg_head tables
3329     -- so empty first then add
3330     init_dyt_pkg;
3331     add_to_dyt_pkg(l_dyt_pkg_head_tbl,FALSE);
3332     add_to_dyt_pkg(l_dyt_pkg_body_tbl,TRUE);
3335 -- >>> 6.  Generate and compile this new dynamic package
3336 --
3337    hr_utility.set_location('  -Generate database package: '||l_proc,60);
3338     build_dyt_pkg_from_tbl( g_dyt_pkg_head,g_dyt_pkg_hindex,FALSE);
3339     build_dyt_pkg_from_tbl( g_dyt_pkg_body,g_dyt_pkg_bindex,TRUE);
3341 -- >>> 7. Create database trigger equivalent of dyn-trigger if required
3342 --        Go through recently cached cursor again
3343     p_ok := TRUE; --assume ok first, then test each as built
3344     --
3345     FOR dyt_rec in csr_dyts_on_table(l_tab_name)  LOOP
3346       l_dbt_name := get_trigger_name(dyt_rec.event_id,l_tab_name,dyt_rec.triggering_action);
3347       --
3348       IF ( l_tab_dyt_types = 'B') THEN
3349         gen_dyt_db_trig(dyt_rec.event_id,dyt_rec.short_name
3350                       ,l_tab_name, dyt_rec.triggering_action
3351                       ,dyt_rec.description,dyt_rec.info
3352                       ,l_dyt_params,l_tab_dyt_pkg_name);
3353         --Set db trigger to enabled as dependent on the dyn trigger value
3354         enable_trigger( l_dbt_name,flag_to_boolean(dyt_rec.enabled_flag) );
3356         --if so far all is well perform check on this new db trigger
3357         if (p_ok) then
3358           p_ok := module_ok(l_dbt_name,'TRIGGER');
3359         end if;
3361       ELSE
3362         --Package only then drop db trigs if they exist.
3363         drop_trigger(l_dbt_name);
3364         p_ok := TRUE;
3365       END IF;
3367     END LOOP;
3370 -- >>> 8. Test how well package/triggers have been created and return some kind of status
3371 --
3372     -- pkg
3373     l_head_ok := module_ok(l_tab_dyt_pkg_name,'PACKAGE');
3374     l_body_ok := module_ok(l_tab_dyt_pkg_name,'PACKAGE BODY');
3376     --Final return status is true only if all parts are success
3377     if (l_head_ok and l_body_ok and p_ok) then
3378       p_ok := TRUE;
3379       l_flag := 'Y';
3380     else
3381       p_ok :=FALSE;
3382       l_flag := 'N';
3383     end if;
3385    --hr_utility.set_location('  -Status of database package: '||l_flag||l_proc,80);
3386     --Complete FOR WHOLE TABLE, so mark pkg gen, and all dyt as generated + enabled or vice versa
3387     -- All or nothing, either all dyt's are success, or mark all as failure
3388      update pay_dated_tables
3389           set dyn_trig_pkg_generated = l_flag
3390      where table_name = l_tab_name
3391      and dated_table_id = l_tab_id;
3392      --
3393      FOR dyt_rec in csr_dyts_on_table(l_tab_name)  LOOP
3394        if (p_ok) then --success so back to original
3395         update pay_trigger_events
3396              set generated_flag = l_flag,
3397                  enabled_flag   = dyt_rec.enabled_flag
3398         where event_id = dyt_rec.event_id;
3399        else
3400         update pay_trigger_events  --failure so disabled
3401              set generated_flag = l_flag,
3402                  enabled_flag   = l_flag
3403         where event_id = dyt_rec.event_id;
3404        end if;
3406      END LOOP;
3407      commit; --make sure updates are saved
3408    hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving: '||l_proc,900);
3409   END gen_dyt_pkg_full_code;
3411 -- +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
3412 -- | NAME       : gen_dyt_pkg_proc                                               |
3413 -- | SCOPE      : PRIVATE                                                        |
3414 -- | DESCRIPTION: This procedure generates the code representing a single dynamic|
3415 -- |      trigger.  All information declared in the dynamic triggers form is used|
3416 -- |      to build up a package version of this trigger.   Parameter info is got |
3417 -- |      from the table_event_updates form.                                     |
3418 -- |              The actual components are built up using existing procedures   |
3419 -- |      Namely, add_components,add_initialisations, but we have to modify the  |
3420 -- |      resulting code slightly.                                               |
3421 -- +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
3422   PROCEDURE gen_dyt_pkg_proc(p_dyt_id IN NUMBER,p_dyt_name IN VARCHAR2
3423                                 ,p_tab_name IN VARCHAR2, p_dyt_act IN VARCHAR2
3424                                 ,p_dyt_desc IN VARCHAR2,p_dyt_info IN VARCHAR2
3425                                 ,p_dyn_pkg_params IN g_params_tab_type
3426                                 ,p_hs IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
3427                                 ,p_bs IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS
3428     --
3429     l_inits BOOLEAN;
3430     l_comps BOOLEAN;
3431     l_tab_name      pay_dated_tables.table_name%TYPE   := p_tab_name;
3432     l_dyt_id        pay_trigger_events.event_id%TYPE   := p_dyt_id;
3433     l_dyt_name      pay_trigger_events.short_name%TYPE := get_dyt_proc_name(p_dyt_name);
3434     l_dyt_act       pay_trigger_events.triggering_action%TYPE := p_dyt_act;
3435     l_dyt_info      varchar2(30) := p_dyt_info;
3436     l_dyt_desc      pay_trigger_events.description%TYPE := p_dyt_desc ;
3438     l_sql  varchar2(32000);   --Used as a temp holder.
3439     i number;
3440     j number;
3441     delim varchar2(15) := ' ';
3442     --
3443   BEGIN
3444     --
3445     -- Initialise the statement PL/SQL code
3446     p_hs := ''; p_bs := '';
3447     --
3448     --
3449     -- Add an initial comment section to the trigger code
3451     l_sql := l_sql||'/*'||g_eol;
3452     l_sql := l_sql||'  ================================================'||g_eol;
3453     l_sql := l_sql||'  This is a dynamically generated package procedure'||g_eol;
3454     l_sql := l_sql||'  with code representing a dynamic trigger        '||g_eol;
3455     l_sql := l_sql||'  ================================================'||g_eol;
3456     l_sql := l_sql||'            ** DO NOT CHANGE MANUALLY **          '||g_eol;
3457     l_sql := l_sql||'  ------------------------------------------------'||g_eol;
3458     l_sql := l_sql||'    Name:   '||l_dyt_name||g_eol;
3459     l_sql := l_sql||'    Table:  '||l_tab_name||g_eol;
3460     l_sql := l_sql||'    Action: '||l_dyt_info||g_eol;
3461     l_sql := l_sql||'    Generated Date:   '||TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI')||g_eol;
3462     l_sql := l_sql||'    Description: '||l_dyt_desc||g_eol;
3463     l_sql := l_sql||'    Full trigger name: '||p_dyt_name||g_eol;
3464     l_sql := l_sql||'  ================================================'||g_eol;
3465     l_sql := l_sql||'*/'||g_eol||'--'||g_eol;
3466     --
3467     l_sql := l_sql||'PROCEDURE '||l_dyt_name||g_eol;
3468     -- Complete procedure definition, (still same for header and body)
3469     --
3470     --
3471     i := 0;
3472     while i < p_dyn_pkg_params.count LOOP
3473       --only need to print params that are relevant
3474       if (substr(p_dyn_pkg_params(i).usage_type,2,1) = l_dyt_act) then
3475         -- quick formatting option
3476         if (length(p_dyn_pkg_params(i).param_form) > 40) then
3477           j := 80; else j := 40;
3478         end if;
3479         --if first param then add opening bracket
3480         if (delim = ' ') then l_sql := l_sql || '('||g_eol;
3481         end if;
3482         l_sql := l_sql ||'   '||delim||rpad(p_dyn_pkg_params(i).param_form,j,' ')
3483                        ||' in '||p_dyn_pkg_params(i).data_type||g_eol;
3484         delim := ',';
3485       end if;
3486       i := i+1;
3487     end loop;
3489     --Only close bracket if had params
3490     if(delim = ',') then l_sql := l_sql ||' )'; end if;
3491     --End the header text, then continue with body, now create two distinct strings
3492     p_hs := l_sql||'; -- End of procedure definition for '||l_dyt_name||g_eos;
3493     p_bs := l_sql ||' IS '||g_eos;
3495     --
3496     -- Add the declaration section
3497         -- Do not need DECLARE before calling add_declarations
3498    	p_bs := p_bs||'  /* Local variable declarations */'||g_eol;
3500         -- Add the seeded declaration section
3501         add_declarations(l_dyt_id,p_bs);
3503         -- Add any hard-coded declarations
3504         -- n/a
3506     p_bs := p_bs||'BEGIN'||g_eol;
3507     --
3508     p_bs := p_bs||'  hr_utility.trace('' >DYT: Execute procedure version of Dynamic Trigger: '||p_dyt_name||''');'||g_eol;
3511     --
3512     -- Add the data migrator check - Bug 1885557
3513     p_bs := p_bs||'IF NOT (hr_general.g_data_migrator_mode <> ''Y'') THEN'||g_eol;
3514     p_bs := p_bs||'  RETURN;'||g_eol;
3515     p_bs := p_bs||'END IF;'||g_eol;
3516     -- Add the initialisation and component PL/SQL code
3517     l_inits := add_initialisations(l_dyt_id,p_bs,l_tab_name);
3518     l_comps := add_components(l_dyt_id,p_bs);
3519         --
3520     -- If we didn't add any initialisations or components then add a NULL
3521     -- operation to prevent compilation errors when triggers without any
3522     -- default initialisations are first created
3523     IF NOT l_inits AND NOT l_comps THEN
3524            p_bs := p_bs||'  NULL;'||g_eol;
3525     END IF;
3526     --
3528     -- Add a default exception block to catch all errors and write the
3529     -- trigger name and error text to the standard Oracle Apps error logging
3530     -- mechanism
3531         p_bs := p_bs||'EXCEPTION'||g_eol;
3532         p_bs := p_bs||'  WHEN OTHERS THEN'||g_eol;
3533         p_bs := p_bs||'    hr_utility.set_location('''||
3534                  l_dyt_name||''',ABS(SQLCODE));'||g_eol;
3535         p_bs := p_bs||'    RAISE;'||g_eol;
3536         p_bs := p_bs||'  --'||g_eol;
3537         p_bs := p_bs||'END '||l_dyt_name||';'||g_eos;
3539     --Before we return the sql, replace any instances of :new, :old; this is because
3540     --we have used the existing mechanism to get initialisations and components
3541     --and these may well rely on 'dbms trigger' notation, however we are using a dyt pkg
3542     get_dyt_pkg_version_of_code(p_bs,p_tab_name,p_dyt_act);
3543   END gen_dyt_pkg_proc;
3545 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
3546 -- | NAME       : gen_dyt_pkg_rhi_proc                                         |
3547 -- | SCOPE      : PUBLIC                                                       |
3548 -- | DESCRIPTION: See header                                                   |
3549 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
3550   PROCEDURE gen_dyt_pkg_rhi_proc( p_tab_name IN VARCHAR2
3551                                 ,p_dyt_act IN VARCHAR2 ,p_dyt_info IN VARCHAR2
3552                                 ,p_hok_params IN g_params_tab_type
3553                                 ,p_hs IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
3554                                 ,p_bs IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
3555                                 ,p_dyt_params IN g_params_tab_type
3556                                 ,p_dyt_pkg_head_tbl IN OUT NOCOPY t_varchar2_32k_tbl
3557                                 ,p_dyt_pkg_body_tbl IN OUT NOCOPY t_varchar2_32k_tbl
3558                                 ,p_datetracked_table in VARCHAR2) IS
3559     --
3560     -- Get details of all dyn-triggers on given table,
3561     CURSOR csr_dyts_on_tab(cp_name in VARCHAR2,cp_action in VARCHAR2) IS
3562       SELECT  pte.event_id, pte.short_name,
3563               pte.triggering_action, pte.description,
3564               DECODE(pte.triggering_action, 'I','Insert','U','Update', 'D','Delete' ) info
3565       FROM    pay_trigger_events pte
3566       WHERE   pte.table_name = (cp_name)
3567       AND     pte.triggering_action = (cp_action)
3568       AND     nvl(pte.protected_flag,'N') <> 'Y';
3571     i number;
3572     j number;
3573     delim varchar2(15) := ' ';
3575   BEGIN
3576     --
3577     -- Add an initial comment section to the trigger code
3579     p_hs := p_hs||'/*'||g_eol;
3580     p_hs := p_hs||'  ================================================'||g_eol;
3581     p_hs := p_hs||'  This is a dynamically generated procedure.      '||g_eol;
3582     p_hs := p_hs||'  Will be called  by API.                         '||g_eol;
3583     p_hs := p_hs||'  ================================================'||g_eol;
3584     p_hs := p_hs||'            ** DO NOT CHANGE MANUALLY **          '||g_eol;
3585     p_hs := p_hs||'  ------------------------------------------------'||g_eol;
3586     p_hs := p_hs||'    Name:   AFTER_'||upper(p_dyt_info)||g_eol;
3587     p_hs := p_hs||'    Table:  '||p_tab_name||g_eol;
3588     p_hs := p_hs||'    Action: '||p_dyt_info||g_eol;
3589     p_hs := p_hs||'    Generated Date:   '||TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI')||g_eol;
3590     p_hs := p_hs||'    Description: Called as part of '||p_dyt_info||' process'||g_eol;
3591     p_hs := p_hs||'  ================================================'||g_eol;
3592     p_hs := p_hs||'*/'||g_eos;
3593     --
3594     p_hs := p_hs||'PROCEDURE AFTER_'||upper(p_dyt_info)||g_eol;
3595     -- Complete procedure definition, (still same for header and body)
3596     --
3597     --
3598     i := 0;
3600     while i < p_hok_params.count LOOP
3601       --only need to print params that are relevant
3602       if (substr(p_hok_params(i).usage_type,2,1) = p_dyt_act) then
3603         -- quick formatting option
3604         if (length(p_hok_params(i).value_name) > 40) then
3605           j := 80; else j := 40;
3606         end if;
3607         if (delim = ' ') then p_hs := p_hs || '('||g_eol;
3608         end if;
3610         p_hs := p_hs ||'   '||delim||rpad(p_hok_params(i).value_name,j,' ')
3611                      ||' in '||p_hok_params(i).data_type||g_eol;
3612         delim := ',';
3614       end if;
3615       i := i+1;
3616     end loop;
3618     p_hs := p_hs ||' )';
3620     --End the header text, then continue with body, create two distinct strings
3621     p_bs := p_hs ||' IS '||g_eol;
3622     p_bs := p_bs ||'  l_mode  varchar2(80);'||g_eos;
3623     p_bs := p_bs ||' BEGIN'||g_eos;
3625     p_bs := p_bs||'    hr_utility.trace('' >DYT: Main entry point from row handler, AFTER_'||p_dyt_info||''');'||g_eol;
3627     p_hs := p_hs||'; -- End of procedure definition for AFTER_'||upper(p_dyt_info)||g_eos;
3629     --Create main body code, i.e. call to newly created dyn-trigger procedure(s).
3630     --
3632     p_bs := p_bs ||'  /* Mechanism for event capture to know whats occurred */'||g_eol;
3633     p_bs := p_bs ||'  l_mode := pay_dyn_triggers.g_dyt_mode;'||g_eol;
3634     if (upper(p_dyt_info) = 'INSERT') then
3635       p_bs := p_bs ||'  pay_dyn_triggers.g_dyt_mode := hr_api.g_insert;'||g_eos;
3636     else
3637       if (p_datetracked_table = 'Y') then
3638         p_bs := p_bs ||'  pay_dyn_triggers.g_dyt_mode := p_datetrack_mode;'||g_eos;
3639       else
3640          if (upper(p_dyt_info) = 'UPDATE') then
3641            p_bs := p_bs ||'  pay_dyn_triggers.g_dyt_mode := hr_api.g_correction;'||g_eos;
3642          else
3643            p_bs := p_bs ||'  pay_dyn_triggers.g_dyt_mode := hr_api.g_zap;'||g_eos;
3644          end if;
3645       end if;
3646     end if;
3647 --
3648     -- Save the header details.
3649     p_dyt_pkg_head_tbl(p_dyt_pkg_head_tbl.last + 1) := p_hs;
3650     p_hs := '';
3651 --
3652     delim := 'X'; --will be reset if we have any dyt's
3653     FOR dyt_rec IN csr_dyts_on_tab(p_tab_name,p_dyt_act) LOOP
3654       delim :=' '; i := 0;--reset counters
3656       -- Save the body details
3657       p_dyt_pkg_body_tbl(p_dyt_pkg_body_tbl.last + 1) := p_bs;
3658       p_bs := '';
3659 --
3660       p_bs := '  if (paywsdyg_pkg.trigger_enabled('''
3661                   ||dyt_rec.short_name||''')) then'||g_eol;
3662       p_bs := p_bs||'    '||get_dyt_proc_name(dyt_rec.short_name)||'('||g_eol;
3664       -- build up params for call to newly created procedure
3665       WHILE i < p_dyt_params.count LOOP
3666         --only need to print params that are relevant for this action
3667         --though may not be strictly relevant for this dyn trig as we just pass all
3668         if (substr(p_dyt_params(i).usage_type,2,1) = p_dyt_act) then
3669           --
3670           if (length(p_dyt_params(i).param_form) > 40) then -- quick formatting option
3671             j := 80; else j := 40;
3672           end if;
3673           p_bs := p_bs ||'     '||delim||rpad(p_dyt_params(i).param_form,j,' ')
3674                        ||' => '||p_dyt_params(i).value_name||g_eol;
3675           delim := ',';
3676         end if;
3678         i := i+1;
3679        END LOOP;
3680     p_bs := p_bs ||'    );'||g_eol||'  end if;'||g_eos;
3681     END LOOP;
3682     -- Written all calls to newly created relevant dyn-trigger, if none add null
3683     --
3684     if (delim = 'X') then
3685       p_bs := p_bs ||'  /* no calls => no dynamic triggers of this type on this table */';
3686       p_bs := p_bs ||g_eol||'  null;'||g_eos;
3687     end if;
3688     --Reset the flag
3689     p_bs := p_bs||'  pay_dyn_triggers.g_dyt_mode := l_mode;'||g_eos;
3691     -- Add a default exception block to catch all errors and write the
3692     -- trigger name and error text to the standard Oracle Apps error log
3693         p_bs := p_bs||'EXCEPTION'||g_eol;
3694         p_bs := p_bs||'  WHEN OTHERS THEN'||g_eol;
3695         p_bs := p_bs||'    hr_utility.set_location('''||
3696                  'AFTER_'||upper(p_dyt_info)||''',ABS(SQLCODE));'||g_eol;
3697         p_bs := p_bs||'    pay_dyn_triggers.g_dyt_mode := l_mode;'||g_eol;
3698         p_bs := p_bs||'    RAISE;'||g_eol;
3699         p_bs := p_bs||'  --'||g_eol;
3701     p_bs := p_bs ||'END  AFTER_'||upper(p_dyt_info)||';'||g_eos;
3703     -- Save the body details
3704     p_dyt_pkg_body_tbl(p_dyt_pkg_body_tbl.last + 1) := p_bs;
3705     p_bs := '';
3707   END gen_dyt_pkg_rhi_proc;
3709 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
3710 -- | NAME       : gen_dyt_db_trig                                              |
3711 -- | SCOPE      : PUBLIC                                                       |
3712 -- | DESCRIPTION: See header                                                   |
3713 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
3714   PROCEDURE gen_dyt_db_trig(p_dyt_id IN NUMBER,p_dyt_name IN VARCHAR2
3715                                 ,p_tab_name IN VARCHAR2, p_dyt_act IN VARCHAR2
3716                                 ,p_dyt_desc IN VARCHAR2,p_dyt_info IN VARCHAR2
3717                                 ,p_dyn_pkg_params IN g_params_tab_type
3718                                 ,p_tab_dyt_pkg_name  in varchar2
3719                                 ) IS
3720     --
3721     l_dyt_name      pay_trigger_events.short_name%TYPE := get_dyt_proc_name(p_dyt_name);
3722     l_sql  varchar2(32000);   --Used as a temp holder.
3723     l_dbt_name  varchar2(80);
3724     i number;
3725     j number;
3726     delim varchar2(15) := ' ';
3728   BEGIN
3729     l_dbt_name := get_trigger_name(p_dyt_id,p_tab_name,p_dyt_act);
3730     --
3731     -- Add an initial comment section to the trigger code
3733     l_sql := l_sql||'/*'||g_eol;
3734     l_sql := l_sql||'  ================================================'||g_eol;
3735     l_sql := l_sql||'  This is a dynamically generated database trigger'||g_eol;
3736     l_sql := l_sql||'  ================================================'||g_eol;
3737     l_sql := l_sql||'            ** DO NOT CHANGE MANUALLY **          '||g_eol;
3738     l_sql := l_sql||'  ------------------------------------------------'||g_eol;
3739     l_sql := l_sql||'    Trigger:  '||l_dbt_name||g_eol;
3740     l_sql := l_sql||'    Table:  '||p_tab_name||g_eol;
3741     l_sql := l_sql||'    Action: '||p_dyt_info||g_eol;
3742     l_sql := l_sql||'    Generated Date:   '||TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI')||g_eol;
3743     l_sql := l_sql||'    Description: If enabled, this trigger will be '||g_eol;
3744     l_sql := l_sql||'      called as part of '||p_dyt_info||' process. '||g_eol;
3745     l_sql := l_sql||'  ================================================'||g_eol;
3746     l_sql := l_sql||'*/'||g_eos;
3747     l_sql := l_sql||'DECLARE'||g_eol;
3748     l_sql := l_sql||'  l_mode  varchar2(80);'||g_eol;
3749     l_sql := l_sql||'BEGIN'||g_eol;
3750     --
3751     l_sql := l_sql||'  l_mode := pay_dyn_triggers.g_dyt_mode;'||g_eol;
3752     l_sql := l_sql||'  pay_dyn_triggers.g_dyt_mode := pay_dyn_triggers.g_dbms_dyt;'||g_eol;
3754  l_sql := l_sql||'  IF NOT (hr_general.g_data_migrator_mode <> ''Y'') THEN'||g_eol;
3755     l_sql := l_sql||'    RETURN;'||g_eol;
3756     l_sql := l_sql||'  END IF;'||g_eos;
3758     -- Code call to newly created procedure
3759     --
3760     l_sql := l_sql||p_tab_dyt_pkg_name||'.'||l_dyt_name||'('||g_eol;
3761     --
3762     -- build up params from those entered in dated tables form
3763     i := 0; delim :=' ';
3765     while i < p_dyn_pkg_params.count LOOP
3766       --only need to print params that are relevant
3767       if (substr(p_dyn_pkg_params(i).usage_type,2,1) = p_dyt_act) then
3768         --Need to create the mock rhi-hook control params
3769         --NB think P_NEW_EFFECTIVE_DATE is now redundant, but leave in as no overhead
3770         --
3771         if (upper(p_dyn_pkg_params(i).param_form) = 'P_NEW_EFFECTIVE_DATE') then
3772           l_sql := l_sql ||'   '||delim||rpad(p_dyn_pkg_params(i).param_form,40,' ')
3773                      ||' => :new.effective_start_date'||g_eol;
3774           delim := ',';
3775         elsif  (upper(p_dyn_pkg_params(i).param_form) = 'P_NEW_DATETRACK_MODE') then
3776           l_sql := l_sql ||'   '||delim||rpad(p_dyn_pkg_params(i).param_form,40,' ')
3777                      ||' => pay_dyn_triggers.g_dbms_dyt'||g_eol;
3778           delim := ',';
3779         else  --MAIN useful db cols
3780          -- quick formatting option
3781           if (length(p_dyn_pkg_params(i).param_form) > 40) then
3782             j := 80; else j := 40;
3783           end if;
3784           l_sql := l_sql ||'   '||delim||rpad(p_dyn_pkg_params(i).param_form,j,' ')
3785                        ||' => '||p_dyn_pkg_params(i).local_form||g_eol;
3786           delim := ',';
3787         end if;
3788       end if;
3790       i := i+1;
3791     end loop;
3793     --End the trigger text
3794     l_sql := l_sql||'); -- End of call to dynamic trigger code stored in package '||g_eos;
3795     l_sql := l_sql||'  pay_dyn_triggers.g_dyt_mode := l_mode;'||g_eol;
3797     -- Add a default exception block to catch all errors and write the
3798     -- trigger name and error text to the standard Oracle Apps error log
3799         l_sql := l_sql||'EXCEPTION'||g_eol;
3800         l_sql := l_sql||'  WHEN OTHERS THEN'||g_eol;
3801         l_sql := l_sql||'    hr_utility.set_location('''||
3802                  l_dbt_name||''',ABS(SQLCODE));'||g_eol;
3803         l_sql := l_sql||'    pay_dyn_triggers.g_dyt_mode := l_mode;'||g_eol;
3804         l_sql := l_sql||'    RAISE;'||g_eol;
3805         l_sql := l_sql||'  --'||g_eol;
3807     l_sql := l_sql||'END;'||g_eol;
3809     --Use common procedure to create trigger
3810     --
3811     create_trigger(l_dbt_name,p_tab_name,p_dyt_act,l_sql);
3812   end gen_dyt_db_trig;
3814 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
3815 -- | NAME       : trigger_enabled                                              |
3816 -- | SCOPE      : PUBLIC                                                       |
3817 -- | DESCRIPTION: Simply returns boolean to see if dyn trigger is enabled.     |
3818 -- |              Called by dynamically created rhi proc in dynamic package    |
3819 -- | PARAMETERS : p_dyt      - The dynamic trigger name                        |
3820 -- | RETURNS    : TRUE if trigger is enabled, FALSE otherwise                  |
3821 -- | RAISES     : None                                                         |
3822 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
3823 FUNCTION trigger_enabled(p_dyt varchar2) return BOOLEAN
3824 IS
3825   cursor csr_enabled(cp_dyt varchar2) is
3826     SELECT enabled_flag
3827     FROM pay_trigger_events
3828     where short_name = cp_dyt;
3830   l_flag varchar2(1);
3832 BEGIN
3833   open csr_enabled(p_dyt);
3834   fetch csr_enabled into l_flag;
3835   close csr_enabled;
3836   return (flag_to_boolean(l_flag));
3838 END trigger_enabled;
3840 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
3841 -- | name       : convert_tab_style                                            |
3842 -- | scope      : public                                                       |
3843 -- | description: there are times when the seeded behaviour needs to be altered|
3844 -- |  usually as a result of release issues.  this procedure provides a quick  |
3845 -- |  wrapper utility to change a dated table from dbms_dyt to dyt_pkg and vice|
3846 -- |  versa.
3847 -- | parameters : p_table_name  - the dated table name                         |
3848 -- |            : p_dyt_type    - eg t<dbms trigger> p<ackage> b<oth>          |
3849 -- | returns    : none
3850 -- | raises     : none                                                         |
3851 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
3852 procedure convert_tab_style(p_table_name in varchar2,p_dyt_type in varchar2)
3853 is
3855   l_name  varchar2(240);
3856   l_hooks varchar2(15);
3857   l_ok    boolean;
3858   l_api_module_id number;
3860   cursor csr_dyt_ids(cp_table_name in varchar2) is
3861     select event_id,short_name from pay_trigger_events
3862     where table_name = cp_table_name;
3863   cursor csr_get_id is
3864     select api_module_id
3865     from hr_api_modules
3866     where module_name = p_table_name;
3868 begin
3869   hr_utility.trace('>>> set table '||p_table_name||' to be style '||p_dyt_type);
3870   --
3871   update pay_dated_tables
3872     set dyn_trigger_type = p_dyt_type, dyn_trig_pkg_generated = 'N'
3873   where table_name = p_table_name;
3875   hr_utility.trace(' creating dyt triggers...');
3876   --
3877   for dyt_record in csr_dyt_ids(p_table_name) loop
3878     paywsdyg_pkg.generate_trigger(
3879       dyt_record.event_id,
3880       l_name,
3881       l_ok);
3882     hr_utility.trace(' just created a dynamic trigger for id: '||dyt_record.event_id||', dyt_name: '||dyt_record.short_name||', into: '||l_name);
3883     if (p_dyt_type = 'P') then exit; end if;
3884    end loop;
3885    hr_utility.trace('>>> completed trigger building for table '||p_table_name);
3888     if (p_dyt_type = 'P') then
3889       l_hooks := 'Y';
3890     else
3891       l_hooks := 'N';
3892     end if;
3894     update hr_api_hook_calls
3895     set enabled_flag = l_hooks
3896     where api_hook_call_id in (
3897         select api_hook_call_id
3898         from hr_api_hook_calls ahc,
3899           hr_api_hooks ah,
3900           hr_api_modules am
3901         where ahc.api_hook_id = ah.api_hook_id
3902         and ah.api_module_id = am.api_module_id
3903         and ahc.call_package = (select dyn_trigger_package_name
3904                           from pay_dated_tables
3905                           where table_name = am.module_name)
3906         and am.module_name = p_table_name );
3908    for module in csr_get_id loop
3909     --Rebuild Hooks Packages
3910     hr_api_user_hooks_utility.create_hooks_add_report(l_api_module_id);
3912    end loop;
3914 end convert_tab_style;
3916 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
3917 -- | name       : confirm_dyt_data                                            |
3918 -- | scope      : public    (Use cautiously, designed as dev util)             |
3919 -- | description: there are times when the seeded behaviour needs to be altered|
3920 -- |  usually as a result of release issues.  this procedure checks the data
3921 -- | for a given table and depending on the main switch (hook calls to DYT_PKG)
3922 -- | rebuilds the data for DYT_PKG behaviour (if calls existed) or DBMS dynamic
3923 -- | triggers (if no calls existed)
3924 -- | parameters : p_table_name  - the dated table name                         |
3925 -- | returns    : none
3926 -- | raises     : none                                                         |
3927 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
3928 PROCEDURE confirm_dyt_data(p_table_name in varchar2) is
3930 l_reqd_format    varchar2(1);  --EG will be set to 'T' dbms Trigger, 'P' Package
3931 l_current_format varchar2(1);
3932 l_dyt_pkg_exists varchar2(1);  --EG will be set to 'Y' or 'N'
3935 cursor csr_dyt_pkg_hook is
3936   select count(*)
3937   from hr_api_hook_calls ahc,
3938     hr_api_hooks ah,
3939     hr_api_modules am
3940   where ahc.api_hook_id = ah.api_hook_id
3941   and ah.api_module_id = am.api_module_id
3942   and ahc.call_package = (select dyn_trigger_package_name
3943                     from pay_dated_tables
3944                     where table_name = am.module_name)
3945   and am.module_name = p_table_name;
3946  l_hook_count     number;
3948   cursor csr_tab_details is
3949     select dated_table_id,dyn_trigger_type,dyn_trigger_package_name,dyn_trig_pkg_generated
3950     from pay_dated_tables
3951     where table_name = p_table_name;
3952  l_dt_id        pay_dated_tables.dated_table_id%type;
3953  l_dt_dyt_type  pay_dated_tables.dyn_trigger_type%type;
3954  l_dt_pkg_name  pay_dated_tables.dyn_trigger_package_name%type;
3955  l_dt_pkg_gen   pay_dated_tables.dyn_trig_pkg_generated%type;
3957   cursor csr_pkg_exist(cp_pkg in varchar2) is
3958     select status from user_objects
3959     where object_type = 'PACKAGE BODY'
3960     and  object_name = cp_pkg;
3961   l_pkg_status   all_objects.status%type;
3963   l_need_rebuild_flag varchar2(15) := 'N';
3964   l_result boolean;
3965   l_prod_status    varchar2(1);
3966   l_industry       varchar2(1);
3968   l_proc varchar2(240) := g_package||'.confirm_dyt_data';
3969 BEGIN
3970   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,10);
3971 --
3972 -- >>> PHASE 1: Decide what is the reqd format for this table for dynamic trigger
3973 --
3974   open  csr_dyt_pkg_hook;
3975   fetch csr_dyt_pkg_hook into l_hook_count;
3976   close csr_dyt_pkg_hook;
3978   hr_utility.trace( '- Decision on what is the required behaviour based on enabled hook count.');
3979   if (l_hook_count > 0) then
3980     l_reqd_format := 'P';
3981   else
3982     l_reqd_format := 'T';
3983   end if;
3984   hr_utility.trace( '- Hook count is '||l_hook_count||' so REQD behaviour is '||l_reqd_format);
3987 -- >>> PHASE 2: Get the exisitng information for this table
3988 --
3989   open  csr_tab_details;
3990   fetch csr_tab_details into l_dt_id, l_dt_dyt_type, l_dt_pkg_name, l_dt_pkg_gen;
3991   close csr_tab_details;
3992   hr_utility.trace( '- Dated table id '||l_dt_id||' has SEEDED behaviour '||l_dt_dyt_type);
3994   open  csr_pkg_exist(l_dt_pkg_name);
3995   fetch csr_pkg_exist into l_pkg_status;
3996   close csr_pkg_exist;
3998   if (l_pkg_status is null) then l_pkg_status := 'NONE';
3999   end if;
4000   --hr_utility.trace( '- DYT_PKG '||l_dt_pkg_name||' has status '||l_pkg_status);
4002 --Now do phase 3 if l_reqd_format = T, phase 4 if its = P
4003   if (l_reqd_format = 'T') then
4004 -- >>> PHASE 3: Deal with situation where we wish for NO dyt_pkg
4005 --
4006 --                 ||  The DYT_PKG exists   ||  No DYT_PKG exists   ||
4007 --++===============||===============================================||
4008 --   Table is also || [A]  bit odd          || [B] Perfect          ||
4009 --   set to T      ||  no danger            ||    Behaviour         ||
4010 --   eg dbms_dyt   ||  => nothing           ||                      ||
4011 --++===============||=======================||======================||
4012 --   Table is NOT  || [C] Bad               || [D] Very Bad         ||
4013 --   set to T      ||  => change table to   ||   => change table to ||
4014 --   eg dyt_pkg    ||    be dbms style      ||     be dbms style    ||
4015 --++===============++===============================================++
4016     hr_utility.trace(' NO HOOKS so desired DBMS style dynamic triggers.');
4017     hr_utility.trace( p_table_name||' has style set to '||l_dt_dyt_type||' and the dyt_pkg is '||l_pkg_status);
4018     if    (l_dt_dyt_type   = 'T' and l_pkg_status = 'VALID') then
4019       l_need_rebuild_flag := 'N'; --odd but not terminal
4021     elsif (l_dt_dyt_type   = 'T' and l_pkg_status <> 'VALID') then
4022       hr_utility.trace( p_table_name||' has perfect dynamic trigger data');
4023       l_need_rebuild_flag := 'N'; --odd but not terminal
4024     --
4025     elsif (l_dt_dyt_type   = 'P' and l_pkg_status = 'VALID') then
4026       l_need_rebuild_flag := 'Y'; -- BAD so change to dbms triggers
4027     --
4028     elsif (l_dt_dyt_type   = 'P' and l_pkg_status <> 'VALID') then
4029       l_need_rebuild_flag := 'Y'; -- BAD so change to dbms triggers
4030     --
4031     end if;
4032   elsif (l_reqd_format = 'P') then
4033 -- >>> PHASE 4: Deal with situation where we wish for a dyt_pkg
4034 --
4035 --                 ||  The DYT_PKG exists   ||  No DYT_PKG exists   ||
4036 --++===============||===============================================||
4037 --   Table is also || [A]  bit odd          || [B] Bad              ||
4038 --   set to T      ||  pkg exists and calls ||    hooks will fail   ||
4039 --   eg dbms_dyt   ||  => change to dyt_pkg || => change to dyt_pkg ||
4040 --++===============||=======================||======================||
4041 --   Table is NOT  || [C] Perfect           || [D] Very Bad         ||
4042 --   set to T      ||                       ||   hooks will fail    ||
4043 --   eg dyt_pkg    ||                       || => change to dyt_pkg ||
4044 --++===============++===============================================++
4046     hr_utility.trace(' HOOKS EXIST so desired DYT_PKG style dynamic triggers.');
4047     hr_utility.trace( p_table_name||' has style set to '||l_dt_dyt_type||' and the dyt_pkg is '||l_pkg_status);
4048     if      (l_dt_dyt_type = 'T' and l_pkg_status = 'VALID') then
4049       l_need_rebuild_flag := 'Y'; -- BAD so change to dyt_pkg
4050     --
4051     elsif   (l_dt_dyt_type = 'T' and l_pkg_status <> 'VALID') then
4052       l_need_rebuild_flag := 'Y'; -- BAD so change to dyt_pkg
4053     --
4054     elsif   (l_dt_dyt_type = 'P' and l_pkg_status = 'VALID') then
4055       l_need_rebuild_flag := 'N';
4056       hr_utility.trace( p_table_name||' has perfect dynamic trigger data');
4057     --
4058     elsif   (l_dt_dyt_type = 'P' and l_pkg_status <> 'VALID') then
4059       l_need_rebuild_flag := 'Y'; -- BAD so change to dyt_pkg
4060     --
4061     end if;
4062   end if;
4064   if (l_need_rebuild_flag = 'Y') then
4065      paywsdyg_pkg.convert_tab_style(
4066         p_table_name => p_table_name,
4067         p_dyt_type   => l_reqd_format);
4068   end if;
4070   -- To cover the exception to the rule...namely pay_element_entry_values_f
4071   -- which does not have hooks and thus this procedure should never be called for
4072   -- this table.  If this is called for pay_element_entries_f then make the
4073   -- vals table have the same behaviour.
4074   if (p_table_name = 'PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F') then
4075     paywsdyg_pkg.convert_tab_style(
4076         p_table_name => 'PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRY_VALUES_F',
4077         p_dyt_type   => l_reqd_format);
4078   end if;
4080   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,900);
4081 END  confirm_dyt_data;
4083 --
4084 --
4085 -- does declaration exist for the specified variable
4086         function is_not_declared(p_id in number,p_name in varchar2) return boolean is
4087                 --
4088                 cursor csr_pay(cp_id in number,cp_name in varchar2) is
4089                         select  'x'
4090                         from            pay_trigger_declarations
4091                         where           variable_name = cp_name
4092                         and                     event_id = cp_id;
4093                 --
4094                 l_cx varchar2(1);
4095                 l_rc boolean;
4096         begin
4097                 open csr_pay(p_id,p_name);
4098                 fetch csr_pay into l_cx;
4099                 if csr_pay%notfound then
4100                         l_rc := true;
4101                 else
4102                         l_rc := false;
4103                 end if;
4104                 close csr_pay;
4105                 --
4106                 return l_rc;
4107         end is_not_declared;
4109 --
4110 -- if the table's got a business group id then that's fine,
4111 -- otherwise check if the user has defined their own local
4112 -- variable that we can use
4113         function no_business_context(p_table in varchar2,p_id in number) return boolean is
4114                 l_rc boolean;
4115         begin
4116                 if table_has_business_group(p_table) then
4117                         l_rc := false;
4118                 else
4119                         l_rc := is_not_declared(p_id,'business_group_id');
4120                 end if;
4121                 --
4122                 return l_rc;
4123         end no_business_context;
4124 --
4125 -- if the table's got a business group id then that's fine,
4126 -- otherwise check if the user has defined their own local
4127 -- variable that we can use
4128         function no_legislation_context(p_table in varchar2,p_id in number) return boolean is
4129                 l_rc boolean;
4130         begin
4131                 if table_has_business_group(p_table) then
4132                         l_rc := false;
4133                 else
4134                         l_rc := is_not_declared(p_id,'legislation_code');
4135                 end if;
4136                 --
4137                 return l_rc;
4138         end no_legislation_context;
4139 --
4140 -- if the table's got a payroll id then that's fine,
4141 -- otherwise check if the user has defined their own local
4142 -- variable that we can use
4143         function no_payroll_context(p_table in varchar2,p_id in number) return boolean is
4144                 --
4145                 l_rc boolean;
4146         begin
4147                 if table_has_payroll(p_table) then
4148                         l_rc := false;
4149                 else
4150                         l_rc := is_not_declared(p_id,'payroll_id');
4151                 end if;
4152                 --
4153                 return l_rc;
4154         end no_payroll_context;
4155 --
4156 procedure ins(
4157         p_event_id           in number,
4158         p_table_name         in varchar2,
4159         p_short_name         in varchar2,
4160         p_description        in varchar2,
4161         p_generated_flag     in varchar2,
4162         p_enabled_flag       in varchar2,
4163         p_protected_flag     in varchar2,
4164         p_triggering_action  in varchar2,
4165         p_last_update_date   in date,
4166         p_last_updated_by    in number,
4167         p_last_update_login  in number,
4168         p_created_by         in number,
4169         p_creation_date      in date
4170 ) is
4171 begin
4172         insert into pay_trigger_events (
4173                 event_id,
4174                 table_name,
4175                 short_name,
4176                 description,
4177                 generated_flag,
4178                 enabled_flag,
4179                 protected_flag,
4180                 triggering_action,
4181                 last_update_date,
4182                 last_updated_by,
4183                 last_update_login,
4184                 created_by,
4185                 creation_date
4186         ) values (
4187                 p_event_id,
4188                 p_table_name,
4189                 p_short_name,
4190                 p_description,
4191                 p_generated_flag,
4192                 p_enabled_flag,
4193                 p_protected_flag,
4194                 p_triggering_action,
4195                 p_last_update_date,
4196                 p_last_updated_by,
4197                 p_last_update_login,
4198                 p_created_by,
4199                 p_creation_date
4200         );
4201 end ins;
4202 --
4203 procedure upd(
4204         p_event_id           in number,
4205         p_table_name         in varchar2,
4206         p_short_name         in varchar2,
4207         p_description        in varchar2,
4208         p_generated_flag     in varchar2,
4209         p_enabled_flag       in varchar2,
4210         p_protected_flag     in varchar2,
4211         p_triggering_action  in varchar2,
4212         p_last_update_date   in date,
4213         p_last_updated_by    in number,
4214         p_last_update_login  in number,
4215         p_created_by         in number,
4216         p_creation_date      in date
4217 ) is
4218 begin
4219         update  pay_trigger_events
4220         set     table_name              = p_table_name,
4221                 short_name              = p_short_name,
4222                 description             = p_description,
4223                 generated_flag          = p_generated_flag,
4224                 enabled_flag            = p_enabled_flag,
4225                 protected_flag          = p_protected_flag,
4226                 triggering_action       = p_triggering_action,
4227                 last_update_date        = p_last_update_date,
4228                 last_updated_by         = p_last_updated_by,
4229                 last_update_login       = p_last_update_login,
4230                 created_by              = p_created_by,
4231                 creation_date           = p_creation_date
4232         where   event_id                = p_event_id;
4233 end upd;
4234 --
4235 procedure del(
4236         p_event_id           in number
4237 ) is
4238 begin
4239       delete from       pay_trigger_events
4240       where             event_id = p_event_id;
4241 end del;
4242 --
4243 procedure lck(
4244         p_event_id           in number
4245 ) is
4246   cursor c_sel1 is
4247     select      *
4248     from        pay_trigger_events
4249     where       event_id = p_event_id
4250     for update nowait;
4251     l_old_rec c_sel1%rowtype;
4252 --
4253 begin
4254   --
4255   open  c_sel1;
4256   fetch c_sel1 into l_old_rec;
4257   if c_sel1%notfound then
4258     close c_sel1;
4259     --
4260     -- the primary key is invalid therefore we must error
4261     --
4262     fnd_message.set_name('pay', 'hr_7220_invalid_primary_key');
4263     fnd_message.raise_error;
4264   end if;
4265   close c_sel1;
4266   --
4267   --
4268   -- we need to trap the ora lock exception
4269   --
4270 exception
4271   when hr_api.object_locked then
4272     --
4273     -- the object is locked therefore we need to supply a meaningful
4274     -- error message.
4275     --
4276     fnd_message.set_name('pay', 'hr_7165_object_locked');
4277     fnd_message.set_token('table_name', 'pay_trigger_events');
4278     fnd_message.raise_error;
4279 end lck;
4280 --
4281 FUNCTION is_table_valid(p_table IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
4282   --
4283   l_rc NUMBER(15);
4284   --
4285   CURSOR csr_chk_tabname IS
4286     SELECT 1
4287     FROM   dual
4288     WHERE EXISTS (
4289       SELECT 1
4290       FROM   fnd_tables tab
4291       WHERE  tab.table_name = p_table
4292       AND    (tab.application_id BETWEEN 800 AND 810
4293              OR tab.application_id IN (8301,453,8302,8303,8403,203))
4294     );
4295   --
4296   CURSOR csr_get_tabapp IS
4297     SELECT application_id
4298     FROM   fnd_tables
4299     WHERE  table_name = p_table
4300     AND    ((application_id < 800 OR application_id > 810)
4301              AND application_id NOT IN (8301,453,8302,8303,8403,203));
4302   --
4303 BEGIN
4304   --
4305   OPEN csr_chk_tabname;
4306   FETCH csr_chk_tabname INTO l_rc;
4307   IF csr_chk_tabname%NOTFOUND THEN
4308     CLOSE csr_chk_tabname;
4309     --
4310     -- Not in normal range get the app id and check the profile
4311     OPEN csr_get_tabapp;
4312     FETCH csr_get_tabapp INTO l_rc;
4313     IF csr_get_tabapp%NOTFOUND THEN
4314       CLOSE csr_get_tabapp;
4315       RETURN 'N';
4316     END IF;
4317     CLOSE csr_get_tabapp;
4318     --
4319     IF 'Y' = Fnd_Profile.Value_Specific(name=>'PAY_ENABLE_DYNAMIC_TRIGGERS',
4320       application_id=>l_rc)
4321     THEN
4322       RETURN 'Y';
4323     END IF;
4324     --
4325     RETURN 'N';
4326   END IF;
4327   --
4328   CLOSE csr_chk_tabname;
4329   RETURN 'Y';
4330 END is_table_valid;
4331 --
4332 FUNCTION is_table_column_valid(p_table IN VARCHAR2,p_column IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
4333   --
4334   l_rc       NUMBER(15);
4335   --
4336   CURSOR csr_chk_column IS
4337     SELECT 1
4338     FROM   dual
4339     WHERE EXISTS (
4340       SELECT 1
4341       FROM   fnd_columns col,fnd_tables tab
4342       WHERE  tab.table_name = p_table
4343       AND    col.table_id = tab.table_id
4344       AND    col.application_id = tab.application_id
4345       AND    col.column_name = p_column
4346       AND    (tab.application_id BETWEEN 800 AND 810
4347              OR tab.application_id IN (8301,453,8302,8303,8403,203))
4348     );
4349   --
4350   CURSOR csr_get_colapp IS
4351     SELECT tab.application_id
4352     FROM   fnd_columns col,fnd_tables tab
4353     WHERE  tab.table_name = p_table
4354     AND    col.table_id = tab.table_id
4355     AND    col.application_id = tab.application_id
4356     AND    ((tab.application_id < 800 OR tab.application_id > 810)
4357            AND tab.application_id NOT IN (8301,453,8302,8303,8403,203))
4358     AND    col.column_name = p_column;
4359   --
4360 BEGIN
4361   --
4362   OPEN csr_chk_column;
4363   FETCH csr_chk_column INTO l_rc;
4364   IF csr_chk_column%NOTFOUND THEN
4365     CLOSE csr_chk_column;
4366     --
4367     -- Not in normal range get the app id and check the profile
4368     OPEN csr_get_colapp;
4369     FETCH csr_get_colapp INTO l_rc;
4370     IF csr_get_colapp%NOTFOUND THEN
4371       CLOSE csr_get_colapp;
4372       RETURN 'N';
4373     END IF;
4374     CLOSE csr_get_colapp;
4375     --
4376     IF 'Y' = Fnd_Profile.Value_Specific(name=>'PAY_ENABLE_DYNAMIC_TRIGGERS',
4377       application_id=>l_rc)
4378     THEN
4379       RETURN 'Y';
4380     END IF;
4381     --
4382     RETURN 'N';
4383   END IF;
4384   --
4385   CLOSE csr_chk_column;
4386   RETURN 'Y';
4387 END is_table_column_valid;
4388 --
4389 FUNCTION is_table_owner_valid(p_table IN VARCHAR2,p_owner IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
4390   --
4391   l_rc   NUMBER(15);
4392   --
4393   CURSOR csr_chk_owner IS
4394     SELECT 1
4395     FROM   dual
4396     WHERE EXISTS (
4397       SELECT 1
4398       FROM   fnd_tables tab,
4399              fnd_product_installations prd,
4400              fnd_oracle_userid usr
4401       WHERE  tab.table_name = p_table
4402       AND    tab.application_id = prd.application_id
4403       AND    (prd.application_id BETWEEN 800 AND 810
4404              OR prd.application_id IN (8301,453,8302,8303,8403,203))
4405       AND    usr.oracle_id = prd.oracle_id
4406       AND    usr.oracle_username = p_owner
4407     );
4408   --
4409   CURSOR csr_get_ownapp IS
4410     SELECT prd.application_id
4411     FROM   fnd_tables tab,
4412            fnd_product_installations prd,
4413            fnd_oracle_userid usr
4414     WHERE  tab.table_name = p_table
4415     AND    tab.application_id = prd.application_id
4416     AND    ((prd.application_id < 800 OR prd.application_id > 810)
4417            AND prd.application_id NOT IN (8301,453,8302,8303,8403,203))
4418     AND    usr.oracle_id = prd.oracle_id
4419     AND    usr.oracle_username = p_owner;
4420   --
4421 BEGIN
4422   OPEN csr_chk_owner;
4423   FETCH csr_chk_owner INTO l_rc;
4424   IF csr_chk_owner%NOTFOUND THEN
4425     CLOSE csr_chk_owner;
4426     --
4427     -- Not in normal range, get app id and check profile
4428     OPEN csr_get_ownapp;
4429     FETCH csr_get_ownapp INTO l_rc;
4430     IF csr_get_ownapp%NOTFOUND THEN
4431       CLOSE csr_get_ownapp;
4432       RETURN 'N';
4433     END IF;
4434     CLOSE csr_get_ownapp;
4435     --
4436     IF 'Y' = Fnd_Profile.Value_Specific(name=>'PAY_ENABLE_DYNAMIC_TRIGGERS',
4437       application_id=>l_rc)
4438     THEN
4439       RETURN 'Y';
4440     END IF;
4441     --
4442     RETURN 'N';
4443     --
4444   END IF;
4445   CLOSE csr_chk_owner;
4446   --
4447   RETURN 'Y';
4448 END is_table_owner_valid;
4449 --
4450 FUNCTION get_table_owner(p_table IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
4451   --
4452   l_schema   VARCHAR2(30);
4453   l_app      NUMBER(15);
4454   --
4455   CURSOR csr_get_owner IS
4456     SELECT usr.oracle_username
4457     FROM   fnd_tables tab,
4458            fnd_product_installations prd,
4459            fnd_oracle_userid usr
4460     WHERE  tab.table_name = p_table
4461     AND    tab.application_id = prd.application_id
4462     AND    (prd.application_id BETWEEN 800 AND 810
4463            OR prd.application_id IN (8301,453,8302,8303,8403,203))
4464     AND    usr.oracle_id = prd.oracle_id;
4465   --
4466   CURSOR csr_get_ownex IS
4467     SELECT usr.oracle_username,
4468            prd.application_id
4469     FROM   fnd_tables tab,
4470            fnd_product_installations prd,
4471            fnd_oracle_userid usr
4472     WHERE  tab.table_name = p_table
4473     AND    tab.application_id = prd.application_id
4474     AND    ((prd.application_id < 800 OR prd.application_id > 810)
4475            AND prd.application_id NOT IN (8301,453,8302,8303,8403,203))
4476     AND    usr.oracle_id = prd.oracle_id;
4477   --
4478 BEGIN
4479   OPEN csr_get_owner;
4480   FETCH csr_get_owner INTO l_schema;
4481   IF csr_get_owner%NOTFOUND THEN
4482     CLOSE csr_get_owner;
4483     --
4484     OPEN csr_get_ownex;
4485     FETCH csr_get_ownex INTO l_schema,l_app;
4486     IF csr_get_ownex%NOTFOUND THEN
4487       CLOSE csr_get_ownex;
4488       RETURN NULL;
4489     END IF;
4490     CLOSE csr_get_ownex;
4491     --
4492     IF 'Y' = Fnd_Profile.Value_Specific(name=>'PAY_ENABLE_DYNAMIC_TRIGGERS',
4493       application_id=>l_app)
4494     THEN
4495       RETURN l_schema;
4496     END IF;
4497     RETURN NULL;
4498   END IF;
4499   CLOSE csr_get_owner;
4500   --
4501   RETURN l_schema;
4502 END get_table_owner;
4503 --
4504 end paywsdyg_pkg;