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1 package wip_picking_pvt AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2  /* $Header: wippckvs.pls 120.2.12010000.1 2008/07/24 05:25:07 appldev ship $ */
5   /* This procedure explodes the BOM of a flow schedule. It also purges any components that were incorrectly exploded if
6      the supply type for their assembly was sub-assy, not phantom
7      Parameters:
8        p_organization_id: The org of the bill.
9        p_bill_sequence_id: The bill sequence of the assembly
10        p_revision_date: The revision date of the assembly
11        p_primary_item_id: The item id of the assembly
12        p_alternate_bom_designator: the abm of the assembly, if it is being used
13        p_user_id: To set the standard WHO column in bom_explosions
14        x_return_status: FND_API return codes are used
15        x_msg_data: The error message. This message is not put on the stack!
16   */
17   procedure explode(p_organization_id NUMBER,
18                     p_bill_sequence_id NUMBER,
19                     p_revision_date DATE,
20                     p_primary_item_id NUMBER,
21                     p_alternate_bom_designator VARCHAR2,
22                     p_user_id NUMBER,
23                     x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
24                     x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
27   /* This procedure cancels open allocations. It should be called when a job/schedule is cancelled to prevent addional move orders
28      or tasks from being transacted.
29      Parameters:
30        p_wip_entity_id: The wip entity id of the job/schedule
31        p_wip_entity_type: The wip entity type of the job/schedule
32        p_repetitive_schedule_id: The rep sched id of the schedule if cancelling a rep. sched.
33        x_return_status: FND_API return codes are used
34        x_msg_data: The error message. This message is not put on the stack!
35   */
36   procedure cancel_allocations(p_wip_entity_id NUMBER,
37                                p_wip_entity_type NUMBER,
38                                p_repetitive_schedule_id NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
39                                x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
40                                x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
43  /* This procedure called for cancellation of move orders for specific components. This procedure queries for the move order
44     lines related to the specified component of the entity and calls cancel_MO_line for each of this component and zeros the
45     backorder quantity in WRO.*/
47   Procedure cancel_comp_allocations(p_wip_entity_id NUMBER,
48 		     p_operation_seq_num NUMBER,
49 		     p_inventory_item_id NUMBER,
50                      p_wip_entity_type NUMBER,
51                      p_repetitive_schedule_id NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
52                      x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
53                      x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
56 /* This procedure is called from cancel_allocations and cancel_comp_allocations.
57    It updates the allocated quantity appropriately for the received row id and calls inventory's API
58    to cancel the move order line. */
60   Procedure cancel_MO_line(p_lineId  IN NUMBER,
61 		 p_rowId ROWID,
62                  p_wip_entity_type NUMBER,
63                  p_openQty NUMBER,
64                  x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
65                  x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
68   /* This procedure updates the operation sequence number of  open allocations. It should be called when a routing is added
69      to the job schedule after a pick release has occurred. In this case, all move orders w/op_seq = 1 will get updated to the
70      lowest added operation of the new routing.
72      Parameters:
73        p_wip_entity_id: The wip entity id of the job/schedule
74        p_operation_seq_num: The new op seq of the move orders
75        p_repetitive_schedule_id: The rep sched id of the schedule if cancelling a rep. sched.
76        x_return_status: FND_API return codes are used
77        x_msg_data: The error message. This message is not put on the stack!
78   */
79   procedure update_allocation_op_seqs(p_wip_entity_id IN NUMBER,
80                                       p_repetitive_schedule_id IN NUMBER := null,
81                                       p_operation_seq_num IN NUMBER,
82                                       x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
83                                       x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
85    /* This procedure reduces the allocated quantity for a component
86    by the requested quantity */
87    procedure reduce_comp_allocations(p_comp_tbl IN wip_picking_pub.allocate_comp_tbl_t,
88                                p_wip_entity_type NUMBER,
89                                p_organization_id NUMBER,
90                                x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
91                                x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
94   /* This procedure is used in the picking concurrent request.
95      Parameters:
96        errbuf: Error message returned to conc. manager.
97        retcode: return status to conc. manager. See app developer guide for meanings
98        p_wip_entity_type: The wip entity type of the job/schedule
99        p_days_forward: Number of days to allocate for (from sysdate).
100        p_organization_id: The org to allocate material for.
101        p_use_pickset_indicator: Whether to use picksets or not
102        p_days_to_alloc: For rep scheds, the maximum number of days to allocate. Less may
103                         be allocated if the open quantity is less.
104   */
105   procedure allocate(errbuf OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
106                      retcode OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
107                      p_wip_entity_type NUMBER,
108                      p_job_type NUMBER DEFAULT 4,   /*Bug 5932126 (FP of 5880558): Added one new parameter for job type*/
109                      p_days_forward NUMBER,
110                      p_organization_id NUMBER,
111                      p_use_pickset_indicator NUMBER,
112                      p_pick_grouping_rule_id NUMBER := NULL,
113                      p_print_pickslips NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,  -- lookup code is 1 for default value YES
114                      p_plan_tasks NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,         -- lookup code is 2 for default value NO
115                      p_days_to_alloc NUMBER DEFAULT NULL);      --only used for rep scheds
117   /* This procedure is used in the WIPCMPPK form to allocate material.
118      Parameters:
119        p_alloc_tbl: A table of records containing the entities for which to allocate.
120        p_days_to_alloc: For rep scheds, the maximum number of days to allocate. Less may
121                         be allocated if the open quantity is less.
122        p_cutoff_date: The last date to allocate for.
123        p_wip_entity_type: The wip entity type of the jobs/schedules.
124        p_organization_id: The organization id of the jobs/schedules.
125        x_return_status: FND_API return codes are used
126        x_msg_data: The error message. This message is not put on the stack!
127   */
128    procedure allocate(p_alloc_tbl IN OUT NOCOPY wip_picking_pub.allocate_tbl_t,
129                      p_days_to_alloc NUMBER := NULL, --only used for rep scheds
130                      p_auto_detail_flag VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
131                      p_start_date DATE DEFAULT NULL,  /* Enh#2824753 */
132                      p_cutoff_date DATE,
133                      p_wip_entity_type NUMBER,
134                      p_organization_id NUMBER,
135                      p_operation_seq_num_low NUMBER := NULL, /* Enh#2824753 */
136                      p_operation_seq_num_high NUMBER := NULL,
137                      p_pick_grouping_rule_id NUMBER := NULL, /* Added as part of Enhancement#2578514*/
138                      p_print_pick_slip VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,      /* Added as part of Enhancement#2578514*/
139                      p_plan_tasks BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL,           /* Added as part of Enhancement#2578514*/
140                      x_conc_req_id OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
141                      x_mo_req_number OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
142                      x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
143                      x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
145  /* This procedure is called by allocate and allocate_comp to get the MO header and lines records appropriately filled in. */
147   procedure get_HdrLinesRec( p_wip_entity_id NUMBER,
148                         p_project_id NUMBER,
149                         p_task_id NUMBER,
150 			p_wip_entity_type NUMBER,
151 			p_repetitive_schedule_id NUMBER,
152 			p_operation_seq_num NUMBER,
153 			p_inventory_item_id NUMBER,
154 			p_use_pickset_flag VARCHAR2,
155 			p_pickset_id NUMBER,
156 			p_open_qty NUMBER,
157 			p_to_subinv VARCHAR2,
158 			p_to_locator NUMBER,
159 			p_default_subinv VARCHAR2,
160 			p_default_locator NUMBER,
161 			p_uom VARCHAR2  ,
162 			p_supply_type NUMBER  ,
163 			p_req_date DATE,
164 			p_rev_control_code VARCHAR2 ,
165 			p_organization_id NUMBER,
166 			p_pick_grouping_rule_id NUMBER := NULL, /* Added as part of Enhancement#2578514*/
167 			p_carton_grouping_id NUMBER := NULL,    /* Added as part of Enhancement#2578514*/
168 			p_hdrRec IN OUT NOCOPY INV_MOVE_ORDER_PUB.Trohdr_Rec_Type,
169 			p_linesRec IN OUT NOCOPY INV_MOVE_ORDER_PUB.Trolin_Rec_Type,
170 			x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
171                         x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
173  /* This procedure is called for allocating specific components .
174      Parameters:
175        p_alloc_comp_tbl: A table of records containing the (entity,operation sequence,component) combination for which to allocate.
176        p_days_to_alloc: For rep scheds, the maximum number of days to allocate. Less may
177                         be allocated if the open quantity is less.
178        p_auto_detail_flag: Indicates automatic detailing of Move Order lines to Inventory.
179        p_cutoff_date: The last date to allocate for.
180        p_wip_entity_type: The wip entity type of the jobs/schedules.
181        p_organization_id: The organization id of the jobs/schedules.
182        x_return_status: FND_API return codes are used
183        x_msg_data: The error message. This message is not put on the stack!
184   */
187   procedure allocate_comp(p_alloc_comp_tbl IN OUT NOCOPY wip_picking_pub.allocate_comp_tbl_t,
188                      p_days_to_alloc NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, --only used for rep scheds
189                      p_auto_detail_flag VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
190                      p_cutoff_date DATE,
191                      p_wip_entity_type NUMBER,
192                      p_organization_id NUMBER,
193                      p_pick_grouping_rule_id NUMBER := NULL,
194                      p_print_pick_slip VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
195                      p_plan_tasks BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL,
196                      x_conc_req_id OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
197                      x_mo_req_number OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
198                      x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
199                      x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
201  /**
202    * Explodes an item's bom and returns the components in a pl/sql table
203    * p_organization_id  The organization.
204    * p_assembly_item_id The assembly.
205    * p_alt_option  2 if an exact match to the alternate bom designator is necessary
206    *               1 if the alternate is not found, the main bom will be used.
207    * p_assembly_qty  Qty to explode. Pass a negative value for returns.
208    * p_alt_bom_desig  The alternate bom designator if one was provided. Null otherwise.
209    * p_rev_date  The date of the transaction. This is used to retrieve the correct bom.
210    */
211   procedure explodeMultiLevel(p_organization_id NUMBER,
212                               p_assembly_item_id NUMBER,
213                               p_alt_option NUMBER,
214                               p_assembly_qty NUMBER,
215                               p_alt_bom_desig VARCHAR2,
216                               p_rev_date DATE,
217                               p_project_id NUMBER,
218                               p_task_id NUMBER,
219                               p_to_op_seq_num NUMBER,
220                               p_alt_rout_desig VARCHAR2,
221                               x_comp_sql_tbl OUT NOCOPY wip_picking_pub.allocate_comp_tbl_t,
222                               x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
223                               x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 );
225    Procedure Post_Explosion_CleanUp(p_wip_entity_id number,
226                               p_repetitive_schedule_id in NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
227                               p_org_id in NUMBER,
228                               x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
229                               x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2  );
233     g_PickRelease_Failed  BOOLEAN := FALSE; /* used to set the request to warning */
234 end wip_picking_pvt;