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2 /* $Header: pygbedir.pkb 120.2.12010000.10 2010/01/22 15:11:15 krreddy ship $ */
3 --
4 /*===========================================================================+
5  |               Copyright (c) 1993 Oracle Corporation                       |
6  |                  Redwood Shores, California, USA                          |
7  |                       All rights reserved.                                |
8  +============================================================================
10  Purpose :Package to contol rollback process for
11           P45, P45(3), P46, P46 Car, P46PENNOT, WNU and P11D
13  History
14  Date        Name          Version  Bug        Description
15  ----------- ------------- -------- ---------- ------------------------------
16  15-JUN-2006 K.Thampan     115.0               Created.
17  28-JUN-2006 K.Thampan     115.1               Fix GSCC error
18  09-AUG-2006 tukumar	   115.2	       WNU 3.0 5398360
19  11-Aug-2008 namgoyal      115.3    7208046    Added logic to handle EDI Rollback
20                                                for P46 EDI process version 5
24                                                P46Expat Notification
21  16-OCT-2008 dwkrishn      115.4    7433580    Added code for 2009 legislative changes
22  28-NOV-2008 dwkrishn      115.4    7433580    Added Pennot Changes
23  11-Feb-2009 krreddy       115.7    8216080    Modified the code to implement
25  11-Feb-2009 krreddy       115.8    8216080    Modified the code to implement
26                                                P46Expat Notification
27  05-Jan-2010 namgoyal      115.9    9186359    Added rollback for eText based WNU3.0.
28  				               This code would only be called for
29 				               release 12.1.3.
30 21-Jan-2010 namgoyal      115.10   9255173     Added rollback for eText based P46 V6
31  				               This code would only be called for
32 				               release 12.1.3.
33 21-Jan-2010 krreddy       115.10   9255183     Added rollback for eText based P46EXP V6
34  				               This code would only be called for
35 				               release 12.1.3.
36 ============================================================================*/
38 g_package    CONSTANT VARCHAR2(20):= 'pay_gb_edi_rollback.';
40 FUNCTION get_version(p_assig_id  in  number,
41                      p_type      in  varchar2,
42                      p_aei_id    out nocopy number) return number
43 IS
44      l_proc CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50):= g_package||'get_version';
45      l_ovn  number;
46      cursor csr_ovn is
47      select object_version_number,
48             assignment_extra_info_id
49      from   per_assignment_extra_info
50      where  assignment_id = p_assig_id
51      and    information_type = p_type;
53      hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,1);
54      open csr_ovn;
55      fetch csr_ovn into l_ovn, p_aei_id;
56      close csr_ovn;
58      return l_ovn;
59      hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc,999);
60 END;
62 PROCEDURE restored(p_type   in varchar2,
63                    p_pactid in number)
64 IS
65      l_proc   CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50):= g_package||'restored';
66      l_ovn    number;
67      l_aei_id number;
69    --For bug 7208046: Start
70      l_assignment_id  NUMBER;
71    --For bug 7208046: End
73      cursor csr_archive_details is
74      select paa.assignment_id,
75             pai.action_information1,
76             pai.action_information2,
77             pai.action_information3,
78             pai.action_information4,
79             pai.action_information5,
80             pai.action_information6,
81             pai.action_information7,
82             pai.action_information8,
83             pai.action_information9,
84             pai.action_information10,
85             pai.action_information11,
86             pai.action_information12
87      from   pay_assignment_actions paa,
88             pay_action_information pai
89      where  paa.payroll_action_id = p_pactid
90      and    paa.assignment_action_id = pai.action_context_id
91      and    pai.action_information_category = p_type
92      and    pai.action_context_type = 'AAP';
94    --For bug 7208046: Start
95      CURSOR csr_extra_details(l_assignment_id IN NUMBER)
96      IS
97         SELECT pei.aei_information_category,
98                pei.aei_information1,
99 	       pei.aei_information2,
100 	       pei.aei_information3,
101 	       pei.aei_information4,
102 	       pei.aei_information5,
103 	       pei.aei_information6
104         FROM per_assignment_extra_info pei
105         WHERE pei.assignment_id = l_assignment_id
106           AND pei.information_type = 'GB_P46';
107    --For bug 7208046: End
110      hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,1);
111      if p_type = 'GB WNU EDI' then
112         hr_utility.set_location(p_type,10);
113         for archive_rec in csr_archive_details loop
114             hr_utility.set_location(p_type,20);
115             l_ovn := get_version(archive_rec.assignment_id,'GB_WNU',l_aei_id);
116             if l_ovn is not null and not(l_ovn <> archive_rec.action_information1) then
117                hr_utility.set_location(p_type,30);
118                hr_assignment_extra_info_api.update_assignment_extra_info
119                       (p_validate                 => false,
120                        p_object_version_number    => l_ovn,
121                        p_assignment_extra_info_id => l_aei_id,
122                        p_aei_information_category => 'GB_WNU',
123                        p_aei_information1         => archive_rec.action_information2,
124                        p_aei_information2         => archive_rec.action_information3,
125                        p_aei_information3         => archive_rec.action_information4);
126             end if;
127         end loop;
128      end if;
130      if p_type = 'GB P45(3) EDI' then
131         hr_utility.set_location(p_type,10);
132         for archive_rec in csr_archive_details loop
133             hr_utility.set_location(p_type,20);
134             l_ovn := get_version(archive_rec.assignment_id,'GB_P45_3',l_aei_id);
135             if l_ovn is not null and not(l_ovn <> archive_rec.action_information1) then
136                hr_utility.set_location(p_type,30);
137                hr_assignment_extra_info_api.update_assignment_extra_info
138                       (p_validate                 => false,
139                        p_object_version_number    => l_ovn,
140                        p_assignment_extra_info_id => l_aei_id,
141                        p_aei_information_category => 'GB_P45_3',
142                        p_aei_information1         => 'Y');
143             end if;
144         end loop;
145      end if;
146      /* EOY Changes P45(3) Version 6 Starts */
150             hr_utility.set_location(p_type,20);
147       if p_type = 'GB P45(3) EDI' then
148         hr_utility.set_location(p_type,10);
149         for archive_rec in csr_archive_details loop
151             l_ovn := get_version(archive_rec.assignment_id,'GB_P45_3',l_aei_id);
152             if l_ovn is not null and not(l_ovn <> archive_rec.action_information1) then
153                hr_utility.set_location(p_type,30);
154                hr_assignment_extra_info_api.update_assignment_extra_info
155                       (p_validate                 => false,
156                        p_object_version_number    => l_ovn,
157                        p_assignment_extra_info_id => l_aei_id,
158                        p_aei_information_category => 'GB_P45_3',
159                        p_aei_information1         => 'Y');
160             end if;
161         end loop;
162      end if;
163      /* EOY Changes P45(3) Version 6 Ends */
165      if p_type = 'GB P46 EDI' then
166         hr_utility.set_location(p_type,10);
167         for archive_rec in csr_archive_details loop
168             hr_utility.set_location(p_type,20);
169             l_ovn := get_version(archive_rec.assignment_id,'GB_P46',l_aei_id);
170             if l_ovn is not null and not(l_ovn <> archive_rec.action_information1) then
171                hr_utility.set_location(p_type,30);
172                hr_assignment_extra_info_api.update_assignment_extra_info
173                       (p_validate                 => false,
174                        p_object_version_number    => l_ovn,
175                        p_assignment_extra_info_id => l_aei_id,
176                        p_aei_information_category => 'GB_P46',
177                        p_aei_information1         => 'Y');
178             end if;
179         end loop;
180      end if;
182      /*Changes for P46EXP_Ver6 starts*/
184      if p_type = 'GB P46EXP EDI' then
185         hr_utility.set_location(p_type,10);
186         for archive_rec in csr_archive_details loop
187             hr_utility.set_location(p_type,20);
188             l_ovn := get_version(archive_rec.assignment_id,'GB_P46EXP',l_aei_id);
189             if l_ovn is not null and not(l_ovn <> archive_rec.action_information1) then
190                hr_utility.set_location(p_type,30);
191                hr_assignment_extra_info_api.update_assignment_extra_info
192                       (p_validate                 => false,
193                        p_object_version_number    => l_ovn,
194                        p_assignment_extra_info_id => l_aei_id,
195                        p_aei_information_category => 'GB_P46EXP',
196                        p_aei_information1         => 'Y');
197             end if;
198         end loop;
199      end if;
201     /*Changes for P46EXP_Ver6 End*/
203    --For bug 7208046: Start
204      IF p_type = 'GB P46_5 EDI'
205      THEN
206           hr_utility.set_location(p_type,10);
207           FOR archive_rec IN csr_archive_details
208 	  LOOP
209 	       FOR asg_extra IN csr_extra_details(archive_rec.assignment_id)
210 	       LOOP
211                     l_ovn := get_version(archive_rec.assignment_id,'GB_P46',l_aei_id);
213 	            IF archive_rec.action_information4 = 'Y' --This is a default Rollback
214 		    THEN
215 		          IF (asg_extra.aei_information5 = 'N'
216 			      AND asg_extra.aei_information6 = 'Y')
217 		          THEN
218 			       IF (asg_extra.aei_information1 IS NULL
219 			           OR (asg_extra.aei_information1 = 'N'
220 				       AND asg_extra.aei_information3 <> 'Y'))
221 	                       THEN
222 			            --This is just a default rollback
223                                     hr_assignment_extra_info_api.update_assignment_extra_info
224                                       (p_validate                 => false,
225 		                       p_object_version_number    => l_ovn,
226 				       p_assignment_extra_info_id => l_aei_id,
227 		                       p_aei_information_category => 'GB_P46',
228 				       p_aei_information5         => 'Y');
230 			       ELSIF asg_extra.aei_information1 = 'Y'
231 			        THEN
232 			             --Remove the Send EDI flag also along with default rollback
233 				     hr_assignment_extra_info_api.update_assignment_extra_info
234                                        (p_validate                 => false,
235 		                        p_object_version_number    => l_ovn,
236 				        p_assignment_extra_info_id => l_aei_id,
237 		                        p_aei_information_category => 'GB_P46',
238 					p_aei_information5         => 'Y',
239 					p_aei_information1         => NULL,
240                                         p_aei_information3         => 'N');
241 			       ELSE
242 			            fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'P46 Run is there and it needs to be rollbacked first '
243                                                       ||'for assignment_id : '||archive_rec.assignment_id);
244                                END IF;
245 			  END IF;
247 		    ELSE --This is a send EDI  Rollback
248 		          IF (asg_extra.aei_information1 = 'N'
249 			      AND asg_extra.aei_information3 = 'Y')
250 		          THEN
251                                 hr_assignment_extra_info_api.update_assignment_extra_info
252                                   (p_validate                 => false,
253                                    p_object_version_number    => l_ovn,
254 		    	  	   p_assignment_extra_info_id => l_aei_id,
255 		                   p_aei_information_category => 'GB_P46',
256 		                   p_aei_information1         => 'Y');
257                           END IF;
258                     END IF;
259                END LOOP;
260 	  END LOOP;
261      END IF;
262    --For bug 7208046: End
264      if p_type = 'GB P46 PENNOT EDI' then ---GB P46 Pension EDI
265         hr_utility.set_location(p_type,10);
266         for archive_rec in csr_archive_details loop
267             hr_utility.set_location(p_type,20);
268             l_ovn := get_version(archive_rec.assignment_id,'GB_P46PENNOT',l_aei_id);
269             if l_ovn is not null and not(l_ovn <> archive_rec.action_information1) then
270                hr_utility.set_location(p_type,30);
271                hr_assignment_extra_info_api.update_assignment_extra_info
272                       (p_validate                 => false,
273                        p_object_version_number    => l_ovn,
274                        p_assignment_extra_info_id => l_aei_id,
275                        p_aei_information_category => 'GB_P46PENNOT',
276                        p_aei_information1         => 'Y');
277             end if;
278         end loop;
279      end if;
280      hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc,999);
281 END;
283 PROCEDURE edi_rollback(errbuf  out NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
284                        retcode out NOCOPY NUMBER,
285                        p_type  in  varchar2,
286                        p_year  in  number,
287                        p_actid in  number)
288 IS
289      l_proc CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50):= g_package||'edi_rollback';
290      l_id   number;
292      hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,1);
293      hr_utility.set_location('Type : ' || p_type, 10);
294      hr_utility.set_location('Year : ' || p_year, 10);
295      hr_utility.set_location('Action : ' || p_actid, 10);
296      -- If type is on of the following, do manual stuff first
297      if p_type = 'GBEDIWNU' or p_type = 'GBEDIWNU3' or p_type = 'GBEDIWNU3ET' then  -- 5398360 --Added GBEDIWNU3ET for bug 9186359
298         restored('GB WNU EDI',p_actid);
299      end if;
300      if p_type = 'P45_3_EDI' then
301         restored('GB P45(3) EDI',p_actid);
302      end if;
303      /* EOY Changes P45(3) Version 6 Starts */
304      if p_type = 'P45PT_3_VER6' then
305         restored('GB P45(3) EDI',p_actid);
306      end if;
307      /* EOY Changes P45(3) Version 6 Ends */
309      if p_type = 'GB_P46' then
310         restored('GB P46 EDI',p_actid);
311      end if;
312 	/*Changes for P46EXP_Ver6 starts*/
313      if p_type in ('GB_P46EXP_V6','GB_P46EXP_V6ET') then --Added GB_P46EXP_V6ET for bug 9255183
314         restored('GB P46EXP EDI',p_actid);
315      end if;
316 	/*Changes for P46EXP_Ver6 End*/
318    --For bug 7208046: Start
319      --IF p_type = 'GB_P46_5'
320      IF p_type in('GB_P46_5' ,'GB_P46_V6','GB_P46_V6ET') THEN --Added GB_P46_V6ET for bug 9255173
321           restored('GB P46_5 EDI',p_actid);
322      END IF;
323    --For bug 7208046: End
325      /*if p_type = 'P46_PENNOT_EDI' then
326         restored('GB P46 Pension EDI',p_actid);
327      end if;*/
329       if p_type in ('P46_PENNOT_EDI','P46_5_PENNOT_EDI','P46_VER6_PENNOT') then
330          restored('GB P46 PENNOT EDI',p_actid);
331       end if;
333      hr_utility.set_location('Calling Core Rollback routine',20);
334      -- Next called the Core's ROLLBACK routine
335      l_id := fnd_request.submit_request(application => 'PAY',
336                                         program     => 'ROLLBACK',
337                                         argument1   => 'ROLLBACK',
338                                         argument2   => null,
339                                         argument3   => null,
340                                         argument4   => p_year,
341                                         argument5   => 'X',     -- magnetic report
342                                         argument6   => p_actid, -- payroll action_id
343                                         argument7   => null,    -- assignmenet_set
344                                         argument8   => 'PAYROLL_ACTION_ID='||p_actid,
345                                         argument9   => null);
346      hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc,999);
347 END edi_rollback;