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1 package body ADI_ui_jstree as
2 /* $Header: frmtreeb.pls 120.1 2006/12/14 02:28:41 dvayro noship $ */
3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 --  PROCEDURE:    ADI_UI_JSTREE                                              --
5 --                                                                           --
6 --  Description:  Creates the javascript used to build the navigation tree.  --
7 --                                                                           --
8 --  Modification History:                                                    --
9 --  Developer  Date       Description                                        --
10 --  CCLYDE     08-AUG-99  Redefined the navigation tree icons.               --
11 --  CCLYDE     09-AUG-99  Changed line icon from ADILINE.gif to ADIVLINE.gif --
12 --  CCLYDE     16-FEB-00  Added Package_Revision procedure to see if we can  --
13 --                        capture the revision number of the package during  --
14 --                        runtime.     (Task: 3858)                          --
15 --  CCLYDE     24-FEB-00  Purchasing SS links were failing because these     --
16 --                        forms/reports are being opened into a separate     --
17 --                        window.  Around the A HREF URLs, there was a set   --
18 --                        of 'double' single quotes.  The appearance of a    --
19 --                        single quote in the URL string was closing the     --
20 --                        string prematurely.  Change the '' to \".          --
21 --                             OpenJavascriptTags     (Bug: 1211566)         --
22 -- GSANAP      16-MAY-00  Moved the $Header comment from the top to under    --
23 --                        CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE stmt.                    --
24 -- DJANCIS     19-MAY-00  Changed chr calls to fnd_global.local_chr as       --
25 --                        per adchkdrv.                                      --
26 --
27 -- DVAYRO 8-Jul-02  Stubbed for delete
28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 END ADI_ui_jstree;