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APPS.GHR_WF_WGI_PKG dependencies on FND_USER

Line 94: from fnd_user

90: Select ppf.full_name
91: from per_people_f ppf
92: where ppf.person_id =
93: (select employee_id
94: from fnd_user
95: where user_name = l_user_name
96: )
97: and l_effective_date
98: between ppf.effective_start_date and ppf.effective_end_date;

Line 445: ,fnd_user usr

441: cursor csr_pa is
442: select substr(usr.user_name,1,30) user_name
443: from per_assignments_f paf
444: ,per_people_f ppf
445: ,fnd_user usr
446: where paf.person_id = l_in_person_id
447: and paf.primary_flag = 'Y'
448: and p_effective_date
449: between paf.effective_start_date