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APPS.OTA_EL_ENROLL_SS dependencies on DUAL

Line 931: -- select sysdate into l_raised_date from dual; -- Select Date from the System for p_date_raised

927: -- ----------------------------------------------
928: -- Call Finance Lines API (Cancel Finance Line)
929: -- ----------------------------------------------
931: -- select sysdate into l_raised_date from dual; -- Select Date from the System for p_date_raised
932: -- END IF;
934: OPEN finance_count (l_finance_header_id);
935: FETCH finance_count INTO l_finance_count;

Line 1234: from sys.dual;

1230: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 10);
1231: -- Get the next item key from the sequence
1232: select hr_workflow_item_key_s.nextval
1233: into l_item_key
1234: from sys.dual;
1237: WF_ENGINE.CREATEPROCESS(l_item_type, l_item_key, l_process);
1238: WF_ENGINE.setitemattrtext(p_itemtype, l_item_key, 'CURRENT_PERSON_ID', p_person_id);