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Line 24: from ecx_tp_headers

20: select party_id,
21: party_site_id,
22: party_type,
23: company_admin_email
24: from ecx_tp_headers
25: where tp_header_id = p_tp_header_id;
27: l_CursorID NUMBER;
28: l_result NUMBER;

Line 271: From ecx_tp_headers eth,

267: BEGIN
268: -- Added check for party type for bug #2183619
269: Select eth.company_admin_email
270: Into l_email_addr
271: From ecx_tp_headers eth,
272: ecx_transactions et
273: where eth.party_type = et.party_type
274: and et.transaction_type = l_transaction_type
275: and et.transaction_subtype = l_transaction_subtype

Line 375: From ECX_TP_HEADERS etph, ECX_TP_DETAILS_V etpd

371: Select etpd.protocol_type, etpd.protocol_address,
372: etpd.username, etpd.password
373: Into p_protocol_type, p_protocol_address,
374: p_username, p_password
375: From ECX_TP_HEADERS etph, ECX_TP_DETAILS_V etpd
376: Where etph.party_type = p_party_type
377: And etph.party_id = p_party_id
378: And etph.party_site_id = p_party_site_id
379: And etpd.tp_header_id = etph.tp_header_id