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1 PACKAGE BODY jtf_task_mass_pvt AS
2 /* $Header: jtfvtkbb.pls 120.2 2005/09/29 05:12:39 knayyar ship $ */
4 	----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 	-- Start of comments
6 	-- Procedure Name : create_mass_tasks
7 	-- Type  	  : Private
8 	-- Function	  : Create tasks for all the members of a group or a team.
9 	-- Pre reqs	  : None
10 	-- Parameters	  :
11 	--      name			direction	type		required
12         --     ------			---------	----		--------
13 	--     p_api_version		  IN		NUMBER		required
14 	--     p_init_msg_list		  IN		VARCHAR2	optional
15 	--     x_msg_count		  OUT NOCOPY		NUMBER		required
16 	--     x_msg_data		  OUT NOCOPY		VARCHAR2	required
17 	--     x_return_status		  OUT NOCOPY		VARCHAR2	required
18 	--     p_resource_type    	  IN       	VARCHAR2	required
19 	--     p_resource_id      	  IN       	NUMBER		required
20 	--     p_task_id          	  IN       	NUMBER		required
21 	--     p_task_number      	  IN       	VARCHAR2	required
22 	--     p_keep_record		  IN       	VARCHAR2 	optional
23 	--     p_keep_resource_id	  IN       	NUMBER		optional
24 	--     p_copy_notes       	  IN       	VARCHAR2	optional
25 	--     p_copy_task_assignments    IN       	VARCHAR2	optional
26 	--     p_copy_task_rsc_reqs       IN       	VARCHAR2	optional
27 	--     p_copy_task_depends        IN       	VARCHAR2	optional
28 	--     p_create_recurrences       IN       	VARCHAR2	optional
29 	--     p_copy_task_references     IN       	VARCHAR2	optional
30 	--     p_copy_task_dates          IN       	VARCHAR2	optional
32 	-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
33 	 PROCEDURE create_mass_tasks( p_api_version      	IN       NUMBER,
34       				      p_init_msg_list    	IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false,
35 				      p_commit			IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_true,
36 				      x_msg_count        	OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER,
37       				      x_msg_data         	OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
38      				      x_return_status    	OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
39 				      p_resource_type    	IN       VARCHAR2,
40 				      p_resource_id      	IN       NUMBER,
41 				      p_task_id          	IN       NUMBER,
42 				      p_task_number      	IN       VARCHAR2,
43 				      p_keep_record		IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
44 				      p_keep_resource_id	IN       NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
45 				      p_copy_notes       	IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false,
46 				      p_copy_task_assignments   IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false,
47       				      p_copy_task_rsc_reqs      IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false,
48       				      p_copy_task_depends       IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false,
49       				      p_create_recurrences      IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false,
50       				      p_copy_task_references    IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false,
51       				      p_copy_task_dates         IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false) IS
54 		--
55 		-- Declare a ref cursor
56 		--
58    		mass_task   MassCurTyp;
60 		--
61 		-- Declare local and bind variables
62 		--
63 		l_task_resource_id	number;
64 		l_resource_type         VARCHAR2(100);
65 		l_sql_stmt		VARCHAR2(1000);
66 		l_api_version   	CONSTANT NUMBER := 1.0;
67       		l_api_name      	CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30)  := 'CREATE_MASS_TASKS';
68 		l_task_id		NUMBER;
69 		l_task_assignment_id	NUMBER;
71 		--
72 		-- Declare a cursor to return a resource_type for a given resource_id
73 		--
74 		CURSOR c_resource_type(b_task_resource_id in number) IS
75 		select resource_type
76         -- Bug Fix 2909730, Bug# 4455786 MOAC.
77 		from jtf_task_resources_vl
78 		where resource_id = b_task_resource_id;
81 		--
82 		-- Standard start of API savepoint
83 		--
84 		SAVEPOINT create_mass_tasks;
86 		--
87 		-- initialize API return status to success
88 		--
89       		x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
91 		--
92 		-- Standard call to check for call compatibility
93 		--
94       		IF NOT fnd_api.compatible_api_call (
95                 		l_api_version,
96                 		p_api_version,
97                 		l_api_name,
98                 		g_pkg_name
99              			)
100       		THEN
101          			RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
102       		END IF;
104 		--
105 		-- Initialize message list if p_init_msg_list is set to TRUE
106 		--
107       		IF fnd_api.to_boolean (p_init_msg_list)
108       		THEN
109          		fnd_msg_pub.initialize;
110       		END IF;
112 		--
113 		--Call the private package JTF_TASK_UTL to validate a given task
114 		--
115 			jtf_task_utl.validate_task(
116       				x_return_status   => x_return_status,
117       				p_task_id         => p_task_id,
118       				p_task_number     => p_task_number,
119 				x_task_id	  => l_task_id);
121 				IF NOT (x_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success)
122       				THEN
123          				x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
124          				RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
125       				END IF;
127 	      --
128 	      -- Check if the passed resource_id and resource_type are not null
129 	      --
130 	      IF (p_resource_id IS NOT NULL AND p_resource_type IS NOT NULL) THEN
132 		 --
136 				--
133 	      	 -- If the resource_type is a Group resource then get all the members of a given group
134 	     	 --
135 		IF (p_resource_type = 'RS_GROUP') THEN
137 				-- If p_keep_record is 'Y' then a new task should be created even if one already exists for the owner.
138 				--
139 				IF (p_keep_record = 'Y') THEN
140 					l_sql_stmt := 'SELECT resource_id FROM jtf_rs_group_members WHERE group_id = :id and delete_flag = ''N''';
141 				ELSE
142 			   		l_sql_stmt := 'SELECT resource_id FROM jtf_rs_group_members WHERE group_id = :id and resource_id != :keep_resource_id and delete_flag = ''N''';
143 				END IF;
145 		 --
146 	      	 --If the resource_type is a Team resource then get all the members of a given team
147 	     	 --
148         	ELSIF (p_resource_type = 'RS_TEAM') THEN
149 			--
150 			-- If p_keep_record is 'Y' then a new task should be created even if one already exists for the owner.
151 			--
152 			IF (p_keep_record = 'Y') THEN
153 			    l_sql_stmt := 'SELECT team_resource_id FROM jtf_rs_team_members WHERE team_id = :id and resource_type = ''INDIVIDUAL'' and delete_flag = ''N''';
154 			ELSE
155 			     l_sql_stmt := 'SELECT team_resource_id FROM jtf_rs_team_members WHERE team_id = :id and resource_type = ''INDIVIDUAL'' and team_resource_id != :keep_resource_id and delete_flag = ''N''';
156 			END IF;
157 		END IF;
159 		IF (p_keep_record = 'Y' and p_keep_resource_id is not null) THEN
160 			--
161 			-- If p_keep_record is 'Y' then select all the members for a given group or a team
162 			--
163 			OPEN mass_task FOR l_sql_stmt USING p_resource_id;
164 		ELSE
165 			--
166 			-- If p_keep_record is 'N' then select all the members for a given group or a team except the task owner
167 			--
168 			OPEN mass_task FOR l_sql_stmt USING p_resource_id, p_keep_resource_id;
169 		END IF;
170    			LOOP
171 				--
172 				-- Fetch the task_resource_id
173 				--
174       				FETCH mass_task INTO l_task_resource_id;
175 				EXIT WHEN mass_task%NOTFOUND;
177 				--
178 				-- Get the resource_type for a given resource_id
179 				--
180 				OPEN c_resource_type(l_task_resource_id);
181 				FETCH c_resource_type into l_resource_type;
182 				CLOSE c_resource_type;
184 				--
185 				-- Call the public API JTF_TASKS_PUB to Copy a task for all the members of a group or a team
186 				--
187 				jtf_tasks_pub.copy_task (
188       				p_api_version             => p_api_version,
189       				p_init_msg_list           => p_init_msg_list,
190       				p_commit                  => p_commit,
191       				p_source_task_id          => p_task_id,
192       				p_source_task_number      => p_task_number,
193       				p_copy_task_references    => fnd_api.g_true,
194 				x_return_status           => x_return_status,
195       				p_copy_notes		  => p_copy_notes,
196 				p_copy_task_assignments   => fnd_api.g_false,
197       				p_resource_id		  => l_task_resource_id,
198       				p_resource_type		  => l_resource_type,
199       				x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
200       				x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
201       				x_task_id                 => l_task_id,
202    			 	p_copy_task_contacts      => fnd_api.g_true,
203 				p_copy_task_contact_points => fnd_api.g_true
204    				);
206 				--dbms_output.put_line('task_id :' ||l_task_id);
208 				IF NOT (x_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success)
209       				THEN
210          				x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
211          				RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
212       				END IF;
214 			END LOOP;
215 				--
216 				--Close the cursor
217 				--
218    				CLOSE mass_task;
219 	     END IF;
221 		--
222 		--Close the cursor
223 		--
224 		IF mass_task%ISOPEN
225       		THEN
226          		CLOSE mass_task;
227       		END IF;
229 		--
230 		--Close the cursor
231 		--
232 		IF c_resource_type%ISOPEN
233       		THEN
234          		CLOSE c_resource_type;
235       		END IF;
239 		WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error
240       		THEN
241          		ROLLBACK TO create_mass_tasks;
242          		x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
243          		fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get (
244             			p_count => x_msg_count,
245             			p_data => x_msg_data
246          			);
248 		--
249 		--Close the cursor
250 		--
251 		IF mass_task%ISOPEN
252       		THEN
253          		CLOSE mass_task;
254       		END IF;
256 		--
257 		--Close the cursor
258 		--
259 		IF c_resource_type%ISOPEN
260       		THEN
261          		CLOSE c_resource_type;
262       		END IF;
265       		THEN
266          		ROLLBACK TO create_mass_tasks;
267          		fnd_message.set_name ('JTF', 'JTF_TASK_UNKNOWN_ERROR');
268          		fnd_message.set_token ('P_TEXT', SQLCODE || SQLERRM);
269          		x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
270          		fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get (
271             			p_count => x_msg_count,
272             			p_data => x_msg_data
273          			);
274 	END create_mass_tasks;
277 	----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
278 	-- Start of comments
279 	-- Procedure Name : validate_resource
280 	-- Type  	  : private
281 	-- Function	  : Validate a given resource.
282 	-- Pre reqs	  : None
283 	-- Parameters	  :
284 	--      name			direction	type		required
285         --     ------			---------	----		--------
286 	--     p_api_version		  IN		NUMBER		required
287 	--     p_init_msg_list		  IN		VARCHAR2	optional
288 	--     p_resource_type    	  IN       	VARCHAR2	required
289 	--     p_resource_type_id      	  IN       	NUMBER		required
290 	--     x_msg_count		  OUT NOCOPY		NUMBER		required
291 	--     x_msg_data		  OUT NOCOPY		VARCHAR2	required
292 	--     x_return_status		  OUT NOCOPY		VARCHAR2	required
294 	-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
295       	Procedure validate_resource(p_api_version 		in number,
296                                          p_init_msg_list 	in varchar2,
297                                          p_resource_type 	in varchar2,
298                                          p_resource_type_id  	in number,
299 				         x_msg_count 		OUT NOCOPY  number,
300                                          x_msg_data 		OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
301                                          x_return_status 	OUT NOCOPY varchar2) is
303 		--
304 		-- Declare local variables
305 		--
306 		l_resource_id  number;
308 		--
309 		-- Declare a cursor to select the resource_id
310 		--
311 		cursor c_resource is
312 		select resource_id
313         -- Bug Fix 2909730, Bug# 4455786 MOAC.
314 		from jtf_task_resources_vl
315 		where resource_id = p_resource_type_id
316 		and resource_type = p_resource_type;
317 	Begin
319 		--
320 		-- initialize API return status to success
321 		--
322 		x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
324 		--
325 		-- Fetch the resource_id into a local variable
326 		--
327        		open c_resource;
328        		fetch c_resource into l_resource_id;
329        		close c_resource;
331 		--
332 		-- Check if the resource_id exists
333 		--
334 		If  l_resource_id is null then
335          		x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
336            		fnd_message.set_name ('JTF', 'JTF_TASK_INVALID_OWNER_ID');
337             		fnd_message.set_token ('P_OWNER_ID', p_resource_type_id);
338             		fnd_msg_pub.add;
339             		RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
340 		end if;
342 		--
343 		--Close the cursor
344 		--
345 		IF c_resource%ISOPEN
346       		THEN
347          		CLOSE c_resource;
348       		END IF;
350 	exception
352 		 WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN
353          		x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
354          		fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get (
355             			p_count => x_msg_count,
356             			p_data => x_msg_data
357          			);
359 		--
360 		--Close the cursor
361 		--
362 		IF c_resource%ISOPEN
363       		THEN
364          		CLOSE c_resource;
365       		END IF;
368             		x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
369             		fnd_message.set_name ('JTF', 'JTF_TASK_INVALID_OWNER_ID');
370             		fnd_message.set_token ('P_OWNER_ID', p_resource_type_id);
371             		fnd_msg_pub.add;
372             		RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
374 	End validate_resource;
376    END;