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Line 633: ,hz_locations lc

629: (select /*+ FIRST_ROWS(1) leading (su) */ 1
630: from hz_cust_site_uses su
631: ,hz_cust_acct_sites ad
632: ,hz_party_sites p
633: ,hz_locations lc
634: ,hz_geographies lv
635: ,ar_system_parameters sp
636: WHERE su.site_use_id = cp_site_use_id
637: AND ad.cust_acct_site_id = su.cust_acct_site_id

Line 663: ,hz_locations loc

659: from hz_geographies lv
660: ,hz_cust_acct_sites ad
661: ,hz_cust_site_uses su
662: ,hz_party_sites p
663: ,hz_locations loc
664: ,ar_system_parameters sp
665: ,hr_locations_all hrl
666: WHERE hrl.location_id = p_warehouse_location_id
667: AND exc.ship_from_code = hrl.REGION_2

Line 694: ,hz_locations loc

690: from hz_geographies lv
691: ,hz_cust_acct_sites ad
692: ,hz_cust_site_uses su
693: ,hz_party_sites p
694: ,hz_locations loc
695: ,ar_system_parameters sp
696: ,hr_locations_all hrl
697: WHERE hrl.location_id = p_warehouse_location_id
698: AND exi.ship_from_code = hrl.REGION_2