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Line 87: from tabsubpart$ tsp, tabcompart$ tcp

83: from partobj$ p, obj$ o, user$ u, ind$ i,
84: ( select distinct obj#, 'XML-' as is_xml from opqtype$ where type=1) xml,
85: -- real subpartition count for tables and indexes
86: ( select /* NO_MERGE FULL(tsp) FULL(tcp) */ tcp.bo#, count(*) numsubpart
87: from tabsubpart$ tsp, tabcompart$ tcp
88: where tcp.obj# = tsp.pobj#
89: group by tcp.bo#
90: union all
91: select /* NO_MERGE FULL(isp) FULL(icp) */ icp.bo#, count(*) numsubpart

Line 117: from tabsubpart$ tsp, tabcompart$ tcp

113: -- number or subpartitions with indexing off
114: sum(decode(bitand(tsp.flags, 2097152), 2097152, 1, 0)) tsp_idx_off,
115: -- number or subpartitions with deferred segment creation
116: sum(decode(bitand(tsp.flags, 65536), 65536, 1, 0)) tsp_seg_off
117: from tabsubpart$ tsp, tabcompart$ tcp
118: where tcp.obj# = tsp.pobj#
119: group by tcp.bo#) spxd,
120: -- details index partitions: partial indexing and deferred segments
121: ( select ip.bo#,