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Line 56: pa_structure_types pst,

52: into x_task_version_id
53: from pa_proj_element_versions ppev1,
54: pa_proj_element_versions ppev2,
55: pa_proj_elem_ver_structure ppevs,
56: pa_structure_types pst,
57: pa_proj_structure_types ppst
58: where ppevs.project_id = p_project_id
59: and ppevs.latest_eff_published_flag = 'Y'
60: and ppevs.element_version_id = ppev1.parent_structure_version_id

Line 100: pa_structure_types pst,

96: select ppevs.element_version_id
97: into x_structure_version_id
98: from pa_proj_elem_ver_structure ppevs,
99: pa_proj_element_versions ppev,
100: pa_structure_types pst,
101: pa_proj_structure_types ppst
102: where ppevs.project_id = p_project_id
103: and ppevs.latest_eff_published_flag = 'Y'
104: and ppevs.element_version_id = ppev.element_version_id

Line 2642: From pa_proj_progress_attr ppa,pa_proj_structure_types pst,pa_structure_types st

2638: -- This cursor obtains the task weight basis code for the project id.
2639: Cursor cur_weight_basis_code (c_project_id pa_projects_all.project_id%TYPE)
2640: Is
2641: Select ppa.task_weight_basis_code
2642: From pa_proj_progress_attr ppa,pa_proj_structure_types pst,pa_structure_types st
2643: Where ppa.project_id = c_project_id
2644: And ppa.object_type = 'PA_STRUCTURES'
2645: And ppa.structure_type = p_structure_type -- FPM Dev CR 3
2646: And ppa.object_id = pst.proj_element_id