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Line 78: if fnd_release.major_version < 12 then

74: -- setup_client_info was that it did not check the value, but rather whether a
75: -- value was defined.
76: if (org_id is NULL) or (org_id = -1) then
77: -- If not R12, then check if the instance is multiorg-enabled.
78: if fnd_release.major_version < 12 then
79: -- Check FND_PRODUCT_GROUPS for multi-org/currency flags
80: select nvl(multi_org_flag, 'N'), nvl(multi_currency_flag, 'N')
81: into is_multi_org, is_multi_currency
82: from fnd_product_groups;

Line 123: if fnd_release.major_version < 12 then

119: --
120: -- Set MultiCurrency Context.
121: -- This applies to releases before R12.
122: --
123: if fnd_release.major_version < 12 then
124: if is_multi_currency = 'Y' then
125: --
126: -- Get MRC_REPORTING_SOB_ID profile option value
127: --