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Line 1: package body ben_person_object as

1: package body ben_person_object as
2: /* $Header: benperde.pkb 120.7.12020000.3 2012/07/03 12:46:46 amnaraya ship $ */
3: --
4: /*
5: +==============================================================================+

Line 125: 120.0.12000000.9 03-Apr-12 usaraswa Bug 13889202: In procedure BEN_PERSON_OBJECT.SET_ALLASS_OBJECT

121: 120.0.12000000.8 01-Jan-12 amnaraya Enh 13478736: Learner Access Eligibility Enhancement
122: Created a new procedures set_ass_object and get_assgn_object
123: with assignment_id as an extra parameter for fetching the
124: assignment records based on the passed in assignment_id.
125: 120.0.12000000.9 03-Apr-12 usaraswa Bug 13889202: In procedure BEN_PERSON_OBJECT.SET_ALLASS_OBJECT
126: g_cache_all_ass_rec cache is not build correctly. Added code
127: to build the cache correctly.
128: 120.0.12000000.10 18-Apr-12 usaraswa Bug 13965664 Modified procedure set_typ_object to cache the date
129: of per_all_people_f when there is no data present in

Line 134: g_package varchar2(30) := 'ben_person_object.';

130: per_person_type_usages_f for the person_id passed.
131: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
132: */
133: --
134: g_package varchar2(30) := 'ben_person_object.';
135: g_hash_key number := ben_hash_utility.get_hash_key;
136: g_hash_jump number := ben_hash_utility.get_hash_jump;
137: g_debug boolean := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
138: --

Line 2262: ben_person_object.defrag_caches;

2258: when no_data_found then
2259: --
2260: -- Defrag all person caches to grab back PGA memory
2261: --
2262: ben_person_object.defrag_caches;
2263: --
2264: ben_env_object.get(p_rec => l_env);
2265: --
2266: -- FONM

Line 4017: end ben_person_object;

4013: g_cache_last_ass_rec := p_rec;
4014: end get_assgn_object;
4015: /*End Enh: 13478736*/
4016: --
4017: end ben_person_object;