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1 package body pyzaexc as
2 /* $Header: pyzaexc.pkb 120.4.12010000.2 2009/06/23 11:41:40 rbabla ship $ */
3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 --   Global variables
5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 -- Cache result of tax year expiry check
8    g_za_ty_owner_pay_action_id number;   -- run created balance.
9    g_za_ty_user_pay_action_id  number;   -- current run.
10    g_za_ty_expiry_information  number;   -- dimension expired flag.
11 -- Cache result of calendar year expiry check
12    g_za_cy_owner_pay_action_id number;   -- run created balance.
13    g_za_cy_user_pay_action_id  number;   -- current run.
14    g_za_cy_expiry_information  number;   -- dimension expired flag.
15 -- Cache result of tax quarter expiry check
16    g_za_tq_owner_pay_action_id number;   -- run created balance.
17    g_za_tq_user_pay_action_id  number;   -- current run.
18    g_za_tq_expiry_information  number;   -- dimension expired flag.
19 -- Cache result of month expiry check
20    g_za_m_owner_pay_action_id number;   -- run created balance.
21    g_za_m_user_pay_action_id  number;   -- current run.
22    g_za_m_expiry_information  number;   -- dimension expired flag.
24 --------------------------------- ASG_TAX_YTD_EC --------------------------------------
25 --   NAME
26 --      ASG_TAX_YTD_EC - Assignment Tax Year to Date expiry check.
28 --      Expiry checking code for the following:
29 --         ZA Assignment-level Tax Year to Date Balance Dimension
30 --   NOTES
31 --      The associated dimension is expiry checked at payroll action level
32 --      1 means expired
33 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 procedure ASG_TAX_YTD_EC
35    (
36       p_owner_payroll_action_id    in     number,    -- run created balance.
37       p_user_payroll_action_id     in     number,    -- current run.
38       p_owner_assignment_action_id in     number,    -- assact created balance.
39       p_user_assignment_action_id  in     number,    -- current assact..
40       p_owner_effective_date       in     date,      -- eff date of balance.
41       p_user_effective_date        in     date,      -- eff date of current run.
42       p_dimension_name             in     varchar2,  -- balance dimension name.
43       p_expiry_information            out nocopy number     -- dimension expired flag.
44    )
45    is
47    l_owner_date_earned    date;
48    l_user_date_earned     date;
49    l_owner_payroll_id     number;
50    l_user_payroll_id      number;
51    l_owner_tax_year       number;
52    l_user_tax_year        number;
53    l_expiry_date          date;
55 begin
57    -- If the payroll actions have not changed, return the stored result
58    if (p_owner_payroll_action_id = g_za_ty_owner_pay_action_id) and
59       (p_user_payroll_action_id = g_za_ty_user_pay_action_id) then
61       p_expiry_information := g_za_ty_expiry_information;
63    else   -- Check expiry
64       /*
65       -- Get the owner's date earned and payroll id
66       select
67          date_earned, payroll_id
68       into
69          l_owner_date_earned, l_owner_payroll_id
70       from
71          pay_payroll_actions
72       where
73          payroll_action_id = p_owner_payroll_action_id;
75       -- Get the user's date earned and payroll id
76       select
77          date_earned, payroll_id
78       into
79          l_user_date_earned, l_user_payroll_id
80       from
81          pay_payroll_actions
82       where
83          payroll_action_id = p_user_payroll_action_id;
85       -- Get the owner's tax year
86       select
87          prd_information1
88       into
89          l_owner_tax_year
90       from
91          per_time_periods
92       where
93          payroll_id = l_owner_payroll_id
94       and
95          l_owner_date_earned between start_date and end_date;
97       -- Get the user's tax year
98       select
99          prd_information1
100       into
101          l_user_tax_year
102       from
103          per_time_periods
104       where
105          payroll_id = l_user_payroll_id
106       and
107          l_user_date_earned between start_date and end_date;
109       -- If the tax years are the same then the dimension has not expired
110       if l_owner_tax_year = l_user_tax_year then
111        */
112        --added for 5486039
113         ASG_TAX_YTD_EC(p_owner_payroll_action_id    =>  p_owner_payroll_action_id
114                       , p_user_payroll_action_id     =>  p_user_payroll_action_id
115                       , p_owner_assignment_action_id =>  p_owner_assignment_action_id
116                       , p_user_assignment_action_id  =>  p_user_assignment_action_id
117                       , p_owner_effective_date       =>  p_owner_effective_date
118                       , p_user_effective_date        =>  p_user_effective_date
119                       , p_dimension_name             =>  p_dimension_name
120                       , p_expiry_information         =>  l_expiry_date
121                        );
123          -- Dimension has not expired
124          -- bug 5629444 . When p_user_effective_date = l_expiry_date the dimension
125          -- is not expired.
126       IF p_user_effective_date <= l_expiry_date THEN
127          p_expiry_information := 0;
128          g_za_ty_expiry_information := 0;
129       else
130          -- Dimension has expired
131          p_expiry_information := 1;
132          g_za_ty_expiry_information := 1;
134       end if;
136       g_za_ty_owner_pay_action_id := p_owner_payroll_action_id;
137       g_za_ty_user_pay_action_id  := p_user_payroll_action_id;
139    end if;   -- End check expiry
141 end ASG_TAX_YTD_EC;
142 --
143 --5189195
144 procedure ASG_TAX_YTD_EC
145    (
146       p_owner_payroll_action_id    in     number,    -- run created balance.
147       p_user_payroll_action_id     in     number,    -- current run.
148       p_owner_assignment_action_id in     number,    -- assact created balance.
149       p_user_assignment_action_id  in     number,    -- current assact..
150       p_owner_effective_date       in     date,      -- eff date of balance.
151       p_user_effective_date        in     date,      -- eff date of current run.
152       p_dimension_name             in     varchar2,  -- balance dimension name.
153       p_expiry_information         out nocopy date   -- dimension expired flag.
154    )
155    is
156     l_tax_start_day       varchar2(50);
157     l_tax_year            varchar2(50);
158     l_tax_year_start_date date;
159 --
161 --hr_utility.trace_on(null,'ZAEXC');
162 hr_utility.set_location('p_owner_payroll_action_id: '||to_char(p_owner_payroll_action_id),10);
163 hr_utility.set_location('p_user_payroll_action_id: '||to_char(p_user_payroll_action_id),10);
164 hr_utility.set_location('p_owner_assignment_action_id: '||to_char(p_owner_assignment_action_id),10);
165 hr_utility.set_location('p_user_assignment_action_id: '||to_char(p_user_assignment_action_id),10);
166 hr_utility.set_location('p_owner_effective_date: '||to_char(p_owner_effective_date),10);
167 hr_utility.set_location('p_user_effective_date: '||to_char(p_user_effective_date),10);
168 hr_utility.set_location('p_dimension_name: '||to_char(p_dimension_name),10);
170  select rule_mode
171  into l_tax_start_day
172  from pay_legislation_rules
173  where legislation_code = 'ZA'
174  and rule_type = 'L';
176 hr_utility.set_location('l_tax_start_day: '||to_char(l_tax_start_day),10);
177 --
178 select to_char(p_owner_effective_date,'YYYY')
179 into l_tax_year
180 from dual;
181 hr_utility.set_location('l_tax_year: '||to_char(l_tax_year),20);
183 --
184 SELECT to_date(l_tax_start_day||'-'||l_tax_year,'DD/MM/YYYY')
185 INTO l_tax_year_start_date
186 FROM dual;
187 hr_utility.set_location('l_tax_year_start_date: '||to_char(l_tax_year_start_date),30);
188 --
189 SELECT (add_months(l_tax_year_start_date,
190         (floor(months_between(p_owner_effective_date, l_tax_year_start_date) / 12) + 1) * 12) -1)
191 INTO p_expiry_information
192 from dual;
194 hr_utility.set_location('p_expiry_information: '||to_char(p_expiry_information),40);
195 --hr_utility.trace_off;
196 --
197 end ASG_TAX_YTD_EC;
198 --------------------------------- ASG_CAL_YTD_EC --------------------------------------
199 --   NAME
200 --      ASG_CAL_YTD_EC - Assignment Calendar Year to Date expiry check.
202 --      Expiry checking code for the following:
203 --         ZA Assignment-level Calendar Year to Date Balance Dimension
204 --   NOTES
205 --      The associated dimension is expiry checked at payroll action level
206 --      1 means expired
207 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
208 procedure ASG_CAL_YTD_EC
209    (
210       p_owner_payroll_action_id    in     number,    -- run created balance.
211       p_user_payroll_action_id     in     number,    -- current run.
212       p_owner_assignment_action_id in     number,    -- assact created balance.
213       p_user_assignment_action_id  in     number,    -- current assact..
214       p_owner_effective_date       in     date,      -- eff date of balance.
215       p_user_effective_date        in     date,      -- eff date of current run.
216       p_dimension_name             in     varchar2,  -- balance dimension name.
217       p_expiry_information            out nocopy number     -- dimension expired flag.
218    )
219    is
221    l_owner_date_earned    date;
222    l_user_date_earned     date;
223    l_owner_payroll_id     number;
224    l_user_payroll_id      number;
225    l_owner_cal_year       number;
226    l_user_cal_year        number;
227    l_expiry_date          date;
228 begin
230    -- If the payroll actions have not changed, return the stored result
231    if (p_owner_payroll_action_id = g_za_cy_owner_pay_action_id) and
232       (p_user_payroll_action_id = g_za_cy_user_pay_action_id) then
234       p_expiry_information := g_za_cy_expiry_information;
236    else   -- Check expiry
237   /*
238       -- Get the owner's date earned and payroll id
239       select
240          date_earned, payroll_id
241       into
242          l_owner_date_earned, l_owner_payroll_id
243       from
244          pay_payroll_actions
245       where
246          payroll_action_id = p_owner_payroll_action_id;
248       -- Get the user's date earned and payroll id
249       select
250          date_earned, payroll_id
251       into
252          l_user_date_earned, l_user_payroll_id
253       from
254          pay_payroll_actions
255       where
256          payroll_action_id = p_user_payroll_action_id;
258       -- Get the owner's calendar year
259       select
260          prd_information3
261       into
262          l_owner_cal_year
263       from
264          per_time_periods
265       where
266          payroll_id = l_owner_payroll_id
267       and
268          l_owner_date_earned between start_date and end_date;
270       -- Get the user's calendar year
271       select
272          prd_information3
273       into
274          l_user_cal_year
275       from
276          per_time_periods
277       where
278          payroll_id = l_user_payroll_id
279       and
280          l_user_date_earned between start_date and end_date;
282       -- If the calendar years are the same then the dimension has not expired
283       if l_owner_cal_year = l_user_cal_year then
284 */
285        --added for 5486039
287         ASG_CAL_YTD_EC(p_owner_payroll_action_id    =>  p_owner_payroll_action_id
288                       ,p_user_payroll_action_id     =>  p_user_payroll_action_id
289                       ,p_owner_assignment_action_id =>  p_owner_assignment_action_id
290                       ,p_user_assignment_action_id  =>  p_user_assignment_action_id
291                       ,p_owner_effective_date       =>  p_owner_effective_date
292                       ,p_user_effective_date        =>  p_user_effective_date
293                       ,p_dimension_name             =>  p_dimension_name
294                       ,p_expiry_information         =>  l_expiry_date
295                        );
297       IF p_user_effective_date <= l_expiry_date THEN
298          -- Dimension has not expired
299          p_expiry_information := 0;
300          g_za_cy_expiry_information := 0;
301       else
302          -- Dimension has expired
303          p_expiry_information := 1;
304          g_za_cy_expiry_information := 1;
306       end if;
308       g_za_cy_owner_pay_action_id := p_owner_payroll_action_id;
309       g_za_cy_user_pay_action_id  := p_user_payroll_action_id;
311    end if;   -- End check expiry
313 end ASG_CAL_YTD_EC;
315 -- 5189195
316 procedure ASG_CAL_YTD_EC
317    (
318       p_owner_payroll_action_id    in     number,    -- run created balance.
319       p_user_payroll_action_id     in     number,    -- current run.
320       p_owner_assignment_action_id in     number,    -- assact created balance.
321       p_user_assignment_action_id  in     number,    -- current assact..
322       p_owner_effective_date       in     date,      -- eff date of balance.
323       p_user_effective_date        in     date,      -- eff date of current run.
324       p_dimension_name             in     varchar2,  -- balance dimension name.
325       p_expiry_information            out nocopy date     -- dimension expired flag.
326    )
327    is
328 begin
329 /* Commented for Bug 8624178
330 SELECT (trunc(add_months(p_owner_effective_date,12),'Y')-1)
331 INTO p_expiry_information
332 from dual;      */
334     SELECT max(ptpp.pay_advice_date)
335     INTO   p_expiry_information
336     FROM   pay_payroll_actions ppa
337 	  ,per_time_periods    ptp
338 	  ,per_time_periods    ptpp
339     WHERE  ppa.payroll_action_id = p_owner_payroll_action_id
340      AND  ppa.payroll_id        = ptp.payroll_id
341      and  ptp.payroll_id        = ptpp.payroll_id
342      AND  p_owner_effective_date BETWEEN ptp.start_date AND ptp.end_date
343      and  ptpp.PRD_INFORMATION3 = ptp.PRD_INFORMATION3;
345 --
346 --------------------------------- ASG_TAX_QTD_EC --------------------------------------
347 --   NAME
348 --      ASG_TAX_QTD_EC - Assignment Tax Quarter to Date expiry check.
350 --      Expiry checking code for the following:
351 --         ZA Assignment-level Quarter Year to Date Balance Dimension
352 --   NOTES
353 --      The associated dimension is expiry checked at payroll action level
354 --      1 means expired
355 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
356 procedure ASG_TAX_QTD_EC
357    (
358       p_owner_payroll_action_id    in     number,    -- run created balance.
359       p_user_payroll_action_id     in     number,    -- current run.
360       p_owner_assignment_action_id in     number,    -- assact created balance.
361       p_user_assignment_action_id  in     number,    -- current assact..
362       p_owner_effective_date       in     date,      -- eff date of balance.
363       p_user_effective_date        in     date,      -- eff date of current run.
364       p_dimension_name             in     varchar2,  -- balance dimension name.
365       p_expiry_information            out nocopy number     -- dimension expired flag.
366    )
367    is
369    l_owner_date_earned    date;
370    l_user_date_earned     date;
371    l_owner_payroll_id     number;
372    l_user_payroll_id      number;
373    l_owner_tax_quarter    number;
374    l_user_tax_quarter     number;
375    l_owner_tax_year       number;
376    l_user_tax_year        number;
377    l_expiry_date          date;
378 begin
380    -- If the payroll actions have not changed, return the stored result
381    if (p_owner_payroll_action_id = g_za_tq_owner_pay_action_id) and
382       (p_user_payroll_action_id = g_za_tq_user_pay_action_id) then
384       p_expiry_information := g_za_tq_expiry_information;
386    else   -- Check expiry
387         /*
388       -- Get the owner's date earned and payroll id
389       select
390          date_earned, payroll_id
391       into
392          l_owner_date_earned, l_owner_payroll_id
393       from
394          pay_payroll_actions
395       where
396          payroll_action_id = p_owner_payroll_action_id;
398       -- Get the user's date earned and payroll id
399       select
400          date_earned, payroll_id
401       into
402          l_user_date_earned, l_user_payroll_id
403       from
404          pay_payroll_actions
405       where
406          payroll_action_id = p_user_payroll_action_id;
408       -- Get the owner's tax quarter and tax year
409       select
410          prd_information1, prd_information2
411       into
412          l_owner_tax_year, l_owner_tax_quarter
413       from
414          per_time_periods
415       where
416          payroll_id = l_owner_payroll_id
417       and
418          l_owner_date_earned between start_date and end_date;
420       -- Get the user's tax quarter and tax year
421       select
422          prd_information1, prd_information2
423       into
424          l_user_tax_year, l_user_tax_quarter
425       from
426          per_time_periods
427       where
428          payroll_id = l_user_payroll_id
429       and
430          l_user_date_earned between start_date and end_date;
432       -- If the tax quarters and years are the same then the dimension has not expired
433       if (l_owner_tax_year = l_user_tax_year) and
434          (l_owner_tax_quarter = l_user_tax_quarter) then
435         */
436                --added for 5486039
438         ASG_TAX_QTD_EC(p_owner_payroll_action_id    =>  p_owner_payroll_action_id
439                       ,p_user_payroll_action_id     =>  p_user_payroll_action_id
440                       ,p_owner_assignment_action_id =>  p_owner_assignment_action_id
441                       ,p_user_assignment_action_id  =>  p_user_assignment_action_id
442                       ,p_owner_effective_date       =>  p_owner_effective_date
443                       ,p_user_effective_date        =>  p_user_effective_date
444                       ,p_dimension_name             =>  p_dimension_name
445                       ,p_expiry_information         =>  l_expiry_date
446                        );
448       IF p_user_effective_date <= l_expiry_date THEN
449          -- Dimension has not expired
450          p_expiry_information := 0;
451          g_za_tq_expiry_information := 0;
453       else
455          -- Dimension has expired
456          p_expiry_information := 1;
457          g_za_tq_expiry_information := 1;
459       end if;
461       g_za_tq_owner_pay_action_id := p_owner_payroll_action_id;
462       g_za_tq_user_pay_action_id  := p_user_payroll_action_id;
464    end if;   -- End check expiry
466 end ASG_TAX_QTD_EC;
467 --
468 -- 5189195
469 --
471    (
472       p_owner_payroll_action_id    in     number,    -- run created balance.
473       p_user_payroll_action_id     in     number,    -- current run.
474       p_owner_assignment_action_id in     number,    -- assact created balance.
475       p_user_assignment_action_id  in     number,    -- current assact..
476       p_owner_effective_date       in     date,      -- eff date of balance.
477       p_user_effective_date        in     date,      -- eff date of current run.
478       p_dimension_name             in     varchar2,  -- balance dimension name.
479       p_expiry_information            out nocopy date     -- dimension expired flag.
480    )
481    is
482     l_tax_start_day       varchar2(50);
483     l_tax_year            varchar2(50);
484     l_tax_year_start_date date;
485 --
487  select rule_mode
488  into l_tax_start_day
489  from pay_legislation_rules
490  where legislation_code = 'ZA'
491  and rule_type = 'L';
492 --
493 select to_char(p_owner_effective_date,'YYYY')
494 into l_tax_year
495 from dual;
496 --
497 SELECT to_date(l_tax_start_day||'-'||l_tax_year,'DD/MM/YYYY')
498 INTO l_tax_year_start_date
499 FROM dual;
500 --
501 SELECT (add_months(l_tax_year_start_date,
502                 (floor(months_between(p_owner_effective_date, l_tax_year_start_date) / 3) + 1) * 3) -1 )
503 INTO p_expiry_information
504 FROM dual;
505 --
506 end ASG_TAX_QTD_EC;
507 --
508 --------------------------------- ASG_MTD_EC --------------------------------------
509 --   NAME
510 --      ASG_MTD_EC - Assignment Month to Date expiry check.
512 --      Expiry checking code for the following:
513 --         ZA Assignment-level Month to Date Balance Dimension
514 --   NOTES
515 --      The associated dimension is expiry checked at payroll action level
516 --      1 means expired
517 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
518 procedure ASG_MTD_EC
519    (
520       p_owner_payroll_action_id    in     number,    -- run created balance.
521       p_user_payroll_action_id     in     number,    -- current run.
522       p_owner_assignment_action_id in     number,    -- assact created balance.
523       p_user_assignment_action_id  in     number,    -- current assact..
524       p_owner_effective_date       in     date,      -- eff date of balance.
525       p_user_effective_date        in     date,      -- eff date of current run.
526       p_dimension_name             in     varchar2,  -- balance dimension name.
527       p_expiry_information            out nocopy number     -- dimension expired flag.
528    )
529    is
531    l_owner_date_earned    date;
532    l_user_date_earned     date;
533    l_owner_payroll_id     number;
534    l_user_payroll_id      number;
535    l_owner_month          date;
536    l_user_month           date;
537    l_expiry_date          date;
538 begin
540    -- If the payroll actions have not changed, return the stored result
541    if (p_owner_payroll_action_id = g_za_m_owner_pay_action_id) and
542       (p_user_payroll_action_id = g_za_m_user_pay_action_id) then
544       p_expiry_information := g_za_m_expiry_information;
546    else   -- Check expiry
547 /*
548       -- Get the owner's date earned and payroll id
549       select
550          date_earned, payroll_id
551       into
552          l_owner_date_earned, l_owner_payroll_id
553       from
554          pay_payroll_actions
555       where
556          payroll_action_id = p_owner_payroll_action_id;
558       -- Get the user's date earned and payroll id
559       select
560          date_earned, payroll_id
561       into
562          l_user_date_earned, l_user_payroll_id
563       from
564          pay_payroll_actions
565       where
566          payroll_action_id = p_user_payroll_action_id;
568       -- Get the owner's month end
569       select
570          pay_advice_date
571       into
572          l_owner_month
573       from
574          per_time_periods
575       where
576          payroll_id = l_owner_payroll_id
577       and
578          l_owner_date_earned between start_date and end_date;
580       -- Get the user's month end
581       select
582          pay_advice_date
583       into
584          l_user_month
585       from
586          per_time_periods
587       where
588          payroll_id = l_user_payroll_id
589       and
590          l_user_date_earned between start_date and end_date;
592       -- If the month ends are the same then the dimension has not expired
593       if l_owner_month = l_user_month then
594 */
595        --added for 5486039
597             ASG_MTD_EC(p_owner_payroll_action_id    =>  p_owner_payroll_action_id
598                       ,p_user_payroll_action_id     =>  p_user_payroll_action_id
599                       ,p_owner_assignment_action_id =>  p_owner_assignment_action_id
600                       ,p_user_assignment_action_id  =>  p_user_assignment_action_id
601                       ,p_owner_effective_date       =>  p_owner_effective_date
602                       ,p_user_effective_date        =>  p_user_effective_date
603                       ,p_dimension_name             =>  p_dimension_name
604                       ,p_expiry_information         =>  l_expiry_date
605                        );
607       IF p_user_effective_date <= l_expiry_date THEN
608          -- Dimension has not expired
609          p_expiry_information := 0;
610          g_za_m_expiry_information := 0;
612       else
614          -- Dimension has expired
615          p_expiry_information := 1;
616          g_za_m_expiry_information := 1;
618       end if;
620       g_za_m_owner_pay_action_id := p_owner_payroll_action_id;
621       g_za_m_user_pay_action_id  := p_user_payroll_action_id;
623    end if;   -- End check expiry
625 end ASG_MTD_EC;
626 --
627 -- 5189195
628 procedure ASG_MTD_EC
629   (
630   p_owner_payroll_action_id    in     number,   -- run created balance.
631   p_user_payroll_action_id     in     number,   -- current run.
632   p_owner_assignment_action_id in     number,   -- assact created balance.
633   p_user_assignment_action_id  in     number,   -- current assact.
634   p_owner_effective_date       in     date,     -- eff date of balance.
635   p_user_effective_date        in     date,     -- eff date of current run.
636   p_dimension_name             in     varchar2, -- balance dimension name.
637   p_expiry_information         out NOCOPY  date)   -- dimension expired date.
638 is
639 begin
640   --
641   /* Commented for Bug 8624178
642   SELECT ((trunc(add_months(p_owner_effective_date,1),'MM'))-1)
643   INTO  p_expiry_information
644   FROM dual;
645   */
647    SELECT ptp.pay_advice_date
648    INTO   p_expiry_information
649    FROM   per_time_periods    ptp
650          ,pay_payroll_actions ppa
651    WHERE  ppa.payroll_action_id = p_owner_payroll_action_id
652      AND  ppa.payroll_id        = ptp.payroll_id
653      AND  p_owner_effective_date BETWEEN ptp.start_date AND ptp.end_date;
655   --
656 end ASG_MTD_EC;
657 --
658 --------------------------------- ASG_PTD_EC --------------------------------------
659 --   NAME
660 --      ASG_PTD_EC - Assignment Period to Date expiry check.
662 --      Expiry checking code for the following:
663 --         ZA Assignment-level Period to Date Balance Dimension
664 --   NOTES
665 --      The associated dimension is expiry checked at payroll action level
666 --      1 means expired
667 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
668 procedure ASG_PTD_EC
669    (
670       p_owner_payroll_action_id    in     number,    -- run created balance.
671       p_user_payroll_action_id     in     number,    -- current run.
672       p_owner_assignment_action_id in     number,    -- assact created balance.
673       p_user_assignment_action_id  in     number,    -- current assact..
674       p_owner_effective_date       in     date,      -- eff date of balance.
675       p_user_effective_date        in     date,      -- eff date of current run.
676       p_dimension_name             in     varchar2,  -- balance dimension name.
677       p_expiry_information            out nocopy number     -- dimension expired flag.
678    )
679    is
681    l_owner_time_period_id number;
682    l_user_time_period_id  number;
683    l_expiry_date          date;
685 begin
687    -- Select the period of the owning and using action and if they are the same then
688    -- the dimension has expired - either a prior period or a different payroll
689 /*
690    -- Get the owner's time_period_id
691    select
692       time_period_id
693    into
694       l_owner_time_period_id
695    from
696       pay_payroll_actions
697    where
698       payroll_action_id = p_owner_payroll_action_id;
700    -- Get the user's time_period_id
701    select
702       time_period_id
703    into
704       l_user_time_period_id
705    from
706       pay_payroll_actions
707    where
708       payroll_action_id = p_user_payroll_action_id;
711    -- If the time periods are the same then the dimension has not expired
712    if l_owner_time_period_id = l_user_time_period_id then
713 */
714        --added for 5486039
716             ASG_PTD_EC(p_owner_payroll_action_id    =>  p_owner_payroll_action_id
717                       ,p_user_payroll_action_id     =>  p_user_payroll_action_id
718                       ,p_owner_assignment_action_id =>  p_owner_assignment_action_id
719                       ,p_user_assignment_action_id  =>  p_user_assignment_action_id
720                       ,p_owner_effective_date       =>  p_owner_effective_date
721                       ,p_user_effective_date        =>  p_user_effective_date
722                       ,p_dimension_name             =>  p_dimension_name
723                       ,p_expiry_information         =>  l_expiry_date
724                        );
726       IF p_user_effective_date <= l_expiry_date THEN
727       -- Dimension has not expired
728       p_expiry_information := 0;
729    else
730       -- Dimension has expired
731       p_expiry_information := 1;
733    end if;
735 end ASG_PTD_EC;
736 --
737 -- 5189195
738 --
739 procedure ASG_PTD_EC
740 (
741    p_owner_payroll_action_id    in     number,         -- run created balance.
742    p_user_payroll_action_id     in     number,         -- current run.
743    p_owner_assignment_action_id in     number,         -- assact created balance.
744    p_user_assignment_action_id  in     number,         -- current assact..
745    p_owner_effective_date       in     date,           -- eff date of balance.
746    p_user_effective_date        in     date,           -- eff date of current run.
747    p_dimension_name             in     varchar2,       -- balance dimension name.
748    p_expiry_information         out nocopy    DATE     -- dimension expired flag.
749 )  IS
751    SELECT ptp.end_date
752    INTO   p_expiry_information
753    FROM   per_time_periods    ptp
754          ,pay_payroll_actions ppa
755    WHERE  ppa.payroll_action_id = p_owner_payroll_action_id
756      AND  ppa.payroll_id        = ptp.payroll_id
757      AND  p_owner_effective_date BETWEEN ptp.start_date AND ptp.end_date;
759 --
760 end pyzaexc;