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Line 2031: -- corresponding PO Supply

2027: -- Start of Comments
2028: -- Name: cancel_supply
2029: -- Function:
2030: -- Updates MTL_SUPPLY when the gievn entity is cancelled to remove the
2031: -- corresponding PO Supply
2032: -- For this , the common routin po_suply.po_req_supply is calle with appropriate
2033: -- action.
2034: --
2035: --Parameters:

Line 2140: -- If SPO Header is canceled, the action will be Cancel_PO_Supply

2137: l_line_id := p_entity_id;
2138: l_action := 'Cancel_PO_Line';
2140: -- If SPO Header is canceled, the action will be Cancel_PO_Supply
2141: -- If Schedule Release is canceled, the action will be
2142: -- Cancel_Planned_Release
2143: -- If Blanket Release is canceled, the action will be
2144: -- Cancel_Blanket_Release

Line 2148: l_action := 'Cancel_PO_Supply';

2144: -- Cancel_Blanket_Release
2145: ELSE --header level
2147: IF p_document_type <> c_doc_type_RELEASE THEN
2148: l_action := 'Cancel_PO_Supply';
2149: ELSE -- if doc is realse
2151: IF p_doc_subtype = c_doc_subtype_PLANNED THEN
2152: l_action := 'Cancel_Planned_Release';

Line 2183: l_status := po_supply.po_req_supply(

2180: l_progress := '003' ;
2181: -- For the entity, call the po_req_supply function to cancel mtl supply
2182: -- with appropriate action.
2183: l_status := po_supply.po_req_supply(
2184: p_docid => p_doc_id,
2185: p_lineid =>l_line_id,
2186: p_shipid =>l_ship_id,
2187: p_action =>l_action,

Line 4599: l_status := po_supply.po_req_supply(

4595: RAISE FND_API.g_exc_unexpected_error;
4596: END IF;
4598: -- Create req supply for the new lines
4599: l_status := po_supply.po_req_supply(
4600: p_docid => 0,
4601: p_lineid =>x_req_line_id_tbl(i),
4602: p_shipid =>0,
4603: p_action =>'Create_Req_Line_Supply',