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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 4

PROCEDURE update_ni_category_pension(
	p_paye_ref in varchar2,
  p_bg_id IN NUMBER,
	p_payroll_id in number,
	p_f_category in varchar2,
	p_g_category in varchar2,
	p_s_category in varchar2,
	p_mode in varchar2
/***         Local variables               ***/
   l_ni_new_category varchar2(1) := ' ';
Line: 34

    SELECT  max (decode (pivf.name
                    ,NULL)) input_category
       ,max (decode (pivf.name
                    ,NULL)) input_pension
FROM    pay_element_types_f petf
       ,pay_input_values_f pivf
WHERE   petf.element_name = 'NI'
AND     petf.legislation_code = 'GB'
AND     petf.element_type_id = pivf.element_type_id
AND     pivf.name IN ('Category','Pension')
AND     SYSDATE BETWEEN petf.effective_start_date
                AND     pivf.effective_end_date
AND     SYSDATE BETWEEN pivf.effective_start_date
                AND     pivf.effective_end_date;
Line: 55

	Cursor retrieves all the element entries that are to be updated for a given
	business group, paye reference and payroll.
	Retrieve all the element entries which have the NI categories F,G,S
	and Ni Pension basis 'M' after 06-Apr-2012.
	Inner query retrieves all the NI elements with Categories F,G,S and
	also all the NI elements which has pension basis 'A' which is an obsoleted pension
	basis from 06-APR-2012. Apart from this it also fetches the NI categories A,B,J with
	pension basis value as null , we get null value for pension basis because the pension basis for A,B,J
	can be either A or N, but we dint retrieve rows with the screen entry value 'N'.
	Outer query filters these null values./
   CURSOR csr_element_entries_for_update(
										c_bg_id	    NUMBER,
										c_paye_ref  VARCHAR2,
										c_payroll_id NUMBER

SELECT  ele_entries.*
        SELECT  peevf.element_entry_id
               ,max (decode (peevf.input_value_id
                            ,NULL)) pension_category
               ,max (decode (peevf.input_value_id
                            ,NULL)) pension_basis
        FROM    per_all_assignments_f paaf
               ,per_all_people_f papf
               ,pay_payrolls_f ppf
               ,pay_element_entries_f peef
               ,pay_element_entry_values_f peevf
               ,hr_organization_information org
               ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex flex
        WHERE   org.organization_id = paaf.business_group_id
        AND     paaf.business_group_id = nvl (c_bg_id
        AND     paaf.business_group_id = papf.business_group_id
        AND     nvl (org.org_information10
                    ,'UK') = 'UK'
        AND     org.org_information_context = 'Tax Details References'
        AND     org.org_information1 = flex.segment1
        AND     org.org_information1 = nvl (c_paye_ref
        AND     ppf.soft_coding_keyflex_id = flex.soft_coding_keyflex_id
        AND     ppf.payroll_id = nvl (c_payroll_id
        AND     paaf.payroll_id = ppf.payroll_id
        AND     paaf.assignment_id = peef.assignment_id
        AND     papf.person_id = paaf.person_id
        AND     peef.element_entry_id = peevf.element_entry_id
        AND     peevf.input_value_id IN (l_input_value_id_category,l_input_value_id_pension)
        AND     peevf.screen_entry_value IN ('F','G','S'
        AND     l_effective_date BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date
                                        AND     ppf.effective_end_date
        AND     l_effective_date BETWEEN peef.effective_start_date
                                        AND     peef.effective_end_date
        AND     l_effective_date BETWEEN paaf.effective_start_date
                                        AND     paaf.effective_end_date
        AND     l_effective_date BETWEEN peevf.effective_start_date
                                        AND     peevf.effective_end_date
        AND     l_effective_date BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date
                                        AND     papf.effective_end_date
        GROUP BY peevf.element_entry_id
        ) ele_entries
WHERE   ele_entries.pension_basis IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY ele_entries.full_name, ele_entries.payroll_id;
Line: 145

		hr_utility.trace('Entering ' || p_package_name || '.update_ni_category_pension');
Line: 206

		FOR l_element_entry in csr_element_entries_for_update(p_bg_id, p_paye_ref,p_payroll_id)
			-- determine the new category and new pension basis for the this element entry.
			if l_element_entry.pension_category = 'F' THEN
				l_ni_new_category := p_f_category;
Line: 218

			else -- Pension category would be either A,B,J. Then we should just update pension basis.
				l_ni_new_category := l_element_entry.pension_category;
Line: 224

			-- Call the update api in UPDATE_OVERRIDE mode for updating the element entries for future entries as well.
					hr_entry_api.update_element_entry(p_dt_update_mode => 'UPDATE_OVERRIDE',
                                              p_session_date  =>  l_effective_date,
                                              p_element_entry_id => l_element_entry.element_entry_id,
                                              p_input_value_id1 => l_input_value_id_category,
											  p_input_value_id2 => l_input_value_id_pension,
                                              p_entry_value1 => l_ni_new_category,
											  p_entry_value2 => pen_basis(l_ni_new_pension)
Line: 245

			hr_utility.trace(l_element_entry.assignment_id ||'  ' || l_element_entry.element_entry_id|| ' Updated Successfully');
Line: 248

 hr_utility.trace('Leaving ' || p_package_name || '.update_ni_catergory_and_pension');
Line: 262

		fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.OUTPUT,rpad('-',68,'-')||'No records updated'||rpad('-',69,'-'));
Line: 275

END update_ni_category_pension;