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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 33

  SELECT nvl(paa.employee_category,'X')
    FROM per_all_assignments_f paa,
         pay_payroll_actions ppa
   WHERE paa.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
     AND ppa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
     AND paa.payroll_id = ppa.payroll_id
     AND ppa.effective_date BETWEEN paa.effective_start_date
                                AND paa.effective_end_date;
Line: 102

  SELECT hoi.org_information7
    FROM hr_organization_information hoi,
         hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsk,
         per_all_assignments_f paa
   WHERE hoi.org_information_context = 'PER_IN_PF_DF'
     AND hoi.organization_id = hsk.segment2
     AND hsk.soft_coding_keyflex_id = paa.soft_coding_keyflex_id
     AND paa.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
     AND p_effective_date BETWEEN paa.effective_start_date
                              AND paa.effective_end_date;
Line: 182

 SELECT pdb.defined_balance_id
  FROM  pay_defined_balances pdb,
        pay_balance_dimensions pbd,
        pay_balance_types pbt
 WHERE pbt.balance_name ='ESI Eligible Salary'
   AND pbd.database_item_suffix='_ASG_PTD' /* Bugfix 3844554 */
   AND pbt.legislation_code='IN'
   AND pdb.balance_type_id =pbt.balance_type_id
   AND pdb.balance_dimension_id =pbd.balance_dimension_id;
Line: 194

        SELECT GREATEST( MIN(ppa.date_earned),l_start)
        FROM    pay_payroll_actions ppa,
                pay_assignment_actions paa,
                per_all_assignments_f paf
        WHERE paf.assignment_id =p_assignment_id
        AND   paf.assignment_id=paa.assignment_id
        AND   paa.payroll_action_id =ppa.payroll_action_id;
Line: 204

    SELECT paa.assignment_action_id
    FROM   pay_payroll_actions ppa
          ,pay_assignment_actions paa
    WHERE  paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
    AND    paa.assignment_id     = p_assignment_id
    AND    last_day(ppa.date_earned)  = l_virtual_date
    AND    paa.source_action_id IS NULL
    AND    ppa.business_group_id = FND_PROFILE.VALUE('PER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID')-- Added as a part of bug fix 4774108
    AND    ppa.action_type in ('Q','R','I','B')
    ORDER BY paa.action_sequence DESC ;
Line: 363

   select pdf.dis_information1
     from per_disabilities_f pdf,
          per_all_assignments_f paa
    where paa.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
      and paa.person_id = pdf.person_id
      and l_esi_cont_date between paa.effective_start_date and paa.effective_end_date
      and l_esi_cont_date between pdf.effective_start_date and pdf.effective_end_date
      order by nvl(pdf.dis_information1,'N') desc;
Line: 374

        SELECT GREATEST( MIN(ppa.date_earned),l_start)
        FROM    pay_payroll_actions ppa,
                pay_assignment_actions paa,
                per_all_assignments_f paf
        WHERE paf.assignment_id =p_assignment_id
        AND   paf.assignment_id=paa.assignment_id
        AND   paa.payroll_action_id =ppa.payroll_action_id;
Line: 544

    SELECT pap.accrual_plan_id
    FROM   pay_accrual_plans pap,
           pay_element_entries_f pee,
           pay_element_links_f pel,
           pay_element_types_f pet
    WHERE  pee.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
    AND    p_effective_date BETWEEN pee.effective_start_date AND pee.effective_end_date
    AND    pel.element_link_id = pee.element_link_id
    AND    pel.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
    AND    pap.accrual_plan_element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
    AND    pap.accrual_category = p_plan_category ;
Line: 714

SELECT  decode(to_char(TPERIOD.end_date,'MM'),'04',1,'05',2,'06',3,
    FROM per_time_periods TPERIOD,
         per_time_period_types TPTYPE
   WHERE TPERIOD.payroll_id = p_payroll_id
     AND TPTYPE.period_type = TPERIOD.period_type
     AND p_term_date between TPERIOD.start_date and TPERIOD.end_date;
Line: 786

    SELECT count (*)
      FROM pay_element_entry_values_f pev,
           pay_element_entries_f pee,
           pay_element_types_f pet,
           pay_input_values_f piv
     WHERE pet.element_name like 'Deduction under Section 80DD'
       AND pet.legislation_code = 'IN'
       AND pet.element_type_id = piv.element_type_id
       AND piv.name = 'Disability Percentage'
       AND piv.input_value_id = pev.input_value_id
       AND pev.screen_entry_value = '80100'
       AND pev.element_entry_id = pee.element_entry_id
       AND pee.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
       AND pee.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
       AND pee.entry_type = 'E'
       AND p_date_earned BETWEEN pev.effective_start_date AND pev.effective_end_date
       AND p_date_earned BETWEEN pee.effective_start_date AND pee.effective_end_date
       AND p_date_earned BETWEEN pet.effective_start_date AND pet.effective_end_date
       AND p_date_earned BETWEEN piv.effective_start_date AND piv.effective_end_date;
Line: 873

    SELECT DISTINCT(DECODE(pcr.contact_type,'JP_FT','Father','F','Father','S','Spouse')) relation_type
         , ppf.sex                                                                       sex
	 , ppf.marital_status                                                            marital_status
      FROM per_people_f               ppf
         , per_assignments_f          paf
         , per_contact_relationships  pcr
     WHERE paf.assignment_id  = p_assignment_id
       AND paf.person_id      = ppf.person_id
       AND pcr.person_id      = ppf.person_id
       AND pcr.contact_type   IN ('JP_FT','F',DECODE(ppf.marital_status,'M','S'))
       AND p_effective_date   BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date AND ppf.effective_end_date
       AND p_effective_date   BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date AND ppf.effective_end_date
       AND p_effective_date   BETWEEN pcr.date_start           AND NVL(pcr.date_end,TO_DATE('4712/12/31','YYYY/MM/DD'))
  ORDER BY DECODE(pcr.contact_type,'JP_FT','Father','F','Father','S','Spouse');
Line: 959

PROCEDURE check_gre_update
         (p_effective_date   IN  DATE
         ,p_dt_mode          IN  VARCHAR2
         ,p_assignment_id    IN  NUMBER
         ,p_gre_org          IN  VARCHAR2
	 ,p_pf_org           IN  VARCHAR2
	 ,p_esi_org          IN  VARCHAR2
         ,p_gre              IN NUMBER
	 ,p_pf               IN NUMBER
	 ,p_esi              IN NUMBER
         ,p_message          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
	 ,p_token_name       OUT NOCOPY pay_in_utils.char_tab_type
	 ,p_token_value      OUT NOCOPY pay_in_utils.char_tab_type
-- The cursor to obtain the maximum payroll run date for an assignment in a BG.
   CURSOR c_max_pay_date
      SELECT ppa.date_earned
      FROM   pay_payroll_actions    ppa
            ,pay_assignment_actions paa
      WHERE  ppa.payroll_action_id  = paa.payroll_action_id
      AND    ppa.action_type IN ('Q','R')
      AND    ppa.action_status = 'C'
      AND    paa.source_action_id IS NULL
      AND    ppa.business_group_id = FND_PROFILE.VALUE('PER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID')
      AND    paa.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
      ORDER BY ppa.date_earned DESC;
Line: 990

      SELECT ADD_MONTHS(LAST_DAY(p_effective_date),-1)+1
      FROM   dual;
Line: 1000

      SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT scl.segment1)
      FROM   per_all_assignments_f asg
            ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex scl
      WHERE  asg.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
      AND    scl.soft_coding_keyflex_id = asg.soft_coding_keyflex_id
      AND    asg.business_group_id = FND_PROFILE.VALUE('PER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID')
      AND (  asg.effective_start_date BETWEEN p_start_date AND p_end_date
             asg.effective_end_date BETWEEN p_start_date AND p_end_date
Line: 1014

      SELECT organization_id
      FROM  hr_organization_units
      WHERE NAME = p_org_name
      AND   business_group_id = FND_PROFILE.VALUE('PER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID');
Line: 1022

     SELECT asg.effective_start_date
     FROM per_all_assignments_f asg
     WHERE p_effective_date BETWEEN asg.effective_start_date AND asg.effective_end_date
     AND asg.assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
Line: 1035

      SELECT 1
      FROM   per_all_assignments_f asg
            ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex scl
      WHERE  asg.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
      AND    scl.soft_coding_keyflex_id = asg.soft_coding_keyflex_id
      AND    asg.business_group_id = FND_PROFILE.VALUE('PER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID')
      AND    scl.segment1          = p_latest_org_id
      AND  ( asg.effective_start_date BETWEEN p_start_date AND p_end_date
             asg.effective_end_date BETWEEN p_start_date AND  p_end_date
Line: 1063

l_procedure := g_package ||'check_gre_update';
Line: 1181

END check_gre_update;
Line: 1205

PROCEDURE check_pf_update
         (p_effective_date   IN  DATE
         ,p_dt_mode          IN  VARCHAR2
         ,p_assignment_id    IN  NUMBER
         ,p_gre_org          IN  VARCHAR2
	 ,p_pf_org           IN  VARCHAR2
	 ,p_esi_org          IN  VARCHAR2
         ,p_message          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
         ,p_gre              IN NUMBER
	 ,p_pf               IN NUMBER
	 ,p_esi              IN NUMBER

    l_procedure              VARCHAR2(100);
Line: 1225

    l_procedure := g_package ||'check_pf_update';
Line: 1260

         (p_effective_date  => p_effective_date
         ,p_dt_mode         => p_dt_mode
         ,p_assignment_id   => p_assignment_id
         ,p_gre_org         => p_gre_org
	 ,p_pf_org          => p_pf_org
	 ,p_esi_org         => p_esi_org
         ,p_gre             => p_gre
	 ,p_pf              => p_pf
	 ,p_esi             => p_esi
         ,p_message         => l_message_name
 	 ,p_token_name      => p_token_name
	 ,p_token_value     => p_token_value
Line: 1285

END check_pf_update;
Line: 1310

PROCEDURE check_esi_update
         (p_effective_date   IN  DATE
         ,p_dt_mode          IN  VARCHAR2
         ,p_assignment_id    IN  NUMBER
         ,p_esi_org          IN  VARCHAR2
         ,p_message          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2

Line: 1322

END check_esi_update;
Line: 1354

   Select object_version_number
   From  pay_element_entries_f
   Where element_type_id = p_element_type_id
   And   assignment_id   = p_assignment_id
   And   p_date Between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 1362

   Select input_value_id
   From pay_input_values_f
   Where element_type_id  = p_element_type_id
   And   p_date Between effective_start_date AND effective_end_date
   And   name=p_input_value;
Line: 1400

         (p_datetrack_update_mode         =>  'UPDATE'
         ,p_effective_date                =>  p_date+1
         ,p_business_group_id             =>  p_business_group_id
         ,p_element_entry_id              =>  p_element_entry_id
         ,p_object_version_number         =>  l_ovn
         ,p_input_value_id4               =>  l_input_val_id
         ,p_entry_value4                  =>  ' '
         ,p_effective_start_date          =>  l_effective_start_date
         ,p_effective_end_date            =>  l_effective_end_date
         ,p_update_warning                =>  l_warning
Line: 1456

   SELECT location_id
   FROM   hr_all_organization_units
   WHERE  organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 1530

       SELECT  hl.loc_information16
        FROM    hr_all_organization_units hou
	              ,hr_locations hl
        WHERE  hou.organization_id = p_organization_id
        AND    hou.location_id = hl.location_id
        AND    hl.style = 'IN';
Line: 1584

   SELECT hsc.segment2
     FROM per_assignments_f      paf
         ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsc
    WHERE paf.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
      AND paf.soft_coding_keyflex_id = hsc.soft_coding_keyflex_id
      AND paf.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
      AND p_date BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date
                     AND paf.effective_end_date;