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2 -- $Header: WSHCAVLS.pls 120.0.12010000.1 2008/07/29 05:58:48 appldev ship $
4 /*+=======================================================================+
5 --|               Copyright (c) 1998 Oracle Corporation                   |
6 --|                       Redwood Shores, CA, USA                         |
7 --|                         All rights reserved.                          |
8 --+=======================================================================+
9 --| FILENAME                                                              |
10 --|     WSHCAVLS.pls                                                      |
11 --|                                                                       |
12 --| DESCRIPTION                                                           |
13 --|     Validation API for transportation calendar                        |
14 --|                                                                       |
15 --| HISTORY                                                               |
16 --|     06/29/99 dmay            Created                                  |
17 --+======================================================================*/
18 --Similar in structure to the existing Bill of Materials Workday Calendar,
19 --the Transportation Calendar defines the valid shipping days for a location,
20 --supplier, customer, or carrier, and consists of a repeating pattern of days
21 --on and days off and exceptions to that pattern.   Shifts associated with
22 --these calendars determine specific times during the day when material may be
23 --shipped or received.
24 --===================
26 --===================
27 --========================================================================
28 -- PROCEDURE : Get_Calendar            PUBLIC
29 -- PARAMETERS: p_api_version_number    known api versionerror buffer
30 --             p_init_msg_list         FND_API.G_TRUE to reset list
31 --             x_return_status         return status
32 --             x_msg_count             number of messages in the list
33 --             x_msg_data              text of messages
34 --             p_entity_type           Entity - 'CUSTOMER','ORG','VENDOR'
35 --             p_entity_id             Entity Id - Customer_id, vendor_id, org_id
36 --             p_location_id           Location ID (optional)
37 --             x_calendar_code         Return calendar code
38 -- VERSION   : current version         1.0
39 --             initial version         1.0
40 -- COMMENT   : Returns a calendar code for a given customer,vendor or org and
41 --             location combination. If location is not specified then this
42 --             returns the default calendar code
43 --========================================================================
44 PROCEDURE Get_Calendar
45 ( p_api_version_number IN NUMBER
46 , p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
47 , x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
48 , x_msg_count     OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
49 , x_msg_data      OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
50 , p_entity_type   IN  VARCHAR2
51 , p_entity_id     IN  NUMBER
52 , p_location_id   IN  NUMBER
53 , x_calendar_code OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
56 --========================================================================
57 -- PROCEDURE : Transport_Dates           PUBLIC
58 -- PARAMETERS: p_api_version_number    known api versionerror buffer
59 --             p_init_msg_list         FND_API.G_TRUE to reset list
60 --             x_return_status         return status
61 --             x_msg_count             number of messages in the list
62 --             x_msg_data              text of messages
63 --             p_priority              'SHIP' or 'RECEIVE': which is
64 --                                     more important
65 --             p_ship_date             Date to validate
66 --             p_ship_assoc_type       Association type for ship location
67 --             p_ship_location_id      Location ID (optional)
68 --             p_ship_vendor_site_id   Vendor Site ID (optional)
69 --             p_ship_customer_site_use_id  Customer Site Use ID (optional)
70 --             p_ship_time_matters  Flag:  is time important in ship date?
71 --             p_freight_code          Carrier code (optional)
72 --             p_freight_org_id        Carrier Organization ID (optional)
73 --             p_receive_date             Date to validate
74 --             p_receive_assoc_type       Association type for ship location
75 --             p_receive_location_id   Location ID (optional)
76 --             p_receive_vendor_site_id   Vendor Site ID (optional)
77 --             p_receive_customer_site_use_id  Customer Site Use ID (optional)
78 --             p_receive_time_matters  Flag:  is time important in receive date?
79 --             x_return code           Return code
80 --             x_suggest_ship_date     Ship date suggestion
81 --             x_suggest_receive_date  Receiving date suggestion
82 --             p_primary_threshold     Threshold for most important date
83 --             p_secondary_threshold   Threshold for least important date
84 -- VERSION   : current version         1.0
85 --             initial version         1.0
86 -- COMMENT   : Validates a shipping or receiving date, or both, against a
87 --             transportation calendar and against a carrier calendar
88 --  This routine accepts a shipping date, or a receiving date, or both.
89 --Whatever dates it receives it validates against calendars, also provided as
90 --parameters.  If a carrier and carrier calendar are specified the date(s) are
91 --validated against that calendar as well.  If both ship and receive dates are
92 --provided, the user must also specify which date is more important, the
93 --ship or receive date.  The more important date is validated first. Dates may
94 --slip within a user-provided tolerance:  ship dates slip back, receive dates
95 --slip forward.  The user may also specify whether time of day is important.
96 --If so, dates will only validate if they are valid for that specific time.
97 --             Value of parameter x_return_code indicates the following:
98 --                0    Complete success
99 --                1    dates slid, within tolerance
100 --                2    lead time had to expand
101 --                3    carrier calendar fails
102 --                4    secondary date out of tolerance
103 --                5    primary date out of tolerance
104 --                6    error condition -- bad parameters
105 --             Higher-numbered error conditions take precedence.  For
106 --             instance, if the primary date is out of tolerance AND
107 --             a carrier calendar fails, return code 5 is generated
108 --========================================================================
109 PROCEDURE Transport_Dates
110 ( p_api_version_number IN  NUMBER
111 , p_init_msg_list      IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
112 , x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
113 , x_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
114 , x_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
115 , p_priority           IN  VARCHAR2
116 , p_ship_date               IN  DATE
117 , p_ship_assoc_type         IN  VARCHAR2
118 , p_ship_location_id     IN  NUMBER       := NULL
119 , p_ship_vendor_site_id     IN  NUMBER       := NULL
120 , p_ship_customer_site_use_id     IN  NUMBER := NULL
121 , p_ship_time_matters       IN  BOOLEAN
122 , p_freight_code       IN  VARCHAR2
123 , p_freight_org_id     IN  NUMBER
124 , p_receive_date              IN DATE
125 , p_receive_assoc_type         IN  VARCHAR2
126 , p_receive_location_id     IN  NUMBER    := NULL
127 , p_receive_vendor_site_id     IN  NUMBER    := NULL
128 , p_receive_customer_site_use_id  IN  NUMBER := NULL
129 , p_receive_time_matters       IN  BOOLEAN
130 , x_return_code                   OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
131 , x_suggest_ship_date             OUT NOCOPY  DATE
132 , x_suggest_receive_date          OUT NOCOPY  DATE
133 , p_primary_threshold                     IN NUMBER
134 , p_secondary_threshold                     IN NUMBER
135 );