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1 PACKAGE BODY hr_be_validation AS
2   /* $Header: hrbevali.pkb 120.0.12010000.2 2009/12/01 09:34:43 bkeshary ship $ */
3   --
4   --
5   -- This function validates that the bank account no is valid (see comments
6   -- within code for details of correct format and check digit calculation).
7   --
8   -- Its primary usage is within the bank account key flexfield definition
9   -- where it is used to drive some cross validation rules.
10   --
11   -- This function returns either:
12   --
13   -- Bank account no is OK      - hr_be_validation.success
14   -- Bank account no is invalid - hr_be_validation.failure
15   --
16   FUNCTION bank_account_no
17   (p_bank_acc_no VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 AS
18     --
19     --
20     -- Local exceptions.
21     --
22     invalid_bank_acc_no EXCEPTION;
23     --
24     --
25     -- Local variables.
26     --
27     l_temp_val     NUMBER;
28     l_check_digits NUMBER;
29     l_10_digits    NUMBER;
30   BEGIN
31     --
32     --
33     -- Ensure the format is NN-NNNNNNN-NN
34     --
35     IF INSTR(p_bank_acc_no, 'N') > 0 OR NVL(translate(p_bank_acc_no, '1234567890-', 'NNNNNNNNNN-'), 'ERROR') <> 'NNN-NNNNNNN-NN' THEN
36       RAISE invalid_bank_acc_no;
37     END IF;
38     --
39     --
40     -- Calculate the check digit using the following algorthmn -
41     --
42     -- 1. Take the first 10 digits and divide these by 97 (rounding the result).
43     -- 2. Multiply the result by 97.
44     -- 3. Subtract this number from ther original first 10 digits.
45     -- 4. This is the check digits NB. if < 10 need to front pad with a zero.
46     --
47     l_10_digits    := TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(p_bank_acc_no, 1, 3) || SUBSTR(p_bank_acc_no, 5, 7));
48     l_temp_val     := TRUNC(l_10_digits / 97) * 97;
49     l_check_digits := l_10_digits - l_temp_val;
50     --
51     --
52     -- Compare the check digit with the calculated one.
53     --
54     IF LPAD(TO_CHAR(l_check_digits), 2, '0') <> SUBSTR(p_bank_acc_no, 13, 2) and l_check_digits <> 0 THEN
55       RAISE invalid_bank_acc_no;
56     END IF;
57     --
58     IF l_check_digits = 0 and SUBSTR(p_bank_acc_no, 13, 2) <> 97 then
59       RAISE invalid_bank_acc_no;
60     END IF;
61     --
62     -- Bank account no is OK.
63     --
64     RETURN success;
66     WHEN invalid_bank_acc_no THEN
67       --
68       --
69       -- Bank account no is incorrect.
70       --
71       RETURN failure;
72   END bank_account_no;
74   ----
75   -- Function added for IBAN Validation
76   ----
77   FUNCTION validate_iban_acc(p_account_no VARCHAR2)RETURN NUMBER IS
78   BEGIN
79      IF IBAN_VALIDATION_PKG.validate_iban_acc(p_account_no) = 1 then
80      RETURN 1;
81      else
82      RETURN 0;
83      END IF;
84   END validate_iban_acc;
86 ----
87 -- This function will get called from the bank keyflex field segments  Bug
88 ----
89  FUNCTION validate_account_entered
90  (p_acc_no        IN VARCHAR2,
91   p_is_iban_acc   IN varchar2 ) RETURN NUMBER IS
92    --
93     l_ret1 varchar2(20) ;
94     l_ret  number;
95   begin
96  --  hr_utility.trace_on(null,'ACCVAL');
97    l_ret :=0;
98    hr_utility.set_location('p_is_iban_acc    ' || p_is_iban_acc,1);
99    hr_utility.set_location('p_account_number ' || p_acc_no,1);
101    IF (p_acc_no IS NOT NULL AND p_is_iban_acc = 'N') then
102      l_ret1 := bank_account_no(p_acc_no);
103      hr_utility.set_location('l_ret1 ' || l_ret1,1);
104      if l_ret1 = 'SUCCESS' then
105      return 0;
106      else
107      RETURN 1;
108      end if;
109    ELSIF (p_acc_no IS NOT NULL AND p_is_iban_acc = 'Y') then
110      l_ret := validate_iban_acc(p_acc_no);
111      hr_utility.set_location('l_ret ' || l_ret,3);
112      RETURN l_ret;
113    ELSIF (p_acc_no IS NULL AND p_is_iban_acc IS NULL) then
114      hr_utility.set_location('Both Account Nos Null',4);
115      RETURN 1;
116    ELSE
117      hr_utility.set_location('l_ret: 3 ' ,5);
118      RETURN 3;
119    END if;
120  End validate_account_entered;
121 --
122 END hr_be_validation;