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APPS.ICX_SIG dependencies on HTP

Line 6: htp.img(curl => '/OA_MEDIA/FNDLOGOS.gif',

2: /* $Header: ICXSESIB.pls 120.1 2005/10/07 14:25:17 gjimenez noship $ */
4: procedure logo Is
5: begin
6: htp.img(curl => '/OA_MEDIA/FNDLOGOS.gif',
7: cattributes => 'BORDER=0');
8: end;
10: function logo return varchar2 is

Line 24: htp.address('Please send any questions or comments to '

21: procedure footer is
22: begin
23: /*
24: htp.address('Please send any questions or comments to '
25: ||htf.mailto('[email protected]','[email protected]'));
26: */
27: htp.bodyClose;
28: end;

Line 27: htp.bodyClose;

23: /*
24: htp.address('Please send any questions or comments to '
25: ||htf.mailto('[email protected]','[email protected]'));
26: */
27: htp.bodyClose;
28: end;
30: function footer return varchar2 is
31: begin