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Line 424: pa_budget_versions pbv,

420: luk.meaning impact_type_name
421: from pa_control_items pci,
422: pa_ci_impacts pc,
423: pa_lookups luk,
424: pa_budget_versions pbv,
425: pa_resource_assignments pra
426: where pci.ci_type_id = p_ci_type_id
427: and pci.ci_id = pc.ci_id
428: and pc.impact_type_code = luk.lookup_code

Line 449: pa_budget_versions pbv,

445: luk.meaning impact_type_name
446: from pa_control_items pci,
447: pa_ci_impacts pc,
448: pa_lookups luk,
449: pa_budget_versions pbv,
450: pa_resource_assignments pra
451: where pci.ci_type_id = p_ci_type_id
452: and pci.ci_id = pc.ci_id
453: and pc.impact_type_code = luk.lookup_code

Line 473: pa_budget_versions pbv

469: CURSOR new_fin_impacts_csr (p_ci_type_id pa_ci_types_b.CI_TYPE_ID%type) is
470: select 1
471: from pa_ci_types_v pct,
472: pa_control_items pci,
473: pa_budget_versions pbv
474: where pct.ci_type_id = pci.ci_type_id
475: and pci.ci_id = pbv.ci_id
476: and pct.ci_type_id = p_ci_type_id;

Line 554: -- 1. if ci_type_id exists in pa_budget_versions then

550: --END IF;
551: -- start:| 05-Oct-2009 cklee Fixed bug: 8947080
553: -- validation for supplier/direct cost region:
554: -- 1. if ci_type_id exists in pa_budget_versions then
555: -- -- user cannot remove any options
556: -- -- user cannot add options
557: -- 2. if ci_type_id not exists in pa_budget_versions then
558: -- -- user free to make changes

Line 557: -- 2. if ci_type_id not exists in pa_budget_versions then

553: -- validation for supplier/direct cost region:
554: -- 1. if ci_type_id exists in pa_budget_versions then
555: -- -- user cannot remove any options
556: -- -- user cannot add options
557: -- 2. if ci_type_id not exists in pa_budget_versions then
558: -- -- user free to make changes
559: OPEN new_fin_impacts_csr(p_ci_type_id);
560: FETCH new_fin_impacts_csr INTO l_new_fin_imp_dummy;
561: IF new_fin_impacts_csr%FOUND THEN