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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 77

        SELECT count(*)
        INTO l_count
        FROM inl_associations
        WHERE ship_header_id = p_ship_header_id
        START WITH FROM_PARENT_TABLE_NAME = P_from_parent_table_name
            AND FROM_PARENT_TABLE_ID = P_from_parent_table_id
Line: 198

    SELECT msi.primary_uom_code,
    INTO l_primary_uom_code,
    FROM mtl_units_of_measure uom,
         mtl_system_items_vl msi
    WHERE uom.uom_code = msi.primary_uom_code
    AND msi.organization_id = p_organization_id
    AND msi.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id;
Line: 229

    SELECT uom_class
    INTO l_from_uom_class
    FROM mtl_units_of_measure
    WHERE uom_code = p_from_uom_code;
Line: 240

    SELECT uom_class
    INTO l_to_uom_class
    FROM mtl_units_of_measure
    WHERE uom_code = p_to_uom_code;
Line: 255

        SELECT 1/NVL(conversion_rate,0) * NVL(p_unit_price,0)
        INTO l_converted_price
        FROM mtl_uom_conversions_view
        WHERE primary_uom_class = l_primary_uom_class
        AND primary_uom_code = l_primary_uom_code
        AND uom_class = l_from_uom_class
        AND uom_code = p_from_uom_code
        AND organization_id = p_organization_id
        AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id;
Line: 265

        SELECT NVL(conversion_rate,0) * NVL(l_converted_price,0)
        INTO l_converted_price
        FROM mtl_uom_conversions_view
        WHERE primary_uom_class = l_primary_uom_class
        AND primary_uom_code = l_primary_uom_code
        AND uom_class = l_to_uom_class
        AND uom_code = p_to_uom_code
        AND organization_id = p_organization_id
        AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id;
Line: 281

        SELECT (SELECT (conversion_rate * p_unit_price) as conversion_rate
                FROM mtl_uom_conversions_view
                WHERE primary_uom_class = l_from_uom_class
                AND primary_uom_code = p_from_uom_code
                AND uom_class = l_to_uom_class
                AND uom_code = p_to_uom_code
                AND organization_id = p_organization_id
                AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
                SELECT (1/conversion_rate * p_unit_price) as conversion_rate
                FROM mtl_uom_conversions_view
                WHERE primary_uom_class = l_to_uom_class
                AND primary_uom_code = p_to_uom_code
                AND uom_class = l_from_uom_class
                AND uom_code = p_from_uom_code
                AND organization_id = p_organization_id
                AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id)
        INTO l_converted_price
        FROM dual;
Line: 317

            SELECT unit_of_measure_tl
            INTO l_debug_info
            FROM mtl_units_of_measure
            WHERE uom_code = p_from_uom_code;
Line: 328

             SELECT unit_of_measure_tl
             INTO l_debug_info
             FROM mtl_units_of_measure
             WHERE uom_code = p_to_uom_code;
Line: 426

    FROM mtl_units_of_measure uom,
         mtl_system_items_vl msi
    WHERE uom.uom_code = msi.primary_uom_code
    AND msi.organization_id = p_organization_id
    AND msi.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id;
Line: 456

    SELECT uom_class
    INTO l_allocation_uom_class
    FROM mtl_units_of_measure
    WHERE uom_code = p_from_uom_code;
Line: 471

        SELECT NVL(conversion_rate,0) * NVL(p_qty,0)
        INTO l_primary_qty
        FROM mtl_uom_conversions_view
            primary_uom_class = l_primary_uom_class
        AND primary_uom_code = l_primary_uom_code
        AND uom_class = l_allocation_uom_class
        AND uom_code = p_from_uom_code
        AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
        AND organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 500

    SELECT uom_class
    INTO l_to_allocation_uom_class
    FROM mtl_units_of_measure
    WHERE uom_code = P_to_uom_code;
Line: 515

        SELECT 1/NVL(conversion_rate,0) * NVL(l_primary_qty,0)
        INTO l_converted_qty
        FROM mtl_uom_conversions_view
        WHERE primary_uom_class = l_primary_uom_class
        AND primary_uom_code = l_primary_uom_code
        AND uom_class = l_to_allocation_uom_class
        AND uom_code = p_to_uom_code
        AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
        AND organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 567

            SELECT unit_of_measure_tl
            INTO   l_debug_info
            FROM   mtl_units_of_measure
            WHERE  uom_code = p_from_uom_code;
Line: 578

            SELECT unit_of_measure_tl
            INTO l_debug_info
            FROM mtl_units_of_measure
            WHERE uom_code = p_to_uom_code;
Line: 601

            SELECT unit_of_measure_tl
            INTO   l_debug_info
            FROM   mtl_units_of_measure
            WHERE  uom_code = p_from_uom_code;
Line: 612

            SELECT unit_of_measure_tl
            INTO l_debug_info
            FROM mtl_units_of_measure
            WHERE uom_code = p_to_uom_code;
Line: 723

            SELECT NVL(p_amt,0) * NVL(conversion_rate,0),
            INTO l_converted_amt,
            FROM gl_daily_rates
            WHERE from_currency = p_from_currency_code
            AND to_currency = p_to_currency_code
            AND conversion_type = p_currency_conversion_type
            AND TRUNC(conversion_date) = TRUNC(p_currency_conversion_date);
Line: 802

      SELECT a.association_id,
                  (SELECT MAX(sl.ship_line_id)
                   FROM inl_ship_lines_all sl,
                        inl_ship_lines_all sl0
                   WHERE sl0.ship_line_id         = a.to_parent_table_id
                   AND   sl.ship_header_id        = sl0.ship_header_id
                   AND   sl.ship_line_group_id    = sl0.ship_line_group_id
                   AND   sl.ship_line_num         = sl0.ship_line_num
--- SCM-051
---                AND   (sl.adjustment_num        <= p_adjustment_num
                   AND   (ABS(sl.adjustment_num)   <= ABS(p_adjustment_num)
--- SCM-051
                            OR sl.ship_header_id   <> p_ship_header_id) --Bug#10221931*
                  (SELECT MAX(cl.charge_line_id)
                   FROM inl_charge_lines cl
--- SCM-051
---                WHERE cl.adjustment_num <= p_adjustment_num
                   WHERE ABS(cl.adjustment_num) <= ABS(p_adjustment_num)
--- SCM-051
                   START WITH cl.charge_line_id = a.to_parent_table_id
                   CONNECT BY PRIOR cl.charge_line_id = cl.parent_charge_line_id
              a.to_parent_table_id) to_parent_table_id
      FROM inl_associations  a
      WHERE a.from_parent_table_name = p_from_component_name
      AND a.from_parent_table_id
        =  DECODE(a.from_parent_table_name,
                      (SELECT MIN(cl.charge_line_id)
                       FROM inl_charge_lines cl
--- SCM-051
---                    WHERE cl.adjustment_num <= p_adjustment_num
                       WHERE ABS(cl.adjustment_num) <= ABS(p_adjustment_num)
--- SCM-051
                       START WITH cl.charge_line_id = p_from_component_id
                       CONNECT BY PRIOR cl.parent_charge_line_id = cl.charge_line_id),
                      (SELECT MIN(tl.tax_line_id)
                       FROM inl_tax_lines tl
--- SCM-051
---                    WHERE tl.adjustment_num <= p_adjustment_num
                       WHERE ABS(tl.adjustment_num) <= ABS(p_adjustment_num)
--- SCM-051
                       START WITH tl.tax_line_id = p_from_component_id
                       CONNECT BY PRIOR tl.parent_tax_line_id = tl.tax_line_id),
                      (SELECT MIN(sl.ship_line_id)
                       FROM inl_ship_lines sl
--- SCM-051
---                    WHERE (sl.adjustment_num <= p_adjustment_num
                       WHERE (ABS(sl.adjustment_num) <= ABS(p_adjustment_num)
--- SCM-051
                              OR sl.ship_header_id <> p_ship_header_id) --Bug#10221931*
                       START WITH sl.ship_line_id = p_from_component_id
                       CONNECT BY PRIOR sl.parent_ship_line_id = sl.ship_line_id))
      ORDER BY a.association_id;
Line: 903

            INTO l_count_aux
            FROM inl_ship_lines_all ol
            WHERE ol.ship_header_id = assoc_List(1).to_parent_table_id
            AND ol.ship_line_id = (SELECT MAX(sl.ship_line_id)
                                   FROM inl_ship_lines_all sl
                                   WHERE sl.ship_header_id   = ol.ship_header_id     --Bug#9660084
                                   AND sl.ship_line_group_id = ol.ship_line_group_id --Bug#9660084
                                   AND sl.ship_line_num      = ol.ship_line_num      --Bug#9660084
--- SCM-051
---                                AND (sl.adjustment_num <= p_adjustment_num
                                   AND (ABS(sl.adjustment_num) <= ABS(p_adjustment_num)
--- SCM-051
                                         OR sl.ship_header_id <> p_ship_header_id) --Bug#10221931*
Line: 927

            INTO l_count_aux
            FROM inl_ship_lines_all ol
            WHERE ol.ship_line_group_id = assoc_List(1).to_parent_table_id
            AND ol.ship_line_id = (SELECT MAX(sl.ship_line_id)
                                   FROM inl_ship_lines_all sl
                                   WHERE sl.ship_header_id   = ol.ship_header_id     --Bug#9660084
                                   AND sl.ship_line_group_id = ol.ship_line_group_id --Bug#9660084
                                   AND sl.ship_line_num      = ol.ship_line_num      --Bug#9660084
--- SCM-051
---                                AND (sl.adjustment_num <= p_adjustment_num
                                   AND (ABS(sl.adjustment_num) <= ABS(p_adjustment_num)
--- SCM-051
                                        OR sl.ship_header_id <> p_ship_header_id) --Bug#10221931*
Line: 951

            INTO l_count_aux
            FROM inl_ship_lines_all ol
            WHERE ol.ship_header_id = DECODE(p_from_component_name,'INL_SHIP_HEADERS',p_from_component_id,ol.ship_header_id)
            AND ol.ship_line_group_id = DECODE(p_from_component_name,'INL_SHIP_LINE_GROUPS',p_from_component_id,ol.ship_line_group_id)
            AND ol.ship_line_id = DECODE(p_from_component_name,'INL_SHIP_LINES',p_from_component_id,ol.ship_line_id)
            AND ol.ship_header_id = p_ship_header_id
            AND ol.ship_line_id = (SELECT MAX(sl.ship_line_id)
                                   FROM inl_ship_lines_all sl
                                   WHERE sl.ship_header_id = ol.ship_header_id          --Bug#9660084
                                   AND sl.ship_line_group_id = ol.ship_line_group_id    --Bug#9660084
                                   AND sl.ship_line_num = ol.ship_line_num              --Bug#9660084
--- SCM-051
---                                AND (sl.adjustment_num <= p_adjustment_num
                                   AND (ABS(sl.adjustment_num) <= ABS(p_adjustment_num)
--- SCM-051
                                        OR sl.ship_header_id <> p_ship_header_id)       --Bug#10221931*
Line: 982

        SELECT organization_id
        INTO l_inv_org_id
        FROM inl_ship_headers_all
        WHERE ship_header_id = p_ship_header_id;
Line: 1064

                    SELECT SUM(DECODE(p_allocation_basis,'VALUE',NVL(NVL(ol.primary_qty,0)*NVL(ol.primary_unit_price * NVL(ol.currency_conversion_rate,1),0),0),
                                                                 Converted_Qty (l_inv_org_id,
                                                                                p_allocation_uom_code))) + l_total_amt,
                           COUNT(*) + l_count
                    INTO l_total_amt,
                    FROM inl_ship_lines_all ol
                    WHERE ol.ship_header_id = assoc_List(iAssoc).to_parent_table_id
                    AND ol.ship_line_id = (SELECT MAX(sl.ship_line_id)
                                           FROM inl_ship_lines_all sl
                                           WHERE sl.ship_header_id = ol.ship_header_id --Bug#9660084
                                           AND sl.ship_line_group_id = ol.ship_line_group_id --Bug#9660084
                                           AND sl.ship_line_num = ol.ship_line_num --Bug#9660084
--- SCM-051
---                                        AND (sl.adjustment_num <= p_adjustment_num
                                           AND (ABS(sl.adjustment_num) <= ABS(p_adjustment_num)
--- SCM-051
                                                 OR sl.ship_header_id <> p_ship_header_id) --Bug#10221931*
Line: 1101

                    SELECT SUM(DECODE(p_allocation_basis,'VALUE',NVL(NVL(ol.primary_qty,0)*NVL(ol.primary_unit_price * NVL(ol.currency_conversion_rate,1),0),0),
                                                                 Converted_Qty (l_inv_org_id,
                                                                                p_allocation_uom_code))) + l_total_amt,
                           COUNT(*) + l_count
                    INTO l_total_amt,
                    FROM inl_ship_lines_all ol
                    WHERE ol.ship_line_group_id = assoc_List(iAssoc).to_parent_table_id
                    AND ol.ship_line_id = (SELECT MAX(sl.ship_line_id)
                                           FROM inl_ship_lines_all sl
                                           WHERE sl.ship_header_id = ol.ship_header_id --Bug#9660084
                                           AND sl.ship_line_group_id = ol.ship_line_group_id --Bug#9660084
                                           AND sl.ship_line_num = ol.ship_line_num --Bug#9660084
--- SCM-051
---                                        AND (sl.adjustment_num <= p_adjustment_num
                                           AND (ABS(sl.adjustment_num) <= ABS(p_adjustment_num)
--- SCM-051
                                                OR sl.ship_header_id <> p_ship_header_id) --Bug#10221931*
Line: 1138

                    SELECT SUM(DECODE(p_allocation_basis,'VALUE',NVL(NVL(ol.primary_qty,0)*NVL(ol.primary_unit_price * NVL(ol.currency_conversion_rate,1),0),0),
                                                                 Converted_Qty (l_inv_org_id,
                                                                                p_allocation_uom_code))) + l_total_amt,
                           COUNT(*) + l_count
                    INTO l_total_amt,
                    FROM inl_ship_lines_all ol
                    WHERE ol.ship_line_id = assoc_List(iAssoc).to_parent_table_id;
Line: 1166

                        SELECT SUM(NVL(charge_amt,0) * NVL(currency_conversion_rate,1)) + l_total_amt,
                               COUNT(*) + l_count
                        INTO l_total_amt,
                        FROM inl_charge_lines cl
                        WHERE cl.charge_line_id = assoc_List(iAssoc).to_parent_table_id;
Line: 1200

                        SELECT nvl(SUM(nrec_tax_amt),0) + l_total_amt,
                               COUNT(*) + l_count
                        INTO l_total_amt,
                        FROM inl_tax_lines tl --BUG#8330505
                        WHERE tl.tax_line_id = assoc_List(iAssoc).to_parent_table_id;
Line: 1237

                SELECT SUM(DECODE(p_allocation_basis,'VALUE',NVL(NVL(ol.primary_qty,0)*NVL(ol.primary_unit_price * NVL(ol.currency_conversion_rate,1),0),0),
                                                             Converted_Qty (l_inv_org_id,
                                                                            p_allocation_uom_code))) + l_total_amt,
                INTO l_total_amt,
                FROM inl_ship_lines_all ol
                WHERE ol.ship_header_id = DECODE(p_from_component_name,'INL_SHIP_HEADERS',p_from_component_id,ol.ship_header_id)
                AND ol.ship_line_group_id = DECODE(p_from_component_name,'INL_SHIP_LINE_GROUPS',p_from_component_id,ol.ship_line_group_id)
                AND ol.ship_line_id = DECODE(p_from_component_name,'INL_SHIP_LINES',p_from_component_id,ol.ship_line_id)
                AND ol.ship_header_id = p_ship_header_id
                AND ol.ship_line_id = (SELECT MAX(sl.ship_line_id)
                                       FROM inl_ship_lines_all sl
                                       WHERE sl.ship_header_id = ol.ship_header_id --Bug#9660084
                                       AND sl.ship_line_group_id = ol.ship_line_group_id --Bug#9660084
                                       AND sl.ship_line_num = ol.ship_line_num --Bug#9660084
--- SCM-051
---                                    AND (sl.adjustment_num <= p_adjustment_num
                                       AND (ABS(sl.adjustment_num) <= ABS(p_adjustment_num)
--- SCM-051
                                            OR sl.ship_header_id <> p_ship_header_id) --Bug#10221931*
Line: 1399

    SELECT organization_id
    INTO l_inv_org_id
    FROM inl_ship_headers_all
    WHERE ship_header_id = p_ship_header_id;
Line: 1476

        SELECT SUM(DECODE(l_allocation_basis,'VALUE',NVL(NVL(ol.primary_qty,0)*NVL(ol.primary_unit_price * NVL(ol.currency_conversion_rate,1),0),0),
                                                     Converted_Qty (l_inv_org_id,
        INTO l_to_component_amt
        FROM inl_ship_lines_all ol
        WHERE ol.ship_header_id = p_to_component_id
        AND ol.ship_line_id = (SELECT MAX(sl.ship_line_id)
                               FROM inl_ship_lines_all sl
                               WHERE sl.ship_header_id = ol.ship_header_id --Bug#9660084
                               AND sl.ship_line_group_id = ol.ship_line_group_id --Bug#9660084
                               AND sl.ship_line_num = ol.ship_line_num --Bug#9660084
--- SCM-051
---                            AND (sl.adjustment_num <= p_adjustment_num
                               AND (ABS(sl.adjustment_num) <= ABS(p_adjustment_num)
--- SCM-051
                                    OR sl.ship_header_id <> p_ship_header_id) --Bug#10221931*
Line: 1497

        SELECT SUM(DECODE(l_allocation_basis,'VALUE',NVL(NVL(ol.primary_qty,0)*NVL(ol.primary_unit_price * NVL(ol.currency_conversion_rate,1),0),0),
                                                     Converted_Qty (l_inv_org_id,
        INTO l_to_component_amt
        FROM inl_ship_lines_all ol
        WHERE ol.ship_line_group_id = p_to_component_id
        AND ol.ship_line_id = (SELECT MAX(sl.ship_line_id)
                               FROM inl_ship_lines_all sl
                               WHERE sl.ship_header_id = ol.ship_header_id --Bug#9660084
                               AND sl.ship_line_group_id = ol.ship_line_group_id --Bug#9660084
                               AND sl.ship_line_num = ol.ship_line_num --Bug#9660084
--- SCM-051
---                            AND (sl.adjustment_num <= p_adjustment_num
                               AND (ABS(sl.adjustment_num) <= ABS(p_adjustment_num)
--- SCM-051
                                    OR sl.ship_header_id <> p_ship_header_id) --Bug#10221931*
Line: 1518

        SELECT SUM(DECODE(l_allocation_basis,'VALUE',NVL(NVL(ol.primary_qty,0)*NVL(ol.primary_unit_price * NVL(ol.currency_conversion_rate,1),0),0),
                                                     Converted_Qty (l_inv_org_id,
        INTO l_to_component_amt
        FROM inl_ship_lines_all ol
        WHERE ol.ship_line_id = p_to_component_id;
Line: 1528

        SELECT SUM(DECODE(l_allocation_basis,'VALUE',NVL(NVL(ol.primary_qty,0)*NVL(ol.primary_unit_price * NVL(ol.currency_conversion_rate,1),0),0),
                                                     Converted_Qty (l_inv_org_id,
        INTO l_to_component_amt
        FROM inl_ship_lines_all ol
        WHERE ol.ship_line_id = p_to_component_id;
Line: 1539

            SELECT SUM(NVL(charge_amt,0) * NVL(currency_conversion_rate,1))
            INTO l_to_component_amt
            FROM inl_charge_lines
            WHERE charge_line_id = p_to_component_id;
Line: 1550

            SELECT NVL(SUM(nrec_tax_amt),0)
            INTO l_to_component_amt
            FROM inl_tax_lines --BUG#8330505
            WHERE tax_line_id = p_to_component_id;
Line: 1661

PROCEDURE Insert_Allocation (
    p_ship_header_id      IN NUMBER,
    p_le_currency_code    IN VARCHAR2,
    p_association_id      IN NUMBER,
    p_ship_line_id        IN NUMBER,
    p_amount              IN NUMBER,
    p_from_component_name IN VARCHAR2,
    p_from_component_id   IN NUMBER,
    p_to_component_name   IN VARCHAR2,
    p_to_component_id     IN NUMBER,
    p_lc_flag             IN VARCHAR2,
    p_adjustment_num      IN NUMBER,
    x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
) IS

  l_ship_line_lc_flag VARCHAR2(1);
Line: 1678

  l_program_name  CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'Insert_Allocation';
Line: 1688

    SELECT a.association_id,
           (SELECT max(sl.ship_line_id)
            FROM inl_ship_lines_all sl,
                 inl_ship_lines_all sl0
            WHERE sl0.ship_line_id         = a.from_parent_table_id
            AND   sl.ship_header_id        = sl0.ship_header_id
            AND   sl.ship_line_group_id    = sl0.ship_line_group_id
            AND   sl.ship_line_num         = sl0.ship_line_num
--- SCM-051
---         AND   (sl.adjustment_num      <= p_adjustment_num
            AND   (ABS(sl.adjustment_num)      <= ABS(p_adjustment_num)
--- SCM-051
                   OR sl.ship_header_id <> p_ship_header_id) --Bug#10221931*
                               ) from_parent_table_id,
           (SELECT max(sl.ship_line_id)
            FROM inl_ship_lines_all sl,
                 inl_ship_lines_all sl0
            WHERE sl0.ship_line_id         = a.to_parent_table_id
            AND   sl.ship_header_id        = sl0.ship_header_id
            AND   sl.ship_line_group_id    = sl0.ship_line_group_id
            AND   sl.ship_line_num         = sl0.ship_line_num
--- SCM-051
---         AND ( sl.adjustment_num        <= p_adjustment_num
            AND ( ABS(sl.adjustment_num)        <= ABS(p_adjustment_num)
--- SCM-051
                OR sl.ship_header_id <> p_ship_header_id) --Bug#10221931*
            ) to_parent_table_id,
           a.to_parent_table_id ship_line_id
/*  SCM-LCM-010
    FROM inl_adj_associations_v a
    FROM inl_associations a
    WHERE a.from_parent_table_name = 'INL_SHIP_LINES'
    AND a.from_parent_table_id =
          (SELECT MIN(sl.ship_line_id)
           FROM inl_ship_lines sl
--- SCM-051
---        WHERE (sl.adjustment_num <= p_adjustment_num
           WHERE (ABS(sl.adjustment_num) <= ABS(p_adjustment_num)
--- SCM-051
                  OR sl.ship_header_id <> p_ship_header_id) --Bug#10221931*
           START WITH sl.ship_line_id = p_ship_line_id
           CONNECT BY PRIOR sl.parent_ship_line_id = sl.ship_line_id )
    AND a.to_parent_table_name = 'INL_SHIP_LINES'
    AND a.ship_header_id = p_ship_header_id
    ORDER BY a.association_id;
Line: 1815

       SELECT ol.landed_cost_flag
       INTO l_ship_line_lc_flag
       FROM inl_adj_ship_lines_v ol
       WHERE ol.ship_line_id = p_ship_line_id;
Line: 1850

    INTO l_count
    FROM inl_associations a
    WHERE a.from_parent_table_name = 'INL_SHIP_LINES'
    AND a.to_parent_table_name = 'INL_SHIP_LINES'
    AND a.ship_header_id = p_ship_header_id;
Line: 1942

                l_debug_info := 'Inserting into inl_allocations';
Line: 1961

                Insert_Allocation (
                    p_ship_header_id      => p_ship_header_id,
                    p_le_currency_code    => p_le_currency_code,
                    p_association_id      => p_association_id,
                    p_ship_line_id        => assoc_List(iAssoc).ship_line_id,
                    p_amount              => p_amount * l_factor,
                    p_from_component_name => l_from_component_name,
                    p_from_component_id   => p_from_component_id,
                    p_to_component_name   => assoc_List(iAssoc).to_parent_table_name,
                    p_to_component_id     => assoc_List(iAssoc).to_parent_table_id,
                    p_lc_flag             => p_lc_flag,
                    p_adjustment_num      => p_adjustment_num,
                    x_return_status       => l_return_status);
Line: 1985

        l_debug_info := 'Inserting into inl_allocations';
Line: 2001

        INSERT INTO inl_allocations
             (allocation_id,                                       /* 01 */
              ship_header_id,                                      /* 02 */
              association_id,                                      /* 03 */
              ship_line_id,                                        /* 04 */
              from_parent_table_name,                              /* 05 */
              from_parent_table_id,                                /* 06 */
              to_parent_table_name,                                /* 07 */
              to_parent_table_id,                                  /* 08 */
              adjustment_num,                                      /* 09 */
              allocation_amt,                                      /* 10 */
              landed_cost_flag,                                    /* 11 */
              created_by,                                          /* 12 */
              creation_date,                                       /* 13 */
              last_updated_by,                                     /* 14 */
              last_update_date,                                    /* 15 */
              last_update_login)                                   /* 16 */
             (inl_allocations_s.NEXTVAL,                           /* 01 */
              p_ship_header_id,                                    /* 02 */
              p_association_id,                                    /* 03 */
              p_ship_line_id,                                      /* 04 */
              l_from_component_name,                               /* 05 */
              p_from_component_id,                                 /* 06 */
              l_to_component_name,                                 /* 07 */
              p_to_component_id,                                   /* 08 */
--- SCM-051
              ABS(p_adjustment_num),                               /* 09 */
--- SCM-051
              p_amount,                                            /* 10 */
              DECODE(p_lc_flag,'N','N','Y',l_ship_line_lc_flag),   /* 11 */
              L_FND_USER_ID,                                       /* 12 */
              SYSDATE,                                             /* 13 */
              L_FND_USER_ID,                                       /* 14 */
              SYSDATE,                                             /* 15 */
              L_FND_LOGIN_ID);                                     /* 16 */
Line: 2063

END Insert_Allocation;
Line: 2111

      SELECT ship_line_id
      FROM inl_ship_lines_all ol
      WHERE ol.ship_header_id = p_ship_header_id
      AND ol.ship_line_id = DECODE(p_to_component_name, 'INL_SHIP_LINES', p_to_component_id, ol.ship_line_id)
      AND ol.ship_line_group_id = DECODE(p_to_component_name, 'INL_SHIP_LINE_GROUPS', p_to_component_id, ol.ship_line_group_id)
      AND ol.ship_line_id = (SELECT MAX(sl.ship_line_id)
                             FROM inl_ship_lines_all sl
                             WHERE sl.ship_header_id = ol.ship_header_id --Bug#9660084
                             AND sl.ship_line_group_id = ol.ship_line_group_id --Bug#9660084
                             AND sl.ship_line_num = ol.ship_line_num --Bug#9660084
                             AND (sl.adjustment_num <= p_adjustment_num
                                  OR sl.ship_header_id <> p_ship_header_id) --Bug#10221931*

      ORDER BY ol.ship_line_id;
Line: 2128

      SELECT ship_line_id
      FROM inl_ship_lines_all ol
      WHERE ol.ship_header_id = p_ship_header_id
      AND ol.ship_line_group_id = DECODE(p_to_component_name, 'INL_SHIP_LINE_GROUPS', p_to_component_id, ol.ship_line_group_id)
      AND ol.ship_line_id = (SELECT MAX(sl.ship_line_id)
                             FROM inl_ship_lines_all sl
                             WHERE sl.ship_header_id = ol.ship_header_id --Bug#9660084
                             AND sl.ship_line_group_id = ol.ship_line_group_id --Bug#9660084
                             AND sl.ship_line_num = ol.ship_line_num --Bug#9660084
--- SCM-051
---                          AND (sl.adjustment_num <= p_adjustment_num
                             AND (ABS(sl.adjustment_num) <= ABS(p_adjustment_num)
--- SCM-051
      ORDER BY ol.ship_line_id;
Line: 2227

        Insert_Allocation (
            p_ship_header_id      => p_ship_header_id,
            p_le_currency_code    => p_le_currency_code,
            p_association_id      => p_association_id,
            p_ship_line_id        => p_to_component_id,
            p_amount              => p_amount,
            p_from_component_name => p_from_component_name,
            p_from_component_id   => p_from_component_id,
            p_to_component_name   => p_to_component_name,
            p_to_component_id     => p_to_component_id,
            p_lc_flag             => p_lc_flag,
            p_adjustment_num      => p_adjustment_num,
            x_return_status       => l_return_status);
Line: 2328

                Insert_Allocation (
                    p_ship_header_id      => p_ship_header_id,
                    p_le_currency_code    => p_le_currency_code,
                    p_association_id      => p_association_id,
                    p_ship_line_id        => dist_List(idist).ship_line_id,
                    p_amount              => p_amount * l_factor,
                    p_from_component_name => p_from_component_name,
                    p_from_component_id   => p_from_component_id,
                    p_to_component_name   => p_to_component_name,
                    p_to_component_id     => p_to_component_id,
                    p_lc_flag             => p_lc_flag,
                    p_adjustment_num      => p_adjustment_num,
                    x_return_status       => l_return_status);
Line: 2427

      SELECT 1                   SEQ_NUM,
           ol.ship_line_id     COMPONENT_ID
      FROM inl_ship_lines_all ol
      WHERE ol.ship_header_id = p_ship_header_id
      AND ol.ship_line_id = DECODE(p_to_component_name, 'INL_SHIP_LINES', p_to_component_id, -1)
      AND ol.ship_line_id = (SELECT MAX(sl.ship_line_id)
                             FROM inl_ship_lines_all sl
                             WHERE sl.ship_header_id = ol.ship_header_id --Bug#9660084
                             AND sl.ship_line_group_id = ol.ship_line_group_id --Bug#9660084
                             AND sl.ship_line_num = ol.ship_line_num --Bug#9660084
--- SCM-051
---                          AND (sl.adjustment_num <= p_adjustment_num
                             AND (ABS(sl.adjustment_num) <= ABS(p_adjustment_num)
--- SCM-051
                                  OR sl.ship_header_id <> p_ship_header_id) --Bug#10221931*
      SELECT 2                   SEQ_NUM,
             ol.ship_header_id   COMPONENT_ID
      FROM inl_ship_lines_all ol
      WHERE ol.ship_header_id = p_ship_header_id
      AND ol.ship_line_id = DECODE(p_to_component_name, 'INL_SHIP_LINES', p_to_component_id, -1)
      AND ol.ship_line_id = (SELECT MAX(sl.ship_line_id)
                             FROM inl_ship_lines_all sl
                             WHERE sl.ship_header_id = ol.ship_header_id --Bug#9660084
                             AND sl.ship_line_group_id = ol.ship_line_group_id --Bug#9660084
                             AND sl.ship_line_num = ol.ship_line_num --Bug#9660084
--- SCM-051
---                          AND (sl.adjustment_num <= p_adjustment_num
                             AND (ABS(sl.adjustment_num) <= ABS(p_adjustment_num)
--- SCM-051
                                    OR sl.ship_header_id <> p_ship_header_id) --Bug#10221931*
      SELECT 1                    SEQ_NUM,
             p_to_component_name COMPONENT_NAME,
             p_to_component_id   COMPONENT_ID
      FROM dual
      ORDER BY seq_num;
Line: 2473

      SELECT a.association_id,
                  (SELECT MAX(sl.ship_line_id)
                   FROM inl_ship_lines_all sl,
                        inl_ship_lines_all sl0
                   WHERE sl0.ship_line_id         = a.from_parent_table_id
                   AND   sl.ship_header_id        = sl0.ship_header_id
                   AND   sl.ship_line_group_id    = sl0.ship_line_group_id
                   AND   sl.ship_line_num         = sl0.ship_line_num
--- SCM-051
---                AND   (sl.adjustment_num        <= p_adjustment_num
                   AND   (ABS(sl.adjustment_num)        <= ABS(p_adjustment_num)
--- SCM-051
                          OR sl.ship_header_id <> p_ship_header_id) --Bug#10221931*
                  (SELECT MAX(cl.charge_line_id)
                   FROM inl_charge_lines cl
--- SCM-051
---                WHERE cl.adjustment_num <= p_adjustment_num
                   WHERE ABS(cl.adjustment_num) <= ABS(p_adjustment_num)
--- SCM-051
                   START WITH cl.charge_line_id = a.from_parent_table_id
                   CONNECT BY PRIOR cl.charge_line_id = cl.parent_charge_line_id
                  (SELECT MAX(tl.tax_line_id)
                   FROM inl_tax_lines tl
--- SCM-051
---                WHERE tl.adjustment_num <= p_adjustment_num
                   WHERE ABS(tl.adjustment_num) <= ABS(p_adjustment_num)
--- SCM-051
                   START WITH tl.tax_line_id = a.from_parent_table_id
                   CONNECT BY PRIOR tl.tax_line_id = tl.parent_tax_line_id
             a.from_parent_table_id) from_parent_table_id,
                  (SELECT MAX(sl.ship_line_id)
                   FROM inl_ship_lines_all sl,
                        inl_ship_lines_all sl0
                   WHERE sl0.ship_line_id         = a.to_parent_table_id
                   AND   sl.ship_header_id        = sl0.ship_header_id
                   AND   sl.ship_line_group_id    = sl0.ship_line_group_id
                   AND   sl.ship_line_num         = sl0.ship_line_num
--- SCM-051
---                AND   (sl.adjustment_num       <= p_adjustment_num
                   AND   (ABS(sl.adjustment_num)       <= ABS(p_adjustment_num)
--- SCM-051
                          OR sl.ship_header_id <> p_ship_header_id) --Bug#10221931*
                  (SELECT MAX(cl.charge_line_id)
                   FROM inl_charge_lines cl
--- SCM-051
---                WHERE cl.adjustment_num <= p_adjustment_num
                   WHERE ABS(cl.adjustment_num) <= ABS(p_adjustment_num)
--- SCM-051
                   START WITH cl.charge_line_id = a.to_parent_table_id
                   CONNECT BY PRIOR cl.charge_line_id = cl.parent_charge_line_id
             a.to_parent_table_id) to_parent_table_id
      FROM inl_associations a
      WHERE a.ship_header_id = p_ship_header_id
      AND a.from_parent_table_name = pc_component_name
      AND a.from_parent_table_id = pc_component_id
      ORDER BY a.association_id;
Line: 2761

        Insert_Allocation (
            p_ship_header_id      => p_ship_header_id,
            p_le_currency_code    => p_le_currency_code,
            p_association_id      => p_association_id,
            p_ship_line_id        => NULL,
            p_amount              => p_amount,
            p_from_component_name => p_from_component_name,
            p_from_component_id   => p_from_component_id,
            p_to_component_name   => p_to_component_name,
            p_to_component_id     => p_to_component_id,
            p_lc_flag             => 'N',
            p_adjustment_num      => p_adjustment_num,
            x_return_status       => l_return_status);
Line: 2855

PROCEDURE Update_Allocation  (
    p_ship_header_id    IN NUMBER,
    p_adjustment_num    IN NUMBER,
    x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
) IS
    CURSOR updalloc IS
      SELECT allocation_id,
      FROM inl_allocations
--- SCM-051
      WHERE ABS(adjustment_num) = ABS(p_adjustment_num)
--- SCM-051
      AND ship_header_id   = p_ship_header_id
      ORDER BY allocation_id;
Line: 2882

    l_program_name  CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'Update_Allocation';
Line: 2925

            UPDATE inl_allocations a1
            SET a1.parent_allocation_id = (SELECT MIN(a2.allocation_id)
                                            FROM inl_allocations a2
                                            WHERE a2.ship_header_id = updalloc_List(iUpdAlloc).ship_header_id
                                            AND NVL(a2.association_id,0) = NVL(updalloc_List(iUpdAlloc).association_id,0)
                                            AND (a2.ship_line_id = updalloc_List(iUpdAlloc).ship_line_id
                                            OR   a2.ship_line_id = (SELECT a.parent_ship_line_id
                                                                    FROM inl_ship_lines_all a
                                                                    WHERE a.ship_line_id = updalloc_List(iUpdAlloc).ship_line_id))

                                            AND a2.adjustment_num = 0
                                            AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 'X' FROM inl_allocations a1
------ bug #7674125
                                                            WHERE NVL(a1.parent_allocation_id,0) = NVL(a2.allocation_id,0)
                                                            AND   a1.ship_header_id = a2.ship_header_id
                                                            AND   NVL(a1.association_id,0) = NVL(a2.association_id,0)
                                                            AND   a1.adjustment_num = updalloc_List(iUpdAlloc).adjustment_num
                                                            AND   a1.landed_cost_flag = 'Y' ))
            WHERE a1.allocation_id =  updalloc_List(iUpdAlloc).allocation_id
            AND   a1.adjustment_num = updalloc_List(iUpdAlloc).adjustment_num;
Line: 2985

END Update_Allocation;
Line: 3025

    SELECT a.ship_header_id,
                (SELECT MAX(sl.ship_line_id)
                 FROM inl_ship_lines_all sl,
                      inl_ship_lines_all sl0
                 WHERE sl0.ship_line_id         = a.from_parent_table_id
                 AND   sl.ship_header_id        = sl0.ship_header_id
                 AND   sl.ship_line_group_id    = sl0.ship_line_group_id
                 AND   sl.ship_line_num         = sl0.ship_line_num

--- SCM-051
---              AND   (sl.adjustment_num      <= pc_adjustment_num
                 AND   (ABS(sl.adjustment_num) <= ABS(pc_adjustment_num)
--- SCM-051
                        OR sl.ship_header_id <> p_ship_header_id) --Bug#10221931*
                (SELECT MAX(cl.charge_line_id)
                 FROM inl_charge_lines cl
--- SCM-051
---              WHERE cl.adjustment_num <= pc_adjustment_num
                 WHERE ABS(cl.adjustment_num) <= ABS(pc_adjustment_num)
--- SCM-051
                 START WITH cl.charge_line_id = a.from_parent_table_id
                 CONNECT BY PRIOR cl.charge_line_id = cl.parent_charge_line_id
                (SELECT MAX(tl.tax_line_id)
                 FROM inl_tax_lines tl
--- SCM-051
---              WHERE tl.adjustment_num <= pc_adjustment_num
                 WHERE ABS(tl.adjustment_num) <= ABS(pc_adjustment_num)
--- SCM-051
                 START WITH tl.tax_line_id = a.from_parent_table_id
                 CONNECT BY PRIOR tl.tax_line_id = tl.parent_tax_line_id
           a.from_parent_table_id) from_parent_table_id,
                (SELECT MAX(sl.ship_line_id)
                 FROM inl_ship_lines_all sl,
                      inl_ship_lines_all sl0
                 WHERE sl0.ship_line_id         = a.to_parent_table_id
                 AND   sl.ship_header_id        = sl0.ship_header_id
                 AND   sl.ship_line_group_id    = sl0.ship_line_group_id
                 AND   sl.ship_line_num         = sl0.ship_line_num
--- SCM-051
---              AND   (sl.adjustment_num      <= pc_adjustment_num
                 AND   (ABS(sl.adjustment_num)      <= ABS(pc_adjustment_num)
--- SCM-051
                        OR sl.ship_header_id <> p_ship_header_id) --Bug#10221931*

                (SELECT MAX(cl.charge_line_id)
                 FROM inl_charge_lines cl
--- SCM-051
---              WHERE cl.adjustment_num <= pc_adjustment_num
                 WHERE ABS(cl.adjustment_num) <= ABS(pc_adjustment_num)
--- SCM-051
                 START WITH cl.charge_line_id = a.to_parent_table_id
                 CONNECT BY PRIOR cl.charge_line_id = cl.parent_charge_line_id
           a.to_parent_table_id) to_parent_table_id,
    FROM inl_associations a
    WHERE DECODE(a.from_parent_table_name,
                (SELECT MAX(sl.ship_line_id)
                 FROM inl_ship_lines_all sl,
                      inl_ship_lines_all sl0
                 WHERE sl0.ship_line_id         = a.from_parent_table_id
                 AND   sl.ship_header_id        = sl0.ship_header_id
                 AND   sl.ship_line_group_id    = sl0.ship_line_group_id
                 AND   sl.ship_line_num         = sl0.ship_line_num
--- SCM-051
---                 AND   (sl.adjustment_num        <= pc_adjustment_num
                 AND   (ABS(sl.adjustment_num)        <= ABS(pc_adjustment_num)
--- SCM-051
                        OR sl.ship_header_id <> p_ship_header_id) --Bug#10221931*
                (SELECT MAX(cl.charge_line_id)
                 FROM inl_charge_lines cl
--- SCM-051
---                 WHERE cl.adjustment_num <= pc_adjustment_num
                 WHERE ABS(cl.adjustment_num) <= ABS(pc_adjustment_num)
--- SCM-051
                 START WITH cl.charge_line_id = a.from_parent_table_id
                 CONNECT BY PRIOR cl.charge_line_id = cl.parent_charge_line_id
                (SELECT MAX(tl.tax_line_id)
                 FROM inl_tax_lines tl
--- SCM-051
---                 WHERE tl.adjustment_num <= pc_adjustment_num
                 WHERE ABS(tl.adjustment_num) <= ABS(pc_adjustment_num)
--- SCM-051
                 START WITH tl.tax_line_id = a.from_parent_table_id
                 CONNECT BY PRIOR tl.tax_line_id = tl.parent_tax_line_id
                 )) IS NOT NULL
    AND ship_header_id = p_ship_header_id
ORDER BY from_parent_table_name,
Line: 3143

      SELECT ship_header_id,
-- bug 7660824
           DECODE(landed_cost_flag,'Y',ol.primary_unit_price * NVL(ol.currency_conversion_rate,1),0) fc_primary_unit_price
      FROM inl_ship_lines_all ol
      WHERE ol.ship_header_id = p_ship_header_id
      AND ol.ship_line_id = (SELECT MAX(sl.ship_line_id)
                             FROM inl_ship_lines_all sl
                             WHERE sl.ship_header_id = ol.ship_header_id --Bug#9660084
                             AND sl.ship_line_group_id = ol.ship_line_group_id --Bug#9660084
                             AND sl.ship_line_num = ol.ship_line_num --Bug#9660084
--- SCM-051
---                          AND (sl.adjustment_num <= pc_adjustment_num
                             AND (ABS(sl.adjustment_num) <= ABS(pc_adjustment_num)
--- SCM-051
                                  OR sl.ship_header_id <> p_ship_header_id) --Bug#10221931*
      ORDER BY ship_line_id;
Line: 3170

      SELECT -- c.charge_amt, --BUG#9719618
             DECODE(c.landed_cost_flag,'Y',c.charge_amt,0) charge_amt,  --BUG#9719618
      FROM inl_charge_lines c,
--Bug#13988746 BEG
        SELECT DISTINCT a.from_parent_table_id
        FROM inl_associations a
        WHERE a.from_parent_table_name = 'INL_CHARGE_LINES'
        AND a.ship_header_id = p_ship_header_id
    ) X
--Bug#13988746 END
--- SCM-051
---         WHERE c.adjustment_num <= pc_adjustment_num --Bug#9660084
      WHERE ABS(c.adjustment_num) <= ABS(pc_adjustment_num)  --Bug#9660084
--Bug#13988746 BEG
      AND c.charge_line_id
          = (
            SELECT MAX(cl.charge_line_id)
            FROM inl_charge_lines cl
            WHERE cl.adjustment_num <= ABS(pc_adjustment_num) -- SCM-051
            START WITH cl.charge_line_id = x.from_parent_table_id
            CONNECT BY PRIOR cl.charge_line_id = cl.parent_charge_line_id
--- SCM-051
                    FROM inl_associations x
                    WHERE x.from_parent_table_name = 'INL_CHARGE_LINES'
                    AND (SELECT MAX(cl.charge_line_id)
                         FROM inl_charge_lines cl
--- SCM-051
---                         WHERE cl.adjustment_num <= pc_adjustment_num
                         WHERE ABS(cl.adjustment_num) <= ABS(pc_adjustment_num)
--- SCM-051
                         START WITH cl.charge_line_id = x.from_parent_table_id
                         CONNECT BY PRIOR cl.charge_line_id = cl.parent_charge_line_id) = c.charge_line_id
                    AND x.ship_header_id = p_ship_header_id
                    AND ROWNUM < 2)*/
--Bug#13988746 END
      ORDER BY charge_line_id;
Line: 3221

    SELECT tax_amt,
      FROM inl_tax_lines t --BUG#8330505
--- SCM-051
---      WHERE t.adjustment_num <= pc_adjustment_num --Bug#9660084
    WHERE ABS(t.adjustment_num) <= ABS(pc_adjustment_num) --Bug#9660084
--- SCM-051
                    FROM inl_associations x
                    WHERE x.from_parent_table_name = 'INL_TAX_LINES'
                    AND (SELECT MAX(tl.tax_line_id)
                         FROM inl_tax_lines tl
--- SCM-051
---                         WHERE tl.adjustment_num <= pc_adjustment_num
                         WHERE ABS(tl.adjustment_num) <= ABS(pc_adjustment_num)
--- SCM-051
                         START WITH tl.tax_line_id = x.from_parent_table_id
                         CONNECT BY PRIOR tl.tax_line_id = tl.parent_tax_line_id) = t.tax_line_id
                    AND x.ship_header_id = p_ship_header_id
                    AND ROWNUM < 2)
      ORDER BY tax_line_id;
Line: 3346

    FROM gl_ledgers gl,
         xle_fp_ou_ledger_v l,
         inl_ship_headers_all oh
    WHERE gl.ledger_id = l.ledger_id
    AND l.legal_entity_id = oh.legal_entity_id
    AND oh.ship_header_id = p_ship_header_id;
Line: 3383

    SELECT MAX(ABS(adjustment_num))
--- SCM-051
    INTO l_first_adjustment_num
    FROM inl_allocations
    WHERE ship_header_id = p_ship_header_id;
Line: 3408

            UPDATE inl_ship_headers_all
                adjustment_num = l_last_adjustment_num
            WHERE ship_header_id = p_ship_header_id;
Line: 3446

            SELECT NVL(MIN(x.adjustment_num), l_last_adjustment_num) --Bug#10221931
            INTO l_current_adjustment_num
            FROM (SELECT sl.adjustment_num adjustment_num
                  FROM inl_ship_lines_all sl
                  WHERE sl.ship_header_id = p_ship_header_id
                  UNION ALL
                  SELECT sl.adjustment_num adjustment_num
                  FROM inl_ship_lines_all sl
                  WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 'X'
                                FROM inl_associations a
                                WHERE a.ship_header_id = p_ship_header_id
                                AND a.from_parent_table_name = 'INL_SHIP_LINES'
                                AND a.from_parent_table_id = sl.ship_line_id)
                  UNION ALL
                  SELECT cl.adjustment_num adjustment_num
                  FROM inl_charge_lines cl
                  WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 'X'
                                FROM inl_associations a
                                WHERE a.ship_header_id = p_ship_header_id
                                AND a.from_parent_table_name = 'INL_CHARGE_LINES'
                                AND a.from_parent_table_id = cl.charge_line_id)
                  UNION ALL
                  SELECT tl.adjustment_num adjustment_num
                  FROM inl_tax_lines tl
                  WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 'X'
                                FROM inl_associations a
                                WHERE a.ship_header_id = p_ship_header_id
                                AND a.from_parent_table_name = 'INL_TAX_LINES'
                                AND a.from_parent_table_id = tl.tax_line_id)) x
--- SCM-051
            WHERE ABS(x.adjustment_num) >= ABS(l_i_adj)
            AND ABS(x.adjustment_num) <= ABS(l_last_adjustment_num);
Line: 3480

              ((    SELECT NVL(MIN(ABS(sl.adjustment_num)),l_last_adjustment_num)
                    FROM inl_ship_lines_all sl
                    WHERE sl.ship_header_id = p_ship_header_id
                    AND ABS(sl.adjustment_num) >= ABS(l_i_adj)
                    AND ABS(sl.adjustment_num) <= ABS(l_last_adjustment_num)
                (   SELECT NVL(MIN(ABS(cl.adjustment_num)),l_last_adjustment_num)
                    FROM inl_charge_lines cl
                    WHERE a.from_parent_table_name = 'INL_CHARGE_LINES'
                    AND ABS(cl.adjustment_num) >= ABS(l_i_adj)
                    AND ABS(cl.adjustment_num) <= ABS(l_last_adjustment_num)
                    START WITH cl.charge_line_id = a.from_parent_table_id
                    CONNECT BY PRIOR cl.charge_line_id = cl.parent_charge_line_id
                (   SELECT NVL(MIN(ABS(tl.adjustment_num)),l_last_adjustment_num)
                    FROM inl_tax_lines tl
                    WHERE a.from_parent_table_name = 'INL_TAX_LINES'
                    AND ABS(tl.adjustment_num) >= ABS(l_i_adj)
                    AND ABS(tl.adjustment_num) <= ABS(l_last_adjustment_num)
                    START WITH tl.tax_line_id = a.from_parent_table_id
                    CONNECT BY PRIOR tl.tax_line_id = tl.parent_tax_line_id
               )) adj_num
            INTO l_current_adjustment_num
                inl_associations a,
                inl_ship_headers_all sh
            WHERE a.ship_header_id(+)   = sh.ship_header_id
            AND sh.ship_header_id       = p_ship_header_id
Line: 3611

                DELETE FROM INL_allocations
                WHERE ship_header_id = p_ship_header_id
                  AND ABS(adjustment_num) = ABS(l_current_adjustment_num);
Line: 3703

                            SELECT DECODE(cl.landed_cost_flag,'Y',NVL(cl.charge_amt,0) * NVL(cl.currency_conversion_rate,1),0)  --BUG#9719618
                            INTO l_from_amount
                            FROM inl_charge_lines cl
                            WHERE cl.charge_line_id = assoc_List(iAssoc).from_parent_table_id;
Line: 3708

                            SELECT NVL(SUM(nrec_tax_amt),0)
                            INTO l_from_amount
                            FROM inl_tax_lines tl --BUG#8330505
                            WHERE tl.tax_line_id = assoc_List(iAssoc).from_parent_table_id;
Line: 3714

                            SELECT SUM(NVL(ol.primary_qty,0)*NVL(DECODE(ol.landed_cost_flag,'Y',ol.primary_unit_price * NVL(ol.currency_conversion_rate,1),0),0)) --BUG#9719618
                            INTO l_from_amount
                            FROM inl_ship_lines_all ol
                            WHERE ol.ship_header_id = assoc_List(iAssoc).from_parent_table_id;
Line: 3720

                           SELECT SUM(NVL(ol.primary_qty,0)*NVL(DECODE(ol.landed_cost_flag,'Y',ol.primary_unit_price * NVL(ol.currency_conversion_rate,1),0),0))
                           INTO l_from_amount
                           FROM inl_ship_lines_all ol
                           WHERE ol.ship_line_id = assoc_List(iAssoc).from_parent_table_id;
Line: 3872

                        SELECT COUNT(*) + l_count1
                        INTO l_count1
                        FROM inl_associations
                        WHERE from_parent_table_name = 'INL_SHIP_LINES'
                        AND from_parent_table_id = dist_List(iDist).ship_line_id;
Line: 3878

                        SELECT COUNT(*) + l_count1
                        INTO l_count1
                        FROM inl_associations
                        WHERE from_parent_table_name = 'INL_SHIP_HEADERS'
                        AND from_parent_table_id = dist_List(iDist).ship_header_id;
Line: 3910

                        SELECT SUM(NVL(al.allocation_amt,0))
                        INTO l_inclusive_tax_amt
                             inl_tax_lines t, --BUG#8330505
                             inl_associations assoc,
                             inl_allocations al
                        WHERE t.tax_amt_included_flag = 'Y'
                        AND t.tax_line_id = (SELECT MAX(tl.tax_line_id)
                                             FROM inl_tax_lines tl
--- SCM-051
---                                          WHERE tl.adjustment_num <= l_current_adjustment_num
                                             WHERE ABS(tl.adjustment_num) <= ABS(l_current_adjustment_num)
--- SCM-051
                                             START WITH tl.tax_line_id = assoc.from_parent_table_id
                                             CONNECT BY PRIOR tl.tax_line_id = tl.parent_tax_line_id)
                        AND assoc.from_parent_table_name = 'INL_TAX_LINES'
                        AND assoc.association_id = al.association_id
                        AND al.ship_line_id = dist_List(iDist).ship_line_id
                        AND ABS(al.adjustment_num) = ABS(l_current_adjustment_num);
Line: 3930

                        Insert_Allocation (
                            p_ship_header_id      => p_ship_header_id,
                            p_le_currency_code    => l_le_currency_code,
                            p_association_id      => NULL,
                            p_ship_line_id        => dist_List(iDist).ship_line_id,
                            p_amount              => (NVL(dist_List(iDist).primary_qty,0)*NVL(dist_List(iDist).fc_primary_unit_price,0))-NVL(l_inclusive_tax_amt,0),
                            p_from_component_name => 'INL_SHIP_DISTS',
                            p_from_component_id   => dist_List(iDist).ship_line_id,
                            p_to_component_name   => 'INL_SHIP_DISTS',
                            p_to_component_id     => dist_List(iDist).ship_line_id,
                            p_lc_flag             => l_lc_flag,
                            p_adjustment_num      => l_current_adjustment_num,
                            x_return_status       => l_return_status
Line: 3969

                        Insert_Allocation (
                            p_ship_header_id      => p_ship_header_id,
                            p_le_currency_code    => l_le_currency_code,
                            p_association_id      => NULL,
                            p_ship_line_id        => NULL,
                            p_amount              => charge_List(iCharge).charge_amt * NVL(charge_List(iCharge).currency_conversion_rate,1),
                            p_from_component_name => 'INL_CHARGE_LINES',
                            p_from_component_id   => charge_List(iCharge).charge_line_id,
                            p_to_component_name   => 'INL_CHARGE_LINES',
                            p_to_component_id     => charge_List(iCharge).charge_line_id,
                            p_lc_flag             => 'N',
                            p_adjustment_num      => l_current_adjustment_num,
                            x_return_status       => l_return_status);
Line: 4007

                        Insert_Allocation (
                            p_ship_header_id      => p_ship_header_id,
                            p_le_currency_code    => l_le_currency_code,
                            p_association_id      => NULL,
                            p_ship_line_id        => NULL,
                            p_amount              => NVL(tax_List(iTax).tax_amt,0),
                            p_from_component_name => 'INL_TAX_LINES',
                            p_from_component_id   => tax_List(iTax).tax_line_id,
                            p_to_component_name   => 'INL_TAX_LINES',
                            p_to_component_id     => tax_List(iTax).tax_line_id,
                            p_lc_flag             => 'N',
                            p_adjustment_num      => l_current_adjustment_num,
                            x_return_status       => l_return_status);
Line: 4032

                Update_Allocation  (
                    p_ship_header_id => p_ship_header_id,
                    p_adjustment_num => l_current_adjustment_num,
                    x_return_status  => x_return_status);