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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 54

      select to_number(term_value_pk1)
      from   oke_k_terms
      where  term_code = 'RA_PAYMENT_TERMS'
      and    k_header_id = p_object_id
      and    k_line_id is null;
Line: 183

      select *
      from   oke_k_fund_allocations
      where  fund_allocation_id = p_allocation_in_rec.fund_allocation_id;
Line: 317

      select currency_code
      from   gl_sets_of_books g,
             pa_implementations_all p
      where  nvl(p_org_id, -99) = nvl(p.org_id, -99)
      and    p.set_of_books_id = g.set_of_books_id;
Line: 357

   select col.data_length
      from  user_synonyms syn,
               all_tab_columns col
   where syn.synonym_name = 'PA_AGREEMENTS_ALL'
       and col.owner      =  b_owner
       and col.table_name = syn.table_name
      AND col.column_name = 'AGREEMENT_NUM';
Line: 369

      select data_length
      from   all_tab_columns
      where  table_name = 'PA_AGREEMENTS_ALL'
      and    column_name = 'AGREEMENT_NUM'
      and    owner = b_owner; */
Line: 410

     select org_id
     from   pa_agreements_all
     where  agreement_id = p_agreement_id;
Line: 456

      select *
      from   pa_project_fundings
      where  pm_product_code = G_PRODUCT_CODE
      and    pm_funding_reference = to_char(p_fund_allocation_id) || '.' || to_char(p_version)
   FOR UPDATE OF project_funding_id NOWAIT;
Line: 764

      select nvl(minimum_accountable_unit, power(10, -1 * precision))
      from   fnd_currencies f
      where  f.currency_code = p_agreement_currency;
Line: 815

    	select currency_code
    	from   oke_k_funding_sources
    	where  funding_source_id = p_allocation_in_rec.funding_source_id;
Line: 820

        select pa_conversion_rate,
        from   oke_k_fund_allocations
        where  fund_allocation_id = p_allocation_in_rec.fund_allocation_id;
Line: 827

        select org_id,
        from   pa_agreements_all a
        where  a.agreement_id = p_allocation_in_rec.agreement_id;
Line: 944

      select 'x'
      from   pa_agreement_types
      where  UPPER(agreement_type) = UPPER(p_agreement_type);
Line: 1016

      select 'x'
      from   hz_cust_accounts c,
             hz_parties p
      where  p.party_id = c.party_id
      and    p.party_number = p_customer_num
      and    c.cust_account_id = p_customer_id;
Line: 1091

      select 'x'
      from   hz_cust_accounts
      where  party_id = p_k_party_id
      and    cust_account_id = p_customer_id;
Line: 1192

      select 'x'
      from   oke_k_fund_allocations
      where  funding_source_id = p_funding_source_id;
Line: 1197

      select 'x'
      from   oke_k_fund_allocations
      where  funding_source_id = p_funding_source_id
      and    project_id is null
      and    (amount <> 0 or agreement_version is not null);
Line: 1346

      select *
      from   pa_agreements_all
      where  agreement_id = p_agreement_in_rec.agreement_id;
Line: 1472

PROCEDURE upd_insert_agreement(p_agreement_in_rec				PA_AGREEMENT_PUB.AGREEMENT_REC_IN_TYPE	,
   		 	       p_agreement_tbl		       			AGREEMENT_TBL_TYPE			,
   		 	       p_pa_agreement_tbl				AGREEMENT_TBL_TYPE			,
   		 	       p_funding_source_id				NUMBER					,
   		 	      -- p_insert_flag					VARCHAR2				,
   		 	       p_funding_amount					NUMBER					,
   		 	       p_agreement_out_tbl	OUT NOCOPY		PA_AGREEMENT_TBL_TYPE			,
   		 	       p_pa_agreement_out_tbl	OUT NOCOPY		PA_AGREEMENT_TBL_TYPE			,
   		 	       p_api_version					NUMBER					,
   		 	       p_msg_count		OUT NOCOPY		NUMBER					,
   		 	       p_msg_data		OUT NOCOPY		VARCHAR2				,
   		 	       p_return_status		OUT NOCOPY		VARCHAR2
   			      ) is

   cursor c_total(x_org_id NUMBER) is
     select sum(nvl(f.allocated_amount, 0)), p.agreement_id
     from   pa_project_fundings f,
     	    pa_agreements_all p
     where  p.agreement_id = f.agreement_id
     and    p.pm_product_code = G_PRODUCT_CODE
     and    p.pm_agreement_reference = x_org_id || '-N-' || p_funding_source_id
     group by p.agreement_id;
Line: 1496

     select sum(nvl(f.allocated_amount, 0))
     from   pa_project_fundings f
     where  f.agreement_id = x_agreement_id
     group by f.agreement_id;
Line: 1502

     select count(1)
     from   pa_agreements_all
     where  pm_product_code = G_PRODUCT_CODE
     and    substr(pm_agreement_reference, -1 * x_length, x_length) = '-' || to_char(p_funding_source_id);
Line: 1507

   cursor c_update_agreement (x_length NUMBER) is
     select sum(nvl(f.allocated_amount, 0)) amount, pm_agreement_reference, p.agreement_id, org_id
     from   pa_project_fundings f,
     	    pa_agreements_all p
     where  p.agreement_id = f.agreement_id
     and    p.pm_product_code = G_PRODUCT_CODE
     and    substr(pm_agreement_reference, -1 * x_length, x_length) = '-' || to_char(p_funding_source_id)
     group by p.agreement_id, pm_agreement_reference, org_id;
Line: 1517

     select count(distinct org_id)
     from   pa_projects_all
     where  project_id in
            (select distinct project_id
             from   oke_k_fund_allocations
             where  funding_source_id = p_funding_source_id
             and    nvl(pa_flag, 'N') = 'N'
Line: 1527

     select count(distinct org_id)
     from   pa_projects_all
     where  project_id in
            (select distinct project_id
             from   oke_k_fund_allocations
             where  funding_source_id = p_funding_source_id
Line: 1536

     select sum(nvl(amount, 0))
     from   oke_k_fund_allocations
     where  funding_source_id = p_funding_source_id;
Line: 1555

   l_update_flag		VARCHAR2(1);
Line: 1556

   l_update			c_update_agreement%ROWTYPE;
Line: 1622

      l_update_flag := 'N';
Line: 1639

        l_update_flag := 'N';
Line: 1644

        l_update_flag := 'Y';
Line: 1650

     l_update_flag := 'N';
Line: 1663

   IF (l_update_flag = 'Y')       	OR
      (p_agreement_tbl.COUNT = 0)  	OR
      (p_pa_agreement_tbl.COUNT = 1)    THEN

      FOR l_update in c_update_agreement(l_length + 1) LOOP

          l_agreement_in_rec.agreement_id := l_update.agreement_id;
Line: 1684

                l_agreement_in_rec_new.amount := (l_update.amount/l_allocated_amount) * p_funding_amount;
Line: 1694

             l_agreement_in_rec_new.amount := l_update.amount;
Line: 1698

          l_agreement_in_rec_new.pm_agreement_reference := l_update.pm_agreement_reference;
Line: 1700

          IF  (nvl(l_org_id_vc, -99) <> nvl(l_update.org_id, -99)) THEN
             l_agreement_in_rec_new.owning_organization_id := null;
Line: 1706

          IF (l_update.org_id is not null) THEN

Line: 1713

	     (l_update.org_id = nvl(l_pa_org_id, -99))      THEN

	  IF (p_pa_agreement_tbl.COUNT <> 0)			 			AND
	     (nvl(l_update.org_id, -99) = p_pa_agreement_tbl(1).object_id)		AND
	     (l_update.agreement_id <> p_pa_agreement_tbl(1).agreement_id) 		THEN

	     l_agreement_in_rec_new.agreement_num := l_agreement_in_rec_new.agreement_num || '*';
Line: 1725

          PA_AGREEMENT_PUB.update_agreement(p_api_version_number		=>	p_api_version					,
   				            p_commit				=>	OKE_API.G_FALSE					,
   				            p_init_msg_list			=>	OKE_API.G_FALSE					,
   				  	    p_msg_count				=> 	p_msg_count					,
   				   	    p_msg_data				=>	p_msg_data					,
   				            p_return_status			=>	p_return_status					,
   				   	    p_pm_product_code			=>	G_PRODUCT_CODE					,
   					    p_agreement_in_rec			=>	l_agreement_in_rec_new				,
   					    p_agreement_out_rec			=>	l_agreement_out_rec				,
   					    p_funding_in_tbl			=>	l_funding_in_tbl				,
   					    p_funding_out_tbl			=>	l_funding_out_tbl
Line: 1883

            PA_AGREEMENT_PUB.update_agreement(p_api_version_number		=>	p_api_version					,
   				              p_commit				=>	OKE_API.G_FALSE					,
   				              p_init_msg_list			=>	OKE_API.G_FALSE					,
   				  	      p_msg_count			=> 	p_msg_count					,
   				   	      p_msg_data			=>	p_msg_data					,
   				              p_return_status			=>	p_return_status					,
   				   	      p_pm_product_code			=>	OKE_FUNDING_PUB.G_PRODUCT_CODE			,
   					      p_agreement_in_rec		=>	l_agreement_in_rec_new				,
   					      p_agreement_out_rec		=>	l_agreement_out_rec				,
   					      p_funding_in_tbl			=>	l_funding_in_tbl				,
   					      p_funding_out_tbl			=>	l_funding_out_tbl
Line: 1967

       PA_AGREEMENT_PUB.update_agreement(p_api_version_number			=>	p_api_version					,
   				         p_commit				=>	OKE_API.G_FALSE					,
   				         p_init_msg_list			=>	OKE_API.G_FALSE					,
   				         p_msg_count				=> 	p_msg_count					,
   				         p_msg_data				=>	p_msg_data					,
   				         p_return_status			=>	p_return_status					,
   				         p_pm_product_code			=>	OKE_FUNDING_PUB.G_PRODUCT_CODE			,
   				         p_agreement_in_rec			=>	l_agreement_in_rec_new				,
   				         p_agreement_out_rec			=>	l_agreement_out_rec				,
   					 p_funding_in_tbl			=>	l_funding_in_tbl				,
   					 p_funding_out_tbl			=>	l_funding_out_tbl
Line: 2016

   FOR l_update in c_update_agreement(l_length) LOOP

       l_agreement_in_rec.agreement_id		 := l_update.agreement_id;
Line: 2031

       l_agreement_in_rec.pm_agreement_reference := l_update.pm_agreement_reference;
Line: 2038

       IF (l_update.org_id is not null) THEN

Line: 2044

       PA_AGREEMENT_PUB.update_agreement(p_api_version_number			=>	p_api_version					,
   				         p_commit				=>	OKE_API.G_FALSE					,
   				         p_init_msg_list			=>	OKE_API.G_FALSE					,
   				  	 p_msg_count				=> 	p_msg_count					,
   				   	 p_msg_data				=>	p_msg_data					,
   				         p_return_status			=>	p_return_status					,
   				   	 p_pm_product_code			=>	G_PRODUCT_CODE					,
   					 p_agreement_in_rec			=>	l_agreement_in_rec_new				,
   					 p_agreement_out_rec			=>	l_agreement_out_rec				,
   					 p_funding_in_tbl			=>	l_funding_in_tbl				,
   					 p_funding_out_tbl			=>	l_funding_out_tbl
Line: 2073

END upd_insert_agreement;
Line: 2083

PROCEDURE update_pa_agreement(p_agreement_in_rec			PA_AGREEMENT_PUB.AGREEMENT_REC_IN_TYPE	,
   		 	      p_agreement_tbl		       		AGREEMENT_TBL_TYPE			,
   		 	      p_funding_source_id			NUMBER					,
   		 	      p_funding_amount				NUMBER					,
   		 	      p_agreement_out_tbl	OUT NOCOPY	PA_AGREEMENT_TBL_TYPE			,
   		 	      p_api_version				NUMBER					,
   		 	      p_msg_count		OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER					,
   		 	      p_msg_data		OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2				,
   		 	      p_return_status		OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2
   			      ) is

   cursor c_agreement_count (x_length NUMBER) is
     select count(1)
     from   pa_agreements_all
     where  pm_product_code = G_PRODUCT_CODE
     and    substr(pm_agreement_reference, -1 * x_length, x_length) = to_char(p_funding_source_id);
Line: 2100

   cursor c_update_agreement (x_length NUMBER) is
     select sum(nvl(f.allocated_amount, 0)) amount, pm_agreement_reference, p.agreement_id, org_id
     from   pa_project_fundings f,
     	    pa_agreements_all p
     where  p.agreement_id = f.agreement_id
     and    p.pm_product_code = G_PRODUCT_CODE
     and    substr(pm_agreement_reference, -1 * x_length, x_length) = 'Y-' || to_char(p_funding_source_id)
     group by p.agreement_id, pm_agreement_reference, org_id;
Line: 2110

     select sum(nvl(amount, 0))
     from   oke_k_fund_allocations
     where  funding_source_id = p_funding_source_id;
Line: 2124

   l_update			c_update_agreement%ROWTYPE;
Line: 2141

   OPEN c_update_agreement(l_length + 2);
Line: 2142

   FETCH c_update_agreement into l_update;
Line: 2143

   IF (c_update_agreement%NOTFOUND) THEN
Line: 2146

   CLOSE c_update_agreement;
Line: 2172

          l_agreement_in_rec.agreement_id := l_update.agreement_id;
Line: 2183

 		l_agreement_in_rec_new.amount := l_update.amount;
Line: 2189

	    l_agreement_in_rec_new.amount := p_agreement_tbl(l_update.org_id).total_amount;
Line: 2193

            IF (p_agreement_tbl(l_update.org_id).org_total_amount <> 0) THEN

	       l_agreement_in_rec_new.amount := (p_agreement_tbl(l_update.org_id).total_amount/p_agreement_tbl(l_update.org_id).org_total_amount) * p_funding_amount;
Line: 2205

          l_agreement_in_rec_new.pm_agreement_reference := l_update.pm_agreement_reference;
Line: 2207

          IF  (nvl(l_org_id_vc, -99) <> nvl(l_update.org_id, -99)) THEN
             l_agreement_in_rec_new.owning_organization_id := null;
Line: 2211

          IF (l_update.org_id is not null) THEN

Line: 2217

          PA_AGREEMENT_PUB.update_agreement(p_api_version_number		=>	p_api_version					,
   				            p_commit				=>	OKE_API.G_FALSE					,
   				            p_init_msg_list			=>	OKE_API.G_FALSE					,
   				  	    p_msg_count				=> 	p_msg_count					,
   				   	    p_msg_data				=>	p_msg_data					,
   				            p_return_status			=>	p_return_status					,
   				   	    p_pm_product_code			=>	G_PRODUCT_CODE					,
   					    p_agreement_in_rec			=>	l_agreement_in_rec_new				,
   					    p_agreement_out_rec			=>	l_agreement_out_rec				,
   					    p_funding_in_tbl			=>	l_funding_in_tbl				,
   					    p_funding_out_tbl			=>	l_funding_out_tbl
Line: 2244

                  l_agreement_in_rec_new.amount := (p_agreement_tbl(l_update.org_id).total_amount
                                                     + p_agreement_tbl(l_update.org_id).negative_amount);
Line: 2249

                  l_agreement_in_rec_new.amount := ((p_agreement_tbl(l_update.org_id).total_amount
                                                     + p_agreement_tbl(l_update.org_id).negative_amount)/p_agreement_tbl(l_update.org_id).org_total_amount) * p_funding_amount;
Line: 2256

          p_agreement_out_tbl(l_update.org_id) := l_agreement_in_rec_new;
Line: 2265

END update_pa_agreement;
Line: 2275

PROCEDURE pa_update_or_add(p_fund_allocation_id			NUMBER		,
			   p_new_amount				NUMBER		,
   		   	   p_version		  OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER		,
   		   	   p_diff_amount	  OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER		,
   		    	   p_add_flag		  OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2
   		  	 ) is

   cursor c_sum (length NUMBER) is
      select sum(nvl(allocated_amount, 0)), max(project_funding_id)
      from   pa_project_fundings
      where  pm_product_code = G_PRODUCT_CODE
      and    substr(pm_funding_reference, 1, length + 1) = to_char(p_fund_allocation_id) || '.';
Line: 2289

      select nvl(allocated_amount, 0), budget_type_code, pm_funding_reference
      from   pa_project_fundings
      where  project_funding_id = x_project_funding_id;
Line: 2355

END pa_update_or_add;
Line: 2393

      select distinct
             nvl(p.org_id, -99) org_id,
      from   oke_k_fund_allocations o,
      	     pa_projects_all p,
      	     pa_implementations_all a
      where  funding_source_id = p_funding_in_rec.funding_source_id
      and    o.project_id = p.project_id
      and    nvl(a.org_id, -99) = nvl(p.org_id, -99)
      and    o.amount <> 0
      order by 1, 2;
Line: 2407

      select p.org_id,
       	     p.segment1 project_number,
      from   oke_k_fund_allocations o,
      	     pa_projects_all p
      where  funding_source_id = p_funding_in_rec.funding_source_id
      and    o.project_id = p.project_id
      and    nvl(p.org_id, -99) = x_org_id
      and    o.amount <> 0
    --  order by o.project_id, task_id;
Line: 2428

      select o.fund_allocation_id,
      from   oke_k_fund_allocations o,
  	     pa_projects_all p,
  	     pa_agreements_all a,
  	     pa_implementations_all i
      where  funding_source_id = p_funding_in_rec.funding_source_id
      and    o.project_id = x_project_id
      and    o.project_id = p.project_id
      and    nvl(a.org_id, -99) = nvl(p.org_id, -99)
      and    nvl(a.org_id, -99) = nvl(i.org_id, -99)
      and    a.pm_agreement_reference = p.org_id || '-' || decode(i.multi_currency_billing_flag, 'N', p.projfunc_currency_code,
                                        decode(p.multi_currency_billing_flag, 'Y', p_funding_in_rec.currency_code, p.projfunc_currency_code))
                                        || '-' || p_funding_in_rec.funding_source_id
      and    a.pm_product_code = G_PRODUCT_CODE
      and    o.amount <> 0
      order by o.project_id, o.task_id, o.amount desc;
Line: 2453

      select o.fund_allocation_id,
       	     o.start_date_active  ,
      from   oke_k_fund_allocations o,
  	     pa_projects_all p,
  	     pa_agreements_all a,
  	     pa_implementations_all i
      where  funding_source_id = p_funding_in_rec.funding_source_id
      and    o.project_id = p.project_id
      and    o.project_id = x_project_id
      and    nvl(a.org_id, -99) = nvl(i.org_id, -99)
      and    nvl(a.org_id, -99) = nvl(p.org_id, -99)
      and    a.pm_agreement_reference = p.org_id || '-' || decode(i.multi_currency_billing_flag, 'N', p.projfunc_currency_code,
                                        decode(p.multi_currency_billing_flag, 'Y', p_funding_in_rec.currency_code, p.projfunc_currency_code))
                                        || '-' || p_funding_in_rec.funding_source_id
      and    a.pm_product_code = G_PRODUCT_CODE
      and    o.amount <> 0
      order by o.project_id, o.task_id desc, o.amount desc;
Line: 3001

         PA_AGREEMENT_PUB.update_agreement(p_api_version_number		=>	p_api_version			,
	  			           p_commit			=>	OKE_API.G_FALSE			,
	  			    	   p_init_msg_list		=>	OKE_API.G_FALSE			,
	  			    	   p_msg_count			=>	p_msg_count			,
	  			    	   p_msg_data			=>	p_msg_data			,
	  			    	   p_return_status		=>	p_return_status			,
	  			    	   p_pm_product_code		=>	OKE_FUNDING_PUB.G_PRODUCT_CODE	,
	  			    	   p_agreement_in_rec		=>	l_agreement_in_rec		,
	  			    	   p_agreement_out_rec		=>	l_agreement_out_rec		,
	  			    	   p_funding_in_tbl		=>	l_funding_in_tbl		,
	  			    	   p_funding_out_tbl		=>	l_funding_out_tbl
Line: 3041

   OKE_FUNDING_UTIL_PKG.update_source_flag(x_funding_source_id	=>	p_funding_in_rec.funding_source_id	,
   					   x_commit		=>	OKE_API.G_FALSE
Line: 3101

PROCEDURE update_agreement(p_api_version		IN		NUMBER						,
   			   p_init_msg_list		IN      	VARCHAR2 := OKE_API.G_FALSE			,
   			   p_commit			IN		VARCHAR2 := OKE_API.G_FALSE			,
   			   p_msg_count			OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER						,
   			   p_msg_data			OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2					,
   			   p_agreement_type		IN		VARCHAR2					,
			   p_funding_in_rec		IN		OKE_FUNDSOURCE_PVT.FUNDING_REC_IN_TYPE		,
			--   p_allocation_in_tbl		IN	OKE_ALLOCATION_PVT.ALLOCATION_IN_TBL_TYPE		,
			   p_return_status   		OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2 ,
                           p_receivables_term_id IN NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL /*skuchima bug 14344021 */
			  ) is

   cursor c_project is
   	select f.amount,
   	       p.segment1 project_number
   	from   oke_k_fund_allocations f,
   	       pa_projects_all p
   	where  funding_source_id = p_funding_in_rec.funding_source_id
   	and    f.project_id = p.project_id
        order by p.project_id;
Line: 3126

   	select nvl(org_id, -99) org_id,
   	from   pa_agreements_all
   	where  pm_product_code = G_PRODUCT_CODE
        and    substr(pm_agreement_reference, -1 * (length(p_funding_in_rec.funding_source_id) + 1), length(p_funding_in_rec.funding_source_id) + 1)
               = '-' || p_funding_in_rec.funding_source_id;
Line: 3137

   	select count(1)
   	from   pa_agreements_all
   	where  pm_product_code = G_PRODUCT_CODE
        and    substr(pm_agreement_reference, -1 * (length(p_funding_in_rec.funding_source_id) + 1), length(p_funding_in_rec.funding_source_id) + 1)
               = '-' || p_funding_in_rec.funding_source_id;
Line: 3144

   	select nvl(org_id, -99) org_id,
   	       sum(p.allocated_amount) agreement_sum,
   	from   pa_agreements_all a,
   	       pa_project_fundings p
   	where  a.pm_product_code = G_PRODUCT_CODE
   	and    a.agreement_id = p.agreement_id
        and    substr(pm_agreement_reference, -1 * (length(p_funding_in_rec.funding_source_id) + 1), length(p_funding_in_rec.funding_source_id) + 1)
               = '-' || p_funding_in_rec.funding_source_id
        group by p.agreement_id, a.pm_agreement_reference, a.agreement_num, a.agreement_currency_code, org_id;
Line: 3160

   	select nvl(org_id, -99) org_id,
   	from   pa_agreements_all
   	where  pm_product_code = G_PRODUCT_CODE
   	and    nvl(org_id, -99) = x_org_id
        and    pm_agreement_reference = org_id || '-' || x_currency || '-' || p_funding_in_rec.funding_source_id;
Line: 3168

   	select nvl(org_id, -99) org_id,
   	from   pa_agreements_all
   	where  pm_product_code = G_PRODUCT_CODE
        and    substr(pm_agreement_reference, -1 * (length(p_funding_in_rec.funding_source_id) + 1), length(p_funding_in_rec.funding_source_id) + 1)
               =  '-' || p_funding_in_rec.funding_source_id;
Line: 3176

        select multi_currency_billing_flag
        from   pa_implementations_all
        where  nvl(org_id, -99) = nvl(x_org_id, -99);
Line: 3181

   	select distinct
   	       org_id				org_id,
   	       null				multi_currency_billing_flag,
   	       null				projfunc_currency_code,
   	       p.agreement_id			agreement_id,
   	       f.fund_allocation_id  ,
   	from   oke_k_fund_allocations f,
   	       pa_project_fundings p,
   	       pa_agreements_all a
   	where  funding_source_id = p_funding_in_rec.funding_source_id
   	and    f.project_id = x_project_id
   	and    nvl(insert_update_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
        and    p.pm_product_code = G_PRODUCT_CODE
        and    p.project_id = x_project_id
        and    a.agreement_id = p.agreement_id
        and    substr(pm_funding_reference, 1, length(f.fund_allocation_id) + 1) = f.fund_allocation_id || '.'
   	and    agreement_version is not null
   --	and    nvl(f.pa_flag, 'N') <> 'Y'
      --  order by f.project_id, f.task_id asc, f.amount desc;
Line: 3208

   	select distinct
   	       org_id				org_id,
               p.multi_currency_billing_flag	multi_currency_billing_flag,
               p.projfunc_currency_code		projfunc_currency_code,
               -99				agreement_id,
   	from   oke_k_fund_allocations f,
   	       pa_projects_all p
   	where  funding_source_id = p_funding_in_rec.funding_source_id
   	and    f.project_id = x_project_id
   	and    nvl(insert_update_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
   	and    agreement_version is null
   	and    f.amount <> 0
   	and    f.project_id = p.project_id
   --	and    nvl(f.pa_flag, 'N') <> 'Y';
Line: 3233

   	select distinct
   	       org_id					org_id,
   	       -99					agreement_id,
   	from   oke_k_fund_allocations f,
   	       pa_projects_all p
   	where  funding_source_id = p_funding_in_rec.funding_source_id
   	and    f.project_id = x_project_id
   	and    p.project_id = x_project_id
   	and    nvl(insert_update_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
   	and    agreement_version is null
   	and    f.amount <> 0
   --	and    nvl(f.pa_flag, 'N') <> 'Y';
Line: 3257

   	select distinct
   	       org_id					org_id,
   	       null					multi_currency_billing_flag,
   	       null					projfunc_currency_code,
   	from   oke_k_fund_allocations f,
   	       pa_project_fundings p,
   	       pa_agreements_all a
   	where  funding_source_id = p_funding_in_rec.funding_source_id
   	and    f.project_id = x_project_id
   	and    nvl(insert_update_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
   	and    f.project_id = p.project_id
   	and    a.agreement_id = p.agreement_id
        and    p.pm_product_code = G_PRODUCT_CODE
        and    substr(pm_funding_reference, 1, length(f.fund_allocation_id) + 1) = fund_allocation_id || '.'
   	and    agreement_version is not null
   --	and    nvl(f.pa_flag, 'N') <> 'Y'
     --   order by f.project_id, f.task_id, f.amount desc;
Line: 3285

        select sum(amount)
        from   oke_k_fund_allocations
        where  funding_source_id = p_funding_in_rec.funding_source_id;
Line: 3290

        select nvl(funding_across_ou, 'N')
        from   oke_k_funding_sources
        where  funding_source_id = p_funding_in_rec.funding_source_id;
Line: 3295

        select p.segment1
        from   pa_projects_all p,
               oke_k_fund_allocations f,
               oke_k_funding_sources s
        where  p.project_id = f.project_id
        and    f.funding_source_id = p_funding_in_rec.funding_source_id
        and    f.amount <> 0
        and    f.agreement_version is null
        and    nvl(f.insert_update_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
        and    p.multi_currency_billing_flag = 'N'
        and    s.funding_source_id = p_funding_in_rec.funding_source_id
        and    s.currency_code <> p.projfunc_currency_code;
Line: 3308

   l_api_name			VARCHAR2(20) := 'update_agreement';
Line: 3487

       PA_AGREEMENT_PUB.update_agreement(p_api_version_number			=>	p_api_version					,
   				         p_commit				=>	OKE_API.G_FALSE					,
   				         p_init_msg_list			=>	OKE_API.G_FALSE					,
   				  	 p_msg_count				=> 	p_msg_count					,
   				   	 p_msg_data				=>	p_msg_data					,
   				         p_return_status			=>	p_return_status					,
   				   	 p_pm_product_code			=>	OKE_FUNDING_PUB.G_PRODUCT_CODE			,
   					 p_agreement_in_rec			=>	l_agreement_in_rec				,
   					 p_agreement_out_rec			=>	l_agreement_out_rec				,
   					 p_funding_in_tbl			=>	l_funding_in_tbl				,
   				         p_funding_out_tbl			=>	l_funding_out_tbl
Line: 3568

	          update_pa_funding(p_api_version		=>	p_api_version		,
   			            p_init_msg_list		=>	OKE_API.G_FALSE		,
   			   	    p_commit			=>	OKE_API.G_FALSE		,
   			            p_msg_count			=>      p_msg_count		,
   			   	    p_msg_data			=>	p_msg_data		,
			            p_allocation_in_rec		=>	l_allocation_in_rec	,
			  	    p_return_status		=>	p_return_status
Line: 3871

	          update_pa_funding(p_api_version		=>	p_api_version		,
   			            p_init_msg_list		=>	OKE_API.G_FALSE		,
   			   	    p_commit			=>	OKE_API.G_FALSE		,
   			            p_msg_count			=>      p_msg_count		,
   			   	    p_msg_data			=>	p_msg_data		,
			            p_allocation_in_rec		=>	l_allocation_in_rec	,
			  	    p_return_status		=>	p_return_status
Line: 4223

       PA_AGREEMENT_PUB.update_agreement(p_api_version_number			=>	p_api_version					,
   				         p_commit				=>	OKE_API.G_FALSE					,
   				         p_init_msg_list			=>	OKE_API.G_FALSE					,
   				  	 p_msg_count				=> 	p_msg_count					,
   				   	 p_msg_data				=>	p_msg_data					,
   				         p_return_status			=>	p_return_status					,
   				   	 p_pm_product_code			=>	OKE_FUNDING_PUB.G_PRODUCT_CODE			,
   					 p_agreement_in_rec			=>	l_agreement_in_rec				,
   					 p_agreement_out_rec			=>	l_agreement_out_rec				,
   					 p_funding_in_tbl			=>	l_funding_in_tbl				,
   				         p_funding_out_tbl			=>	l_funding_out_tbl
Line: 4291

END update_agreement;
Line: 4311

PROCEDURE update_pa_funding(p_api_version		IN		NUMBER						,
   			    p_init_msg_list		IN      	VARCHAR2 := OKE_API.G_FALSE			,
   			    p_commit			IN		VARCHAR2 := OKE_API.G_FALSE			,
   			    p_msg_count			OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER						,
   			    p_msg_data			OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2					,
			    p_allocation_in_rec		IN		OKE_ALLOCATION_PVT.ALLOCATION_REC_IN_TYPE	,
			    p_return_status		OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
			   ) is

   cursor c_allocation is
     select pa_conversion_rate,
            p.segment1 project_number--,
           -- pa_flag
     from   oke_k_fund_allocations f,
            pa_projects_all p
     where  fund_allocation_id = p_allocation_in_rec.fund_allocation_id
     and    f.project_id = p.project_id;
Line: 4333

     select a.agreement_currency_code,
            nvl(a.org_id, -99),
     from   oke_k_fund_allocations o,
            pa_agreements_all a,
            --pa_projects_all p,
            oke_k_funding_sources s
           -- pa_implementations_all i
     where  a.agreement_id = p_allocation_in_rec.agreement_id
    -- and    nvl(i.org_id, -99) = nvl(a.org_id, -99)
     and    s.funding_source_id = o.funding_source_id
    -- and    o.project_id = p.project_id
     and    o.fund_allocation_id = p_allocation_in_rec.fund_allocation_id;
Line: 4350

     select --p.multi_currency_billing_flag,
            nvl(a.org_id, -99),
     from   oke_k_fund_allocations o,
            pa_agreements_all a,
            pa_projects_all p,
            oke_k_funding_sources s,
            pa_implementations_all i
     where  a.agreement_id = p_allocation_in_rec.agreement_id
     and    nvl(i.org_id, -99) = nvl(a.org_id, -99)
     and    s.funding_source_id = o.funding_source_id
     and    o.project_id = p.project_id
     and    o.fund_allocation_id = p_allocation_in_rec.fund_allocation_id
     and    a.pm_product_code = G_PRODUCT_CODE
     and    substr(a.pm_funding_reference, 1, x_length + 1) = to_char(p_allocation_in_rec.fund_allocation_id) || '.';
Line: 4369

     select *
     from   pa_project_fundings
     where  agreement_id = p_allocation_in_rec.agreement_id
     and    substr(pm_funding_reference, 1, length + 1) = to_char(p_allocation_in_rec.fund_allocation_id) || '.'
     and    pm_product_code = G_PRODUCT_CODE;
Line: 4376

   l_api_name				VARCHAR2(20) := 'update_pa_funding';
Line: 4490

   pa_update_or_add(p_fund_allocation_id	=>	p_allocation_in_rec.fund_allocation_id	,
   		    p_new_amount		=>	l_amount				,
   		    p_version			=>	l_version				,
   		    p_diff_amount		=>	l_diff_amount				,
   		    p_add_flag			=>	l_add_flag
Line: 4592

      OKE_FUNDING_UTIL_PKG.update_alloc_version(x_fund_allocation_id		=>	p_allocation_in_rec.fund_allocation_id	,
      						x_version_add			=>	1					,
   					        x_commit			=>	OKE_API.G_FALSE
Line: 4613

      PA_AGREEMENT_PUB.update_funding(p_api_version_number		=>	p_api_version										,
   				      p_commit				=>	OKE_API.G_FALSE										,
   				      p_init_msg_list			=>	OKE_API.G_FALSE										,
   				      p_msg_count			=> 	p_msg_count										,
   				      p_msg_data			=>	p_msg_data										,
   				      p_return_status			=>	p_return_status										,
   				      p_pm_product_code			=>	G_PRODUCT_CODE										,
   				      p_pm_funding_reference		=>	to_char(l_allocation_in_rec.fund_allocation_id) || '.' || to_char(l_version)		,
   				      p_funding_id			=>	l_project_funding.project_funding_id							,
   				      p_project_id			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.project_id								,
   				      p_task_id				=>	l_allocation_in_rec.task_id								,
   				      p_agreement_id			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.agreement_id							,
   				      p_allocated_amount		=>	l_diff_amount										,
   				      p_date_allocated			=>	p_allocation_in_rec.start_date_active							,
   				      p_desc_flex_name	     	        =>	G_PROJ_FUND_DESC_FLEX_NAME								,
   				      p_attribute_category		=>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute_category						,
   			              p_attribute1			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute1							,
   			              p_attribute2			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute2							,
   			              p_attribute3			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute3							,
   				      p_attribute4			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute4							,
   				      p_attribute5			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute5							,
   			              p_attribute6			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute6							,
   			              p_attribute7			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute7							,
   			              p_attribute8			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute8							,
   			              p_attribute9			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute9							,
   			              p_attribute10			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute10							,
       			              p_funding_id_out			=>	l_funding_id										,
       			              p_project_rate_type		=>	null											,
       			              p_project_rate_date		=>	null											,
       			              p_project_exchange_rate		=>	null											,
       			              p_projfunc_rate_type		=>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_conversion_type							,
       			              p_projfunc_rate_date		=>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_conversion_date							,
       			              p_projfunc_exchange_rate		=>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_conversion_rate							,
       			              p_funding_category		=>	l_allocation_in_rec.funding_category
Line: 4656

      OKE_FUNDING_UTIL_PKG.update_alloc_version(x_fund_allocation_id		=>	p_allocation_in_rec.fund_allocation_id	,
      						x_version_add			=>	0					,
   					        x_commit			=>	OKE_API.G_FALSE
Line: 4680

      	  PA_AGREEMENT_PUB.update_funding(p_api_version_number		=>	p_api_version										,
   				      	  p_commit			=>	OKE_API.G_FALSE										,
   				      	  p_init_msg_list		=>	OKE_API.G_FALSE										,
   				      	  p_msg_count			=> 	p_msg_count										,
   				          p_msg_data			=>	p_msg_data										,
   				          p_return_status		=>	p_return_status										,
   				          p_pm_product_code		=>	G_PRODUCT_CODE										,
   				          p_pm_funding_reference	=>	l_project_funding.pm_funding_reference							,
   				          p_funding_id			=>	l_project_funding.project_funding_id							,
   				          p_project_id			=>	l_project_funding.project_id								,
   				          p_task_id			=>	l_project_funding.task_id								,
   				          p_agreement_id		=>	l_project_funding.agreement_id								,
   				          p_allocated_amount		=>	l_project_funding.allocated_amount							,
   				          p_date_allocated		=>	l_project_funding.date_allocated							,
   				          p_desc_flex_name	        =>	G_PROJ_FUND_DESC_FLEX_NAME								,
   				          p_attribute_category		=>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute_category						,
   			                  p_attribute1			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute1							,
   			                  p_attribute2			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute2							,
   			                  p_attribute3			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute3							,
   				          p_attribute4			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute4							,
   				          p_attribute5			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute5							,
   			                  p_attribute6			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute6							,
   			                  p_attribute7			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute7							,
   			                  p_attribute8			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute8							,
   			                  p_attribute9			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute9							,
   			                  p_attribute10			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute10							,
       			                  p_funding_id_out		=>	l_funding_id
Line: 4719

   	 update pa_project_fundings
   	 set    attribute_category	= 	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute_category
   	 ,  	  attribute1		= 	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute1
   	 , 	  attribute2		= 	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute2
  	 ,	  attribute3		= 	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute3
   	 ,	  attribute4		= 	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute4
   	 ,	  attribute5		= 	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute5
   	 ,	  attribute6		= 	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute6
  	 ,	  attribute7		= 	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute7
  	 ,	  attribute8		= 	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute8
   	 ,	  attribute9		= 	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute9
   	 ,	  attribute10		= 	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute10
   	-- where    project_funding_id	=       l_project_funding.project_funding_id;
Line: 4779

END update_pa_funding;
Line: 4956

   update pa_project_fundings
   set    attribute_category	= 	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute_category
   ,  	  attribute1		= 	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute1
   , 	  attribute2		= 	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute2
   ,	  attribute3		= 	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute3
   ,	  attribute4		= 	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute4
   ,	  attribute5		= 	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute5
   ,	  attribute6		= 	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute6
   ,	  attribute7		= 	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute7
   ,	  attribute8		= 	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute8
   ,	  attribute9		= 	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute9
   ,	  attribute10		= 	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute10
   where  pm_product_code	=	G_PRODUCT_CODE
   and    substr(pm_funding_reference, 1, length(l_allocation_in_rec.fund_allocation_id) + 1)
          =  to_char(l_allocation_in_rec.fund_allocation_id) || '.';
Line: 4979

   OKE_FUNDING_UTIL_PKG.update_alloc_version(x_fund_allocation_id	=>	p_allocation_in_rec.fund_allocation_id	,
   					     x_version_add		=> 	1					,
   					     x_commit			=>	OKE_API.G_FALSE