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APPS.HR_PERSON_API dependencies on DUAL

Line 2858: from sys.dual where exists (

2854: --fix for bug 9692642
2856: begin
2857: select 'Y' into l_prev_exists
2858: from sys.dual where exists (
2859: select 'Previous Person type exists'
2860: from per_person_types ppt
2861: , per_person_type_usages_f ptu
2862: where ptu.person_id = p_source_person_id

Line 2963: select 1 into l_vac_exists from dual

2959: l_soft_coding_keyflex_id := l_per_assign_record.soft_coding_keyflex_id;
2961: l_vac_exists:=0;
2962: BEGIN
2963: select 1 into l_vac_exists from dual
2964: where exists(select 1 from per_all_assignments_f
2965: where vacancy_id=l_per_assign_record.vacancy_id
2966: and person_id=p_target_person_id
2967: and assignment_type='A');