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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 397

PROCEDURE insert_ap_bc_packets(p_packet_id             IN NUMBER,
                            p_sys_ref2              IN NUMBER,
			    p_sys_ref4              IN VARCHAR2,
                            p_sys_ref5              IN NUMBER,
                            p_acct_raw_cost         IN NUMBER,
                            p_acct_bur_cost         IN NUMBER,
                            p_fc_document_type      IN VARCHAR2,
                            p_txn_source            IN VARCHAR2,
                            p_adj_exp_item_id       IN NUMBER,
			    p_txn_interface_id      IN NUMBER);
Line: 408

PROCEDURE insert_ap_bc_pkt_autonomous
                           (p_packet_id             IN NUMBER,
                            p_sys_ref2              IN NUMBER,
			    p_sys_ref4              IN VARCHAR2,
                            p_sys_ref5              IN NUMBER,
                            p_acct_raw_cost         IN NUMBER,
                            p_acct_bur_cost         IN NUMBER,
                            p_fc_document_type      IN VARCHAR2,
                            p_txn_source            IN VARCHAR2,
                            p_adj_exp_item_id       IN NUMBER,
			    p_txn_interface_id      IN NUMBER,
			    p_comm_fc_req           IN VARCHAR2,
                            p_act_fc_req            IN VARCHAR2,
                            p_adj_act_fc_req        IN VARCHAR2);
Line: 423

PROCEDURE insert_cash_ap_bc_packets(p_packet_id             IN NUMBER,
                                    p_sys_ref2              IN NUMBER,
                                    p_sys_ref5              IN NUMBER,
                                    p_acct_raw_cost         IN NUMBER,
                                    p_fc_document_type      IN VARCHAR2,
                                    p_txn_source            IN VARCHAR2,
                                    p_adj_exp_item_id       IN NUMBER,
			            p_txn_interface_id      IN NUMBER,
            			    p_cash_pay_to_relieve   IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0);
Line: 433

PROCEDURE insert_cash_ap_bc_pkt_auto
                                   (p_packet_id             IN NUMBER,
                                    p_sys_ref2              IN NUMBER,
                                    p_sys_ref5              IN NUMBER,
                                    p_acct_raw_cost         IN NUMBER,
                                    p_fc_document_type      IN VARCHAR2,
                                    p_txn_source            IN VARCHAR2,
                                    p_adj_exp_item_id       IN NUMBER,
			            p_txn_interface_id      IN NUMBER,
			            p_cash_pay_to_relieve   IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0,
            			    p_comm_fc_req           IN VARCHAR2,
                                    p_act_fc_req            IN VARCHAR2,
                                    p_adj_act_fc_req        IN VARCHAR2);
Line: 447

PROCEDURE insert_po_bc_packets(p_packet_id             IN NUMBER,
                            p_sys_ref2              IN NUMBER,
			    p_sys_ref4              IN NUMBER,
                            p_sys_ref3              IN NUMBER,
                            p_acct_raw_cost         IN NUMBER,
			    p_cmt_raw_cost          IN NUMBER,
                            p_fc_document_type      IN VARCHAR2,
                            p_txn_source            IN VARCHAR2,
                            p_adj_exp_item_id       IN NUMBER,
			    p_txn_interface_id      IN NUMBER);
Line: 459

    of the PROCEDURE insert_po_bc_packets_auto to be of VARCHAR2 datatype. */

PROCEDURE insert_po_bc_packets_auto
                           (p_packet_id             IN NUMBER,
                            p_sys_ref2              IN NUMBER,
                            p_sys_ref4              IN NUMBER,
			    p_sys_ref3              IN NUMBER,
                            p_acct_raw_cost         IN NUMBER,
			    p_cmt_raw_cost          IN NUMBER,
                            p_fc_document_type      IN VARCHAR2,
                            p_txn_source            IN VARCHAR2,
                            p_adj_exp_item_id       IN NUMBER,
			    p_txn_interface_id      IN NUMBER,
			    p_comm_fc_req           IN VARCHAR2,
                            p_act_fc_req            IN VARCHAR2,
                            p_adj_act_fc_req        IN VARCHAR2);
Line: 487

Line: 488

Line: 489

Line: 490

Line: 491

Line: 492

Line: 493

Line: 494

Line: 495

Line: 496

Line: 497

Line: 498

Line: 499

Line: 507

Line: 508

Line: 509

Line: 510

Line: 511

Line: 512

Line: 513

Line: 514

Line: 515

     g_budget_line_id_tbl.delete; -- R12 Funds Management uptake
Line: 516

Line: 517

Line: 518

Line: 519

Line: 520

Line: 521

Line: 522

Line: 523

Line: 524

Line: 525

Line: 526

Line: 527

Line: 528

Line: 529

Line: 530

Line: 531

Line: 532

Line: 533

Line: 534

Line: 535

Line: 552

    SELECT  ts.transaction_source
    ,       ts.system_linkage_function
    ,       DECODE( ts.system_linkage_function,
                'ST',   'PT',
                'ER', 'PE',
                'VI','VI','PU' )/* Added for bug 2041741*/
    ,       ts.costed_flag
    ,       ts.start_date_active
    ,       ts.end_date_active
    ,       predefined_flag
    ,       allow_adjustments_flag
    ,       gl_accounted_flag
    ,       nvl(posted_flag, 'N') -- get posted_flag
    ,       allow_duplicate_reference_flag
    ,       skip_tc_validation_flag
    ,       allow_emp_org_override_flag
    ,       allow_burden_flag
    ,       pre_processing_extension  -- SST change
    ,       post_processing_extension -- SST change
    ,       nvl(batch_size,0)
    ,       nvl(process_funds_check,'N')
    ,       G_trx_link
    ,       G_eclass
    ,       G_trx_costed
    ,       G_trx_start
    ,       G_trx_end
    ,       G_trx_predef_flag
    ,       G_allow_adj_flag
    ,       G_gl_accted_flag
    ,       G_gl_posted_flag
    ,       G_allow_dup_flag
    ,       G_skip_tc_flag
    ,       G_emp_org_oride
    ,       G_burdened_flag
    ,       G_pre_processing_extn
    ,       G_post_processing_extn
    ,       G_Batch_Size
    ,       G_Process_Funds_Flag
            pa_transaction_sources ts
            ts.transaction_source = X_trx_src;
Line: 683

        pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Selecting Values';
Line: 780

      SELECT vendor_ID INTO G_vendor_id
      FROM po_vendors
      WHERE segment1 = p_vendor_number;
Line: 811

	 select vendor_id
	   into g_vendor_id
	   from po_vendors
	  where employee_id = p_person_id
	    and vendor_type_lookup_code = 'EMPLOYEE' ;
Line: 853

        pa_debug.G_err_Stage := 'Selecting Values';
Line: 857

         /* et.system_linkage_function  */ /* Commented for Bug#2726242 */
    ,       et.end_date_active
    ,       NVL(ecr.cost_rate, 1)
    ,       et.cost_rate_flag
         /* G_etype_link */ /* Commented for Bug#2726242 */
    ,       G_etype_end
    ,       G_etype_cr
    ,       G_etype_cost_rate_flag
            pa_expenditure_cost_rates ecr
    ,       pa_expenditure_types et
               et.expenditure_type = ecr.expenditure_type (+)
          AND  X_date BETWEEN ecr.start_date_active (+)
                       AND nvl(ecr.end_date_active (+), X_date)
          AND et.expenditure_type = X_etype;
Line: 922

        pa_debug.G_err_Stage := 'Selecting Values';
Line: 926

       ,       G_etype_labor_flag
       ,       G_etec_start
       ,       G_etec_end
         FROM  pa_system_linkages st,
	       pa_expend_typ_sys_links ets
        WHERE  st.function = ets.system_linkage_function
          AND  ets.system_linkage_function = X_system_linkage
          AND  ets.expenditure_type        = X_etype ;
Line: 971

    pa_debug.G_err_Stage := 'select from pa_non_labor_resources';
Line: 987

        pa_debug.G_err_Stage := 'Selecting Values';
Line: 991

    ,       nlr.start_date_active
    ,       nlr.end_date_active
    ,       G_nlr_start
    ,       G_nlr_end
            pa_non_labor_resources nlr
            nlr.non_labor_resource = X_nlr;
Line: 1010

      pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'select from pa_non_labor_resource_orgs';
Line: 1020

      ,       nlro.end_date_active
      ,       G_nlro_end
              pa_non_labor_resource_orgs nlro
              nlro.organization_id = X_nlro_id
             AND  nlro.non_labor_resource = X_nlr;
Line: 1071

            ( SELECT  1
                FROM  pa_expenditure_items ei
               WHERE  ei.orig_transaction_reference = X_trx_ref
                 AND  ei.transaction_source = X_trx_source );
Line: 1171

        pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Inside GetProjTypeInfo, selecting values';
Line: 1176

        SELECT burden_cost_flag, project_type_class_code, burden_amt_display_method,
        INTO   X_proj_bcost_flag, X_proj_type_class, X_burden_amt_display_method,
        FROM   pa_projects_all proj,
               pa_project_types_all ptype
        WHERE  proj.project_type = ptype.project_type
	  -- MOAC Changes
          AND  proj.org_id  = ptype.org_id
          AND  project_id = X_Project_id ;
Line: 1236

       select code_combination_id
         into X_ccid
         from gl_code_combinations
        where code_combination_id = ccid
        and   enabled_flag='Y'
        and chart_of_accounts_id in (select sob.chart_of_accounts_id
                                     from pa_implementations imp
                                          ,gl_sets_of_books sob
                                     where imp.set_of_books_id=sob.set_of_books_id) ; /*10138679*/
Line: 1301

       select nvl(p.start_date, p_exp_item_date)           proj_start_date,
              nvl(p.completion_date, p_exp_item_date)       proj_end_date,
              nvl(t.start_date, p_exp_item_date)            task_start_date,
              nvl(t.completion_date, p_exp_item_date)       task_completion_date,
              nvl(et.start_date_active, p_exp_item_date)    et_start_date,
              nvl(et.end_date_active, p_exp_item_date)      et_end_date,
              nvl(sl.start_date_active, p_exp_item_date)    sl_start_date,
              nvl(sl.end_date_active, p_exp_item_date)      sl_end_date
         from pa_projects_all p,
              pa_tasks        t,
              pa_expenditure_types et,
              pa_expend_typ_sys_links sl
        where p.project_id         = p_project_id
          and t.project_id         = p_project_id
          and t.task_id            = p_task_id
          and et.expenditure_type  = p_exp_type
          and sl.system_linkage_function = p_system_linkage
          and sl.expenditure_type  = p_exp_type ;
Line: 1321

       Select 	Allowable_Schedule_Id,
		nvl(Preaward_Date,START_DATE_ACTIVE) preaward_date,
		End_Date_Active                      end_date,
		Close_Date                           close_date,
	where 	award_id =  P_award_id;
Line: 1339

                  SELECT vend.employee_id
                  FROM  po_vendors vend
                  WHERE  vend.vendor_id = p_vendor_id
                  /* AND   p_ei_date BETWEEN nvl(vend.start_date_active,p_ei_date) AND
                           nvl( vend.end_date_active, trunc(sysdate) ) ;    */
Line: 1660

    l_cwk_amt_updated VARCHAR2(1) := 'N';
Line: 1664

                   Select 'X'
                     from Dual
                   Where exists (select 'Y' from pa_bc_packets
                                  Where packet_id = c_packet_id
                                    and substr(nvl(result_code, 'P'),1,1) = 'F');
Line: 1707

    /***** CWK CHANGES - This Procedure will update PL/SQL Tables to reflect *****/
    /***** Processed Amount for the given Po_Line_ID. That will be used to   *****/
    /***** do the Po Funds check and validate the transaction record.        *****/

    PROCEDURE po_processed_amt_chk(P_Po_Line_Id  IN NUMBER
                                  ,P_Task_Id   IN   NUMBER
                                  ,P_Calc_Amt IN NUMBER
                                  ,X_Processed_Amt OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
                                  ,X_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
                     ) IS
Line: 1791

         pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'PO_PROCESSED_AMT_CHK : Insertion of Records : ' ||SQLERRM;
Line: 1857

	     SELECT NVL(allow_negative_accrual, 'N')
         INTO l_all_neg_acc
         FROM pa_implementations_all
         WHERE org_id = X_org_id;
Line: 2285

                               select paa.job_id
                               into G_job_id
                               from PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_F paa,
                                    psp_summary_lines psl
                               where paa.assignment_id        =  psl.assignment_id
                               and psl.effective_date       between paa.effective_start_date and paa.effective_end_date
                               and psl.SUMMARY_LINE_ID      =  X_trx_ref;
Line: 2387

                               select paa.job_id
                               into G_job_id
                               from PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_F paa,
                                    psp_summary_lines psl
                               where paa.assignment_id        =  psl.assignment_id
                               and psl.effective_date       between paa.effective_start_date and paa.effective_end_date
                               and psl.SUMMARY_LINE_ID      =  X_trx_ref;
Line: 2769

             update pa_transaction_interface_all
                Set project_number = ( select segment1
                                         from pa_projects_all
                                         where project_id = P_project_id ),
                     task_number   = ( select task_number from pa_tasks
                                       where  task_id = P_task_id)
               where txn_interface_id = X_txn_interface_id ;
Line: 2954

            SELECT 'Y'
            INTO l_dummy1
            FROM pa_agreements
            WHERE agreement_id  = l_agreement_id
              AND agreement_num = l_agreement_number;
Line: 2972

            SELECT agreement_num
            INTO p_agreement_number
            FROM pa_agreements
            WHERE agreement_id = p_agreement_id;
Line: 2977

            SELECT agreement_id
            INTO p_agreement_id
            FROM pa_agreements
            WHERE agreement_num = p_agreement_number;
Line: 3083

					INTO G_cbs_element_id
					WHERE PAP.PROJECT_ID = G_project_id
					AND PRE.COST_CODE = P_cbs_element_name;
Line: 4444

                select set_of_books_id
                into l_SobId
                from pa_implementations_all
                where nvl(org_id,-99) = nvl(X_org_id,-99);
Line: 4563

                  expenditure_item_id = G_adj_item_id
Line: 4797

          select set_of_books_id
          into G_SobId
          from pa_implementations_all
          where org_id = X_org_id;
Line: 4830

          select set_of_books_id
          into G_RecvrSobId
          from pa_implementations_all
          where org_id = nvl(G_RecvrOrgId,-99);
Line: 5386

		select sum(denom_raw_cost)
		into l_costed
		from pa_expenditure_items ei, pa_expenditures exp
		where ei.cost_distributed_flag = 'Y'
		and ei.project_id = G_project_id
		and ei.task_id = G_task_id
		and ei.po_line_id = P_Po_Line_Id
		and ei.system_linkage_function in ('ST','OT')
		and ei.expenditure_id = exp.expenditure_id
		and exp.person_type = 'CWK';
Line: 5400

		select sum(quantity)*l_po_rate
		into l_uncosted
		from pa_expenditure_items ei, pa_expenditures exp
		where ei.cost_distributed_flag = 'N'
		and ei.project_id = G_project_id
		and ei.task_id = G_task_id
		and ei.po_line_id = P_Po_Line_Id
		and ei.system_linkage_function in ('ST','OT')
		and ei.expenditure_id = exp.expenditure_id
		and exp.person_type = 'CWK';
Line: 5413

		Select Sum ( Quantity * PA_TRX_IMPORT.GET_PO_PRICE_TYPE_RATE (Project_id , Task_Id , P_Po_Line_Id , po_price_type ) )
		into l_uncosted
		select ei.project_id , ei.task_id , ei.po_price_type , sum(quantity)  Quantity
		from pa_expenditure_items ei, pa_expenditures exp
		where ei.cost_distributed_flag = 'N'
		and ei.project_id = G_project_id
		and ei.task_id = G_task_id
		and ei.po_line_id = P_Po_Line_Id
		and ei.system_linkage_function in ('ST','OT')
		and ei.expenditure_id = exp.expenditure_id
		and exp.person_type = 'CWK'
		Group By ei.project_id , ei.task_id , ei.po_price_type
Line: 5433

				Select Sum (
						Decode ( cost_distributed_flag,
									'N', Quantity * PA_TRX_IMPORT.GET_PO_PRICE_TYPE_RATE (G_project_id , G_task_id  , P_Po_Line_Id , po_price_type ), 0

						) ,
						Sum (
						Decode ( cost_distributed_flag,
									'Y', denom_raw_cost, 0
				Into l_uncosted, l_costed
				select ei.po_price_type ,  ei.cost_distributed_flag,
										   Sum(Decode(ei.cost_distributed_flag, 'N', ei.quantity,0))  Quantity,
										   Sum(Decode(ei.cost_distributed_flag, 'Y', ei.denom_raw_cost,0))  denom_raw_cost
				from pa_expenditure_items ei, pa_expenditures exp
				where  ei.project_id = G_project_id
				and ei.task_id = G_task_id
				and ei.po_line_id = P_Po_Line_Id
				and ei.system_linkage_function in ('ST','OT')
				and ei.expenditure_id = exp.expenditure_id
				and exp.person_type = 'CWK'
				Group By ei.po_price_type , ei.cost_distributed_flag
Line: 5487

			l_cwk_amt_updated := 'Y' ;
Line: 5565

     IF l_cwk_amt_updated = 'Y' THEN
Line: 5672

     IF l_cwk_amt_updated = 'Y' THEN
                                              ,l_Calc_Amt );
Line: 5747

         pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Call to internal funds check packet insert success';
Line: 5794

              pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'After select to check for funds check failed records';
Line: 6028

      v_src_txnifIDTab.DELETE ;
Line: 6029

      v_src_eidateTab.DELETE ;
Line: 6030

      v_dst_ifIDTab.DELETE ;
Line: 6031

      v_dst_TxnifIDTab.DELETE ;
Line: 6032

      v_dst_eidateTab.DELETE ;
Line: 6033

      v_dst_txnstatcdTab.DELETE ;
Line: 6034

      v_doc_headerIDTab.DELETE ;
Line: 6035

      v_week_ending_dtTab.DELETE ;
Line: 6037

      select a.txn_interface_id,
        BULK Collect into
        from pa_transaction_interface_all a,
	     pa_transaction_interface_all b
       where a.interface_id          = X_xface_id
         and a.transaction_source    = X_transaction_source
	 and a.batch_name            = X_batch
	 and a.transaction_source    = b.transaction_source
	 and b.interface_id          <> X_xface_id
	 and a.cdl_system_reference1 = b.cdl_system_reference1
	 and a.cdl_system_reference2 = b.cdl_system_reference2
	 and a.cdl_system_reference3 = b.cdl_system_reference3
	 and NVL(a.cdl_system_reference4,'0')  = NVL(b.cdl_system_reference4, '0')
	 and NVL(a.cdl_system_reference5,0)    = NVL(b.cdl_system_reference5,0)
	 and b.transaction_status_code        <> 'A'
	 and NVL(a.expenditure_item_id, -1)   <> 0
	 and a.adjusted_expenditure_item_id is NULL ;
Line: 6076

	        Update pa_transaction_interface_all
		   set expenditure_item_date =  v_dst_eidateTab(indx)
		 where txn_interface_id  = v_src_TxnIfIDTab(indx) ;
Line: 6086

	        Update pa_transaction_interface_all
		   set expenditure_item_date =  v_dst_eidateTab(indx)
		 where adjusted_txn_interface_id  = v_src_TxnIfIDTab(indx)
		   and net_zero_adjustment_flag   = 'Y' ;
Line: 6095

          select pa_utils.getweekending(max(a.expenditure_item_date)),
            BULK Collect into
            from pa_transaction_interface_all a,
	         pa_transaction_interface_all b
           where a.interface_id          = X_xface_id
             and a.transaction_source    = X_transaction_source
	     and a.batch_name            = X_batch
	     and a.transaction_source    = b.transaction_source
	     and b.interface_id          <> X_xface_id
	     and a.cdl_system_reference1 = b.cdl_system_reference1
	     and a.cdl_system_reference2 = b.cdl_system_reference2
	     and a.cdl_system_reference3 = b.cdl_system_reference3
	     and NVL(a.cdl_system_reference4,'0') = NVL(b.cdl_system_reference4, '0')
	     and nvl(a.cdl_system_reference5,0)   = nvl(b.cdl_system_reference5 ,0)
	     and b.transaction_status_code        <> 'A'
	   group by a.cdl_system_reference2 ;
Line: 6118

               log_message('log_message: Update the weekending date... '|| v_doc_headerIDTab.count );
Line: 6122

	        UPDATE pa_transaction_interface_all
		   set expenditure_ending_date = v_week_ending_dtTab(indx)
		 where interface_id          = X_xface_id
		   and transaction_source    = X_transaction_source
		   and batch_name            = X_batch
		   and cdl_system_reference2 =v_doc_headerIDTab(indx) ;
Line: 6134

	        delete from pa_transaction_interface_all
		 where txn_interface_id = v_dst_TxnIfIdTab(indx) ;
Line: 6188

    SELECT payment_status_flag
     FROM ap_payment_schedules_all pmt
    WHERE pmt.invoice_id          = l_invoice_id
      AND pmt.payment_status_flag = 'Y' ;
Line: 6199

    ,       xc.batch_name
    ,       xc.system_linkage_function
    ,       xc.batch_name ||xc.system_linkage_function|| to_char(X_xface_id) exp_group_name
    ,       xc.transaction_count
    ,       xc.processed_count
            pa_transaction_xface_control xc
            xc.transaction_source = X_transaction_source
       AND  xc.batch_name         = nvl(X_batch, xc.batch_name)
       AND  xc.status             = 'PENDING'
  --PA-K Changes: Added intermediate_flag
  ORDER BY  intermediate_flag desc;
Line: 6222

                     values have been selected.

   /** Modified the following cursors to support ID columns for Non-Oracle Txns
   *** The current code is based on four cursors - two cursors for pre-defined sources
   *** (one for ST, OT and the other for other than ST and OT) - two other cursors
   *** for non-oracle sources of which one for ST, OT and the other for rest Sys Links
   *** Now these four are collapsed into two cursors - irrespective of a transaction
   *** source whether pre-defined on user-defined - once cursor for ST and OT and the
   *** other for system linkages other than ST and OT
   *** Cursors are removed from the code and not commented for the sake of clarity.
   *** Hence there will be only two cursors, defined, opened, fetched from and closed
   *** with these changes

    /* TrxRecs1 is for ST, OT */
    CURSOR TrxRecs1 ( X_transaction_source  VARCHAR2
                   , current_batch         VARCHAR2
                   , curr_etype_class_code VARCHAR2  )
    ,       trunc(expenditure_ending_date) expenditure_ending_date
    ,       employee_number

/* Moving the logic for getting organization name based on the G_emp_oride_flag to TrxRec cursor
   for fix 2686544 */
    ,	    organization_name
/* Bug fix 2655157 starts */
/*    ,       decode (G_emp_org_oride,
                        decode (organization_name,
                                        GetOrgName(employee_number, expenditure_item_date, person_business_group_name),
                        decode (employee_number,
                                        GetOrgName(employee_number, expenditure_item_date, person_business_group_name))
                   ) organization_name */
           /* decode( employee_number, NULL, organization_name,
                 organization_name */
/* Bug fix 2655157 ends */
    ,       trunc(expenditure_item_date) expenditure_item_date
    ,       project_number
    ,       task_number
    ,       expenditure_type
    ,       non_labor_resource
    ,       non_labor_resource_org_name
    ,       quantity
    ,       raw_cost
    ,       raw_cost_rate
    ,       orig_transaction_reference
    ,       attribute_category
    ,       attribute1
    ,       attribute2
    ,       attribute3
    ,       attribute4
    ,       attribute5
    ,       attribute6
    ,       attribute7
    ,       attribute8
    ,       attribute9
    ,       attribute10
    ,       expenditure_comment
    ,       interface_id
    ,       expenditure_id
    ,       nvl(unmatched_negative_txn_flag, 'N') unmatched_negative_txn_flag
    ,       to_number( NULL )  expenditure_item_id
    ,       org_id             org_id
    ,       dr_code_combination_id
    ,       cr_code_combination_id
    ,       cdl_system_reference1
    ,       cdl_system_reference2
    ,       cdl_system_reference3
    ,       cdl_system_reference4
    ,       cdl_system_reference5
    ,       trunc(gl_date) gl_date --7535550
    ,       burdened_cost
    ,       burdened_cost_rate
    ,       receipt_currency_amount
    ,       receipt_currency_code
    ,	    receipt_exchange_rate
    ,       denom_currency_code
    ,	    denom_raw_cost
    ,	    denom_burdened_cost
    ,       trunc(acct_rate_date) acct_rate_date --7535550
    ,	    acct_rate_type
    ,       acct_exchange_rate
--  ,       pa_currency.round_currency_amt1(acct_raw_cost) acct_raw_cost  -- Bug 7522080
    ,       acct_raw_cost
    ,       acct_burdened_cost
    ,       acct_exchange_rounding_limit
    ,       project_currency_code
    ,       trunc(project_rate_date) project_rate_date --7535550
    ,       project_rate_type
    ,       project_exchange_rate
    ,       orig_exp_txn_reference1
    ,       orig_user_exp_txn_reference
    ,       vendor_number
    ,       orig_exp_txn_reference2
    ,       orig_exp_txn_reference3
    ,       override_to_organization_name
    ,       reversed_orig_txn_reference
    ,       billable_flag
    ,       txn_interface_id
    ,       person_business_group_name
    ,       projfunc_currency_code
    ,       trunc(projfunc_cost_rate_date) projfunc_cost_rate_date --7535550
    ,       projfunc_cost_rate_type
    ,       projfunc_cost_exchange_rate
    ,       project_raw_cost
    ,       project_burdened_cost
    ,       assignment_name
    ,       work_type_name
    ,       nvl(accrual_flag,'N') accrual_flag
    ,       project_id
    ,       task_id
    ,       person_id
    ,       organization_id
    ,       non_labor_resource_org_id
    ,       vendor_id
    ,       override_to_organization_id
    ,       assignment_id
    ,       work_type_id
    ,       person_business_group_id
    ,       po_number  /* cwk */
    ,       po_header_id
    ,       po_line_num
    ,       po_line_id
    ,       person_type
    ,       po_price_type
    ,       wip_resource_id
    ,       inventory_item_id
    ,       unit_of_measure
    ,       adjusted_expenditure_item_id
    ,       NVL(fc_document_type, 'NOT')
    ,       NULL document_type
    ,       document_distribution_type -- R12 AP lines uptake : Prepayment changes
    ,       si_assets_addition_flag
    ,       NULL -- adjusted_txn_interface_id
    ,       NULL -- net_zero_adjustment_flag
    ,       NULL -- sc_xfer_code
    ,       0    -- final_payment_id
  --  ,       agreement_id  --FSIO Changes
   -- ,       agreement_number
	/* 10253400: Payroll integration enhancement for 12.2..start */
	,       job_id
    ,       job_name
	,       location_id
    ,       location_code
	,       pay_element_type_id
	/* 10253400: Payroll integration enhancement for 12.2..end */
	/* Start: Added for bug 16220146 */
	,       cbs_element_name
	,       cbs_element_id
	/* End: Added for bug 16220146 */
      FROM pa_transaction_interface
     WHERE transaction_source = X_transaction_source
       AND batch_name = current_batch
       AND transaction_status_code = 'P'
       AND system_linkage in ('ST', 'OT')
            expenditure_ending_date DESC
    ,       decode(nvl(person_id,0), 0, employee_number, person_id)
    ,       decode(nvl(organization_id,0), 0, organization_name, organization_id)
    ,       orig_exp_txn_reference1
    ,       orig_user_exp_txn_reference
    ,       decode(nvl(vendor_id,0), 0, vendor_number, vendor_id)
    ,       orig_exp_txn_reference2
    ,       orig_exp_txn_reference3
    ,       denom_currency_code
    ,	    acct_rate_date
    ,	    acct_rate_type
    ,	    acct_exchange_rate
    ,       expenditure_item_date
    ,       decode(nvl(project_id,0), 0, project_number, project_id)
    ,       decode(nvl(task_id,0), 0, task_number, task_id)
    ,       accrual_flag    ;
Line: 6410

    ,       trunc(expenditure_ending_date) expenditure_ending_date
    ,       employee_number

/* Moving the logic for getting organization name based on the G_emp_oride_flag to TrxRec cursor
   for fix 2686544 */
    ,	    organization_name
/* Bug fix 2655157 starts */
/*    ,       decode (G_emp_org_oride,
                        decode (organization_name,
                                        GetOrgName(employee_number, expenditure_item_date, person_business_group_name),
                        decode (employee_number,
                                        GetOrgName(employee_number, expenditure_item_date, person_business_group_name))
                   ) organization_name */
           /* decode( employee_number, NULL, organization_name,
                 organization_name */
/* Bug fix 2655157 ends */
    ,       trunc(expenditure_item_date) expenditure_item_date
    ,       project_number
    ,       task_number
    ,       expenditure_type
    ,       non_labor_resource
    ,       non_labor_resource_org_name
    ,       quantity
    ,       raw_cost
    ,       raw_cost_rate
    ,       orig_transaction_reference
    ,       attribute_category
    ,       attribute1
    ,       attribute2
    ,       attribute3
    ,       attribute4
    ,       attribute5
    ,       attribute6
    ,       attribute7
    ,       attribute8
    ,       attribute9
    ,       attribute10
    ,       expenditure_comment
    ,       interface_id
    ,       expenditure_id
    ,       nvl(unmatched_negative_txn_flag, 'N') unmatched_negative_txn_flag
    -- REL12 AP Lines uptake.
    -- to_number(NULL) was removed.
    ,       expenditure_item_id
    ,       org_id             org_id
    ,       dr_code_combination_id
    ,       cr_code_combination_id
    ,       cdl_system_reference1
    ,       cdl_system_reference2
    ,       cdl_system_reference3
    ,       cdl_system_reference4
    ,       cdl_system_reference5
    ,       trunc(gl_date) gl_date --7535550
    ,       burdened_cost
    ,       burdened_cost_rate
    ,       receipt_currency_amount
    ,       receipt_currency_code
    ,	    receipt_exchange_rate
    ,       denom_currency_code
    ,	    denom_raw_cost
    ,	    denom_burdened_cost
    ,       trunc(acct_rate_date) acct_rate_date --7535550
    ,	    acct_rate_type
    ,       acct_exchange_rate
--    ,       pa_currency.round_currency_amt1(acct_raw_cost) acct_raw_cost  -- Bug 7522080
    ,       acct_raw_cost
    ,       acct_burdened_cost
    ,       acct_exchange_rounding_limit
    ,       project_currency_code
    ,       trunc(project_rate_date) project_rate_date --7535550
    ,       project_rate_type
    ,       project_exchange_rate
    ,       orig_exp_txn_reference1
    ,       orig_user_exp_txn_reference
    ,       vendor_number
    ,       orig_exp_txn_reference2
    ,       orig_exp_txn_reference3
    ,       override_to_organization_name
    ,       reversed_orig_txn_reference
    ,       billable_flag
    ,       txn_interface_id
    ,       person_business_group_name
    ,       projfunc_currency_code
    ,       trunc(projfunc_cost_rate_date) projfunc_cost_rate_date --7535550
    ,       projfunc_cost_rate_type
    ,       projfunc_cost_exchange_rate
    ,       project_raw_cost
    ,       project_burdened_cost
    ,       assignment_name
    ,       work_type_name
    ,       nvl(accrual_flag,'N') accrual_flag
    ,       project_id
    ,       task_id
    ,       person_id
    ,       organization_id
    ,       non_labor_resource_org_id
    ,       vendor_id
    ,       override_to_organization_id
    ,       assignment_id
    ,       work_type_id
    ,       person_business_group_id
    ,       po_number  /* cwk */
    ,       po_header_id
    ,       po_line_num
    ,       po_line_id
    ,       person_type
    ,       po_price_type
    ,       wip_resource_id
    ,       inventory_item_id
    ,       unit_of_measure
    ,       adjusted_expenditure_item_id
    ,       NVL(fc_document_type, 'NOT' )
    ,       document_type
    ,       document_distribution_type
    ,       si_assets_addition_flag
    ,       adjusted_txn_interface_id
    ,       net_zero_adjustment_flag
    ,       sc_xfer_code   -- supplier cost transfer status code.
    ,       0              -- final_payment_id
 --   ,       agreement_id  --FSIO Changes
  --  ,       agreement_number
	/* 10253400: Payroll integration enhancement for 12.2..start */
	,       null job_id
    ,       null job_name
	,       null location_id
    ,       null location_code
	,       null pay_element_type_id
	/* 10253400: Payroll integration enhancement for 12.2..end */
		/* Start: Added for bug 16220146 */
	,       cbs_element_name
	,       cbs_element_id
	/* End: Added for bug 16220146 */
      FROM pa_transaction_interface
     WHERE transaction_source = X_transaction_source
       AND batch_name = current_batch
       AND transaction_status_code = 'P'
       AND system_linkage = curr_etype_class_code
           expenditure_ending_date DESC
    ,       decode(nvl(person_id,0), 0, employee_number, person_id)
            -- 5389130 added order by criteria.
    ,       decode(nvl(override_to_organization_id     ,organization_id), 0, organization_name,
                      organization_id, organization_id, override_to_organization_id)
    ,       orig_exp_txn_reference1
    ,       orig_user_exp_txn_reference
    ,       decode(nvl(vendor_id,0), 0, vendor_number, vendor_id)
    ,       orig_exp_txn_reference2
    ,       orig_exp_txn_reference3
    ,       denom_currency_code
    ,	    acct_rate_date
    ,	    acct_rate_type
    ,	    acct_exchange_rate
    ,       expenditure_item_date
            -- 5389130 added order by criteria.
    ,       decode(adjusted_expenditure_item_id, null, 1, 0, 1, 0)
--    ,	    decode(curr_etype_class_code, 'VI', cdl_system_reference2, '0' )  Commented as part of the Bug 12776739
--    ,       decode(curr_etype_class_code, 'VI', cdl_system_reference3, '0' ) Commented as part of the Bug 12776739
    ,	    decode(curr_etype_class_code, 'VI', to_number(trim(cdl_system_reference2)), '0' ) -- Added as part of the Bug 12776739
    ,       decode(curr_etype_class_code, 'VI', to_number(trim(cdl_system_reference3)), '0' ) -- Added as part of the Bug 12776739
   ,       decode(curr_etype_class_code, 'VI',to_number(trim(cdl_system_reference5)),'0') -- Added for bug#13558683
   ,	     TXN_INTERFACE_ID														-- Added for bug 13977560
    ,       decode(curr_etype_class_code, 'VI',trim(cdl_system_reference4), '0') -- Added for bug#13558683 removed to_number from
    --,       decode(curr_etype_class_code, 'VI', cdl_system_reference5, '0' )
--commented for bug#13558683
 --   ,       decode(curr_etype_class_code, 'VI', cdl_system_reference4, '0' )
--Commented for bug#13558683
    ,       decode(fc_document_type ,'ALL', 1, 'CMT', 2, 'ACT', 3 , 4 )
    ,       decode(nvl(project_id,0), 0, project_number, project_id)
    ,       decode(nvl(task_id,0), 0, task_number, task_id)
    ,       accrual_flag
    ,       NVL(adjusted_txn_interface_id,0) ;
Line: 6792

      SELECT business_group_id
        INTO l_business_group_id
        FROM pa_implementations;
Line: 6801

      SELECT decode(a.assignment_type,'E','EMP','C','CWK')
        INTO p_person_type
        FROM per_assignment_status_types s
            ,per_all_assignments_f a
       WHERE a.job_id IS NOT NULL
         AND a.primary_flag = 'Y'
         AND p_date BETWEEN trunc(a.effective_start_date) AND trunc(a.effective_end_date)
         AND a.person_id = p_person_id
         AND s.per_system_status in ('ACTIVE_ASSIGN','ACTIVE_CWK','TERM_ASSIGN')
         AND s.assignment_status_type_id = a.assignment_status_type_id
         AND ((l_Cross_BG_Profile = 'N' AND l_business_group_id = a.business_group_id+0)
              OR l_Cross_BG_Profile = 'Y');
Line: 6847

              transaction_source = trx_source
         AND  batch_name = batch
         AND  system_linkage_function = etypeclasscode
         AND  status = 'PENDING'
        FOR UPDATE OF status NOWAIT;
Line: 6876

      UPDATE  pa_transaction_xface_control
              interface_id = X_xface_id
      ,       status = 'IN_PROGRESS'
              transaction_source = trx_source
         AND  batch_name = batch
         AND  system_linkage_function = etypeclasscode
         AND  status = 'PENDING';
Line: 6887

         log_message('log_message: ' || 'Updated interface id/status on pa_transaction_xface_control');
Line: 6924

      /*PA-K Changes: Replaced the existing update stmt */

      /* Bug#3451108. Added an 'AND' condition in the if clause to check if the
         P_BatchProcCount is not equal to Zero */
      If (((P_BatchProcCount + P_ProcCount) < P_TxnCount) And (P_BatchProcCount <> 0)) Then

         IF PG_DEBUG = 'Y' THEN
            log_message('log_message: ' || 'Set ctrl record status to PENDING');
Line: 6934

         UPDATE pa_transaction_xface_control
            SET status = 'PENDING',
                intermediate_flag = 'Y',
                processed_count = processed_count + P_BatchProcCount
          WHERE transaction_source = P_TrxSource
            AND batch_name = P_BatchName
            AND interface_id = P_XfaceId
            AND system_linkage_function = p_system_linkage_function;
Line: 6945

            log_message('log_message: ' || 'Updated ' || SQL%ROWCOUNT || ' records');
Line: 6954

         UPDATE pa_transaction_xface_control
            SET status = 'PROCESSED',
                processed_count = processed_count + P_BatchProcCount
          WHERE transaction_source = P_TrxSource
            AND batch_name = P_BatchName
            AND interface_id = P_XfaceId
	    AND system_linkage_function = p_system_linkage_function;
Line: 6964

            log_message('log_message: ' || 'Updated ' || SQL%ROWCOUNT || ' records');
Line: 7017

       SELECT pa_expenditures_s.nextval
       INTO G_expenditure_id
       FROM sys.dual;
Line: 7076

          pa_debug.G_err_Stage := 'Calling pa_transactions.InsertExpGroupNew';
Line: 7083

                ,  'RELEASED'
                ,  ending_date
                ,  current_system_linkage
                ,  X_userid
                ,  X_transaction_source
                ,  l_Accrual_Flag
                -- MOAC Changes
                ,  g_moac_org_id );
Line: 7114

        UPDATE pa_expenditures
        SET expenditure_group = group_name
        WHERE expenditure_id = G_expenditure_id;
Line: 7120

        pa_debug.G_err_Stage := 'Calling pa_transactions.InsertExp';
Line: 7157

           X_expenditure_id   => G_expenditure_id,
           X_expend_status    => 'APPROVED',
           X_expend_ending    => ending_date,
           X_expend_class     => G_eclass,
           X_inc_by_person    => G_person_id,
           X_inc_by_org       => G_org_id,
           X_expend_group     => group_name,
  --         X_entered_by_id    => X_userid,
           X_entered_by_id    => FND_GLOBAL.employee_id, -- Bug 2396121
           X_created_by_id    => X_userid,
           X_denom_currency_code  =>  p_denom_currency_code,
           X_acct_currency_code   =>  p_acct_currency_code,
           X_acct_rate_type       =>  l_acct_rate_type,
           X_acct_rate_date       =>  l_acct_rate_date,
           X_acct_exchange_rate   =>  p_acct_exchange_rate,
           X_orig_exp_txn_reference1 => G_orig_exp_txn_reference1,
           X_orig_user_exp_txn_reference => G_orig_user_exp_txn_reference,
           X_vendor_id        => G_vendor_id,
           X_orig_exp_txn_reference2 => G_orig_exp_txn_reference2,
           X_orig_exp_txn_reference3 => G_orig_exp_txn_reference3,
  	   X_person_type => l_person_type, /* Added for bug 13554435 */
          -- MOAC Changes
           p_org_id                => g_moac_org_id); /*cwk */
Line: 7203

           X_expenditure_id   => G_expenditure_id,
           X_expend_status    => 'APPROVED',
           X_expend_ending    => ending_date,
           X_expend_class     => G_eclass,
           X_inc_by_person    => G_person_id,
           X_inc_by_org       => G_org_id,
           X_expend_group     => group_name,
  --         X_entered_by_id    => X_userid,
           X_entered_by_id    => FND_GLOBAL.employee_id, -- Bug 2396121
           X_created_by_id    => X_userid,
           X_orig_exp_txn_reference1 => G_orig_exp_txn_reference1,
           X_orig_user_exp_txn_reference => G_orig_user_exp_txn_reference,
           X_vendor_id        => G_vendor_id,
           X_acct_currency_code   =>  p_acct_currency_code,        -- Bug 6412762: Base Bug 6354066
           X_orig_exp_txn_reference2 => G_orig_exp_txn_reference2,
           X_orig_exp_txn_reference3 => G_orig_exp_txn_reference3,
           X_person_type => l_person_type, /* Added for bug 13554435 */
           -- MOAC Changes
           p_org_id      => g_moac_org_id); /* cwk */
Line: 7233

      select decode(G_gl_accted_flag,'N','N',decode(G_gl_posted_flag,'Y','Y','P')) into l_gl_accted_flag from dual;
Line: 7291

      UPDATE  pa_transaction_interface
              -- SST Change: If there's post import extension, then
              -- set status code to 'I' so the post import extension
              -- will pick it up, otherwise set to 'A' meaning it has
              -- completed the transfer process.  Post-extension will
              -- eventually set the status code to 'A' as well if the
              -- the transaction went through post extension
              -- successfully.
              transaction_status_code = decode(G_post_processing_extn,NULL,'A',
              expenditure_id = G_expenditure_id
         -- Bug 3613784 : Performance fix
	 AND  batch_name = P_batch_name
         AND transaction_rejection_code is NULL; -- Bug 3613784 : Performance fix
Line: 7309

      pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Updated ' || SQL%ROWCOUNT || ' txn interface for accepted expenditures';
Line: 7319

      UPDATE  pa_transaction_interface
               transaction_status_code = decode(expenditure_item_id, 0, 'P', 'R') , /* Bug 8709614  */
               expenditure_item_id = decode(expenditure_item_id, 0, 0, NULL) /* Bug 8709614  */
              -- SST Change: For rejected expenditure, we need
              -- to reset interface table's reversed_orig_txn_reference
              -- field.  This field is updated after calling validateitem
              -- for each transaction.  While processing an entire
              -- expenditure, some transaction may pass validateitem API
              -- and get their reversed_orig_txn_reference field modified;
Line: 7338

      pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Updated ' || SQL%ROWCOUNT || ' txn interface for rejected expenditures';
Line: 7367

Line: 7368

Line: 7369

Line: 7370

Line: 7371

Line: 7372

Line: 7373

Line: 7374

Line: 7375

Line: 7376

Line: 7377

Line: 7378

Line: 7379

Line: 7380

Line: 7381

Line: 7382

Line: 7383

Line: 7384

Line: 7385

Line: 7386

Line: 7387

Line: 7388

Line: 7389

Line: 7390

Line: 7391

Line: 7392

Line: 7393

Line: 7394

Line: 7395

Line: 7396

Line: 7398

Line: 7399

Line: 7400

Line: 7401

Line: 7402

Line: 7403

Line: 7404

Line: 7405

Line: 7406

Line: 7407

Line: 7408

Line: 7409

Line: 7410

Line: 7411

Line: 7412

Line: 7413

Line: 7414

Line: 7415

Line: 7416

Line: 7417

Line: 7418

Line: 7419

Line: 7420

Line: 7421

Line: 7422

Line: 7423

Line: 7424

Line: 7425

Line: 7426

Line: 7427

Line: 7428

Line: 7429

Line: 7430

Line: 7431

Line: 7432

Line: 7433

Line: 7434

Line: 7435

Line: 7436

Line: 7437

Line: 7438

Line: 7439

Line: 7440

Line: 7441

Line: 7442

Line: 7443

Line: 7444

Line: 7445

Line: 7446

Line: 7447

Line: 7448

Line: 7449

Line: 7450

Line: 7451

Line: 7452

Line: 7453

Line: 7454

Line: 7455

    l_po_numberTab.Delete; /* cwk */
Line: 7456

Line: 7457

Line: 7458

Line: 7459

Line: 7460

Line: 7461

Line: 7462

Line: 7463

Line: 7469

    l_SysRef5Tab.Delete ;
Line: 7470

    l_AdjExpItemIdTab.Delete ;
Line: 7471

    l_FcDocTypeTab.Delete ;
Line: 7472

    l_DocumentTypeTab.DELETE ;
Line: 7473

    l_DocumentDistTypeTab.DELETE ;
Line: 7474

    l_siaAddFlagTab.DELETE ;
Line: 7475

    l_adjTxnInterfaceIDTab.delete ;
Line: 7476

    l_NZAdjFlagTab.delete ;
Line: 7477

    l_AdjTxnEiIDTab.delete ;
Line: 7478

    l_scXferCdTab.delete ;
Line: 7482

    l_finalPaymentIdTab.delete ;
Line: 7483

    l_txn_rejected_sr5tab.DELETE ;
Line: 7484

    l_txn_rejected_sr4tab.DELETE ;
Line: 7493

Line: 7494

Line: 7495

Line: 7496

Line: 7497

Line: 7500

Line: 7501

Line: 7523

	select reversed_prepay_app_dist_id
	  from ap_prepay_app_dists
         where prepay_app_dist_id =  NVL(l_SysRef4Tab(p_indx),0)  ;
Line: 7528

	select reversal_inv_pmt_id
	  from AP_Invoice_Payments
         where Invoice_Payment_Id =  NVL(l_SysRef4Tab(p_indx),0)
	   and nvl(reversal_flag,'N')  = 'Y' ;
Line: 7534

	select parent_reversal_id
	  into l_parent_dist_id
	  from ap_invoice_distributions_all apd
         where invoice_distribution_id =  NVL(l_SysRef5Tab(p_indx),0)
	   and nvl(reversal_flag,'N')  = 'Y';
Line: 7542

	select parent_reversal_id
	  into l_parent_dist_id
         where invoice_distribution_id =  NVL(l_SysRef5Tab(p_indx),0)
	   and nvl(reversal_flag,'N')  = 'Y';
Line: 7549

	select parent_transaction_id
	  from rcv_transactions
	 where transaction_id = NVL(l_SysRef4Tab(p_indx),0) ;
Line: 7554

        select  transaction_rejection_code
          from  pa_transaction_interface_all
         where  txn_interface_id = l_rejected_txn_id
           and  transaction_status_code  = 'R'  ;
Line: 7812

             SELECT sum(xc.transaction_count)
               INTO l_Batch_Size
               FROM pa_transaction_xface_control xc
              WHERE xc.transaction_source = TrxBatch.transaction_source
                AND xc.status             = 'PENDING';
Line: 7889

	     SELECT NVL(glb.sla_ledger_cash_basis_flag,'N')
	       INTO G_cash_based_accounting
	       FROM gl_sets_of_books glb, pa_implementations_all pai
	      WHERE glb.set_of_books_id = pai.set_of_books_id
	        AND pai.org_id          = g_moac_org_id ;
Line: 8237

                               SELECT max(Invoice_Payment_Id)
                                 into l_finalPaymentIdTab(j)
                                 from ap_payment_hist_dists Paydist
                                where NVL(paydist.pay_dist_lookup_code, 'CASH') = 'CASH'
                                  and Paydist.invoice_distribution_id           = NVL(l_SysRef5Tab(j) ,0)  ;
Line: 8318

                      log_message('log_message: ' || 'Before selecting expend grouping attributes for transaction sources');
Line: 8364

                   select PPL.person_id
                    into L_PERSONIDTAB(J)
                    from PER_PEOPLE_F PPL,
                    PER_ASSIGNMENTS_f ASGN ,
                    PER_PERSON_TYPES PTYPE
                    ASGN.VENDOR_ID = l_VendorIdTab(j)
                    and PPL.PERSON_ID = ASGN.PERSON_ID
                    and PTYPE.PERSON_TYPE_ID = PPL.PERSON_TYPE_ID
                    and PTYPE.SYSTEM_PERSON_TYPE in ('OTHER','CWK');
Line: 8389

                     to_char(trunc(l_EiEndDateTab(j)), 'J')||':'||
                     nvl(decode(nvl(l_PersonIdTab(j),0), 0, l_EmpNumTab(j), l_PersonIdTab(j)),
                         '-DUMMY EMP-')||':'||
  		     --removing the logic for getting organization name for getting l_expend1
		     --as it has already been done above for 2686544. So we can just use l_OrganizationNameTab(j)
                     --           decode(nvl(l_OrganizationIdTab(j),0), 0, l_OrganizationNameTab(j),l_OrganizationIdTab(j)),
                     --           decode(nvl(l_PersonIdTab(j),0),0,
                     --                  decode(l_EmpNumTab(j), null,l_OrganizationNameTab(j),
                     --                         GetOrgName(l_EmpNumTab(j),l_EiDateTab(j), l_PerBusGrpNameTab(j)))
                     --                ,l_EmpOrgIdTab(j))),
                     nvl(decode(nvl(l_OrganizationIdTab(j),0), 0, l_OrganizationNameTab(j), nvl(l_EmpOrgIdTab(j), l_OrganizationIdTab(j)))
                         ,'-DUMMY ORG-')||':'||
                     nvl(l_OrigExpTxnRef1Tab(j), '-DUMMY EXP_TXN_REF1-') || ':' ||
                     nvl(l_OrigUsrExpTxnRefTab(j), '-DUMMY USER_EXP_TXN_REF-') || ':' ||
                         '-DUMMY VENDOR_NUMBER-') || ':' ||
                     nvl(l_OrigExpTxnRef2Tab(j), '-DUMMY EXP_TXN_REF2-') || ':' ||
                     nvl(l_OrigExpTxnRef3Tab(j), '-DUMMY EXP_TXN_REF3-') || ':' ||
                     nvl(l_AccrualFlagTab(j),'-DUMMY ACC_FLAG-')|| ':' ||
                     nvl(l_person_typeTab(j),'EMP') /* cwk */
                   , decode(l_SysLinkTab(j),'OT','ST',l_SysLinkTab(j)) || ':' ||
                     decode(l_SysLinkTab(j),'ER', nvl(l_DenomCurrCodeTab(j),'-DUMMY CODE-'),
                                           'VI', nvl(l_DenomCurrCodeTab(j),'-DUMMY CODE-'),
                                           '-DUMMY CODE-')||':'||
                     decode(l_SysLinkTab(j),'ER', nvl(to_char(l_AcctRateDateTab(j),'MMDDYYYY'),'-DUMMY DATE-'),
                                           'VI', nvl(to_char(l_AcctRateDateTab(j),'MMDDYYYY'),'-DUMMY DATE-'),
                                           '-DUMMY DATE-')||':'||
                     decode(l_SysLinkTab(j),'ER', nvl(l_AcctRateTypeTab(j),'-DUMMY TYPE-'),
                                           'VI', nvl(l_AcctRateTypeTab(j),'-DUMMY TYPE-'),
                                           '-DUMMY TYPE-')||':'||
                     decode(l_SysLinkTab(j),'ER', nvl(to_char(l_AcctExchRateTab(j)),'-DUMMY RATE-'),
                                           'VI', nvl(to_char(l_AcctExchRateTab(j)),'-DUMMY RATE-'),
                                           '-DUMMY RATE-')
                   Into l_Expend1, l_Expend2
                   From Dual;
Line: 8491

     	   	     -- Org id is null. Update status.

                     X_status := X_org_status;
Line: 8717

---- Added for payroll billable_flag changes for 12.2 start  bug#12344689
			g_costing_method          := NULL;
Line: 8924

                       Performance Team Suggestion: To combine the below update (by txn_interface_id) with the
                       update in newexpend (by expenditure_id).
                       Results: For 20,000 records - gain of 30 sec.
                       Implementing this combined update has been phased out until there is a dire need to do it.
                       Placing this comment here for reference.
                    UPDATE pa_transaction_interface
                            transaction_rejection_code = X_status
                    ,       interface_id = X_xface_id
                    ,       expenditure_id = G_expenditure_id
                    ,       transaction_status_code = 'R'
                     WHERE txn_interface_id = l_TxnIfIDTab(j);
Line: 8941

                       log_message('log_message: ' || 'Updated to reject count ' || SQL%ROWCOUNT);
Line: 8992

                    UPDATE pa_transaction_interface
                            transaction_rejection_code = NULL
                    ,       interface_id = X_xface_id
                    ,       expenditure_id = G_expenditure_id
                    ,       expenditure_item_id = nvl(X_ei_id, 0) /* Bug 8709614  */
                            -- SST Changes: If TrxRec.reversed_orig_txn_reference
                            -- is NULL, this means we've called verifyorigitem API
                            -- to get the reversed item's orig_txn_reference and
                            -- store it in G_reversed_orig_txn_reference
                    ,       reversed_orig_txn_reference =
                     WHERE txn_interface_id = l_TxnIfIDTab(j);
Line: 9010

                       log_message('log_message: ' || 'Updated to accepted count ' || SQL%ROWCOUNT);
Line: 9190

 	                         select decode(reversal_flag, 'Y', reversed_pay_hist_dist_id,l_SysRef1Tab(j))
 	                         into l_SysRef5Tab(j)
 	                         from ap_payment_hist_dists
 	                         where payment_hist_dist_id = l_SysRef1Tab(j);
Line: 9386

                            Select WIP_RESOURCE_ID
                              INTO G_WIP_RESOURCE_ID
                              FROM PA_TRANSACTION_INTERFACE_ALL
                             WHERE ORIG_TRANSACTION_REFERENCE =  l_OrigTxnRefTab(j)
                               and SYSTEM_LINKAGE  <> 'BTC'
                               and rownum = 1;
Line: 9394

                                Select resource_id
                                  into G_WIP_RESOURCE_ID
                                  from wip_transactions
                                 where transaction_id = l_OrigTxnRefTab(j);
Line: 9830

           raise_application_error(-20001,'Error during Balance Update');
Line: 9928

   /* PA.M PJM Additional Attribute changes: Calling unit of measure insertion api for all INV/WIP/ST sources from manufacturing */

   IF X_transaction_source in ('Inventory', 'Inventory Misc', 'PJM_CSTBP_INV_NO_ACCOUNTS',
                                           'PJM_CSTBP_INV_ACCOUNTS', 'Work In Process', 'PJM_CSTBP_ST_NO_ACCOUNTS',
                                           'PJM_CSTBP_WIP_NO_ACCOUNTS', 'PJM_CSTBP_ST_ACCOUNTS',
                                           'PJM_CSTBP_WIP_ACCOUNTS', 'PJM_NON_CSTBP_ST_ACCOUNTS') THEN

          IF PG_DEBUG = 'Y' THEN
               log_message('log_message: ' || 'Calling pa_uom.get_uom for transaction source '|| X_transaction_source);
Line: 9977

         Report will directly select the counts from the interface table */

      IF PG_DEBUG = 'Y' THEN
         log_message('log_message: ' || 'Error in pre_import procedure',1);
Line: 9999

         Report will directly select the counts from the interface table */

      IF PG_DEBUG = 'Y' THEN
      pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'After import1';
Line: 10035

                      l_stmt    := 'BEGIN HXC_INTEGRATION_LAYER_V1_GRP.Update_Transaction_Status ( ' ||
                                   ' P_Process               => :process, '||
                                   ' P_Status                => :status, '||
                                   ' P_Exception_Description => :Exception_Desc );'||
Line: 10111

         Report will directly select the counts from the interface table */

       IF PG_DEBUG = 'Y' THEN
          log_message('log_message: ' || 'Error in post import procedure',1);
Line: 10140

   /* PA-K Changes: Commenting the call to update_status_counter
         Report will directly select the counts from the interface table */

  END import;
Line: 10318

	SELECT COUNT(DECODE(transaction_status_code, v_sucess, 1, NULL)),
	       COUNT(DECODE(transaction_status_code, v_failed, 1, NULL))
	INTO P_sucess_counter, P_failed_counter
   FROM pa_transaction_interface
   WHERE interface_id = P_xface_id
   AND transaction_status_code IN (v_sucess, v_failed);
Line: 10335

  PROCEDURE update_status_counter(P_xface_id IN NUMBER) IS

	UPDATE pa_transaction_xface_ctrl_all
   SET pre_import_reject_count = G_PRE_IMPORT_REJECT_COUNT,
       pre_import_success_count = G_PRE_IMPORT_SUCCESS_COUNT,
       import_reject_count     = G_IMPORT_REJECT_COUNT,
       import_success_count     = G_IMPORT_SUCCESS_COUNT,
       post_import_reject_count = G_POST_IMPORT_REJECT_COUNT,
       post_import_success_count = G_POST_IMPORT_SUCCESS_COUNT
	WHERE interface_id = P_xface_id;
Line: 10358

   cursor  select_bc_packets(p_calling_mode in varchar2) is
         select a.packet_id,
		a.budget_line_id ,
           from pa_bc_packets a,
                pa_transaction_interface b
          where a.txn_interface_id = b.txn_interface_id
	    and a.document_header_id = b.cdl_system_reference2
            and a.document_distribution_id = decode(p_calling_mode, 'AP VARIANCE',b.cdl_system_reference5
	                                                          , 'AP ERV',b.cdl_system_reference5
	                                                          , b.cdl_system_reference3)
            and a.document_type = decode(p_calling_mode, 'AP VARIANCE', 'AP', 'AP ERV', 'AP' , 'PO RECEIPT', 'PO', 'PO RECEIPT NRTAX', 'PO')
            and a.parent_bc_packet_id is null
            and b.transaction_status_code = 'A'
            and a.request_id = g_request_id
            and to_char(a.request_id) = b.orig_transaction_reference
            and a.status_code = 'P'
            and b.transaction_source = p_calling_mode;
Line: 10383

     cursor select_disc_packets(p_calling_mode in varchar2) is
         select a.packet_id,
		a.budget_line_id ,
           from pa_bc_packets a,
                pa_transaction_interface b,-- moac changes
                pa_expenditure_items c
          where a.txn_interface_id = b.txn_interface_id
	    and a.document_header_id = b.expenditure_item_id
            and a.document_distribution_id = 1
            and a.document_type = decode(p_calling_mode, 'AP DISCOUNTS', 'EXP')
            and a.parent_bc_packet_id is null
            and b.transaction_status_code = 'A'
            and a.request_id = g_request_id
            and a.request_id = b.orig_transaction_reference
            and a.status_code = 'P'
            and b.expenditure_item_id = c.expenditure_item_id
            and b.transaction_source = p_calling_mode;
Line: 10411

         select a.packet_id ,
                a.document_header_id ,
                a.document_distribution_id ,
		a.budget_line_id ,
           from pa_bc_packets a,
                pa_transaction_interface b -- moac changes
          where a.txn_interface_id = b.txn_interface_id
	    and a.document_header_id = b.cdl_system_reference2
            and a.document_distribution_id = b.cdl_system_reference5
            and a.document_type = 'AP'
            and a.parent_bc_packet_id is null
            and b.transaction_status_code = 'A'
            and a.request_id = g_request_id
            and b.transaction_source = p_calling_mode
            and a.status_code = 'P'
         select a.packet_id ,
                to_number(b.cdl_system_reference2) ,
                to_number(b.cdl_system_reference5) ,
		a.budget_line_id ,
           from pa_bc_packets a,
                pa_transaction_interface b, -- moac changes
                ap_invoice_distributions c,
                po_distributions d
          where a.txn_interface_id = b.txn_interface_id
	    and a.document_header_id = d.po_header_id
            and a.document_distribution_id = d.po_distribution_id
            and c.invoice_id = b.cdl_system_reference2
	    and c.invoice_distribution_id = b.cdl_system_reference5
            and c.po_distribution_id = d.po_distribution_id
            and a.document_type = 'PO'
            and a.parent_bc_packet_id is null
            and b.transaction_status_code = 'A'
            and a.request_id = g_request_id
            and b.transaction_source IN  ('AP INVOICE','AP NRTAX') -- Bug 5550268
            and a.status_code = 'P'
	    union  /*Self Assessed Tax Changes */
	    select a.packet_id ,
                to_number(b.cdl_system_reference2) ,
                to_number(b.cdl_system_reference5) ,
		a.budget_line_id ,
           from pa_bc_packets a,
                pa_transaction_interface b,
                ap_self_assessed_tax_dist c,
                po_distributions d
          where a.txn_interface_id = b.txn_interface_id
	    and a.document_header_id = d.po_header_id
            and a.document_distribution_id = d.po_distribution_id
            and c.invoice_id = b.cdl_system_reference2
	    and c.invoice_distribution_id = b.cdl_system_reference5
            and c.po_distribution_id = d.po_distribution_id
            and a.document_type = 'PO'
            and a.parent_bc_packet_id is null
            and b.transaction_status_code = 'A'
            and a.request_id = g_request_id
            and b.transaction_source IN  ('AP INVOICE','AP NRTAX')
            and a.status_code = 'P';
Line: 10482

   SELECT txn.expenditure_item_id ,
     FROM pa_transaction_interface txn,-- moac changes
          pa_bc_packets pkt
    WHERE pkt.txn_interface_id = txn.txn_interface_id
      and pkt.request_id = g_request_id
      and txn.transaction_status_code = 'A'
      and pkt.status_code = 'P'
      and pkt.document_type ='EXP'
      and txn.adjusted_expenditure_item_id IS NOT NULL
      and pkt.document_header_id <> txn.expenditure_item_id;
Line: 10516

   l_records_updated number;
Line: 10525

    l_records_updated := 0;
Line: 10531

      update pa_bc_packets a
         set a.status_code = 'A'
       where a.packet_id = p_packet_id
         and a.request_id = g_request_id
         and a.status_code = 'P';
Line: 10537

      l_records_updated := l_records_updated + SQL%ROWCOUNT;
Line: 10541

    pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Updated PacketId [' || p_packet_id || ']-' || l_records_updated || ' records to A/C';
Line: 10603

      UPDATE pa_bc_packets
         SET document_header_id = l_exp_item_id,
	     reference1         = l_exp_item_id
       WHERE bc_packet_id = l_bc_pkt_id;
Line: 10614

         pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Before opening the cursor select_bc_packets for ' || p_calling_mode;
Line: 10618

      open select_bc_packets(p_calling_mode) ;
Line: 10622

       fetch select_bc_packets
        into l_packet_id,
    	     l_budget_line_id ,
Line: 10632

       if select_bc_packets%notfound then
           IF PG_DEBUG = 'Y' THEN
               pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'No packets found, exit';
Line: 10668

	  l_ExpItemId_temp_Tab.DELETE ;
Line: 10670

	  select ei.expenditure_item_id
            bulk collect into l_ExpItemId_temp_Tab
	    from pa_expenditure_items_all ei
	   where ei.document_header_id = l_sys_ref2
             and ei.document_distribution_id = DECODE(p_calling_mode,'AP VARIANCE',l_doc_dist_id,'AP ERV',l_doc_dist_id,l_sys_ref4);  -- Bug 5560524
Line: 10679

                   update pa_cost_distribution_lines_all cdl
                      set cdl.Budget_CCID         = l_budget_ccid    ,
                          cdl.encumbrance_type_id = pa_funds_control_utils.get_encum_type_id(cdl.project_id,'STD'),
                          cdl.budget_line_id      = DECODE(cdl.budget_line_id,NULL,l_budget_line_id,cdl.budget_line_id),
                          cdl.budget_version_id   = DECODE(cdl.budget_version_id,NULL,l_budget_version_id,cdl.budget_version_id)
                    Where cdl.budget_ccid is null
	              and cdl.expenditure_item_id  = l_ExpItemId_temp_Tab(j) ;
Line: 10689

            pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Updated Ref2-Ref3 [' || l_sys_ref2 || ',' || l_doc_dist_id || ',' || l_sys_ref4 || ']-'
                                                     || SQL%ROWCOUNT || ' Budget CCID';
Line: 10701

      IF select_bc_packets%isopen THEN
      close select_bc_packets;
Line: 10763

          l_ExpItemId_temp_Tab.DELETE ;
Line: 10765

	  select ei.expenditure_item_id
            bulk collect into l_ExpItemId_temp_Tab
	    from pa_expenditure_items_all ei
	   where ei.document_header_id = l_sys_ref2
	     and ei.document_distribution_id = l_doc_dist_id;  /*REL12 : AP Lines Uptake changes*/
Line: 10774

                    update pa_cost_distribution_lines_all cdl
                       set cdl.Budget_CCID = l_budget_ccid    ,
      	                  -- R12 Funds Management Uptake : Modified and added below columns logic
	                  cdl.encumbrance_type_id = pa_funds_control_utils.get_encum_type_id(cdl.project_id,'STD'),
                          cdl.budget_line_id      = DECODE(cdl.budget_line_id,NULL,l_budget_line_id,cdl.budget_line_id),
                          cdl.budget_version_id = DECODE(cdl.budget_version_id,NULL,l_budget_version_id,cdl.budget_version_id)
                    Where cdl.budget_ccid         is null
   	              and cdl.expenditure_item_id = l_ExpItemId_temp_Tab(j) ; /*REL12 : AP Lines Uptake changes*/
Line: 10785

            pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Updated Ref2-Ref3 [' || l_sys_ref2 || ',' || l_doc_dist_id || ',' || l_sys_ref4 || ']-'
                                                     || SQL%ROWCOUNT || ' Budget CCID';
Line: 10808

         pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Before opening the cursor select_disc_packets for ' || p_calling_mode;
Line: 10812

      open select_disc_packets(p_calling_mode) ;
Line: 10816

       fetch select_disc_packets
        into l_packet_id,
    	     l_budget_line_id ,
Line: 10826

       if select_disc_packets%notfound then
           IF PG_DEBUG = 'Y' THEN
              pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'No discount packets found, exit';
Line: 10862

          l_ExpItemId_temp_Tab.DELETE ;
Line: 10864

	  select ei.expenditure_item_id
            bulk collect into l_ExpItemId_temp_Tab
	    from pa_expenditure_items_all ei
	   where ei.document_header_id       = l_sys_ref2
	     and ei.document_distribution_id = l_doc_dist_id
	     and ei.document_payment_id      = to_number(l_sys_ref4);
Line: 10873

	            update pa_cost_distribution_lines_all cdl
                       set cdl.Budget_CCID = l_budget_ccid    ,
                           cdl.encumbrance_type_id = pa_funds_control_utils.get_encum_type_id(cdl.project_id,'STD'),
			   -- R12 Funds Management Uptake
                           cdl.budget_line_id = DECODE(cdl.budget_line_id,NULL,l_budget_line_id,cdl.budget_line_id),
                           cdl.budget_version_id = DECODE(cdl.budget_version_id,NULL,l_budget_version_id,cdl.budget_version_id)
                     Where cdl.budget_ccid is null
	               and cdl.expenditure_item_id = l_ExpItemId_temp_Tab(j) ;
Line: 10884

            pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Updated Ref2-Ref3 [' || l_sys_ref2 || ',' || l_sys_ref3 || ',' || l_sys_ref4 || ']-'
                                                     || SQL%ROWCOUNT || ' Budget CCID';
Line: 10894

      close select_disc_packets;
Line: 10898

    pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Update rejected interface records in pa_bc_packets to T';
Line: 10901

    update pa_bc_packets
    set status_code = 'T',
        result_code = 'F140'
    where request_id = g_request_id
    and   status_code = 'P'
    and   txn_interface_id in
          (select txn_interface_id   /*REL12 : AP Lines Uptake changes*/
             from pa_transaction_interface_all
            where transaction_source = p_calling_mode
             and  transaction_status_code = 'R'
             and  orig_transaction_reference = to_char(g_request_id)
Line: 10914

    pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'In stage 1 Updated count to T = '|| SQL%ROWCOUNT;
Line: 10917

 update pa_bc_packets
    set status_code = 'T',
        result_code = 'F140'
    where request_id = g_request_id
    and   status_code = 'P'
    and   (document_header_id, document_distribution_id) in
          (select po_header_id, po_distribution_id
	   from po_distributions_all
	   where po_distribution_id in
                  (select po_distribution_id
                   from ap_invoice_distributions_all inv, pa_transaction_interface_all pti
                  where inv.invoice_id = pti.cdl_system_reference2
		    and inv.invoice_distribution_id = pti.cdl_system_reference5 /*REL12 : AP Lines Uptake changes*/
                    and pti.transaction_source = p_calling_mode
                    and pti.transaction_status_code = 'R'
                    and pti.orig_transaction_reference = to_char(g_request_id))
Line: 10935

    pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'In stage 2 Updated count to T = '|| SQL%ROWCOUNT;
Line: 10946

       log_message('log_message: Before update to T');
Line: 10949

    update pa_bc_packets
    set status_code = 'T',
      result_code = 'F140'
    where status_code = 'P'
    and request_id = G_REQUEST_ID;
Line: 10956

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'Updated ' || SQL%ROWCOUNT || ' packet statuses to T');
Line: 11024

   SELECT dist.po_distribution_id,
          nvl(dist.base_quantity_variance,0), --PA.M QV and AV
    FROM  ap_invoice_distributions dist,
          ap_invoices inv
   WHERE dist.invoice_id = p_invoice_id
     AND dist.invoice_distribution_id = p_invoice_distribution_id
     AND inv.invoice_id  = dist.invoice_id
     union /*Self Assessed Tax Changes*/
     SELECT dist.po_distribution_id,
          nvl(dist.base_quantity_variance,0), --PA.M QV and AV
    FROM  ap_self_assessed_tax_dist dist,
          ap_invoices inv
   WHERE dist.invoice_id = p_invoice_id
     AND dist.invoice_distribution_id = p_invoice_distribution_id
     AND inv.invoice_id  = dist.invoice_id
Line: 11068

       Select Period_Name,PERIOD_YEAR
         Into l_Period_Name,l_period_year
         From Gl_Period_Statuses
        Where Application_Id = 101
          And Trunc(P_GL_Date) Between Trunc(Start_Date) And Trunc(End_Date)
          And Set_Of_Books_Id = G_SobId
	  And adjustment_period_flag = 'N'; -- added for bug 3083625
Line: 11111

     Select Gl_Bc_Packets_s.NextVal
       Into l_Packet_Id
       From dual;
Line: 11115

    /*  Since we have divided the funds check packet insert code into 3 sections
    the bc packet id will be generated in each of the individual sections
    rather than in the beginning

    --Bug 2905892
    --Get the GL Period Name from txn's gl_date. This will be inserted into pa_bc_packets
    --for both the reversing raw and burden lines and also the EXP lines.
    --Funds Check API will derive the GL_Date based on the Period_Name, so what
    --we insert for gl_date is irrelevant here.
       pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Calling G_FC_Period_Name';
Line: 11187

       pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Selecting PO Dist Id for AP Invoice';
Line: 11213

       /*Call to AP_PA_API_PKG.Get_Inv_Amount_Var is deleted and introduced logic to fetch
         amt variance from ap_invoice_distributions*/

       IF PG_DEBUG = 'Y' THEN
          log_message('log_message: ' || 'Po Dist = ' || l_po_dist_id);
Line: 11229

          pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'PO Dist Found, Selecting Receipt Accrual Flag';
Line: 11237

          Select nvl(accrue_on_receipt_flag,'N'),
           Into l_acc_flag,
           from Po_distributions
           where po_distribution_id = l_po_dist_id;
Line: 11317

          pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Start funds check packet insert for AP - non accrue on receipt diff enc type';
Line: 11352

       pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Start funds check packet insert for PO Receipts';
Line: 11381

       pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Start funds check packet insert for AP Variance records';
Line: 11407

       pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Selecting disc amount for AP Invoice';
Line: 11491

       log_message('log_message: Before calling insert_ap_bc_packets api');
Line: 11494

    insert_ap_bc_packets(   p_packet_id        => p_packet_id,
                            p_sys_ref2         => p_sys_ref2,
			    p_sys_ref4         => p_sys_ref4,
                            p_sys_ref5         => p_sys_ref5,
                            p_acct_raw_cost    => p_acct_raw_cost,
                            p_acct_bur_cost    => 0,
                            p_fc_document_type => p_fc_document_type ,
                            p_txn_source       => p_txn_source   ,
                            p_adj_exp_item_id  => p_adj_exp_item_id ,
			    p_txn_interface_id => p_txn_interface_id);
Line: 11506

       log_message('log_message: After calling insert_ap_bc_packets api');
Line: 11561

       log_message('log_message: Before calling insert_ap_bc_packets api');
Line: 11564

   insert_ap_bc_packets(   p_packet_id        => p_packet_id,
                            p_sys_ref2         => p_sys_ref2,
			    p_sys_ref4         => NULL,
                            p_sys_ref5         => p_sys_ref5,
                            p_acct_raw_cost    => p_acct_raw_cost,
                            p_acct_bur_cost    => 0,
                            p_fc_document_type => p_fc_document_type ,
                            p_txn_source       => p_txn_source   ,
                            p_adj_exp_item_id  => p_adj_exp_item_id ,
			    p_txn_interface_id => p_txn_interface_id);
Line: 11634

     select acct_exchange_rate
     from pa_transaction_interface_all
     where txn_interface_id = p_txn_interface_id;
Line: 11650

/* Bug 5731450 : The following two select statements are modified to also fetch the PO exchange rate. */

        select sum(nvl(accounted_dr,0)-nvl(accounted_cr,0)),SUM(POD.rate)/SUM(1)
          into l_pkt_summ,l_pkt_rate
          from pa_bc_packets bcc,
               po_distributions pod     --Added for Bug#3693974
          where pod.po_header_id = p_sys_ref2
            and pod.po_distribution_id = p_sys_ref3
            and ((
                  bcc.document_type = 'PO'
                  and pod.po_distribution_id = bcc.document_distribution_id
                  and pod.po_header_id = bcc.document_header_id
                 bcc.document_type = 'CC_C_PAY'
                 -- 4456442, 4221848
                 -- Bug : PQE:R12: PAAPIMP_SI: ORA-01722 IN  PO_FUNDS_CHECK AND ORA-01400
                 and pod.req_header_reference_num = to_char(bcc.document_header_id)
                 and pod.req_line_reference_num = to_char(bcc.document_distribution_id)
           and  (
                 (bcc.Status_Code in('A','C'))
                 (bcc.Status_Code = 'P' and bcc.request_id = G_Request_Id)
           and  bcc.Parent_Bc_Packet_Id is NULL;
Line: 11679

        select sum(nvl(accounted_dr,0)-nvl(accounted_cr,0)),SUM(POD.rate)/SUM(1)
          into l_com_summ,l_com_rate
          from pa_bc_commitments bcc,
               po_distributions pod          --Added for Bug#3693974
          where pod.po_header_id = p_sys_ref2
            and pod.po_distribution_id = p_sys_ref3
            and ((
                  bcc.document_type = 'PO'
                  and pod.po_distribution_id = bcc.document_distribution_id
                  and pod.po_header_id = bcc.document_header_id
                 bcc.document_type = 'CC_C_PAY'
                 -- 4456442, 4221848
                 -- Bug : PQE:R12: PAAPIMP_SI: ORA-01722 IN  PO_FUNDS_CHECK AND ORA-01400
                 and pod.req_header_reference_num = to_char(bcc.document_header_id)
                 and pod.req_line_reference_num = to_char(bcc.document_distribution_id)
            and  bcc.Parent_Bc_Packet_Id is NULL;
Line: 11778

        pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Before Calling insert_po_bc_packets';
Line: 11782

    insert_po_bc_packets   (p_packet_id          => p_packet_id ,
                            p_sys_ref2           => p_sys_ref2  ,
			    p_sys_ref4           => p_sys_ref4, -- Bug 5530897
                            p_sys_ref3           => p_sys_ref3  ,
                            p_acct_raw_cost      => p_acct_raw_cost,
			    p_cmt_raw_cost       => l_rev_acct_raw_cost,
                            p_fc_document_type   => p_fc_document_type,
                            p_txn_source         => p_txn_source ,
                            p_adj_exp_item_id    => p_adj_exp_item_id,
			    p_txn_interface_id   => p_txn_interface_id);
Line: 11794

        pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'After Calling insert_po_bc_packets';
Line: 11861

   pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Start funds check packet insert for AP records that accrue on receipt';
Line: 11891

   /* Deleted code for IPV and ERV as these will be interfaced as seperate EXP's
      in REL12 */

   /* Replaced ap_funds_check calls for QV and AV with one call to ap_funds_check
      .In insert_ap_bc_packets procedure logic is introduced to relieve all the varaince/invoice
      amounts associated with invoice distribution */

   IF NVL(p_base_qty_var_amt,0) <> 0 THEN

      IF PG_DEBUG = 'Y' THEN
         pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Call ap_funds_check to reverse out the ap p_base_qty_var_amt = '||p_base_qty_var_amt;
Line: 11983

    update pa_bc_packets
    set status_code = 'T',
      result_code = 'F140'
    where status_code = 'P'
    and request_id = P_REQUEST_ID;
Line: 11990

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'Updated ' || SQL%ROWCOUNT || ' packet statuses to T');
Line: 12019

    update pa_bc_packets
    set status_code = 'T',
      result_code = 'F140'
    where status_code = 'P'
    --Bug 3592289 changed p_packet_id to packet_id
    --and p_packet_id = p_packet_id;
Line: 12028

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'Updated ' || SQL%ROWCOUNT || ' packet statuses to T');
Line: 12292

                  expenditure_item_id = G_adj_item_id
Line: 12481

Line: 12482

Line: 12595

     select sum(nvl(accounted_dr,0)-nvl(accounted_cr,0))
       from pa_bc_packets bcc
      where bcc.document_type = 'AP'
        and bcc.document_header_id = p_sys_ref2
        and bcc.document_distribution_id = p_sys_ref5
        and ( (bcc.Status_Code in('A','C'))
	      (bcc.Status_Code = 'P' and bcc.request_id = G_Request_Id))
        and bcc.Parent_Bc_Packet_Id is NULL;
Line: 12606

     select sum(nvl(accounted_dr,0)-nvl(accounted_cr,0))
       from pa_bc_commitments bcc
      where bcc.document_type = 'AP'
        and bcc.document_header_id = p_sys_ref2
        and bcc.document_distribution_id = p_sys_ref5
        and  bcc.Parent_Bc_Packet_Id is NULL;
Line: 12636

          SELECT  NVL(b.invoice_dist_base_amount , b.invoice_dist_amount) amount
	    from ap_payment_hist_dists b,
	         ap_invoice_distributions_all apd
	   where b.invoice_payment_id      = p_sys_ref4
	     and b.invoice_distribution_id = p_sys_ref5
	     and b.pay_dist_lookup_code    = 'DISCOUNT'
	     and apd.invoice_distribution_id = b.invoice_distribution_id
	     and NVL(apd.historical_flag,'N')       <> 'Y'
	     and apd.expenditure_item_date  >=G_Profile_Discount_Start_date
	     and apd.line_type_lookup_code  = decode ( G_discount_Method,
	                                                            'TAX', decode (apd.line_type_lookup_code,
                                                                                                      'TIPV', 'TIPV',
												      'TRV', 'TRV',
												      'NONREC_TAX') ,
	                                                            'SYSTEM', 'NOT APPLICABLE',
								     apd.line_type_lookup_code ) ;
Line: 12655

     SELECT   NVL(paydist.invoice_dist_base_amount,paydist.invoice_dist_amount)
       FROM   ap_payment_hist_dists Paydist
      WHERE   paydist.pay_dist_lookup_code = 'CASH'
        AND   Paydist.invoice_distribution_id = p_sys_ref5
        AND   PayDIST.invoice_payment_id = p_sys_ref4
        AND   EXISTS
	        (SELECT 1
                   FROM ap_invoice_payments Pay,
		        ap_invoices_all inv
                  WHERE pay.invoice_payment_id   = p_sys_ref4
		    AND pay.invoice_id           =  inv.invoice_id
		    AND NVL(pay.exchange_rate,0) <> NVL(inv.exchange_rate,0));
Line: 12772

    pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Before calling insert_cash_ap_bc_packets';
Line: 12776

    insert_cash_ap_bc_packets(   p_packet_id         => p_packet_id,
                            p_sys_ref2         => p_sys_ref2,
                            p_sys_ref5         => p_sys_ref5,
                            p_acct_raw_cost    => p_acct_raw_cost,
                            p_fc_document_type => p_fc_document_type ,
                            p_txn_source       => p_txn_source   ,
                            p_adj_exp_item_id  => p_adj_exp_item_id,
			    p_txn_interface_id => p_txn_interface_id,
			    p_cash_pay_to_relieve => l_raw_amount   );
Line: 12788

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'After calling insert_cash_ap_bc_packets');
Line: 12817

PROCEDURE insert_ap_bc_packets(p_packet_id             IN NUMBER,
                               p_sys_ref2              IN NUMBER,
  			       p_sys_ref4              IN VARCHAR2,
                               p_sys_ref5              IN NUMBER,
                               p_acct_raw_cost         IN NUMBER,
                               p_acct_bur_cost         IN NUMBER,
                               p_fc_document_type      IN VARCHAR2,
                               p_txn_source            IN VARCHAR2,
                               p_adj_exp_item_id       IN NUMBER,
		    	       p_txn_interface_id      IN NUMBER) IS

-- Cursor to fetch data from pa_transaction_interface_table.This data is later used
-- in autonomous fundscheck insert_ap_bc_pkts_autonomous procedure.

 CURSOR c_pa_txn_interface_data (p_adj_act_fc_req VARCHAR2,
                                 p_act_fc_req  VARCHAR2) IS
 Select txn.Project_Id
	-- R12 AP lines uptake : Prepayment changes
	-- For Prepayment application/pre-payment matched to PO records consider p_acct_raw_cost as amount
        ,DECODE(txn_interface_id,p_txn_interface_id, p_acct_raw_cost,txn.acct_raw_cost)
        ,DECODE(txn_interface_id,p_txn_interface_id, p_acct_raw_cost,txn.acct_raw_cost)
        ,txn.txn_interface_id  --REL12
	,txn.vendor_id /*bug 13601768*/
  From  Pa_Budget_Versions bv,
        Pa_Budget_Types bt,
        pa_budgetary_control_options pbct,
	pa_transaction_interface_all txn
 Where  bv.budget_type_code = bt.budget_type_code
   and  bt.budget_amount_code = 'C'
   and  bv.current_flag = 'Y'
   AND  pbct.project_id = bv.project_id
   AND  pbct.BDGT_CNTRL_FLAG = 'Y'
   AND  pbct.BUDGET_TYPE_CODE = bv.budget_type_code
   AND  bv.project_id = txn.project_id
   AND  txn.txn_interface_id in ( SELECT txn1.txn_interface_id
                                   FROM pa_transaction_interface_all txn1
 				   WHERE txn1.TRANSACTION_SOURCE = p_txn_source -- Condition for using index
				   -- new index usage needs to be verified for below columns
                                     AND txn1.cdl_system_reference2 = p_sys_ref2
                                     AND txn1.cdl_system_reference5 = p_sys_ref5
                                     AND txn1.fc_document_type in ('ACT','ALL')
	                             AND txn1.adjusted_expenditure_item_id IS NOT NULL
				     AND p_adj_act_fc_req = 'Y'
                                UNION ALL -- R12 AP lines uptake : Prepayment changes : Added to pick current transaction for prepayment scenarios
				  SELECT p_txn_interface_id
				    FROM DUAL
                                   WHERE p_act_fc_req  = 'Y');
Line: 12887

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_bc_packets - Start');
Line: 12888

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_bc_packets - Value of p_packet_id '||p_packet_id);
Line: 12889

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_bc_packets - Value of p_sys_ref2  '||p_sys_ref2 );
Line: 12890

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_bc_packets - Value of p_sys_ref4  '||p_sys_ref4 );
Line: 12891

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_bc_packets - Value of p_sys_ref5  '||p_sys_ref5 );
Line: 12892

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_bc_packets - Value of p_acct_raw_cost '||p_acct_raw_cost);
Line: 12893

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_bc_packets - Value of p_acct_bur_cost '||p_acct_bur_cost);
Line: 12894

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_bc_packets - Value of p_fc_document_type  '||p_fc_document_type );
Line: 12895

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_bc_packets - Value of p_txn_source '||p_txn_source);
Line: 12896

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_bc_packets - Value of p_adj_exp_item_id '||p_adj_exp_item_id);
Line: 12897

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_bc_packets - Value of p_txn_interface_id '||p_txn_interface_id);
Line: 12930

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_bc_packets - Value of l_comm_fc_req '||l_comm_fc_req);
Line: 12931

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_bc_packets - Value of l_adj_act_fc_req   '||l_adj_act_fc_req  );
Line: 12932

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_bc_packets - Value of l_act_fc_req  '||l_act_fc_req );
Line: 12962

          log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_bc_packets - # of recs fetched from interface table c_pa_txn_interface_data = '||g_xface_Txn_interface_tbl.count);
Line: 12968

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_bc_packets - calling insert_ap_bc_pkts_autonomous');
Line: 12971

                           (p_packet_id             => p_packet_id,
                            p_sys_ref2              => p_sys_ref2,
			    p_sys_ref4              => p_sys_ref4,
                            p_sys_ref5              => p_sys_ref5,
                            p_acct_raw_cost         => p_acct_raw_cost,
                            p_acct_bur_cost         => p_acct_bur_cost,
                            p_fc_document_type      => p_fc_document_type,
                            p_txn_source            => p_txn_source,
                            p_adj_exp_item_id       => p_adj_exp_item_id ,
			    p_txn_interface_id      => p_txn_interface_id,
			    p_comm_fc_req           => l_comm_fc_req,
                            p_act_fc_req            => l_act_fc_req,
                            p_adj_act_fc_req        => l_adj_act_fc_req );
Line: 12987

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'After calling insert_ap_bc_pkt_autonomous api');
Line: 12988

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_ap_bc_packets - End');
Line: 12994

      log_message('log_message:I n insert_bc_packets exception' || sqlerrm||' Returning from insert_bc_packets');
Line: 12997

END insert_ap_bc_packets;
Line: 13027

                           (p_packet_id             IN NUMBER,
                            p_sys_ref2              IN NUMBER,
			    p_sys_ref4              IN VARCHAR2,
                            p_sys_ref5              IN NUMBER,
                            p_acct_raw_cost         IN NUMBER,
                            p_acct_bur_cost         IN NUMBER,
                            p_fc_document_type      IN VARCHAR2,
                            p_txn_source            IN VARCHAR2,
                            p_adj_exp_item_id       IN NUMBER,
			    p_txn_interface_id      IN NUMBER,
			    p_comm_fc_req           IN VARCHAR2,
                            p_act_fc_req            IN VARCHAR2,
                            p_adj_act_fc_req        IN VARCHAR2) IS

Line: 13045

SELECT Pa_Bc_Packets_s.NextVal
  FROM dual;
Line: 13049

SELECT po_distribution_id
  FROM ap_invoice_distributions
 WHERE invoice_id = p_sys_ref2
   AND invoice_distribution_id = p_sys_ref5
   union /*Self Assessed Tax Changes*/
   SELECT po_distribution_id
  FROM ap_self_assessed_tax_dist
 WHERE invoice_id = p_sys_ref2
   AND invoice_distribution_id = p_sys_ref5;
Line: 13060

SELECT po_line_id
  FROM po_distributions_all
 WHERE po_distribution_id = p_po_dist_id;
Line: 13065

SELECT a.vendor_id
    FROM ap_invoices_all A, ap_invoice_distributions_all aid
    WHERE A.invoice_id = aid.invoice_id
    AND A.invoice_id                = p_sys_ref2
    AND aid.invoice_distribution_id = p_sys_ref5
UNION /* Added for bug 13859614 */
SELECT a.vendor_id
    FROM ap_invoices_all A, ap_self_assessed_tax_dist_all aid
    WHERE A.invoice_id = aid.invoice_id
    AND A.invoice_id                = p_sys_ref2
    AND aid.invoice_distribution_id = p_sys_ref5;
Line: 13084

Select bcc.Set_Of_Books_Id
       ,bcc.budget_line_id  -- R12 Funds Management uptake
 From  Pa_Bc_Commitments_all bcc
Where  bcc.Document_Header_Id = p_sys_ref2
  and  bcc.Document_Distribution_Id =p_sys_ref5
  --PA-J Receipt accrual changes
  and  bcc.document_type = 'AP'
  and bcc.exp_item_id IS NULL -- Bug 5014138 : to pick just the encumbrance record
  and bcc.actual_flag = 'E' -- Bug 5014138 : to pick just the encumbrance record
  -- Bug 5550268 : For variance we should be picking just the variance records
  /* Bug 5560524 : Modified the following condition such that the burden commitment relieving record is also
                   fetched for 'AP VARIANCE' transaction source. */
  and ((nvl(bcc.accounted_dr,0)-nvl(bcc.accounted_cr,0) = p_acct_raw_cost
        and p_txn_source = 'AP VARIANCE' and bcc.parent_bc_packet_id is null)
        p_txn_source <> 'AP VARIANCE'
        (bcc.parent_bc_packet_id is NOT null AND  p_txn_source = 'AP VARIANCE')
Line: 13139

Select  bcc.Set_Of_Books_Id
       ,bcc.budget_line_id  -- R12 Funds Management uptake
 From  Pa_Bc_Packets bcc
where  bcc.Document_Header_Id = p_sys_ref2
  and  bcc.Document_Distribution_Id =p_sys_ref5
  and  bcc.Status_Code in ('A','C')
  and  bcc.document_type = 'AP'
  and bcc.exp_item_id IS NULL -- Bug 5014138 : to pick just the encumbrance record
  and bcc.actual_flag = 'E'   -- Bug 5014138 : to pick just the encumbrance record
    -- Bug 5550268 : For variance we should be picking just the variance records
  /* Bug 5560524 : Modified the following condition such that the burden commitment relieving record is also
                   fetched for 'AP VARIANCE' transaction source. */
  and ((nvl(bcc.accounted_dr,0)-nvl(bcc.accounted_cr,0) = p_acct_raw_cost
        and p_txn_source = 'AP VARIANCE' and bcc.parent_bc_packet_id is null)
        p_txn_source <> 'AP VARIANCE'
        (bcc.parent_bc_packet_id is NOT null AND  p_txn_source = 'AP VARIANCE')
Line: 13193

SELECT bc_packet_id
  FROM pa_bc_packets
 WHERE packet_id = p_packet_id
   AND Document_Header_Id = p_sys_ref2
   AND Document_Distribution_Id =p_sys_ref5
   AND parent_bc_packet_id IS NULL
   AND status_code ='P';
Line: 13205

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_ap_bc_pkt_autonomous - Start');
Line: 13227

            log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_ap_bc_pkt_autonomous - After fetching CWK related data l_po_dist_id'||l_po_dist_id);
Line: 13228

            log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_ap_bc_pkt_autonomous - After fetching CWK related data l_po_line_id'||l_po_line_id);
Line: 13240

         log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_ap_bc_pkt_autonomous - Fetchign data from bc commitments');
Line: 13285

           log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_ap_bc_pkt_autonomous - Fetchign data from bc packets');
Line: 13327

            log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_ap_bc_pkt_autonomous - Number of commitment records fetched = '||g_bc_packet_id_tbl.count);
Line: 13337

          Insert Into Pa_Bc_Packets
		,budget_line_id -- R12 Funds management uptake
		,txn_interface_id  --REL12
         Select  p_packet_id
                ,g_bc_packet_id_tbl(i) -- Later updated with newly generated Id's
                ,g_bc_parent_pkt_id_tbl(i) -- Later updated with newly generated Id's
                ,g_Entered_Cr_tbl(i) -- reversing dr
                ,g_Entered_Dr_tbl(i) -- reversing cr
		,p_txn_interface_id --REL12
          From  dual;
Line: 13436

         log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_ap_bc_pkt_autonomous - Inserted '||SQL%ROWCOUNT||' AP reversing raw and burden line(s) into bc packets');
Line: 13443

              log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_ap_bc_pkt_autonomous -Logic to update correct bc pkt Id/parent BC pkt Id');
Line: 13451

              log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_ap_bc_pkt_autonomous -Old Bc Packet Id = ' || c_cur.bc_packet_id||'New Bc Packet Id = ' || l_Raw_Bc_Packet_Id ||'Packet Id = ' || p_packet_id);
Line: 13454

	   -- Update raw records with new bc_packet_id
            UPDATE Pa_Bc_Packets
	       SET bc_packet_id = l_Raw_Bc_Packet_Id
             WHERE packet_id = p_packet_id
               AND bc_packet_id = c_cur.bc_packet_id;
Line: 13461

              log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_ap_bc_pkt_autonomous - NUmber of raw packets updated with new bc_packet_id '||SQL%ROWCOUNT);
Line: 13465

            UPDATE Pa_Bc_Packets
	       SET bc_packet_id = Pa_Bc_Packets_s.NextVal
	           ,parent_bc_packet_id = l_Raw_Bc_Packet_Id
             WHERE packet_id = p_packet_id
               AND parent_bc_packet_id = c_cur.bc_packet_id;
Line: 13472

              log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_ap_bc_pkt_autonomous - NUmber of burden packets updated with new parent_bc_packet_id '||SQL%ROWCOUNT);
Line: 13483

            log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_ap_bc_pkt_autonomous - Before inserting ACTUAL raw line from bc packets');
Line: 13489

          Insert Into Pa_Bc_Packets
		,budget_line_id -- R12 Funds management uptake
		,txn_interface_id  --REL12
          Select p_Packet_Id
		,g_budget_line_id_tbl(i) -- R12 Funds management uptake
                ,DECODE(p_txn_source,'AP DISCOUNTS',p_acct_raw_cost,g_Entered_Dr_tbl(i))
                ,DECODE(p_txn_source,'AP DISCOUNTS',0,g_Entered_Cr_tbl(i))
                ,DECODE(p_txn_source,'AP DISCOUNTS',p_acct_raw_cost,g_acct_Dr_tbl(i))
                ,DECODE(p_txn_source,'AP DISCOUNTS',0,g_acct_Cr_tbl(i))
                ,'Project Accounting'
                ,DECODE(p_txn_source,'AP DISCOUNTS',NULL,l_po_line_id)
		,DECODE(p_txn_source,'AP DISCOUNTS',NULL,'EXP')
		,DECODE(p_txn_source,'AP DISCOUNTS',NULL,x_Ei_Id)
		,DECODE(p_txn_source,'AP DISCOUNTS',NULL,1)
		,p_txn_interface_id  --REL12
          From  Pa_Budget_Versions bv,
                Pa_Budget_Types bt,
                pa_budgetary_control_options pbct
         Where  bt.budget_type_Code = bv.budget_type_Code
           and  bt.budget_amount_code = 'C'
           and  bv.project_id = g_project_id_tbl(i)
           and  bv.current_flag = 'Y'
           and  pbct.project_id = bv.project_id
           and  pbct.BDGT_CNTRL_FLAG = 'Y'
           and  pbct.BUDGET_TYPE_CODE = bv.budget_type_code
           and (pbct.EXTERNAL_BUDGET_CODE = 'GL'
                pbct.EXTERNAL_BUDGET_CODE is NULL
	   and  g_bc_parent_pkt_id_tbl(i) IS NULL;  -- Need to fire only for raw records
Line: 13600

	  /* Bug 5984525 : The following code is modified so that ACTUAL lines are inserted correctly
	     into pa bc packets while interfacing discounts to Projects. */
            IF PG_DEBUG = 'Y' THEN
                 log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_ap_bc_pkt_autonomous - Inserted 1 ACTUAL raw line(s) into bc packets');
Line: 13627

            log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_ap_bc_pkt_autonomous - Before inserting adjusted ACTUAL raw line from transaction import table');
Line: 13631

         Insert Into Pa_Bc_Packets
		,txn_interface_id  --REL12
          Select p_Packet_Id
		-- R12 AP lines uptake : Prepayment changes
		-- For Prepayment application/pre-payment matched to PO records consider p_acct_raw_cost as amount
                ,'A' --Actual_Flag
                ,'Project Accounting'
		,g_xface_Txn_interface_tbl(i)  --REL12
          From  dual;
Line: 13724

            log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_ap_bc_pkt_autonomous - Inserted '||SQL%ROWCOUNT||' ACTUAL raw line(s) into bc packets');
Line: 13731

     log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_ap_bc_pkt_autonomous - End');
Line: 13737

      log_message('log_message: In insert_ap_bc_pkt_autonomous - ' || sqlerrm||' Returning from insert_ap_bc_pkt_autonomous');
Line: 13740

END insert_ap_bc_pkt_autonomous;
Line: 13747

PROCEDURE insert_cash_ap_bc_packets(p_packet_id             IN NUMBER,
                                    p_sys_ref2              IN NUMBER,
                                    p_sys_ref5              IN NUMBER,
                                    p_acct_raw_cost         IN NUMBER,
                                    p_fc_document_type      IN VARCHAR2,
                                    p_txn_source            IN VARCHAR2,
                                    p_adj_exp_item_id       IN NUMBER,
			            p_txn_interface_id      IN NUMBER,
			            p_cash_pay_to_relieve   IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0) IS

-- Cursor to fetch data from pa_transaction_interface_table.This data is later used
-- in autonomous fundscheck insert_ap_bc_pkts_autonomous procedure.

 CURSOR c_pa_txn_interface_data (p_adj_act_fc_req VARCHAR2,
                                 p_act_fc_req  VARCHAR2) IS
 Select txn.Project_Id
	-- R12 AP lines uptake : Prepayment changes
	-- For Prepayment application/pre-payment matched to PO records consider p_acct_raw_cost as amount
        ,DECODE(txn_interface_id,p_txn_interface_id, p_acct_raw_cost,txn.acct_raw_cost)
        ,DECODE(txn_interface_id,p_txn_interface_id, p_acct_raw_cost,txn.acct_raw_cost)
        ,txn.txn_interface_id  --REL12
  From  Pa_Budget_Versions bv,
        Pa_Budget_Types bt,
        pa_budgetary_control_options pbct,
	pa_transaction_interface_all txn
 Where  bv.budget_type_code = bt.budget_type_code
   and  bt.budget_amount_code = 'C'
   and  bv.current_flag = 'Y'
   AND  pbct.project_id = bv.project_id
   AND  pbct.BDGT_CNTRL_FLAG = 'Y'
   AND  pbct.BUDGET_TYPE_CODE = bv.budget_type_code
   AND  bv.project_id = txn.project_id
   AND  txn.txn_interface_id in ( SELECT txn1.txn_interface_id
                                   FROM pa_transaction_interface_all txn1
 				   WHERE txn1.TRANSACTION_SOURCE = p_txn_source -- Condition for using index
				   -- new index usage needs to be verified for below columns
                                     AND txn1.cdl_system_reference2 = p_sys_ref2
                                     AND txn1.cdl_system_reference5 = p_sys_ref5
                                     AND txn1.fc_document_type in ('ACT','ALL')
	                             AND txn1.adjusted_expenditure_item_id IS NOT NULL
				     AND p_adj_act_fc_req = 'Y'
                                UNION ALL -- R12 AP lines uptake : Prepayment changes : Added to pick current transaction for prepayment scenarios
				  SELECT p_txn_interface_id
				    FROM DUAL
                                   WHERE p_act_fc_req  = 'Y');
Line: 13814

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_cash_ap_bc_packets - Start');
Line: 13815

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_cash_ap_bc_packets - Value of p_packet_id '||p_packet_id);
Line: 13816

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_cash_ap_bc_packets - Value of p_sys_ref2  '||p_sys_ref2 );
Line: 13817

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_cash_ap_bc_packets - Value of p_sys_ref5  '||p_sys_ref5 );
Line: 13818

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_cash_ap_bc_packets - Value of p_acct_raw_cost '||p_acct_raw_cost);
Line: 13819

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_cash_ap_bc_packets - Value of p_fc_document_type  '||p_fc_document_type );
Line: 13820

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_cash_ap_bc_packets - Value of p_txn_source '||p_txn_source);
Line: 13821

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_cash_ap_bc_packets - Value of p_adj_exp_item_id '||p_adj_exp_item_id);
Line: 13822

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_cash_ap_bc_packets - Value of p_txn_interface_id '||p_txn_interface_id);
Line: 13858

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_cash_ap_bc_packets - Value of l_comm_fc_req '||l_comm_fc_req);
Line: 13859

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_cash_ap_bc_packets - Value of l_adj_act_fc_req   '||l_adj_act_fc_req  );
Line: 13860

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_cash_ap_bc_packets - Value of l_act_fc_req  '||l_act_fc_req );
Line: 13890

          log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_cash_ap_bc_packets - fetched data from interface table c_pa_txn_interface_data ');
Line: 13896

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_cash_ap_bc_packets - calling insert_cash_ap_bc_pkt_auto');
Line: 13899

                           (p_packet_id             => p_packet_id,
                            p_sys_ref2              => p_sys_ref2,
                            p_sys_ref5              => p_sys_ref5,
                            p_acct_raw_cost         => p_acct_raw_cost,
                            p_fc_document_type      => p_fc_document_type,
                            p_txn_source            => p_txn_source,
                            p_adj_exp_item_id       => p_adj_exp_item_id ,
			    p_txn_interface_id      => p_txn_interface_id,
		            p_cash_pay_to_relieve   => p_cash_pay_to_relieve,
			    p_comm_fc_req           => l_comm_fc_req,
                            p_act_fc_req            => l_act_fc_req,
                            p_adj_act_fc_req        => l_adj_act_fc_req );
Line: 13914

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'After Calling insert_cash_ap_bc_pkt_auto api');
Line: 13915

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_cash_ap_bc_packets - End');
Line: 13921

      log_message('log_message:I n insert_cash_ap_bc_packets exception' || sqlerrm||' Returning from insert_cash_ap_bc_packets');
Line: 13924

END insert_cash_ap_bc_packets;
Line: 13941

PROCEDURE insert_cash_ap_bc_pkt_auto
                                   (p_packet_id             IN NUMBER,
                                    p_sys_ref2              IN NUMBER,
                                    p_sys_ref5              IN NUMBER,
                                    p_acct_raw_cost         IN NUMBER,
                                    p_fc_document_type      IN VARCHAR2,
                                    p_txn_source            IN VARCHAR2,
                                    p_adj_exp_item_id       IN NUMBER,
			            p_txn_interface_id      IN NUMBER,
			            p_cash_pay_to_relieve   IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0,
            			    p_comm_fc_req           IN VARCHAR2,
                                    p_act_fc_req            IN VARCHAR2,
                                    p_adj_act_fc_req        IN VARCHAR2) IS

Line: 13958

SELECT Pa_Bc_Packets_s.NextVal
  FROM dual;
Line: 13962

SELECT po_distribution_id
  FROM ap_invoice_distributions
 WHERE invoice_id = p_sys_ref2
   AND invoice_distribution_id = p_sys_ref5
   union /*Self Assessed Tax Changes*/
  SELECT po_distribution_id
  FROM ap_invoice_distributions
 WHERE invoice_id = p_sys_ref2
   AND invoice_distribution_id = p_sys_ref5 ;
Line: 13973

SELECT po_line_id
  FROM po_distributions_all
 WHERE po_distribution_id = p_po_dist_id;
Line: 13979

SELECT a.vendor_id
    FROM ap_invoices_all A, ap_invoice_distributions_all aid
    WHERE A.invoice_id = aid.invoice_id
    AND A.invoice_id                = p_sys_ref2
    AND aid.invoice_distribution_id = p_sys_ref5
UNION /* Added for bug 13859614 */
SELECT a.vendor_id
    FROM ap_invoices_all A, ap_self_assessed_tax_dist_all aid
    WHERE A.invoice_id = aid.invoice_id
    AND A.invoice_id                = p_sys_ref2
    AND aid.invoice_distribution_id = p_sys_ref5;
Line: 13992

Select  bcc.Set_Of_Books_Id
       ,bcc.budget_line_id -- R12 Funds management uptake
 From  Pa_Bc_Commitments_all bcc
Where  bcc.Document_Header_Id = p_sys_ref2
  and  bcc.Document_Distribution_Id = p_sys_ref5
  and  bcc.Parent_Bc_Packet_Id is NULL
  --PA-J Receipt accrual changes
  and  bcc.document_type = 'AP'
  and bcc.exp_item_id IS NULL -- Bug 5014138 : to pick just the encumbrance record
  and bcc.actual_flag = 'E'   -- Bug 5014138 : to pick just the encumbrance record
  -- R12 Ap lines Uptake : For cash based accounting which can have multiple packets associated with a distribution.
  and  rownum = 1 ;
Line: 14029

Select  bcc.Set_Of_Books_Id
       ,bcc.budget_line_id -- R12 Funds management uptake
 From  Pa_Bc_Packets bcc
where  bcc.Document_Header_Id = p_sys_ref2
  and  bcc.Document_Distribution_Id = p_sys_ref5
  and  bcc.Status_Code in ('A','C')
  and  bcc.Parent_Bc_Packet_Id is NULL
  and  bcc.document_type = 'AP'
  and bcc.exp_item_id IS NULL -- Bug 5014138 : to pick just the encumbrance record
  and bcc.actual_flag = 'E'   -- Bug 5014138 : to pick just the encumbrance record
  -- R12 Ap lines Uptake : Added for cash based accounting which can have multiple packets associated witha  distribution.
  and  rownum = 1 ;
Line: 14074

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_cash_ap_bc_pkt_auto - Start');
Line: 14096

            log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_cash_ap_bc_pkt_auto - After fetching CWK related data l_po_dist_id'||l_po_dist_id);
Line: 14097

            log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_cash_ap_bc_pkt_auto - After fetching CWK related data l_po_line_id'||l_po_line_id);
Line: 14109

         log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_cash_ap_bc_pkt_auto - Fetchign data from bc commitments');
Line: 14148

           log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_cash_ap_bc_pkt_auto - Fetchign data from bc packets');
Line: 14193

           log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_cash_ap_bc_pkt_auto - Generating new Bc packet Id for reversing RAW act and commitment line');
Line: 14201

          log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_cash_ap_bc_pkt_auto - Bc Packet Id = ' || l_Raw_Bc_Packet_Id ||'Packet Id = ' || p_packet_id);
Line: 14207

           log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_cash_ap_bc_pkt_auto - Before inserting AP reversing raw and burden line from bc commitments');
Line: 14210

          Insert Into Pa_Bc_Packets
 	        ,budget_line_id -- R12 funds management uptake
		,txn_interface_id  --REL12
         Select  p_packet_id
                ,bcc.Pa_Date -- pa_date on raw is used for burden line
 	        ,bcc.budget_line_id -- R12 funds management uptake
 	  				            ,pa_currency.round_trans_currency_amt1((p_cash_pay_to_relieve * bcc.compiled_multiplier),G_accounting_currency_code))
 	  				            ,pa_currency.round_trans_currency_amt1((p_cash_pay_to_relieve * bcc.compiled_multiplier),G_accounting_currency_code))
		,p_txn_interface_id --REL12
          From  Pa_Bc_Commitments_all bcc
         Where  bcc.Document_Header_Id = p_sys_ref2 -- Added for using index
           and  bcc.Document_Distribution_Id = p_sys_ref5
           and  bcc.packet_id = g_packet_id_tbl(i)
	   and  bcc.document_type = 'AP' ;
Line: 14315

         log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_cash_ap_bc_pkt_auto - Inserted '||SQL%ROWCOUNT||' AP reversing raw and burden line(s) into bc packets');
Line: 14324

            log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_cash_ap_bc_pkt_auto - Before inserting the AP raw and burden lines from Bc Packets');
Line: 14327

          Insert Into Pa_Bc_Packets
 	        ,budget_line_id -- R12 funds management uptake
		,txn_interface_id  --REL12
          Select p_packet_id
 	        ,bcc.budget_line_id -- R12 funds management uptake
 	  				            ,pa_currency.round_trans_currency_amt1((p_cash_pay_to_relieve * bcc.compiled_multiplier),G_accounting_currency_code))
 	  				            ,pa_currency.round_trans_currency_amt1((p_cash_pay_to_relieve * bcc.compiled_multiplier),G_accounting_currency_code))
		,p_txn_interface_id  --REL12
          From  Pa_Bc_Packets bcc
         Where  bcc.packet_id                = g_packet_id_tbl(i)
	   and  bcc.document_type            = 'AP'
           -- Bug : 4962731
           and  bcc.Document_Header_Id       = p_sys_ref2 -- Added for using index
           and  bcc.Document_Distribution_Id = p_sys_ref5
	   and  bcc.Status_Code in ('A','C');
Line: 14435

            log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_cash_ap_bc_pkt_auto - Before inserting the AP raw and burden lines from Bc Packets');
Line: 14446

            log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_cash_ap_bc_pkt_auto - Before inserting ACTUAL raw line from bc packets');
Line: 14449

          Insert Into Pa_Bc_Packets
 	        ,budget_line_id -- R12 funds management uptake
		,txn_interface_id  --REL12
          Select p_Packet_Id
 	        ,g_budget_line_id_tbl(i) -- R12 funds management uptake
                ,'Project Accounting'
		,p_txn_interface_id  --REL12
          From  Pa_Budget_Versions bv,
                Pa_Budget_Types bt,
                pa_budgetary_control_options pbct
         Where  bt.budget_type_Code = bv.budget_type_Code
           and  bt.budget_amount_code = 'C'
           and  bv.project_id = g_project_id_tbl(i)
           and  bv.current_flag = 'Y'
           and  pbct.project_id = bv.project_id
           and  pbct.BDGT_CNTRL_FLAG = 'Y'
           and  pbct.BUDGET_TYPE_CODE = bv.budget_type_code
           and (pbct.EXTERNAL_BUDGET_CODE = 'GL'
                pbct.EXTERNAL_BUDGET_CODE is NULL
Line: 14555

            log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_cash_ap_bc_pkt_auto - Inserted '||SQL%ROWCOUNT||' ACTUAL raw line(s) into bc packets');
Line: 14574

            log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_cash_ap_bc_pkt_auto - Before inserting adjusted ACTUAL raw line from transaction import table');
Line: 14578

         Insert Into Pa_Bc_Packets
		,txn_interface_id  --REL12
          Select p_Packet_Id
		-- R12 AP lines uptake : Prepayment changes
		-- For Prepayment application/pre-payment matched to PO records consider p_acct_raw_cost as amount
                ,'A' --Actual_Flag
                ,'Project Accounting'
		,g_xface_Txn_interface_tbl(i)  --REL12
          From  dual;
Line: 14671

            log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_cash_ap_bc_pkt_auto - Before inserting adjusted ACTUAL raw line from transaction import table');
Line: 14678

     log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_cash_ap_bc_pkt_auto - End');
Line: 14684

      log_message('log_message: In insert_cash_ap_bc_pkt_auto exception' || sqlerrm||' Returning from insert_cash_ap_bc_pkt_auto');
Line: 14687

END insert_cash_ap_bc_pkt_auto;
Line: 14693

PROCEDURE insert_po_bc_packets
                           (p_packet_id             IN NUMBER,
                            p_sys_ref2              IN NUMBER,
                            p_sys_ref4              IN NUMBER,
			    p_sys_ref3              IN NUMBER,
                            p_acct_raw_cost         IN NUMBER,
			    p_cmt_raw_cost          IN NUMBER,
                            p_fc_document_type      IN VARCHAR2,
                            p_txn_source            IN VARCHAR2,
                            p_adj_exp_item_id       IN NUMBER,
			    p_txn_interface_id      IN NUMBER) IS

-- Cursor to fetch data from pa_transaction_interface_table.This data is later used
-- in autonomous fundscheck insert_ap_bc_pkts_autonomous procedure.

 CURSOR c_pa_txn_interface_data IS
 Select txn.Project_Id
	-- R12 AP lines uptake : Prepayment changes
	-- For Prepayment application/pre-payment matched to PO records consider p_acct_raw_cost as amount
        ,txn.txn_interface_id  --REL12
  From  Pa_Budget_Versions bv,
        Pa_Budget_Types bt,
        pa_budgetary_control_options pbct,
        pa_transaction_interface_all txn
 Where  bv.budget_type_code = bt.budget_type_code
   and  bt.budget_amount_code = 'C'
   and  bv.current_flag = 'Y'
   AND  pbct.project_id = bv.project_id
   AND  pbct.BDGT_CNTRL_FLAG = 'Y'
   AND  pbct.BUDGET_TYPE_CODE = bv.budget_type_code
   AND bv.project_id = txn.project_id
   and txn.TRANSACTION_SOURCE = p_txn_source -- Condition for using index
    -- new index usage needs to be verified for below columns
   AND txn.cdl_system_reference2 = p_sys_ref2
   AND txn.cdl_system_reference3 = p_sys_ref3 --Bug 5550268
   --Bug 5550268  : Will be NULL when fired from ap_po_fundscheck_check
   AND (txn.cdl_system_reference4 = p_sys_ref4 OR p_sys_ref4 IS NULL)
   AND txn.fc_document_type in ('ACT','ALL')
   AND txn.adjusted_expenditure_item_id IS NOT NULL;
Line: 14756

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_po_bc_packets - Start');
Line: 14757

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_po_bc_packets - Value of p_packet_id '||p_packet_id);
Line: 14758

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_po_bc_packets - Value of p_sys_ref2  '||p_sys_ref2 );
Line: 14759

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_po_bc_packets - Value of p_sys_ref4  '||p_sys_ref4 );
Line: 14760

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_po_bc_packets - Value of p_sys_ref3  '||p_sys_ref3 );
Line: 14761

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_po_bc_packets - Value of p_acct_raw_cost '||p_acct_raw_cost);
Line: 14762

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_po_bc_packets - Value of p_cmt_raw_cost '||p_cmt_raw_cost); -- Bug 5731450
Line: 14763

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_po_bc_packets - Value of p_fc_document_type  '||p_fc_document_type );
Line: 14764

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_po_bc_packets - Value of p_txn_source '||p_txn_source);
Line: 14765

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_po_bc_packets - Value of p_adj_exp_item_id '||p_adj_exp_item_id);
Line: 14766

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_po_bc_packets - Value of p_txn_interface_id '||p_txn_interface_id);
Line: 14798

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_po_bc_packets - Value of l_comm_fc_req '||l_comm_fc_req);
Line: 14799

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_po_bc_packets - Value of l_adj_act_fc_req   '||l_adj_act_fc_req  );
Line: 14800

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_po_bc_packets - Value of l_act_fc_req  '||l_act_fc_req );
Line: 14830

          log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_po_bc_packets - fetched data from interface table c_pa_txn_interface_data ');
Line: 14836

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_po_bc_packets - calling insert_po_bc_packets_auto');
Line: 14839

                           (p_packet_id             => p_packet_id,
                            p_sys_ref2              => p_sys_ref2,
                            p_sys_ref4              => p_sys_ref4,
			    p_sys_ref3              => p_sys_ref3,
                            p_acct_raw_cost         => p_acct_raw_cost,
			    p_cmt_raw_cost          => p_cmt_raw_cost,
                            p_fc_document_type      => p_fc_document_type,
                            p_txn_source            => p_txn_source,
                            p_adj_exp_item_id       => p_adj_exp_item_id ,
			    p_txn_interface_id      => p_txn_interface_id,
			    p_comm_fc_req           => l_comm_fc_req,
                            p_act_fc_req            => l_act_fc_req,
                            p_adj_act_fc_req        => l_adj_act_fc_req );
Line: 14855

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_po_bc_packets - End');
Line: 14861

      log_message('log_message:I n insert_po_bc_packets exception' || sqlerrm||' Returning from insert_po_bc_packets');
Line: 14864

END insert_po_bc_packets;
Line: 14866

PROCEDURE insert_po_bc_packets_auto
                           (p_packet_id             IN NUMBER,
                            p_sys_ref2              IN NUMBER,
                            p_sys_ref4              IN NUMBER,
			    p_sys_ref3              IN NUMBER,
                            p_acct_raw_cost         IN NUMBER,
                            p_cmt_raw_cost          IN NUMBER,
                            p_fc_document_type      IN VARCHAR2,
                            p_txn_source            IN VARCHAR2,
                            p_adj_exp_item_id       IN NUMBER,
			    p_txn_interface_id      IN NUMBER,
			    p_comm_fc_req           IN VARCHAR2,
                            p_act_fc_req            IN VARCHAR2,
                            p_adj_act_fc_req        IN VARCHAR2) IS
CURSOR c_gen_raw_bc_pkt IS
SELECT Pa_Bc_Packets_s.NextVal
  FROM dual;
Line: 14885

SELECT po_line_id
  FROM po_distributions_all
 WHERE po_distribution_id = p_po_dist_id;
Line: 14891

select distinct expenditure_item_date
from pa_transaction_interface_all
where txn_interface_id = p_txn_interface_id;
Line: 14896

Select  bcc.Set_Of_Books_Id
       ,bcc.budget_line_id -- R12 funds management uptake
 From  Pa_Bc_Commitments_all bcc,
       po_distributions pod
  -- R12 Funds management Uptake : For fixing performance issues removing the code for CC which is obsolete for R12
  -- Modifying code to use Index on document_header_id and document_distribution_id of bc commitments
where bcc.document_header_id = pod.po_header_id
  and bcc.document_distribution_id = pod.po_distribution_id
  and bcc.project_id = pod.project_id -- Bug# 4479105
  and bcc.task_id = pod.task_id --Bug# 4479105
  and bcc.expenditure_type = pod.expenditure_type -- Bug7620577
  and bcc.document_type = 'PO'
  and pod.po_header_id = p_sys_ref2
  and pod.po_distribution_id = p_sys_ref3
  and bcc.exp_item_id IS NULL -- Bug 5014138 : to pick just the encumbrance record
  and bcc.actual_flag = 'E'   -- Bug 5014138 : to pick just the encumbrance record
  and  bcc.Parent_Bc_Packet_Id is NULL
Order By  bcc.packet_id;
Line: 14940

Select  bcc.Set_Of_Books_Id
       ,bcc.budget_line_id -- R12 funds management uptake
  -- R12 Funds management Uptake : For fixing performance issues removing the code for CC which is obsolete for R12
  -- Modifying code to use Index on document_header_id and document_distribution_id of bc commitments
 From  Pa_Bc_packets bcc,
       po_distributions pod
where bcc.document_header_id = pod.po_header_id
  and bcc.document_distribution_id = pod.po_distribution_id
  and bcc.project_id = pod.project_id -- Bug# 4479105
  and bcc.task_id = pod.task_id --Bug# 4479105
  and bcc.expenditure_type = pod.expenditure_type -- Bug7620577
  and bcc.document_type = 'PO'
  and pod.po_header_id = p_sys_ref2
  and pod.po_distribution_id = p_sys_ref3
  and bcc.exp_item_id IS NULL -- Bug 5014138 : to pick just the encumbrance record
  and bcc.actual_flag = 'E'   -- Bug 5014138 : to pick just the encumbrance record
  and  bcc.Status_Code in('A','C')
  and  bcc.Parent_Bc_Packet_Id is NULL
Order By  bcc.packet_id;
Line: 14992

       log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_po_bc_packets_auto - Start');
Line: 15005

            log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_po_bc_packets_auto - After fetching CWK related data l_po_line_id'||l_po_line_id);
Line: 15017

         log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_po_bc_packets_auto - Fetchign data from bc commitments');
Line: 15060

           log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_po_bc_packets_auto - Fetchign data from bc packets');
Line: 15111

           log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_po_bc_packets_auto - Generating new Bc packet Id for reversing RAW act and commitment line');
Line: 15119

          log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_po_bc_packets_auto - Bc Packet Id = ' || l_Raw_Bc_Packet_Id ||'Packet Id = ' || p_packet_id);
Line: 15125

           log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_po_bc_packets_auto - Before inserting PO reversing raw and burden line from bc commitments');
Line: 15128

          Insert Into Pa_Bc_Packets
                ,Budget_line_id -- R12 funds management uptake
		,txn_interface_id  --REL12
         Select  p_packet_id
              --  ,bcc.Pa_Date -- pa_date on raw is used for burden line  /* changed to g_padate for 16451280  */
                ,bcc.Budget_line_id -- R12 funds management uptake
                                                (-1 * p_cmt_raw_cost), --rshaik
                                                (0 - (pa_currency.round_trans_currency_amt1((((nvl(bcc.Entered_dr,0)-nvl(bcc.Entered_Cr,0))/
                                                  *p_cmt_raw_cost), G_accounting_currency_code))))
                                                (-1 * p_cmt_raw_cost)
                                                ,(0 - (pa_currency.round_trans_currency_amt1((((nvl(bcc.Accounted_dr,0)-nvl(bcc.Accounted_cr,0))/
                                                  *p_cmt_raw_cost), G_accounting_currency_code))))
                ,decode(p_txn_source, 'AP NRTAX' , g_Je_Catg_Name_tbl(i)||' Tax', g_Je_Catg_Name_tbl(i))
		,p_txn_interface_id --REL12
          From  Pa_Bc_Commitments_all bcc
         Where  bcc.bc_commitment_id in (SELECT bcc1.bc_commitment_id
                                           FROM PA_BC_COMMITMENTS_ALL bcc1
                                          WHERE bcc1.document_header_id = p_sys_ref2
                                            AND bcc1.document_distribution_id = p_sys_ref3
					    AND bcc1.parent_bc_packet_id = g_bc_packet_id_tbl(i)
                                          UNIOn ALL
                                         SELECT g_bc_comt_id_tbl(i)
                                           FROM DUAL);
Line: 15246

         log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_po_bc_packets_auto - Inserted '||SQL%ROWCOUNT||' PO reversing raw and burden line(s) into bc packets');
Line: 15255

            log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_po_bc_packets_auto - Before inserting the PO raw and burden lines from Bc Packets');
Line: 15258

          Insert Into Pa_Bc_Packets
                ,Budget_line_id -- R12 funds management uptake
		,txn_interface_id  --REL12
          Select p_packet_id
                --,bcc.pa_date       /* changed to g_padate for 16451280  */
                --,bcc.Expenditure_Item_Date  /* changed to l_expenditure_item_date for 16451280  */
                ,bcc.Budget_line_id -- R12 funds management uptake
                                                -1 * p_cmt_raw_cost,
                                                (0 - (pa_currency.round_trans_currency_amt1((((nvl(bcc.Entered_dr,0)-nvl(bcc.Entered_Cr,0))/
                                                  0,1,(nvl(g_Entered_Dr_tbl(i),0)-nvl(g_Entered_Cr_tbl(i) ,0))))
                                                  *p_cmt_raw_cost), G_accounting_currency_code))))
                                                -1 * p_cmt_raw_cost
                                                ,(0 - (pa_currency.round_trans_currency_amt1((((nvl(bcc.Accounted_dr,0)-nvl(bcc.Accounted_cr,0))/
                                                  *p_cmt_raw_cost), G_accounting_currency_code))))
		,p_txn_interface_id  --REL12
          From  Pa_Bc_Packets bcc
         Where  bcc.packet_id = g_packet_id_tbl(i)
           and  bcc.bc_packet_id in (SELECT bcc1.bc_packet_id
                                       FROM PA_BC_PACKETS bcc1
                                      WHERE bcc1.packet_id = g_packet_id_tbl(i)
				       and  bcc1.parent_bc_packet_id = g_bc_packet_id_tbl(i)
				       and  bcc1.Status_Code in ('A','C')
                                     UNIOn ALL
                                     SELECT g_bc_packet_id_tbl(i)
                                       FROM DUAL);
Line: 15378

         log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_po_bc_packets_auto - Inserted '||SQL%ROWCOUNT||' PO reversing raw and burden line(s) into bc packets');
Line: 15389

            log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_po_bc_packets_auto - Before inserting ACTUAL raw line from bc packets');
Line: 15392

          Insert Into Pa_Bc_Packets
                ,Budget_line_id -- R12 funds management uptake
		,txn_interface_id  --REL12
          Select p_Packet_Id
               --  ,g_Pa_Date_tbl(i)   /* changed to g_padate for 16451280  */
                --,g_ei_date_tbl(i)    /* changed to l_expenditure_item_date for 16451280 */
                ,g_budget_line_id_tbl(i) -- R12 funds management uptake
                ,'Project Accounting'
		,p_txn_interface_id  --REL12
          From  Pa_Budget_Versions bv,
                Pa_Budget_Types bt,
                pa_budgetary_control_options pbct
         Where  bt.budget_type_Code = bv.budget_type_Code
           and  bt.budget_amount_code = 'C'
           and  bv.project_id = g_project_id_tbl(i)
           and  bv.current_flag = 'Y'
           and  pbct.project_id = bv.project_id
           and  pbct.BDGT_CNTRL_FLAG = 'Y'
           and  pbct.BUDGET_TYPE_CODE = bv.budget_type_code
           and (pbct.EXTERNAL_BUDGET_CODE = 'GL'
                pbct.EXTERNAL_BUDGET_CODE is NULL
Line: 15500

            log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_po_bc_packets_auto - Inserted '||SQL%ROWCOUNT||' ACTUAL raw line(s) into bc packets');
Line: 15511

            log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_po_bc_packets_auto - Before inserting adjusted ACTUAL raw line from transaction import table');
Line: 15515

         Insert Into Pa_Bc_Packets
		,txn_interface_id  --REL12
          Select p_Packet_Id
               --  ,g_xface_ei_date_tbl(i) /* changed to l_expenditure_item_date for 16451280 */
	       , l_expenditure_item_date
                ,'A' --Actual_Flag
                ,'Project Accounting'
          From  dual;
Line: 15607

            log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_po_bc_packets_auto - Inserted '||SQL%ROWCOUNT||' ACTUAL raw line(s) into bc packets');
Line: 15614

     log_message('log_message: ' || 'In insert_po_bc_packets_auto - End');
Line: 15620

      log_message('log_message: insert_po_bc_packets_auto ' || sqlerrm||' Returning from insert_po_bc_packets_auto');
Line: 15623

END insert_po_bc_packets_auto;