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Line 299: from per_all_assignments_f asg2

295: and paf.business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id /*4483028*/
296: -- Bug 3446744 Checking if the employee has been terminated before issuing the P60
297: and (pps.actual_termination_date is null or pps.actual_termination_date > cp_end_date)
298: and paf.effective_start_date = (select max(asg2.effective_start_date)
299: from per_all_assignments_f asg2
300: where asg2.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
301: and asg2.effective_start_date <= cp_end_date
302: and nvl(asg2.effective_end_date, to_date('31-12-4712','DD-MM-RRRR')) >= cp_start_date)
303: /*bug 3595646*/

Line 395: from per_all_assignments_f paaf, per_assignment_extra_info paei

391: paa.assignment_action_id),16))
392: FROM pay_assignment_actions paa,pay_payroll_actions ppa
393: WHERE ((c_ppsn is null and paa.assignment_id=c_assignment_id)
394: OR(c_ppsn is not null and paa.assignment_id in (select paaf.assignment_id
395: from per_all_assignments_f paaf, per_assignment_extra_info paei
396: where paaf.person_id = c_person_id
397: and paaf.assignment_id=paei.assignment_id
398: and paei.information_type = 'IE_ASG_OVERRIDE'
399: and paei.aei_information1 = c_ppsn --'314678745T'

Line 451: FROM per_all_assignments_f paaf,

448: CURSOR cur_paye_ref(c_assignment_id per_all_assignments.assignment_id%type
449: ,c_person_id per_all_people_f.person_id%type) IS
450: SELECT scl.segment4 paye_ref
451: FROM per_all_assignments_f paaf,
452: pay_all_payrolls_f papf,
453: hr_soft_coding_keyflex scl
454: WHERE paaf.person_id = c_person_id
455: AND paaf.assignment_id=c_assignment_id