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Line 7347: AND p_source_table = 'OKL_TXD_AR_LN_DTLS_B'

7343: l_fin_prod_id_det := NULL; -- financial product is NA for repurchase quote creation, updation
7344: l_int_disclosed_det := 'N';
7345: END IF;
7346: ELSIF ( (p_source_trx_name = 'Billing' OR p_source_trx_name = 'Credit Memo')
7347: AND p_source_table = 'OKL_TXD_AR_LN_DTLS_B'
7348: ) THEN -- Billing from other transactions (not stream biling)
7349: IF p_qtp_code LIKE 'TER%' THEN -- termination quote billing
7350: IF p_early_term_yn = 'Y' THEN
7351: -- get Early term purchase option

Line 7840: AND ( p_source_table = 'OKL_TXD_AR_LN_DTLS_B' )

7837: IF ( (p_source_trx_name IS NULL AND p_source_table = 'OKL_TRX_QUOTES_B' AND p_qtp_code LIKE 'REP%')-- Repurchase quote creation/updation
7838: OR
7839: ( ( p_source_trx_name = 'Billing' OR p_source_trx_name = 'Credit Memo' )
7840: AND ( p_source_table = 'OKL_TXD_AR_LN_DTLS_B' )
7841: AND ( p_qtp_code LIKE 'REP%' OR p_purpose_code IN ('AMBSPR','CURE','REPAIR_CHARGE') )
7842: ) -- Repurchase quote billing OR Remk,asset repair or vendor cure billing
7843: ) THEN

Line 8284: FROM okl_trx_ar_invoices_b hdr, okl_txl_ar_inv_lns_b line, okl_txd_ar_ln_dtls_b det

8281: -- get the billing line details
8282: CURSOR l_txdarlndtls_csr(cp_sel_id IN NUMBER, cp_sty_id IN NUMBER) IS
8283: SELECT hdr.id trx_id, det.id trx_line_id
8284: FROM okl_trx_ar_invoices_b hdr, okl_txl_ar_inv_lns_b line, okl_txd_ar_ln_dtls_b det
8285: WHERE det.sel_id = cp_sel_id
8286: AND det.sty_id = cp_sty_id
8287: AND det.til_id_details = line.id
8288: AND line.tai_id = hdr.id;

Line 19051: | p_source_trx_id -- OKL_TXD_AR_LN_DTLS_B.ID

19047: | okl_am_util_pvt.get_formula_value()
19048: |
19050: | - Billing
19051: | p_source_trx_id -- OKL_TXD_AR_LN_DTLS_B.ID
19052: | p_source_trx_name -- Billing / Credit Memo transaction
19053: | p_source_table -- OKL_TXD_AR_LN_DTLS_B
19054: | - P2P
19055: | p_source_trx_id -- OKL_TXL_AP_INV_LNS_ALL_B.ID

Line 19053: | p_source_table -- OKL_TXD_AR_LN_DTLS_B

19050: | - Billing
19051: | p_source_trx_id -- OKL_TXD_AR_LN_DTLS_B.ID
19052: | p_source_trx_name -- Billing / Credit Memo transaction
19053: | p_source_table -- OKL_TXD_AR_LN_DTLS_B
19054: | - P2P
19055: | p_source_trx_id -- OKL_TXL_AP_INV_LNS_ALL_B.ID
19056: | p_source_trx_name -- Funding / Disbursements transaction
19057: | p_source_table -- OKL_TXL_AP_INV_LNS_ALL_B

Line 19089: okl_txd_ar_ln_dtls_b det

19085: SELECT hdr.id hdr_id, hdr.khr_id, hdr.date_invoiced, hdr.try_id try_id,
19086: hdr.qte_id, hdr.ibt_id , hdr.legal_entity_id, line.id line_id, line.kle_id,
19087: line.isl_id, det.sty_id, det.amount
19088: FROM okl_trx_ar_invoices_b hdr, okl_txl_ar_inv_lns_b line,
19089: okl_txd_ar_ln_dtls_b det
19090: WHERE det.id = cp_det_line_id
19091: AND det.til_id_details = line.id
19092: AND line.tai_id = hdr.id;