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Line 1156: insert into mtl_system_items_tl (

1152: WriteToLog('Entering Update_Item_Data', 3);
1153: lStmtNumber := 10;
1154: xReturnStatus := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
1156: insert into mtl_system_items_tl (
1157: inventory_item_id,
1158: organization_id,
1159: language,
1160: source_lang,

Line 1181: mtl_system_items_tl m,

1177: sysdate,
1178: gUserId, --created_by
1179: gLoginId --last_update_login
1180: from
1181: mtl_system_items_tl m,
1182: bom_cto_src_orgs bcso,
1183: bom_cto_order_lines_upg bcolu,
1184: fnd_languages l
1185: where bcolu.config_item_id is not null

Line 1195: from mtl_system_items_tl t

1191: and l.installed_flag In ('I', 'B')
1192: and l.language_code = m.language
1193: and NOT EXISTS
1194: (select NULL
1195: from mtl_system_items_tl t
1196: where t.inventory_item_id = bcolu.config_item_id
1197: and t.organization_id = bcso.organization_id
1198: and t.language = l.language_code );

Line 1200: WriteToLog('Inserted rows into mtl_system_items_tl:: '||sql%rowcount,2);

1196: where t.inventory_item_id = bcolu.config_item_id
1197: and t.organization_id = bcso.organization_id
1198: and t.language = l.language_code );
1200: WriteToLog('Inserted rows into mtl_system_items_tl:: '||sql%rowcount,2);
1202: lStmtNumber := 20;
1203: insert into MTL_PENDING_ITEM_STATUS (
1204: inventory_item_id,

Line 1339: mtl_system_items_tl m,

1335: sysdate,
1336: gUserId, --created_by
1337: gLoginId --last_update_login
1338: from
1339: mtl_system_items_tl m,
1340: bom_cto_src_orgs bcso,
1341: fnd_languages l,
1342: mtl_item_revisions_b mr --3338108
1343: where m.inventory_item_id = v_bcolu_cfg.inventory_item_id

Line 2855: mtl_system_items_tl mtl

2851: l.language_code,
2852: userenv('lang')
2853: FROM fnd_languages l,
2854: mtl_cross_references_b mtl_cross,
2855: mtl_system_items_tl mtl
2856: WHERE mtl_cross.inventory_item_id = t_cfg_item_id(i)
2857: AND mtl_cross.inventory_item_id = mtl.inventory_item_id
2858: AND mtl_cross.organization_id = mtl.organization_id
2859: AND l.language_code = mtl.language