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Line 68: if(mo_utils.get_default_org_id is NOT NULL and FUN_RULE_OBJECTS_PUB.rule_object_instance_exists(222,'ARI_VALIDATE_SITE_ACCESS', NULL,mo_utils.get_default_org_id)) then

64: mo_global.init('AR');
65: mo_global.set_policy_context('M',null);
67: --check if rule exist for the default org id.
68: if(mo_utils.get_default_org_id is NOT NULL and FUN_RULE_OBJECTS_PUB.rule_object_instance_exists(222,'ARI_VALIDATE_SITE_ACCESS', NULL,mo_utils.get_default_org_id)) then
69: cust_site_org_id := mo_utils.get_default_org_id;
70: else
71: --if rule does not exist for the cust_site_org or default org, then search thru all org setup at the security profile
72: FOR cust_site_rec IN cust_site_cur LOOP

Line 69: cust_site_org_id := mo_utils.get_default_org_id;

65: mo_global.set_policy_context('M',null);
67: --check if rule exist for the default org id.
68: if(mo_utils.get_default_org_id is NOT NULL and FUN_RULE_OBJECTS_PUB.rule_object_instance_exists(222,'ARI_VALIDATE_SITE_ACCESS', NULL,mo_utils.get_default_org_id)) then
69: cust_site_org_id := mo_utils.get_default_org_id;
70: else
71: --if rule does not exist for the cust_site_org or default org, then search thru all org setup at the security profile
72: FOR cust_site_rec IN cust_site_cur LOOP
73: if(FUN_RULE_OBJECTS_PUB.rule_object_instance_exists(222,'ARI_VALIDATE_SITE_ACCESS', NULL,cust_site_rec.org_id)) then