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Line 268: l_sql_stmt:='SELECT PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID,AMOUNT_DUE_REMAINING FROM ar_payment_schedules_all WHERE CUSTOMER_TRX_ID=:v_cst_trx_id';

264: IF(l_net_currency_rule_code = 'ACCOUNTING_CURRENCY') THEN
265: l_amt_to_net := Derive_Conv_Amt(p_batch_id, p_cust_txn_id, l_amt_to_net, 'AR');
266: fun_net_util.Log_String(g_state_level,l_path,'After conversion :'|| l_amt_to_net);
267: END IF;
268: l_sql_stmt:='SELECT PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID,AMOUNT_DUE_REMAINING FROM ar_payment_schedules_all WHERE CUSTOMER_TRX_ID=:v_cst_trx_id';
269: l_applieddisc:=0;
270: OPEN pmt_rec FOR l_sql_stmt USING p_cust_txn_id;
271: FETCH pmt_rec BULK COLLECT INTO l_pmtno,l_amt_remaining;
272: FOR j IN 1..l_pmtno.COUNT

Line 503: ar_payment_schedules_all arps,

499: END IF;
500: fun_net_util.Log_String(g_state_level,l_path,'SELECT : '||l_trx_select_clause);
501: l_trx_from_clause :=
502: ' FROM ra_customer_trx_all rct,
503: ar_payment_schedules_all arps,
504: ra_cust_trx_types_all rctt,
505: fun_net_customers_all fnc ';
506: fun_net_util.Log_String(g_state_level,l_path,'FROM : '||l_trx_from_clause);
507: -- Build the WHERE clause --

Line 1744: l_sql_stmt:='SELECT PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID,AMOUNT_DUE_REMAINING FROM ar_payment_schedules_all WHERE CUSTOMER_TRX_ID=:v_cst_trx_id';

1740: END LOOP;
1741: ELSE
1742: fun_net_util.Log_String(g_state_level,l_path,'Inside ELSE condition');
1743: MO_GLOBAL.SET_POLICY_CONTEXT('S',g_batch_details.org_id);
1744: l_sql_stmt:='SELECT PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID,AMOUNT_DUE_REMAINING FROM ar_payment_schedules_all WHERE CUSTOMER_TRX_ID=:v_cst_trx_id';
1745: l_applieddisc(i):=0;
1746: OPEN pmt_rec FOR l_sql_stmt USING l_trx_id(i);
1747: FETCH pmt_rec BULK COLLECT INTO l_pmtno,l_amt_remaining;
1748: fun_net_util.Log_String(g_state_level,l_path,'l_pmtno.COUNT = ' || l_pmtno.COUNT);

Line 4042: FROM ar_payment_schedules_all ps

4038: -- as txns are not locked. If so raise an error
4039: IF get_esd_flag(g_batch_details.batch_id)='Y' THEN
4040: SELECT SUM(amount_due_remaining)
4041: INTO current_amt_due
4042: FROM ar_payment_schedules_all ps
4043: WHERE customer_trx_id = txnTable(i).customer_Trx_id
4044: AND due_date between g_agr_start_date and g_agr_end_date
4045: AND ps.status = 'OP'
4046: AND ( ps.terms_sequence_number in (

Line 4057: FROM ar_payment_schedules_all ps

4053: AND ((g_sel_past_due_flag='N') OR (g_sel_past_due_flag='Y' AND TRUNC(ps.due_date) + nvl(g_days_past_due,0) < trunc(sysdate) )); -- Added for Bug No : 8497191
4054: ELSE
4055: SELECT SUM(amount_due_remaining)
4056: INTO current_amt_due
4057: FROM ar_payment_schedules_all ps
4058: WHERE customer_trx_id = txnTable(i).customer_Trx_id
4059: AND due_date between g_agr_start_date and g_agr_end_date
4060: AND ps.status = 'OP'
4061: AND due_date <= g_batch_details.TRANSACTION_DUE_DATE;

Line 4227: Select distinct Class into l_class from ar_payment_schedules_all where customer_trx_id = txnTable(i).customer_trx_id;

4223: WHERE ct.customer_trx_id = txnTable(i).customer_trx_id AND
4224: ct.batch_Source_id = bs.batch_source_id AND
4225: NVL(gen_line_level_bal_flag,'Y') = 'Y';
4226: fun_net_util.Log_String(g_event_level,l_path,'After calling select for count l_line_or_header = ' || l_line_or_header);
4227: Select distinct Class into l_class from ar_payment_schedules_all where customer_trx_id = txnTable(i).customer_trx_id;
4228: IF l_line_or_header >= 1 and pymt_schedule_count=1 and (l_class = 'INV' OR l_class = 'DM')THEN
4229: --6179308. Call Apply_In_Detail for invoices and Debitmemo, otherwise call Apply API.
4230: fun_net_util.Log_String(g_event_level,l_path,'Inside main iF');
4231: fun_net_util.Log_String(g_event_level,l_path,'Calling APPLY IN DETAIL');