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2 /* $Header: ozfprsss.pls 120.5 2011/11/18 10:11:24 bkunjan ship $ */
3 /*#
4 * This package defines the procedures that are required for processing
5 * indirect sales data. It includes the procedure definitions of
6 * Start_Process_Iface and Start_Purge
7 * @rep:scope public
8 * @rep:product OZF
9 * @rep:lifecycle active
10 * @rep:displayname Indirect Sales Data Processing Public API
11 * @rep:businessevent None
13 */
14 TYPE resale_util_rec_type IS RECORD(
15 	 resale_batch_id		NUMBER
16 	,resale_line_id			NUMBER
17 	,list_header_id			NUMBER
18 	,list_line_id			NUMBER
19 	,requester_id			NUMBER
20         ,discount_type			VARCHAR2(30)
21         ,discount_value			NUMBER
22         ,accepted_amount		NUMBER
23 	,exchange_rate_date		DATE
24         ,inventory_item_id		NUMBER
25         ,quantity		        NUMBER
26         ,unit_price		        NUMBER
27 	,uom_code                       VARCHAR2(3)
28 	,currency_code			VARCHAR2(15)
29 	,attribute_category		VARCHAR2(30)
30 	,attribute1			VARCHAR2(150)
31 	,attribute2			VARCHAR2(150)
32 	,attribute3			VARCHAR2(150)
33 	,attribute4			VARCHAR2(150)
34 	,attribute5			VARCHAR2(150)
35 	,attribute6			VARCHAR2(150)
36 	,attribute7			VARCHAR2(150)
37 	,attribute8			VARCHAR2(150)
38 	,attribute9			VARCHAR2(150)
39 	,attribute10			VARCHAR2(150)
40 	,attribute11			VARCHAR2(150)
41 	,attribute12			VARCHAR2(150)
42 	,attribute13			VARCHAR2(150)
43 	,attribute14			VARCHAR2(150)
44 	,attribute15			VARCHAR2(150)
45 );
47 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
49 --    Start_Process_Iface
50 --
52 --    This procedure to initiate data process of records in resales interface table.
53 --
55 --
56 --
57 -- NOTES
58 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
59 /*#
60 * This procedure starts the indirect sales data processing activity.
61 * @param p_api_version		This indicaters the  API version number.
62 * @param p_init_msg_list	This  indicates whether the message stack should be initialized.
63 * @param p_commit		Indicates whether to commit within the program.
64 * @param p_validation_level	Indicates the validation level.
65 * @param p_resale_batch_id	Identifies the resale batch that should be processed.
66 * @param x_return_status	This parameter dsiplays the program status.
67 * @param x_msg_data		Message returned by the program .
68 * @param x_msg_count		Number of mesaages the program returns.
69 * @rep:scope public
70 * @rep:lifecycle active
71 * @rep:displayname Start Process Indirect Sales Data
72 */
73 PROCEDURE Start_Process_Iface (
74     p_api_version            IN  NUMBER
75    ,p_init_msg_list          IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
76    ,p_commit                 IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
77    ,p_validation_level       IN  NUMBER   := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
78    ,p_resale_batch_id        IN  NUMBER
79    ,x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
80    ,x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
81    ,x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER
82 );
85 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
87 --    Start_Payment
88 --
90 --    This procedure to initiate payment for a batch.
91 --
93 --
94 --
95 -- NOTES
96 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
97 /*#
98 * This procedure starts the payment processing.
99 * @param p_api_version		This is the API version number.
100 * @param p_init_msg_list	Indicates whether the message stack should be initialized.
101 * @param p_commit		Indicates whether to commit within the program.
102 * @param p_validation_level	This parameter indicates the validation level.
103 * @param p_resale_batch_id	Identifies the resale batch that should be processed.
104 * @param x_return_status	This parameter displays the program status.
105 * @param x_msg_data		This parameter is a return message from the program.
106 * @param x_msg_count		This is  the number of messages the program returns.
107 * @rep:scope public
108 * @rep:lifecycle active
109 * @rep:displayname Start Process Indirect Sales Data
110 */
111 PROCEDURE Start_Payment (
112     p_api_version            IN  NUMBER
113    ,p_init_msg_list          IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
114    ,p_commit                 IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
115    ,p_validation_level       IN  NUMBER   := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
116    ,p_resale_batch_id        IN  NUMBER
117    ,x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
118    ,x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
119    ,x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER
120 );
123 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
125 --    Start_Purge
126 --
127 -- PURPOSE
128 --    Purge the successfully processed records
129 --
131 --
132 -- NOTES
133 --
134 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
135 /*#
136 * This procedure removes the processed and closed indirect sales data from the ozf_resale_lines_int_all interface table.
137 * @param p_api_version		API version number.
138 * @param p_init_msg_list	This parameter indicates whether to initialize the message stack.
139 * @param p_commit		This parameter indicates whether to commit within the program.
140 * @param p_validation_level	This parameter indicates the validation level.
141 * @param p_data_source_code	This parameter is the data source code of the batches whose line will be removed.
142 * @param x_return_status	Program status.
143 * @param x_msg_data Return	This parameter is a return message from the program.
144 * @param x_msg_count		This indicates the number of messages the program returned.
145 * @rep:scope public
146 * @rep:lifecycle active
147 * @rep:displayname Start Purge Indirect Sales Data
148 */
149 PROCEDURE Start_Purge
150 (
151     p_api_version            IN    NUMBER
152    ,p_init_msg_list          IN    VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
153    ,p_commit                 IN    VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
154    ,p_validation_level       IN    NUMBER   := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
155    ,p_data_source_code       IN    VARCHAR2
156    ,x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
157    ,x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
158    ,x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER
159 );
161 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
163 --    Create_resale_utilization
164 --
165 -- PURPOSE
166 --    Public API to Create utilizations for Third party accruals.
167 --
168 --    p_resale_util_rec : Resale utilization record
169 --    x_utilization_id : Returns Utilization Identifier
170 --
171 -- NOTES
172 --
173 -- HISTORY
174 -- 10/29/2011  BKUNJAN   Created for ER 12985686
175 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
176 /*#
177 * Purpose of this Public API is to create accruals for Third party orders.
178 * @param p_api_version		API version number.
179 * @param p_init_msg_list	This parameter indicates whether to initialize the message stack.
180 * @param p_commit		This parameter indicates whether to commit within the program.
181 * @param p_validation_level	This parameter indicates the validation level.
182 * @param p_resale_util_rec	This parameter record set holds parameters for creating utilization, The following are the items in this recordset
183 * <br>resale_batch_id     - Resale batch identifier of a closed resale batch
184 * <br>resale_line_id      - Resale Line identifier
185 * <br>list_header_id      - QP list header identifier of the offer
186 * <br>list_line_id        - QP List line identifier of the offer
187 * <br>requester_id        - User identifier of the requester
188 * <br>discount_type       - Discount type, such as %,AMT,NEWPRICE and LUMPSUM
189 * <br>discount_value      - Discount value
190 * <br>accepted_amount     - Accepted amount to create price adjustment
191 * <br>exchange_rate_date  - Exchange rate date
192 * <br>inventory_item_id	  - Product identifier.This product should be same as product in resale line
193 * <br>quantity	          - Quantity of the product
194 * <br>unit_price	  - Unit Price of the product
195 * <br>uom_code            - Unit of measurement of the product
196 * <br>currency_code	  - Currency code, should be same as resale batch currency code.
197 * <br>attribute_category  - Attribute Category
198 * <br>attribute1-15       - DFF Attribute values from Column 1 to 15
199 * @param x_return_status	Program status.
200 * @param x_msg_data Return	This parameter is a return message from the program.
201 * @param x_msg_count		This indicates the number of messages the program returned.
202 * @param x_utilization_id	Returns utilization Identifier
203 * @rep:scope public
204 * @rep:lifecycle active
205 * @rep:displayname Start Purge Indirect Sales Data
206 */
207 PROCEDURE Create_resale_utilization (
208 	  p_api_version            IN    NUMBER
209 	, p_init_msg_list          IN    VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
210 	, p_commit                 IN    VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
211 	, p_validation_level       IN    NUMBER   := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
212 	, p_resale_util_rec        IN    resale_util_rec_type
213 	, x_return_status          OUT   NOCOPY VARCHAR2
214 	, x_msg_data               OUT   NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
215 	, x_msg_count              OUT   NOCOPY   NUMBER
216 	, x_utilization_id         OUT   NOCOPY   NUMBER
217 );