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Line 151: Ben_Pl_F Plan

147: Cursor Dflt_grdldr is
148: Select Pgm.Pgm_Id
149: From Ben_Pgm_F Pgm,
150: Ben_Plip_F Plip,
151: Ben_Pl_F Plan
152: where Pgm.Dflt_Pgm_Flag = 'Y'
153: and Pgm.Pgm_Typ_Cd = 'GSP'
154: and P_effective_date
155: Between Pgm.Effective_Start_Date

Line 558: from ben_plip_f plip,ben_pl_f pl

554: and paa.primary_flag ='Y'
555: and Paa.Grade_ladder_Pgm_Id is null
556: and Paa.grade_id in
557: (select pl.mapping_table_pk_id
558: from ben_plip_f plip,ben_pl_f pl
559: where plip.pgm_id = p_grade_ladder_id
560: and plip.pl_id = pl.pl_id
561: and L_Effective_Date between
562: plip.effective_start_date and plip.effective_end_date

Line 782: Ben_Pl_F Pl,

778: Cursor Ben_Grd_Dtls(P_Pgm_Id In Number, P_Grd_Id In Number) Is
779: Select Pl.Pl_Id, plip.Plip_Id, Pgm.DFLT_STEP_CD,
781: from Ben_Pgm_F Pgm,
782: Ben_Pl_F Pl,
783: Ben_Plip_f Plip
784: Where Pgm.Pgm_Id = P_Pgm_Id
785: and P_Effective_Date
786: Between Pgm.Effective_Start_Date

Line 1027: L_Pl_id Ben_Pl_F.Pl_Id%TYPE;

1023: l_PROCD_DT DATE;
1024: l_STRTD_DT DATE;
1025: l_VOIDD_DT Date;
1026: l_Step_Exists Varchar2(1) := 'N';
1027: L_Pl_id Ben_Pl_F.Pl_Id%TYPE;
1028: L_plip_Id Ben_PLip_F.Plip_Id%TYPE;
1029: L_Oipl_Id Ben_Oipl_F.Oipl_Id%TYPE;
1030: L_Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc_Id Ben_Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc.Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc_Id%TYPE;
1031: L_Oipl_Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc_Id Ben_Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc.Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc_Id%TYPE;

Line 1055: l_Curr_Pl_Id Ben_Pl_F.Pl_Id%TYPE;

1051: L_popl_yr_perd_id ben_popl_yr_perd.popl_yr_perd_id%TYPE;
1052: l_start_date ben_yr_perd.start_date%TYPE;
1053: l_end_date ben_yr_perd.end_date%TYPE;
1054: l_Element_Link_Id Pay_Element_Links_f.Element_Link_Id%TYPE;
1055: l_Curr_Pl_Id Ben_Pl_F.Pl_Id%TYPE;
1056: l_Curr_Oipl_Id Ben_Oipl_F.Oipl_Id%TYPE;
1057: l_New_Enrlmt_Dt Date;
1058: l_max_lf_evt_date Date;

Line 2418: Ben_Pl_F Pl,

2414: From Ben_Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc Enrlmt,
2415: Ben_Per_in_ler PIL,
2416: Ben_Pgm_F Pgm,
2417: Ben_PLip_F Plip,
2418: Ben_Pl_F Pl,
2419: Per_All_Assignments_F Asgt
2420: Where Enrlmt.Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc_Id = P_Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc_Id
2421: And Enrlmt.Per_In_Ler_id = Pil.Per_In_Ler_id
2422: And Asgt.Person_id = PIL.Person_id

Line 2445: Ben_pl_F Pl,

2442: Cursor Step_Dtls(P_Oipl_Id IN NUmber) Is
2443: Select Step.Step_id, Step.Spinal_point_id, Step.Grade_spine_id
2444: From Ben_Oipl_F Oipl,
2445: Ben_pl_F Pl,
2446: Ben_Opt_F Opt,
2447: Per_Spinal_points point,
2448: Per_Grade_Spines_f GSpine,
2449: Per_Spinal_point_Steps_F Step

Line 2477: L_PL_Id Ben_Pl_F.Pl_Id%TYPE;

2473: and P_Effective_Date
2474: Between Effective_Start_Date
2475: and Effective_End_Date;
2477: L_PL_Id Ben_Pl_F.Pl_Id%TYPE;
2478: L_Pgm_Id Ben_Pgm_F.Pgm_Id%TYPE;
2479: L_Oipl_Id Ben_Oipl_F.Oipl_Id%TYPE;
2481: l_Grade_Id Per_Grades.Grade_Id%TYPE;

Line 2952: from ben_pl_f pl,ben_pl_typ_f pltyp

2948: and p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
2949: --
2950: Cursor csr_grade_pl(p_grade_id in number) is
2951: select pl_id
2952: from ben_pl_f pl,ben_pl_typ_f pltyp
2953: where pltyp.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
2954: and pltyp.opt_typ_cd = 'GSP'
2955: and p_effective_date between pltyp.effective_start_date and pltyp.effective_end_date
2956: and pl.pl_typ_id = pltyp.pl_typ_id

Line 2976: l_grade_pl ben_pl_f.pl_id%type := NULL;

2972: l_asg_gl per_all_assignments_f.grade_ladder_pgm_id%type := NULL;
2973: l_asg_grade per_all_assignments_f.grade_id%type := NULL;
2974: l_def_gl ben_pgm_f.pgm_id%type := NULL;
2975: l_dflt_step_cd ben_pgm_f.dflt_step_cd%type := NULL;
2976: l_grade_pl ben_pl_f.pl_id%type := NULL;
2977: l_grade_plip ben_plip_f.plip_id%type := NULL;
2978: --
2979: Begin
2980: --

Line 3107: Ben_Pl_F Pl,

3103: Cursor Ben_Grd_Dtls(P_Pgm_Id In Number, P_Grd_Id In Number) Is
3104: Select Pl.Pl_Id, plip.Plip_Id, Pgm.DFLT_STEP_CD,
3106: from Ben_Pgm_F Pgm,
3107: Ben_Pl_F Pl,
3108: Ben_Plip_f Plip
3109: Where Pgm.Pgm_Id = P_Pgm_Id
3110: and P_Effective_Date
3111: Between Pgm.Effective_Start_Date

Line 3227: L_Pl_id Ben_Pl_F.Pl_Id%TYPE;

3223: l_PROCD_DT DATE;
3224: l_STRTD_DT DATE;
3225: l_VOIDD_DT Date;
3226: l_Step_Exists Varchar2(1) := 'N';
3227: L_Pl_id Ben_Pl_F.Pl_Id%TYPE;
3228: L_plip_Id Ben_PLip_F.Plip_Id%TYPE;
3229: L_Oipl_Id Ben_Oipl_F.Oipl_Id%TYPE;
3230: L_Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc_Id Ben_Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc.Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc_Id%TYPE;
3231: L_Oipl_Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc_Id Ben_Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc.Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc_Id%TYPE;

Line 3255: l_Curr_Pl_Id Ben_Pl_F.Pl_Id%TYPE;

3251: L_popl_yr_perd_id ben_popl_yr_perd.popl_yr_perd_id%TYPE;
3252: l_start_date ben_yr_perd.start_date%TYPE;
3253: l_end_date ben_yr_perd.end_date%TYPE;
3254: l_Element_Link_Id Pay_Element_Links_f.Element_Link_Id%TYPE;
3255: l_Curr_Pl_Id Ben_Pl_F.Pl_Id%TYPE;
3256: l_Curr_Oipl_Id Ben_Oipl_F.Oipl_Id%TYPE;
3259: Begin