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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 97

   SELECT DECODE --round to min acct limits if available.
          ( fc.minimum_accountable_unit,
            NULL, ROUND( nvalue, fc.precision ),
            ROUND( nvalue / fc.minimum_accountable_unit ) * fc.minimum_accountable_unit
   ,      LTRIM
          ( TO_CHAR
            ( DECODE --round to min acct limits if available.
              ( fc.minimum_accountable_unit,
                NULL, ROUND( nvalue, fc.precision ),
                ROUND( nvalue / fc.minimum_accountable_unit ) * fc.minimum_accountable_unit
            , CONCAT --construct NLS format mask.
              ( '99999999999999999990', --currencies formatted without NLS 'G'.
                DECODE( fc.precision, 0, '', RPAD( 'D', fc.precision+1, '9' ) )
            ), ' ' --left trim white space.
   INTO noutput
   ,    p_value
   FROM fnd_currencies fc
   WHERE fc.currency_code = p_curcode;
Line: 190

   SELECT LTRIM( TO_CHAR( nvalue, CONCAT( '999999999999990',
           DECODE( decplace, 0, '', RPAD( 'D', decplace+1, '9' ) ) ) ) , ' ' )
   INTO p_value
   FROM dual;