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Line 65: g_release_id PO_RELEASES_ALL.PO_RELEASE_ID%type := null;

61: g_arcBuyer_lname PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F.LAST_NAME%type := null;
62: g_arcBuyer_title PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F.TITLE%type := null;
63: g_arcAgent_id PO_HEADERS_ARCHIVE_ALL.AGENT_ID%type := null;
64: g_header_id1 PO_HEADERS_ALL.PO_HEADER_ID%type := null;
65: g_release_id PO_RELEASES_ALL.PO_RELEASE_ID%type := null;
66: g_timezone VARCHAR2(255) := NULL;
67: g_vendor_address_line_2 PO_VENDOR_SITES.ADDRESS_LINE2%type := null;
68: g_vendor_address_line_3 PO_VENDOR_SITES.ADDRESS_LINE3%type := null;
69: g_vendor_country FND_TERRITORIES_TL.TERRITORY_SHORT_NAME%type := null;

Line 732: l_release_num PO_RELEASES.release_num%TYPE; -- Bug 3215186;

729: l_document_id PO_HEADERS_ALL.po_header_id%TYPE;
731: l_doc_num_rel varchar2(30);
732: l_release_num PO_RELEASES.release_num%TYPE; -- Bug 3215186;
733: l_ga_flag varchar2(1) := null; -- Bug # 3290385
734: l_doc_display_name FND_NEW_MESSAGES.message_text%TYPE; -- Bug 3215186
735: l_attachments_exist VARCHAR2(1); --

Line 841: from po_releases_all

838: -- Bug # 3290385 Start
839: if p_document_type = 'RELEASE' then
840: select po_header_id, release_num into l_document_id, l_release_num
841: from po_releases_all
842: where
843: po_release_id = p_document_id;
844: else
845: l_document_id := p_document_id;

Line 902: from po_headers poh, po_vendor_sites pvs, po_releases por

899: if p_document_type = 'RELEASE' then
900: select poh.vendor_site_id, pvs.vendor_site_code, pvs.language
901: into l_vendor_site_id, l_vendor_site_code, l_vendor_site_lang
902: from po_headers poh, po_vendor_sites pvs, po_releases por
903: where pvs.vendor_site_id = poh.vendor_site_id
904: and poh.po_header_id = por.po_header_id
905: and por.po_release_id = p_document_id;
906: else

Line 1418: where ((ad.pk1_value = to_char((select po_header_id from po_releases_all

1414: fnd_attached_documents ad,
1415: fnd_doc_category_usages dcu,
1416: fnd_attachment_functions af,
1417: fnd_lobs fl
1418: where ((ad.pk1_value = to_char((select po_header_id from po_releases_all
1419: where po_release_id = l_po_release_id
1420: )) and ad.entity_name = 'PO_HEADERS')
1421: OR
1422: (ad.pk1_value = to_char(l_po_release_id) and ad.entity_name = 'PO_RELEASES')

Line 1422: (ad.pk1_value = to_char(l_po_release_id) and ad.entity_name = 'PO_RELEASES')

1418: where ((ad.pk1_value = to_char((select po_header_id from po_releases_all
1419: where po_release_id = l_po_release_id
1420: )) and ad.entity_name = 'PO_HEADERS')
1421: OR
1422: (ad.pk1_value = to_char(l_po_release_id) and ad.entity_name = 'PO_RELEASES')
1423: OR
1424: (ad.pk1_value = to_char((select pha.vendor_id
1425: from po_headers_all pha, po_releases_all pra
1426: where pra.po_release_id = l_po_release_id

Line 1425: from po_headers_all pha, po_releases_all pra

1421: OR
1422: (ad.pk1_value = to_char(l_po_release_id) and ad.entity_name = 'PO_RELEASES')
1423: OR
1424: (ad.pk1_value = to_char((select pha.vendor_id
1425: from po_headers_all pha, po_releases_all pra
1426: where pra.po_release_id = l_po_release_id
1427: and pha.po_header_id = pra.po_header_id
1428: )) and ad.entity_name = 'PO_VENDORS')
1429: OR

Line 1632: where ((ad.pk1_value = to_char((select po_header_id from po_releases_all

1628: fnd_attached_documents ad,
1629: fnd_doc_category_usages dcu,
1630: fnd_attachment_functions af,
1631: fnd_lobs fl
1632: where ((ad.pk1_value = to_char((select po_header_id from po_releases_all
1633: where po_release_id = l_document_id
1634: )) and ad.entity_name = 'PO_HEADERS')
1635: OR
1636: (ad.pk1_value = to_char(l_document_id) and ad.entity_name = 'PO_RELEASES')

Line 1636: (ad.pk1_value = to_char(l_document_id) and ad.entity_name = 'PO_RELEASES')

1632: where ((ad.pk1_value = to_char((select po_header_id from po_releases_all
1633: where po_release_id = l_document_id
1634: )) and ad.entity_name = 'PO_HEADERS')
1635: OR
1636: (ad.pk1_value = to_char(l_document_id) and ad.entity_name = 'PO_RELEASES')
1637: OR
1638: (ad.pk1_value = (select pha.vendor_id
1639: from po_headers_all pha, po_releases_all pra
1640: where pra.po_release_id = l_document_id

Line 1639: from po_headers_all pha, po_releases_all pra

1635: OR
1636: (ad.pk1_value = to_char(l_document_id) and ad.entity_name = 'PO_RELEASES')
1637: OR
1638: (ad.pk1_value = (select pha.vendor_id
1639: from po_headers_all pha, po_releases_all pra
1640: where pra.po_release_id = l_document_id
1641: and pha.po_header_id = pra.po_header_id
1642: ) and ad.entity_name = 'PO_VENDORS')
1643: OR

Line 1980: SELECT po_header_id into l_header_id FROM po_releases_all

1976: l_header_id := l_document_id;
1977: ELSE
1978: /* Bug 8372255 Added exception handler for the below sqls.*/
1979: BEGIN
1980: SELECT po_header_id into l_header_id FROM po_releases_all
1981: WHERE po_release_id = l_document_id;
1984: x_progress := 'PO_COMMUNICATION_PVT.GENERATE_PDF_SUPP -000: in exception handler';

Line 2363: l_po_release_id po_releases.po_release_id%type := NULL;

2359: p_request_id out NOCOPY number) is
2361: l_po_num po_headers.segment1%type := NULL;
2362: l_po_header_id po_headers.po_header_id%type := NULL;
2363: l_po_release_id po_releases.po_release_id%type := NULL;
2364: l_communication varchar2(1);
2365: l_api_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(25) := 'launch_communicate';
2367: BEGIN

Line 2714: select pvs.language into l_supp_lang from po_vendor_sites pvs , po_headers_all ph, po_releases_all pr

2710: select pvs.language into l_supp_lang from po_vendor_sites pvs , po_headers_all ph
2711: where po_header_id = p_document_id and ph.vendor_site_id = pvs.vendor_site_id ;
2712: else
2713: l_entity_name := 'PO_REL';
2714: select pvs.language into l_supp_lang from po_vendor_sites pvs , po_headers_all ph, po_releases_all pr
2715: where ph.po_header_id = pr.po_header_id and pr.po_release_id = p_document_id and
2716: ph.vendor_site_id = pvs.vendor_site_id ;
2717: end if;
2718: IF g_debug_stmt THEN

Line 2878: from po_releases_archive_all

2874: and authorization_status = 'APPROVED';
2875: ELSE
2876: select max(revision_num)
2877: into l_revision_num
2878: from po_releases_archive_all
2879: where po_release_id = p_document_id
2880: and authorization_status = 'APPROVED';
2881: END IF;
2882: Exception

Line 3113: select pvs.language into l_supp_lang from po_vendor_sites pvs , po_headers_all ph, po_releases_all pr

3109: if p_document_type in ('STANDARD', 'BLANKET', 'CONTRACT') then
3110: select pvs.language into l_supp_lang from po_vendor_sites pvs , po_headers_all ph
3111: where po_header_id = p_document_id and ph.vendor_site_id = pvs.vendor_site_id ;
3112: else
3113: select pvs.language into l_supp_lang from po_vendor_sites pvs , po_headers_all ph, po_releases_all pr
3114: where ph.po_header_id = pr.po_header_id and pr.po_release_id = p_document_id and
3115: ph.vendor_site_id = pvs.vendor_site_id ;
3116: end if;

Line 3875: po_releases_all pr, fnd_languages fl

3871: and pvs.language = fl.nls_language;
3872: elsif l_document_type = 'RELEASE' then
3873: select fl.language_code into l_language
3874: from po_vendor_sites_all pvs , po_headers_all ph,
3875: po_releases_all pr, fnd_languages fl
3876: where ph.po_header_id = pr.po_header_id
3877: and pr.po_release_id = l_document_id
3878: and ph.vendor_site_id = pvs.vendor_site_id
3879: and pvs.language = fl.nls_language;

Line 4534: where (ad.pk1_value=to_char((select po_header_id from po_releases_all

4530: fnd_attached_documents ad,
4531: fnd_doc_category_usages dcu,
4532: fnd_attachment_functions af,
4533: fnd_lobs fl
4534: where (ad.pk1_value=to_char((select po_header_id from po_releases_all
4535: where po_release_id=p_document_id
4536: ))and ad.entity_name='PO_HEADERS')
4538: and d.document_id = ad.document_id

Line 4555: (ad.pk1_value=to_char(p_document_id) and ad.entity_name='PO_RELEASES'))

4551: fnd_doc_category_usages dcu,
4552: fnd_attachment_functions af,
4553: fnd_lobs fl
4554: where (
4555: (ad.pk1_value=to_char(p_document_id) and ad.entity_name='PO_RELEASES'))
4556: and d.document_id = ad.document_id
4557: and dcu.category_id = d.category_id
4558: and dcu.attachment_function_id = af.attachment_function_id
4559: and d.datatype_id=6

Line 4574: from po_headers_all pha,po_releases_all pra

4570: fnd_attachment_functions af,
4571: fnd_lobs fl
4572: where (
4573: (ad.pk1_value=to_char((select pha.vendor_id
4574: from po_headers_all pha,po_releases_all pra
4575: where pra.po_release_id=p_document_id
4576: and pha.po_header_id=pra.po_header_id
4577: )) and ad.entity_name='PO_VENDORS'))
4578: and d.document_id = ad.document_id

Line 5053: SELECT po_header_id INTO PO_COMMUNICATION_PVT.g_release_header_id FROM po_releases_all WHERE po_release_id = p_document_id;

5049: -- Modified as a part of bug #3274076
5050: -- Vendor id is same for revisied and non revised documents. So vendor id is retreived from the releases table.
5052: -- select the header id into g_release_header_id global variable for a given release id.
5053: SELECT po_header_id INTO PO_COMMUNICATION_PVT.g_release_header_id FROM po_releases_all WHERE po_release_id = p_document_id;
5055: SELECT ph.vendor_id, ph.currency_code INTO l_vendor_id, g_current_currency_code
5056: FROM po_vendors vn, po_headers_all ph
5057: WHERE vn.vendor_id = ph.vendor_id

Line 5234: --PO_HEADERS(BPA) attachments are printed followed by PO_RELEASES

5231: --bug#3768142 added the condtion if p_document_type='RELEASE'
5232: --so that the attachments for Releases are also displayed
5233: --correctly. An order by is used so that first the
5234: --PO_HEADERS(BPA) attachments are printed followed by PO_RELEASES
5235: --attachments and then finally PO_VENDORS. This is necessary
5236: --only for the Releases because you can display the BPA header
5237: --attachments also with a release.

Line 5250: (entity_name = ''PO_RELEASES'' AND

5246: fnd_attached_docs_form_vl fad,
5247: fnd_documents_short_text fds
5248: WHERE ((entity_name=''PO_HEADERS'' AND
5249: pk1_value=to_char(phx.po_header_id))OR
5250: (entity_name = ''PO_RELEASES'' AND
5251: pk1_value = to_char(phx.po_release_id)) OR
5252: (entity_name = ''PO_VENDORS'' AND
5253: pk1_value = to_char(phx.vendor_id)) OR
5254: (entity_name = ''PO_VENDOR_SITES'' AND

Line 5265: (fad.entity_name=''PO_RELEASES'' AND fad.pk1_value=to_char(phx.po_release_id)) OR

5261: l_head_url_attachment_query := 'CURSOR(
5262: SELECT fad.url web_page --Bug#4958642
5263: FROM fnd_attached_docs_form_vl fad
5264: WHERE ((fad.entity_name=''PO_HEADERS'' AND fad.pk1_value=to_char(phx.po_header_id)) OR
5265: (fad.entity_name=''PO_RELEASES'' AND fad.pk1_value=to_char(phx.po_release_id)) OR
5266: (fad.entity_name=''PO_VENDORS'' AND fad.pk1_value=to_char(phx.vendor_id)) OR
5267: (fad.entity_name=''PO_VENDOR_SITES'' AND fad.pk1_value=to_char(phx.vendor_site_id)) --bug6154354
5268: )
5269: AND fad.datatype_id=5

Line 5277: (fad.entity_name=''PO_RELEASES'' AND fad.pk1_value=to_char(phx.po_release_id)) OR

5273: l_head_file_attachment_query := 'CURSOR(
5274: SELECT fad.file_name
5275: FROM fnd_attached_docs_form_vl fad
5276: WHERE ((fad.entity_name=''PO_HEADERS'' AND fad.pk1_value=to_char(phx.po_header_id)) OR
5277: (fad.entity_name=''PO_RELEASES'' AND fad.pk1_value=to_char(phx.po_release_id)) OR
5278: (fad.entity_name=''PO_VENDORS'' AND fad.pk1_value=to_char(phx.vendor_id)) OR
5279: (fad.entity_name=''PO_VENDOR_SITES'' AND fad.pk1_value=to_char(phx.vendor_site_id)) --bug6154354
5280: )
5281: AND fad.datatype_id=6

Line 6151: from po_headers_archive_all pb, po_releases_archive_all pr

6147: and ''Y'' = decode(nvl(pllaa.cancel_flag,''N''),''N'',''Y'',''Y'',decode(pllaa.revision_num,PO_COMMUNICATION_PVT.getRevisionNum(),''Y'',''N'') ) )
6148: and plx.po_header_id = phx.po_header_id
6149: AND plx.REVISION_NUM = (select /*+ push_subq no_unnest */ max(revision_num) from po_lines_archive_all pla where pla.po_line_id = plx.po_line_id
6150: and pla.revision_num <= (select max(pb.revision_num)
6151: from po_headers_archive_all pb, po_releases_archive_all pr
6152: where pb.po_header_id = pr.po_header_id
6153: and pr.po_release_id = pcgt.po_release_id
6154: and pr.revision_num= pcgt.revision_number
6155: and pb.approved_date <= pr.approved_date

Line 6171: --PO_HEADERS(BPA) attachments are printed followed by PO_RELEASES

6167: /* for header long text */
6168: --bug#3768142 also added the condition to check if the document
6169: --type is a release so that even the release header documents
6170: --are retrieved. An order by is used so that first the
6171: --PO_HEADERS(BPA) attachments are printed followed by PO_RELEASES
6172: --attachments and then finally PO_VENDORS. This is necessary
6173: --only for the Releases because you can display the BPA header
6174: --attachments also with a release.
6175: --bug#3823799: Replaced the hard coded p_document id with PO_COMMUNICATION_PVT.getDocumentId() function

Line 6189: WHERE ( (entity_name=''PO_RELEASES'' AND

6185: l_headerAttachmentsQuery := 'select fdl.long_text long_text
6186: FROM
6187: fnd_attached_docs_form_vl fad,
6188: fnd_documents_long_text fdl
6189: WHERE ( (entity_name=''PO_RELEASES'' AND
6190: pk1_value= to_char(PO_COMMUNICATION_PVT.getDocumentId()) ) OR
6191: (entity_name = ''PO_HEADERS'' AND
6192: pk1_value = to_char(PO_COMMUNICATION_PVT.getReleaseHeaderId())) OR --Bug6139548
6193: (entity_name = ''PO_VENDORS'' AND


7339: INTO PO_COMMUNICATION_PVT.g_arcBuyer_fname, PO_COMMUNICATION_PVT.g_arcBuyer_lname, PO_COMMUNICATION_PVT.g_arcAgent_id
7341: FROM
7344: WHERE

Line 7545: l_release_num po_releases_all.release_num%type;

7541: l_file_name fnd_lobs.file_name%type;
7542: l_revision_num po_drafts.revision_num%type;
7543: l_progress VARCHAR2(3);
7544: /* Begin Add By Akyanama Bug # 13342437*/
7545: l_release_num po_releases_all.release_num%type;
7546: /* End Add By Akyanama Bug # 13342437*/
7547: BEGIN
7549: l_progress := '000';

Line 7589: FROM po_headers_all ph, po_releases_all pr

7585: ELSE
7586: /* Begin Edit By Akyanama Bug # 13342437*/
7587: SELECT ph.segment1, release_num into l_po_number, l_release_num
7588: /* End Edit By Akyanama Bug # 13342437*/
7589: FROM po_headers_all ph, po_releases_all pr
7590: WHERE ph.po_header_id = pr.po_header_id and pr.po_release_id = p_document_id ;
7591: END IF;

Line 8301: FROM po_releases_all

8298: IF p_document_type = 'RELEASE' THEN
8299: SELECT wf_item_type, wf_item_key
8300: INTO x_item_type, x_item_key
8301: FROM po_releases_all
8302: WHERE po_release_id = p_document_id;
8304: l_progress := '001';