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Line 213: Description:Payment amount in ETDS flat file is showing the wrong amount incase of prepayment application on validated standard invoice.

209: Fix: Bypassed the truncation logic in create_quart_challan_dtl procedure if the section code is already as per flat file requirement
210: Modified getsectioncode function to accomodate sections with E and C
212: 39. 14-Oct-2011 amandali for bug 13070779
213: Description:Payment amount in ETDS flat file is showing the wrong amount incase of prepayment application on validated standard invoice.
214: Fix:For RTN invoices, the base_taxabale_amount should be -ve but is updated to positive and hence the amount is summed up instead of subtraction.
215: Commented the multiplication of tds_amount/invoice_to_tds_authority_Amt in updation for base_taxabale_amount.
217: 40. 29-NOV-11 mmurtuza for Bug 13439411

Line 899: AND aia.invoice_type_lookup_code IN ('STANDARD','PREPAYMENT')

895: AND aia.vendor_site_id = jte.vendor_site_id
896: AND aia.invoice_id = aida.invoice_id
897: and aida.accounting_Date between p_tds_inv_from_date and p_tds_inv_to_date
898: AND aida.match_status_flag in ('A','T')
899: AND aia.invoice_type_lookup_code IN ('STANDARD','PREPAYMENT')
900: AND aia.org_id = p_organization_id
901: and not exists (select 1 from jai_ap_tds_thhold_trxs where invoice_id = jatit.invoice_id)
902: and jitc.tax_rate = 0
903: and jitc.vendor_id = p_tds_vendor_id

Line 1002: and base_invoices.invoice_type_lookup_code IN ('STANDARD','PREPAYMENT')

998: and aida.global_attribute_category = 'JA.IN.APXINWKB.DISTRIBUTIONS'
999: and aida.invoice_id = base_invoices.invoice_id
1000: and aida.match_status_flag in ('A','T') \*10408793 - Unvalidated Invoices must not be picked*\
1001: and base_invoices.org_id = p_organization_id
1002: and base_invoices.invoice_type_lookup_code IN ('STANDARD','PREPAYMENT')
1003: and not exists (select '1' from jai_ap_tds_thhold_trxs jattt where jattt.invoice_id = base_invoices.invoice_id) \*Bug 10408793 - TDS should not be deducted*\
1004: and not exists (select '1' from jai_ap_etds_t where base_invoice_id=base_invoices.invoice_id and batch_id=p_batch_id) \* Added by Avanija for FVU3.6 *\
1005: --and base_invoices.gl_date between p_tds_inv_from_date and p_tds_inv_to_date
1006: and aida.accounting_date between p_tds_inv_from_date and p_tds_inv_to_date \* Changed by Avanija for FVU3.6 *\

Line 1074: and base_invoices.invoice_type_lookup_code IN ('STANDARD','PREPAYMENT')

1070: and (aida.global_attribute_category = 'JA.IN.APXINWKB.DISTRIBUTIONS' or aida.global_attribute_category is NULL)
1071: and aida.match_status_flag in ('A','T') \*10408793 - Unvalidated Invoices must not be picked*\
1072: and aida.invoice_id = base_invoices.invoice_id
1073: and base_invoices.org_id = p_organization_id
1074: and base_invoices.invoice_type_lookup_code IN ('STANDARD','PREPAYMENT')
1075: and not exists (select '1' from jai_ap_tds_thhold_trxs jattt where jattt.invoice_id = base_invoices.invoice_id) \*Bug 10408793 - TDS should not be deducted*\
1076: and not exists (select '1' from jai_ap_etds_t where base_invoice_id=base_invoices.invoice_id and batch_id=p_batch_id) \* Added by Avanija for FVU3.6 *\
1077: --and base_invoices.gl_date between p_tds_inv_from_date and p_tds_inv_to_date
1078: and aida.accounting_date between p_tds_inv_from_date and p_tds_inv_to_date \* Changed by Avanija for FVU3.6 *\

Line 1199: AND aia.invoice_type_lookup_code IN ('STANDARD','PREPAYMENT')

1195: AND aia.vendor_site_id = jte.vendor_site_id
1196: AND aia.invoice_id = aida.invoice_id
1197: AND aida.match_status_flag in ('A','T')
1198: AND aida.prepay_amount_remaining IS NULL
1199: AND aia.invoice_type_lookup_code IN ('STANDARD','PREPAYMENT')
1200: AND aia.org_id = p_organization_id
1203: WHERE base_invoice_id = jatit.invoice_id

Line 1299: AND aia.invoice_type_lookup_code IN ('STANDARD','PREPAYMENT')

1295: AND aia.vendor_id = jte.vendor_id
1296: AND aia.vendor_site_id = jte.vendor_site_id
1297: AND aia.invoice_id = aida.invoice_id
1298: AND aida.match_status_flag in ('A','T')
1299: AND aia.invoice_type_lookup_code IN ('STANDARD','PREPAYMENT')
1300: AND aia.org_id = p_organization_id
1303: WHERE base_invoice_id = jatit.invoice_id

Line 1372: \*If a Prepayment is applied on a Standard Invoice

1369: AND threshold_grp_id = c_get_threshold_grp.threshold_grp_id
1370: );
1371: END LOOP;\*FOR c_get_threshold_grp*\
1372: \*If a Prepayment is applied on a Standard Invoice
1373: + Base Taxable amount of Standard Invoice must be equal the amount unpaid + amount paid by Prepayament if GL Date of
1374: Prepayment is greater than Standard Invoice
1375: + Base Taxable amount of Standard Invoice must be equal the amount unpaid if GL Date of Prepayment is less than Standard Invoice
1376: + Similar logic applies to Prepayment too*\

Line 1373: + Base Taxable amount of Standard Invoice must be equal the amount unpaid + amount paid by Prepayament if GL Date of

1369: AND threshold_grp_id = c_get_threshold_grp.threshold_grp_id
1370: );
1371: END LOOP;\*FOR c_get_threshold_grp*\
1372: \*If a Prepayment is applied on a Standard Invoice
1373: + Base Taxable amount of Standard Invoice must be equal the amount unpaid + amount paid by Prepayament if GL Date of
1374: Prepayment is greater than Standard Invoice
1375: + Base Taxable amount of Standard Invoice must be equal the amount unpaid if GL Date of Prepayment is less than Standard Invoice
1376: + Similar logic applies to Prepayment too*\
1377: FOR c_update_amount IN (SELECT jaet.rowid row_id, jaet.*

Line 1374: Prepayment is greater than Standard Invoice

1370: );
1371: END LOOP;\*FOR c_get_threshold_grp*\
1372: \*If a Prepayment is applied on a Standard Invoice
1373: + Base Taxable amount of Standard Invoice must be equal the amount unpaid + amount paid by Prepayament if GL Date of
1374: Prepayment is greater than Standard Invoice
1375: + Base Taxable amount of Standard Invoice must be equal the amount unpaid if GL Date of Prepayment is less than Standard Invoice
1376: + Similar logic applies to Prepayment too*\
1377: FOR c_update_amount IN (SELECT jaet.rowid row_id, jaet.*
1378: FROM JAI_AP_ETDS_T jaet

Line 1375: + Base Taxable amount of Standard Invoice must be equal the amount unpaid if GL Date of Prepayment is less than Standard Invoice

1371: END LOOP;\*FOR c_get_threshold_grp*\
1372: \*If a Prepayment is applied on a Standard Invoice
1373: + Base Taxable amount of Standard Invoice must be equal the amount unpaid + amount paid by Prepayament if GL Date of
1374: Prepayment is greater than Standard Invoice
1375: + Base Taxable amount of Standard Invoice must be equal the amount unpaid if GL Date of Prepayment is less than Standard Invoice
1376: + Similar logic applies to Prepayment too*\
1377: FOR c_update_amount IN (SELECT jaet.rowid row_id, jaet.*
1378: FROM JAI_AP_ETDS_T jaet
1379: WHERE tds_invoice_id = -9998

Line 1390: IF c_update_amount.base_invoice_type_lookup_code = 'STANDARD' THEN

1386: FROM ap_invoices_all
1387: WHERE invoice_id = c_update_amount.base_invoice_id;
1388: fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG, 'c_update_amount.base_invoice_id: ' || c_update_amount.base_invoice_id);
1389: fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG, 'ln_calculated_inv_amt: ' || ln_calculated_inv_amt);
1390: IF c_update_amount.base_invoice_type_lookup_code = 'STANDARD' THEN
1391: OPEN c_get_pp_apply_amt(c_update_amount.base_invoice_id);
1392: FETCH c_get_pp_apply_amt INTO ln_pp_apply_amt;
1393: CLOSE c_get_pp_apply_amt;
1394: fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG, 'STD ln_pp_apply_amt: ' || ln_pp_apply_amt);

Line 1407: END IF; \*IF c_update_amount.base_invoice_type_lookup_code = 'STANDARD' THEN*\

1403: FETCH c_get_remaining_amt INTO ln_remain_amt;
1404: CLOSE c_get_remaining_amt;
1405: fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG, 'PP ln_remain_amt: ' || ln_remain_amt);
1406: ln_calculated_inv_amt := ln_calculated_inv_amt + nvl(ln_remain_amt, 0);
1407: END IF; \*IF c_update_amount.base_invoice_type_lookup_code = 'STANDARD' THEN*\
1408: fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG, 'ln_calculated_inv_amt: ' || ln_calculated_inv_amt);
1410: SET base_taxabale_amount = ln_calculated_inv_amt,
1411: tds_invoice_id = -9999,

Line 6239: For SEED there is a change in concurrent to use FND_STANDARD_DATE with STANDARD_DATE format

6235: made accordingly.Both Payment and India distributions DFF elimintion is taken care of in
6236: the same version.
6238: 8. 19/05/2005 rallamse for Bug#4336482, Version 116.2
6239: For SEED there is a change in concurrent to use FND_STANDARD_DATE with STANDARD_DATE format
6240: Procedure signature modified by converting DATE datatype
6241: to varchar2 datatype. The varchar2 values are converted to DATE fromat
6242: using fnd_date.canonical_to_date function.