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Line 109: from qpr_scopes a,

105: (select default_policy_id, pr_segment_id, policy_importance_code
106: from qpr_pr_segments_b
107: where (pr_segment_id in (
108: select a.parent_id
109: from qpr_scopes a,
110: (select s.parent_id, s.dim_code
111: from qpr_dimension_values dv,qpr_scopes s,
112: qpr_hierarchies h, qpr_hier_levels l,
113: qpr_pr_segments_b psg

Line 111: from qpr_dimension_values dv,qpr_scopes s,

107: where (pr_segment_id in (
108: select a.parent_id
109: from qpr_scopes a,
110: (select s.parent_id, s.dim_code
111: from qpr_dimension_values dv,qpr_scopes s,
112: qpr_hierarchies h, qpr_hier_levels l,
113: qpr_pr_segments_b psg
114: where s.parent_entity_type = 'PRICINGSEGMENT'
115: and s.parent_id = psg.pr_segment_id

Line 145: or pr_segment_id not in (select distinct parent_id from qpr_scopes

141: and a.parent_entity_type = 'PRICINGSEGMENT'
142: group by a.parent_id
143: having count(distinct a.dim_code) = count(distinct b.dim_code)
144: )
145: or pr_segment_id not in (select distinct parent_id from qpr_scopes
146: where parent_entity_type = 'PRICINGSEGMENT'))
147: and instance_id = i_instance_id
148: order by policy_precedence
149: ) p