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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 86

Line: 117

PROCEDURE Get_Update_LPN_Start_Num (
  p_org_id   IN         NUMBER
, p_qty      IN         NUMBER
, x_curr_seq OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
Line: 132

  SELECT lpn_starting_number INTO l_lpn_start_num
    FROM mtl_parameters
    WHERE organization_id=p_org_id
Line: 137

    SET lpn_starting_number  =  l_lpn_start_num+p_qty,
    last_update_date         =  SYSDATE,
    last_updated_by          =  FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID
    WHERE organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 146

END Get_Update_LPN_Start_Num;
Line: 228

  SELECT meaning
  INTO   l_lookup_meaning
  FROM   mfg_lookups
  WHERE  lookup_type = 'WMS_LPN_CONTEXT'
  AND    lookup_code = p_old_context;
Line: 235

  SELECT meaning
  INTO   l_lookup_meaning
  FROM   mfg_lookups
  WHERE  lookup_type = 'WMS_LPN_CONTEXT'
  AND    lookup_code = p_new_context;
Line: 523

PROCEDURE Update_Locator_Capacity (
  x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
, x_msg_count         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
, x_msg_data          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
, p_organization_id   IN         NUMBER
, p_subinventory      IN         VARCHAR2
, p_locator_id        IN         NUMBER
, p_weight_change     IN         NUMBER
, p_weight_uom_change IN         VARCHAR2
, p_volume_change     IN         NUMBER
, p_volume_uom_change IN         VARCHAR2
) IS

l_api_name    CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'Update_Locator_Capacity';
Line: 545

  SAVEPOINT WMS_Update_Locator_Capacity;
Line: 565

    SELECT mil.location_weight_uom_code
         , mil.volume_uom_code
    INTO   l_loc_wt_uom
         , l_loc_vol_uom
    FROM   mtl_item_locations mil
    WHERE  mil.organization_id = p_organization_id
    AND    mil.subinventory_code = p_subinventory
    AND    mil.inventory_location_id = p_locator_id;
Line: 608

    g_progress := 'Update Locator capacity';
Line: 610

    UPDATE mtl_item_locations mil
    SET current_weight = nvl(current_weight,0) + wtdiff
      , available_weight = nvl(available_weight,0) - wtdiff
      , current_cubic_area = nvl(current_cubic_area,0) + voldiff
       , available_cubic_area =  nvl(available_cubic_area,0) - voldiff
    WHERE mil.organization_id = p_organization_id
    AND   mil.subinventory_code = p_subinventory
    AND   mil.inventory_location_id = p_locator_id;
Line: 628

    ROLLBACK TO WMS_Update_Locator_Capacity;
Line: 631

END Update_Locator_Capacity;
Line: 738

  SELECT client_id INTO l_client_id
  WHERE client_code = p_client_code;
Line: 822

  SELECT fnd_global.user_id
    INTO l_user_id
       , l_request_id
Line: 904

    SELECT wms_license_plate_numbers_s1.NEXTVAL
    INTO   p_lpn_table(i).lpn_id
    FROM   DUAL;
Line: 914

    l_progress := 'Passed validation inserting into bulk table';
Line: 949

      mdebug('Bulk insert LPNs in WLPN: '||to_char(l_lpn_bulk_rec.lpn_id.first)||'-'||to_char(l_lpn_bulk_rec.lpn_id.last), G_INFO);
Line: 953

    INSERT INTO wms_license_plate_numbers (
    , last_updated_by
    , creation_date
    , created_by
    , request_id

    , lpn_id
    , license_plate_number
    , parent_lpn_id
    , outermost_lpn_id
    , lpn_context
    , sealed_status

    , organization_id
    , subinventory_code
    , locator_id

    , inventory_item_id
    , revision
    , lot_number
    , serial_number
    , cost_group_id

    , tare_weight_uom_code
    , tare_weight
    , gross_weight_uom_code
    , gross_weight
    , container_volume_uom
    , container_volume
    , content_volume_uom_code
    , content_volume

    , source_type_id
    , source_header_id
    , source_line_id
    , source_line_detail_id
    , source_name
    VALUES (
    , l_user_id
    , l_user_id
    , l_request_id

    , l_lpn_bulk_rec.lpn_id(j)
    , l_lpn_bulk_rec.license_plate_number(j)
    , l_lpn_bulk_rec.parent_lpn_id(j)
    , l_lpn_bulk_rec.outermost_lpn_id(j)
    , l_lpn_bulk_rec.lpn_context(j)
    , 2 --sealed_status

    , l_lpn_bulk_rec.organization_id(j)
    , l_lpn_bulk_rec.subinventory_code(j)
    , l_lpn_bulk_rec.locator_id(j)

    , l_lpn_bulk_rec.inventory_item_id(j)
    , l_lpn_bulk_rec.revision(j)
    , l_lpn_bulk_rec.lot_number(j)
    , l_lpn_bulk_rec.serial_number(j)
    , l_lpn_bulk_rec.cost_group_id(j)

    , l_lpn_bulk_rec.tare_weight_uom_code(j)
    , l_lpn_bulk_rec.tare_weight(j)
    , l_lpn_bulk_rec.tare_weight_uom_code(j)
    , l_lpn_bulk_rec.tare_weight(j)
    , l_lpn_bulk_rec.container_volume_uom(j)
    , l_lpn_bulk_rec.container_volume(j)
    , l_lpn_bulk_rec.content_volume_uom_code(j)
    , NULL --content_volume

    , l_lpn_bulk_rec.source_type_id(j)
    , l_lpn_bulk_rec.source_header_id(j)
    , l_lpn_bulk_rec.source_line_id(j)
    , l_lpn_bulk_rec.source_line_detail_id(j)
    , l_lpn_bulk_rec.source_name(j)
Line: 1032

      mdebug('Bulk insert LPNs in WLPN done count='||SQL%ROWCOUNT, G_INFO);
Line: 1037

        mdebug('Insert into WLPN failed SQL error: '|| SQLERRM(SQLCODE), G_ERROR);
Line: 1044

            SELECT 1 INTO l_dummy_num
            FROM   wms_license_plate_numbers
            WHERE  license_plate_number = l_lpn_bulk_rec.license_plate_number(k);
Line: 1062

      l_progress := 'Could not find reason for LPN insert failure. Give generic failure msg';
Line: 1100

      mdebug('Calling Create_Update_Containers size='||l_detail_info_tab.last, G_INFO);
Line: 1106

    WSH_WMS_LPN_GRP.Create_Update_Containers (
      p_api_version     => 1.0
    , p_init_msg_list   => fnd_api.g_false
    , p_commit          => fnd_api.g_false
    , x_return_status   => x_return_status
    , x_msg_count       => x_msg_count
    , x_msg_data        => x_msg_data
    , p_detail_info_tab => l_detail_info_tab
    , p_IN_rec          => l_IN_rec
    , x_OUT_rec         => l_OUT_rec );
Line: 1119

        mdebug('Create_Update_Containers Failed', G_ERROR);
Line: 1123

      mdebug('Done with Create_Update_Containers', G_INFO);
Line: 1227

	  SELECT lpn_starting_number INTO l_lpn_start_num
	    FROM mtl_client_parameters
	    WHERE client_id = p_client_id
Line: 1232

	  UPDATE mtl_client_parameters
	    SET lpn_starting_number  =  l_lpn_start_num+p_qty,
	    last_update_date         =  SYSDATE,
	    last_updated_by          =  FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID
	    WHERE client_id = p_client_id;
Line: 1567

      SELECT wms_license_plate_numbers_s2.NEXTVAL
      INTO l_curr_seq
      FROM DUAL;
Line: 1589

        Get_Update_LPN_Start_Num (
          p_org_id   => p_lpn_attributes.organization_id
        , p_qty      => l_quantity - l_lpn_cnt + 1
        , x_curr_seq => l_curr_seq );
Line: 1616

      SELECT 1
      INTO   l_dummy_number
      WHERE  license_plate_number = l_lpn_tab(l_lpn_cnt).license_plate_number;
Line: 1626

      l_progress := 'LPN does not exist yet insert into LPN table';
Line: 1638

      l_progress := 'Insert the newly created lpn id/license plate number record into the table';
Line: 1785

  SELECT lpn_id
       , license_plate_number
       , parent_lpn_id
       , outermost_lpn_id
       , lpn_context

       , organization_id
       , subinventory_code
       , locator_id

       , inventory_item_id
       , revision
       , lot_number
       , serial_number
       , cost_group_id

       , tare_weight_uom_code
       , tare_weight
       , gross_weight_uom_code
       , gross_weight
       , container_volume_uom
       , container_volume
       , content_volume_uom_code
       , content_volume

       , source_type_id
       , source_header_id
       , source_line_id
       , source_line_detail_id
       , source_name

       , attribute_category
       , attribute1
       , attribute2
       , attribute3
       , attribute4
       , attribute5
       , attribute6
       , attribute7
       , attribute8
       , attribute9
       , attribute10
       , attribute11
       , attribute12
       , attribute13
       , attribute14
       , attribute15
    FROM wms_license_plate_numbers
   START WITH lpn_id = p_parent_lpn_id
 CONNECT BY lpn_id = PRIOR parent_lpn_id
Line: 1838

   SELECT /*+ optimizer_features_enable('') */ lpn_id   -- added hint for bug 12885396
        , license_plate_number
        , parent_lpn_id
        , outermost_lpn_id
        , lpn_context

        , organization_id
        , subinventory_code
        , locator_id

        , inventory_item_id
        , revision
        , lot_number
        , serial_number
        , cost_group_id

        , tare_weight_uom_code
        , tare_weight
        , gross_weight_uom_code
        , gross_weight
        , container_volume_uom
        , container_volume
        , content_volume_uom_code
        , content_volume

        , source_type_id
        , source_header_id
        , source_line_id
        , source_line_detail_id
        , source_name

        , attribute_category
        , attribute1
        , attribute2
        , attribute3
        , attribute4
        , attribute5
        , attribute6
        , attribute7
        , attribute8
        , attribute9
        , attribute10
        , attribute11
        , attribute12
        , attribute13
        , attribute14
        , attribute15
     FROM wms_license_plate_numbers
    START WITH parent_lpn_id = p_lpn_id
  CONNECT BY parent_lpn_id = PRIOR lpn_id
Line: 1892

  SELECT wlc.rowid
       , wlc.inventory_item_id
       , msi.primary_uom_code
       , msi.serial_number_control_code
       , msi.lot_control_code
       , msi.revision_qty_control_code
    FROM wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn
       , wms_lpn_contents wlc
       , mtl_system_items msi
   WHERE wlpn.organization_id = p_old_org_id
     AND wlpn.outermost_lpn_id = p_outermost_lpn_id
     AND wlc.parent_lpn_id = wlpn.lpn_id
     AND msi.inventory_item_id = wlc.inventory_item_id
     AND msi.organization_id = p_new_org_id
   ORDER BY wlc.inventory_item_id;
Line: 1910

wsh_update_tbl  WSH_Glbl_Var_Strct_GRP.delivery_details_Attr_tbl_Type;
Line: 1925

l_wsh_delete_lpn_id_tbl wsh_util_core.id_tab_type;
Line: 2043

      mdebug('Values passed by caller to be updated l_lpn_tab_i='||l_lpn_tab_i||' lpn_tbl_cnt='||lpn_tbl_cnt, G_INFO);
Line: 2062

        fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_UPDATE_LPN_ATTR_ERR');
Line: 2084

        SELECT lpn_id
             , license_plate_number
             , parent_lpn_id
             , outermost_lpn_id
             , lpn_context

             , organization_id
             , subinventory_code
             , locator_id

             , inventory_item_id
             , revision
             , lot_number
             , serial_number
             , cost_group_id

             , tare_weight_uom_code
             , tare_weight
             , gross_weight_uom_code
             , gross_weight
             , container_volume_uom
             , container_volume
             , content_volume_uom_code
             , content_volume

             , source_type_id
             , source_header_id
             , source_line_id
             , source_line_detail_id
             , source_name

             , attribute_category
             , attribute1
             , attribute2
             , attribute3
             , attribute4
             , attribute5
             , attribute6
             , attribute7
             , attribute8
             , attribute9
             , attribute10
             , attribute11
             , attribute12
             , attribute13
             , attribute14
             , attribute15
          INTO l_old.lpn_id
             , l_old.license_plate_number
             , l_old.parent_lpn_id
             , l_old.outermost_lpn_id
             , l_old.lpn_context

             , l_old.organization_id
             , l_old.subinventory_code
             , l_old.locator_id

             , l_old.inventory_item_id
             , l_old.revision
             , l_old.lot_number
             , l_old.serial_number
             , l_old.cost_group_id

             , l_old.tare_weight_uom_code
             , l_old.tare_weight
             , l_old.gross_weight_uom_code
             , l_old.gross_weight
             , l_old.container_volume_uom
             , l_old.container_volume
             , l_old.content_volume_uom_code
             , l_old.content_volume

             , l_old.source_type_id
             , l_old.source_header_id
             , l_old.source_line_id
             , l_old.source_line_detail_id
             , l_old.source_name

             , l_old.attribute_category
             , l_old.attribute1
             , l_old.attribute2
             , l_old.attribute3
             , l_old.attribute4
             , l_old.attribute5
             , l_old.attribute6
             , l_old.attribute7
             , l_old.attribute8
             , l_old.attribute9
             , l_old.attribute10
             , l_old.attribute11
             , l_old.attribute12
             , l_old.attribute13
             , l_old.attribute14
             , l_old.attribute15
        FROM   wms_license_plate_numbers
        WHERE  lpn_id = p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).lpn_id;
Line: 2194

      mdebug('Old values from LPN to be updated l_lpn_tab_i='||l_lpn_tab_i||' lpn_tbl_cnt='||lpn_tbl_cnt, G_INFO);
Line: 2257

        mdebug('Need to update based on lpn_id l_lpn_tab_i='||l_lpn_tab_i, G_INFO);
Line: 2279

          fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_UPDATE_LPN_ATTR_ERR');
Line: 2294

            mdebug(' LPN is not empty or already is assigned cannot update container item ctx='||l_old.lpn_context, G_ERROR);
Line: 2296

          fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_UPDATE_CONTAINER_ITEM_ERR');
Line: 2441

		AND p_caller = 'UpdateLPNPage' ) THEN
          IF (inv_cache.set_item_rec(
              p_organization_id => NVL(p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).organization_id, l_old.organization_id)
              , p_item_id         => l_old.inventory_item_id ))
            IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
              mdebug('Got Old Item info citm='||inv_cache.item_rec.container_item_flag||' snctl='||inv_cache.item_rec.serial_number_control_code, G_INFO);
Line: 2496

      IF ( p_caller = 'UpdateLPNPage' ) THEN
        IF ( NVL(l_new.gross_weight, 0) = 0 OR l_new.gross_weight_uom_code IS NULL ) THEN
          l_change_in_weight     := 0 - l_old.gross_weight;
Line: 2515

                AND p_caller='UpdateLPNPage'
	        --AND NVL(p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).inventory_item_id ,G_NULL_NUM) = G_NULL_NUM
	       ) THEN
	        IF (l_new.tare_weight_uom_code IS NOT NULL ) THEN
	            IF ( l_change_in_weight_uom <> l_new.tare_weight_uom_code ) THEN
	                l_new.tare_weight := NVL( l_new.tare_weight,0) + inv_convert.inv_um_convert(
								     l_change_in_weight_uom ,
Line: 2591

      l_progress := 'Update attribute_category';
Line: 2598

      l_progress := 'Update attribute1';
Line: 2605

      l_progress := 'Update attribute2';
Line: 2612

      l_progress := 'Update attribute3';
Line: 2619

      l_progress := 'Update attribute4';
Line: 2626

      l_progress := 'Update attribute5';
Line: 2633

      l_progress := 'Update attribute6';
Line: 2640

      l_progress := 'Update attribute7';
Line: 2647

      l_progress := 'Update attribute8';
Line: 2654

      l_progress := 'Update attribute9';
Line: 2661

      l_progress := 'Update attribute10';
Line: 2668

      l_progress := 'Update attribute11';
Line: 2675

      l_progress := 'Update attribute12';
Line: 2682

      l_progress := 'Update attribute13';
Line: 2689

      l_progress := 'Update attribute14';
Line: 2696

      l_progress := 'Update attribute15';
Line: 2707

          fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_UPDATE_LPN_ATTR_ERR');
Line: 2732

            SELECT outermost_lpn_id
            INTO   l_new.outermost_lpn_id
            FROM   wms_license_plate_numbers
            WHERE  lpn_id = l_new.parent_lpn_id;
Line: 2817

        l_progress := 'Calling Update_Locator_Capacity';
Line: 2819

        Update_Locator_Capacity (
          x_return_status     => x_return_status
        , x_msg_count         => x_msg_count
        , x_msg_data          => x_msg_data
        , p_organization_id   => l_new.organization_id
        , p_subinventory      => l_new.subinventory_code
        , p_locator_id        => l_new.locator_id
        , p_weight_change     => l_change_in_gross_weight
        , p_weight_uom_change => l_change_in_gross_weight_uom
        , p_volume_change     => l_change_in_volume
        , p_volume_uom_change => l_change_in_volume_uom
Line: 2834

            mdebug('Call to WMS_CONTAINER_PVT.Update_Locator_capacity failed !!!');
Line: 2849

      /* Update child LPNs                                        */
      IF ( l_old.outermost_lpn_id <> l_new.outermost_lpn_id )  THEN
        IF ( l_old.lpn_id = l_old.outermost_lpn_id ) THEN
          -- This LPN was the outermost can update based on outermost LPN column

          IF ( l_outer_lpn_ids.exists(l_old.outermost_lpn_id) ) THEN
            l_tmp_i := l_outer_lpn_ids(l_old.outermost_lpn_id);
Line: 2958

                mdebug('Update values to be inline with new outermost lpn l_tmp_i='||l_tmp_i, G_INFO);
Line: 2972

      /* Update Parent LPNs                                            */
      IF ( l_old.parent_lpn_id = l_new.parent_lpn_id ) THEN

        -- List of attributes that affect parent LPNs.  Only if there is a change in
        -- these should we open cursor for parent LPNs
        -- bug5404902 added change in tare weight to condition
        IF ( NVL(l_change_in_gross_weight, 0) <> 0 OR
             NVL(l_change_in_tare_weight, 0) <> 0 OR
             NVL(l_change_in_volume, 0) <> 0 )

          -- If The LPN has a parent and there is a change in weight or volume, cycle through
          -- parent LPNs and update their weights and volumes as well
          FOR parent_lpn_rec IN nested_parent_lpn_cursor( NVL(l_old.parent_lpn_id, l_new.parent_lpn_id) ) LOOP
            IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
              mdebug('Got parent lpn lpnid='||parent_lpn_rec.lpn_id, G_INFO);
Line: 3079

              l_progress := 'Update parent LPN gross weight';
Line: 3140

              l_progress := 'Update parent LPN tare weight';
Line: 3212

             SELECT count (*) into honor_case_pick_count
                            FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, wms_user_task_type_attributes wutta
                            WHERE mmtt.standard_operation_id = wutta.user_task_type_id
                            AND mmtt.organization_id = wutta.organization_id
                            AND mmtt.transfer_lpn_id = l_old.lpn_id
                            AND honor_case_pick_flag = 'Y';
Line: 3235

              wsh_update_tbl(NVL(wsh_update_tbl.last, 0) + 1) := To_DeliveryDetailsRecType(l_tmp_new);
Line: 3254

    /* Changes that only pertain to Update of entire heirarchy  */
    /* Update or all lpns with same outermost LPN               */
    l_progress := 'Do updates that effect entire heirarcy';
Line: 3271

        fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_UPDATE_LPN_ATTR_ERR');
Line: 3303

          UPDATE wms_lpn_contents wlc
          SET wlc.last_update_date = SYSDATE
            , wlc.last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id
            , wlc.organization_id = l_new.organization_id
            , wlc.serial_summary_entry = DECODE (new_org.serial_number_control_code,1,2,6,2,wlc.serial_summary_entry)
            , wlc.serial_number = DECODE (new_org.serial_number_control_code,1,NULL,6,NULL,wlc.serial_number)
            , wlc.lot_number = DECODE (new_org.lot_control_code,1,NULL,wlc.lot_number)
            , wlc.revision = DECODE (new_org.revision_qty_control_code,1,NULL,wlc.revision)
            , wlc.primary_quantity = Round(Convert_UOM(new_org.inventory_item_id, primary_quantity, inv_cache.item_rec.primary_uom_code, new_org.primary_uom_code), 5)  --13591755 added for GRUPO
          WHERE rowid = new_org.rowid;
Line: 3369

        fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_UPDATE_LPN_ATTR_ERR');
Line: 3392

      l_progress := 'Add new record to update outermost lpn table to be updated';
Line: 3421

      mdebug('New values from LPN updated l_lpn_tab_i='||l_lpn_tab_i||' lpn_tbl_cnt='||lpn_tbl_cnt, G_INFO);
Line: 3450

      select nvl(wda.delivery_id,999) into l_delivery_id
      from  wsh_delivery_details wdd, wsh_delivery_assignments wda
      WHERE wda.delivery_detail_id(+) = wdd.delivery_detail_id  AND ROWNUM < 2
      AND wdd.lpn_id IN
           ( select wlpn.lpn_id
               from wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn
              where wlpn.outermost_lpn_id = p_lpn_table(1).lpn_id);
Line: 3488

      l_wsh_delete_lpn_id_tbl(NVL(l_wsh_delete_lpn_id_tbl.last, 0) + 1) := l_old.lpn_id;
Line: 3503

        wsh_update_tbl(NVL(wsh_update_tbl.last, 0) + 1) := To_DeliveryDetailsRecType(l_new);
Line: 3509

        l_tmp_i := NVL(wsh_update_tbl.last, 0) + 1;
Line: 3511

        wsh_update_tbl(l_tmp_i).organization_id := l_new.organization_id;
Line: 3512

        wsh_update_tbl(l_tmp_i).lpn_id          := l_new.outermost_lpn_id;
Line: 3513

        wsh_update_tbl(l_tmp_i).container_name  := l_new.license_plate_number;
Line: 3514

        wsh_update_tbl(l_tmp_i).subinventory    := l_new.subinventory_code;
Line: 3515

        wsh_update_tbl(l_tmp_i).locator_id      := l_new.locator_id;
Line: 3531

      WSH_WMS_LPN_GRP.Create_Update_Containers (
        p_api_version     => 1.0
      , p_init_msg_list   => fnd_api.g_false
      , p_commit          => fnd_api.g_false
      , x_return_status   => x_return_status
      , x_msg_count       => x_msg_count
      , x_msg_data        => x_msg_data
      , p_detail_info_tab => wsh_create_tbl
      , p_IN_rec          => l_IN_rec
      , x_OUT_rec         => l_OUT_rec );
Line: 3544

          mdebug('Create_Update_Containers Failed, May alreade exist in WDD, Try update instead', G_ERROR);
Line: 3550

        l_IN_rec.action_code := 'UPDATE';
Line: 3552

        WSH_WMS_LPN_GRP.Create_Update_Containers (
          p_api_version     => 1.0
        , p_init_msg_list   => fnd_api.g_false
        , p_commit          => fnd_api.g_false
        , x_return_status   => x_return_status
        , x_msg_count       => x_msg_count
        , x_msg_data        => x_msg_data
        , p_detail_info_tab => wsh_create_tbl
        , p_IN_rec          => l_IN_rec
        , x_OUT_rec         => l_OUT_rec );
Line: 3570

        mdebug('Done with Create_Update_Containers', G_INFO);
Line: 3574

Line: 3578

    IF ( wsh_update_tbl.last > 0 ) THEN
      IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
        mdebug('Calling WSH API to update WDD count='||wsh_update_tbl.last, G_INFO);
Line: 3584

      l_IN_rec.action_code := 'UPDATE';
Line: 3586

      WSH_WMS_LPN_GRP.Create_Update_Containers (
        p_api_version     => 1.0
      , p_init_msg_list   => fnd_api.g_false
      , p_commit          => fnd_api.g_false
      , x_return_status   => x_return_status
      , x_msg_count       => x_msg_count
      , x_msg_data        => x_msg_data
      , p_detail_info_tab => wsh_update_tbl
      , p_IN_rec          => l_IN_rec
      , x_OUT_rec         => l_OUT_rec );
Line: 3599

          mdebug('Create_Update_Containers Failed, Might not yet exist in WDD, Try create instead', G_ERROR);
Line: 3607

        WSH_WMS_LPN_GRP.Create_Update_Containers (
          p_api_version     => 1.0
        , p_init_msg_list   => fnd_api.g_false
        , p_commit          => fnd_api.g_false
        , x_return_status   => x_return_status
        , x_msg_count       => x_msg_count
        , x_msg_data        => x_msg_data
        , p_detail_info_tab => wsh_update_tbl
        , p_IN_rec          => l_IN_rec
        , x_OUT_rec         => l_OUT_rec );
Line: 3621

          mdebug('WSH Update Containers Failed', G_ERROR);
Line: 3625

        mdebug('Done with Create_Update_Containers', G_INFO);
Line: 3629

Line: 3670

      mdebug('Done with call to WSH Create_Update_Containers', G_INFO);
Line: 3676

Line: 3679

  IF ( l_wsh_delete_lpn_id_tbl.last > 0 ) THEN
    IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
      mdebug('Calling WSH API to remove LPN from WDD: '||l_wsh_delete_lpn_id_tbl.first||'-'||l_wsh_delete_lpn_id_tbl.last, G_INFO);
Line: 3685

    l_wsh_action_prms.action_code := 'DELETE';
Line: 3694

    , p_lpn_id_tbl         => l_wsh_delete_lpn_id_tbl
    , p_del_det_id_tbl     => l_wsh_del_det_id_tbl
    , p_action_prms        => l_wsh_action_prms
    , x_defaults           => l_wsh_defaults
    , x_action_out_rec     => l_wsh_action_out_rec );
Line: 3717

Line: 3721

    l_progress := 'Update LPNs last='||l_outer_lpns.last;
Line: 3725

      mdebug('Bulk Update LPNs in WLPN: '||l_lpn_bulk_rec.lpn_id.first||'-'||l_lpn_bulk_rec.lpn_id.last, G_INFO);
Line: 3734

      UPDATE wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn
         SET last_update_date        = SYSDATE
           , last_updated_by         = fnd_global.user_id
           , organization_id         = l_lpn_bulk_rec.organization_id(bulk_i)
           , license_plate_number    = l_lpn_bulk_rec.license_plate_number(bulk_i)
           , parent_lpn_id           = l_lpn_bulk_rec.parent_lpn_id(bulk_i)
           , outermost_lpn_id        = l_lpn_bulk_rec.outermost_lpn_id(bulk_i)
           , inventory_item_id       = l_lpn_bulk_rec.inventory_item_id(bulk_i)
           , subinventory_code       = l_lpn_bulk_rec.subinventory_code(bulk_i)
           , locator_id              = l_lpn_bulk_rec.locator_id(bulk_i)
           , tare_weight             = l_lpn_bulk_rec.tare_weight(bulk_i)
           , tare_weight_uom_code    = l_lpn_bulk_rec.tare_weight_uom_code(bulk_i)
           , gross_weight_uom_code   = l_lpn_bulk_rec.gross_weight_uom_code(bulk_i)
           , gross_weight            = l_lpn_bulk_rec.gross_weight(bulk_i)
           , container_volume        = l_lpn_bulk_rec.container_volume(bulk_i)
           , container_volume_uom    = l_lpn_bulk_rec.container_volume_uom(bulk_i)
           , content_volume_uom_code = l_lpn_bulk_rec.content_volume_uom_code(bulk_i)
           , content_volume          = l_lpn_bulk_rec.content_volume(bulk_i)
           --, status_id               = l_lpn_bulk_rec.status_id(bulk_i)
           , lpn_context             = l_lpn_bulk_rec.lpn_context(bulk_i)
           --, sealed_status           = l_lpn_bulk_rec.sealed_status(bulk_i)
           , attribute_category      = l_lpn_bulk_rec.attribute_category(bulk_i)
           , attribute1              = l_lpn_bulk_rec.attribute1(bulk_i)
           , attribute2              = l_lpn_bulk_rec.attribute2(bulk_i)
           , attribute3              = l_lpn_bulk_rec.attribute3(bulk_i)
           , attribute4              = l_lpn_bulk_rec.attribute4(bulk_i)
           , attribute5              = l_lpn_bulk_rec.attribute5(bulk_i)
           , attribute6              = l_lpn_bulk_rec.attribute6(bulk_i)
           , attribute7              = l_lpn_bulk_rec.attribute7(bulk_i)
           , attribute8              = l_lpn_bulk_rec.attribute8(bulk_i)
           , attribute9              = l_lpn_bulk_rec.attribute9(bulk_i)
           , attribute10             = l_lpn_bulk_rec.attribute10(bulk_i)
           , attribute11             = l_lpn_bulk_rec.attribute11(bulk_i)
           , attribute12             = l_lpn_bulk_rec.attribute12(bulk_i)
           , attribute13             = l_lpn_bulk_rec.attribute13(bulk_i)
           , attribute14             = l_lpn_bulk_rec.attribute14(bulk_i)
           , attribute15             = l_lpn_bulk_rec.attribute15(bulk_i)
           , source_type_id          = l_lpn_bulk_rec.source_type_id(bulk_i)
           , source_header_id        = l_lpn_bulk_rec.source_header_id(bulk_i)
           , source_line_id          = l_lpn_bulk_rec.source_line_id(bulk_i)
           , source_line_detail_id   = l_lpn_bulk_rec.source_line_detail_id(bulk_i)
           , source_name             = l_lpn_bulk_rec.source_name(bulk_i)
       WHERE lpn_id                  = l_lpn_bulk_rec.lpn_id(bulk_i);
Line: 3780

          mdebug('Bulk Update WLPN failed uniqueness constraint', G_ERROR);
Line: 3785

            SELECT 1 INTO l_dummy_num
            FROM   wms_license_plate_numbers
            WHERE  license_plate_number = l_lpn_bulk_rec.license_plate_number(bulk_i);
Line: 3790

              mdebug('LPN '||l_lpn_bulk_rec.license_plate_number(bulk_i)||' already exists, cannot update another LPN with this name', G_ERROR);
Line: 3804

      mdebug('Bulk Updated WLPN count='||SQL%ROWCOUNT, G_INFO);
Line: 3809

    l_progress := 'Update outermost LPNs last='||l_outer_lpns.last;
Line: 3813

      mdebug('Bulk Update outermost LPNs in WLPN: '||l_lpn_bulk_rec.lpn_id.first||'-'||l_lpn_bulk_rec.lpn_id.last, G_INFO);
Line: 3821

    UPDATE wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn
       SET last_update_date      = SYSDATE
         , last_updated_by       = fnd_global.user_id
         , outermost_lpn_id      = l_lpn_bulk_rec.outermost_lpn_id(bulk_i)
         , organization_id       = l_lpn_bulk_rec.organization_id(bulk_i)
         , subinventory_code     = l_lpn_bulk_rec.subinventory_code(bulk_i)
         , locator_id            = l_lpn_bulk_rec.locator_id(bulk_i)
         , lpn_context           = l_lpn_bulk_rec.lpn_context(bulk_i)
         , source_type_id        = l_lpn_bulk_rec.source_type_id(bulk_i)
         , source_header_id      = l_lpn_bulk_rec.source_header_id(bulk_i)
         , source_line_id        = l_lpn_bulk_rec.source_line_id(bulk_i)
         , source_line_detail_id = l_lpn_bulk_rec.source_line_detail_id(bulk_i)
         , source_name           = l_lpn_bulk_rec.source_name(bulk_i)
     WHERE outermost_lpn_id      = l_lpn_bulk_rec.reference_id(bulk_i);
Line: 3837

      mdebug('Bulk Updated outermost WLPN count='||SQL%ROWCOUNT, G_INFO);
Line: 3864

    fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_UPDATE_LPN_FAILED');
Line: 4270

      SELECT wms_lpn_process_temp_s.NEXTVAL
      INTO   p_process_id
      FROM   DUAL;
Line: 4282

      INSERT INTO wms_lpn_process_temp (
      , lpn_id )
      VALUES (
      , l_lpn_bulk_rec.lpn_id(i) );
Line: 4676

  SELECT lpn_id
    FROM wms_license_plate_numbers
   START WITH lpn_id = p_outer_lpn_id
 CONNECT BY parent_lpn_id = PRIOR lpn_id;
Line: 4682

  SELECT organization_id, parent_lpn_id, lpn_id, inventory_item_id,
         tare_weight, tare_weight_uom_code, gross_weight, gross_weight_uom_code,
         container_volume, container_volume_uom, content_volume, content_volume_uom_code
  FROM   wms_license_plate_numbers
  START WITH lpn_id = p_child_lpn_id
  CONNECT BY lpn_id = PRIOR parent_lpn_id;
Line: 4692

  SELECT wlc.rowid
       , wlc.primary_quantity
       , wlc.quantity
       , wlc.uom_code
       , wlc.cost_group_id
       , wlc.secondary_quantity  --INVCONV kkillams
       , wlc.secondary_uom_code  --INVCONV kkillams
    FROM wms_lpn_contents wlc
   WHERE wlc.parent_lpn_id = p_lpn_id
     AND wlc.organization_id = p_organization_id
     AND wlc.uom_code = p_uom
     AND wlc.inventory_item_id = p_content_item_id
     AND NVL(wlc.revision, G_NULL_CHAR) = NVL(p_revision, G_NULL_CHAR)
     AND NVL(wlc.lot_number, G_NULL_CHAR) = NVL(p_lot_number, G_NULL_CHAR)
     AND NVL(wlc.source_type_id, G_NULL_NUM) = NVL(p_source_type_id, G_NULL_NUM)
     AND NVL(wlc.source_header_id, G_NULL_NUM) = NVL(p_source_header_id, G_NULL_NUM)
     AND NVL(wlc.source_line_id, G_NULL_NUM) = NVL(p_source_line_id, G_NULL_NUM)
     AND NVL(wlc.source_line_detail_id, G_NULL_NUM) = NVL(p_source_line_detail_id, G_NULL_NUM)
     AND NVL(wlc.source_name, G_NULL_CHAR) = NVL(p_source_name, G_NULL_CHAR)
     AND NVL(wlc.serial_summary_entry, 2) = p_serial_summary_entry;
Line: 4716

  SELECT wlc.rowid
       , wlc.primary_quantity
       , wlc.quantity
       , wlc.uom_code
       , wlc.lot_number
       , wlc.serial_summary_entry
       , wlc.secondary_quantity  --INVCONV kkillams
       , wlc.secondary_uom_code  --INVCONV kkillams
    FROM wms_lpn_contents wlc
   WHERE wlc.parent_lpn_id = p_lpn_id
     AND wlc.organization_id = p_organization_id
     AND wlc.inventory_item_id = p_content_item_id
     AND wlc.uom_code = NVL(p_uom_code, wlc.uom_code)
     AND NVL(wlc.revision, G_NULL_CHAR) = NVL(p_revision, G_NULL_CHAR)
     AND NVL(wlc.lot_number, G_NULL_CHAR) = NVL(DECODE(p_serial_summary_entry, NULL, wlc.lot_number, p_lot_number), G_NULL_CHAR)
     AND NVL(wlc.source_type_id, G_NULL_NUM) = NVL(p_source_type_id, NVL(wlc.source_type_id, G_NULL_NUM))
     AND NVL(wlc.source_header_id, G_NULL_NUM) = NVL(p_source_header_id, NVL(wlc.source_header_id, G_NULL_NUM))
     AND NVL(wlc.source_line_id, G_NULL_NUM) = NVL(p_source_line_id, NVL(wlc.source_line_id, G_NULL_NUM))
     AND NVL(wlc.source_line_detail_id, G_NULL_NUM) = NVL(p_source_line_detail_id, NVL(wlc.source_line_detail_id, G_NULL_NUM))
     AND NVL(wlc.source_name, G_NULL_CHAR) = NVL(p_source_name, NVL(wlc.source_name, G_NULL_CHAR))
     AND NVL(wlc.serial_summary_entry, 2) = NVL(p_serial_summary_entry, NVL(wlc.serial_summary_entry, 2))
   ORDER BY wlc.lot_number, wlc.source_type_id DESC, wlc.source_header_id DESC, wlc.source_line_id DESC, wlc.source_line_detail_id DESC, wlc.source_name DESC;
Line: 4745

  SELECT rowid
       , primary_quantity
       , quantity
       , secondary_quantity --INVCONV kkillams
    FROM wms_lpn_contents
   WHERE parent_lpn_id = p_lpn_id
     AND organization_id = p_organization_id
     AND item_description = p_content_item_desc
     AND NVL(cost_group_id, G_NULL_NUM) = NVL(p_cost_group_id, G_NULL_NUM)
     AND NVL(serial_summary_entry, 2) = l_serial_summary_entry;
Line: 4759

  SELECT rowid
       , lpn_id
       , organization_id
       , inventory_item_id
       , tare_weight
       , tare_weight_uom_code
    FROM wms_license_plate_numbers
   START WITH lpn_id = p_lpn_id
 CONNECT BY parent_lpn_id = PRIOR lpn_id;
Line: 4772

  SELECT lpn_id
    FROM wms_license_plate_numbers
   START WITH lpn_id = p_lpn_id
 CONNECT BY  lpn_id = PRIOR parent_lpn_id;
Line: 5105

Line: 5113

          mdebug('Bulk update child LPN WLC/MSN: '||l_tmp_bulk_lpns.lpn_id.first||'-'||l_tmp_bulk_lpns.lpn_id.last, G_INFO);
Line: 5119

          UPDATE wms_lpn_contents
             SET organization_id = l_lpn.organization_id
               , last_update_date = SYSDATE
               , last_updated_by  = fnd_global.user_id
               , request_id       = l_request_id
           WHERE parent_lpn_id = l_tmp_bulk_lpns.lpn_id(bulk_i);
Line: 5127

             mdebug('Bulk updated org in WLC cnt='||SQL%ROWCOUNT, G_INFO);
Line: 5133

        UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
          SET current_organization_id   = l_lpn.organization_id
            , current_subinventory_code = l_lpn.subinventory_code
            , current_locator_id        = l_lpn.locator_id
            , last_update_date          = SYSDATE
            , last_updated_by           = fnd_global.user_id
        WHERE lpn_id = l_tmp_bulk_lpns.lpn_id(bulk_i);
Line: 5142

          mdebug('Bulk updated org/sub/loc in MSN cnt='||SQL%ROWCOUNT, G_INFO);
Line: 5149

      l_progress := 'Pack LPN: Need to update parent lpns weight and volume';
Line: 5189

        UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
           SET lpn_id                  = p_lpn_id
             , cost_group_id           = p_cost_group_id
             , last_update_date        = SYSDATE
             , last_updated_by         = fnd_global.user_id
             , last_txn_source_type_id = DECODE(last_txn_source_type_id, 5, 5, p_source_type_id)--8687722
             , last_txn_source_id      = p_source_header_id
             , last_txn_source_name    = p_source_name
             , revision                = DECODE(current_status, 3, revision, p_revision)
             , lot_number              = DECODE(current_status, 3, lot_number, p_lot_number)
         WHERE inventory_item_id       = p_content_item_id
           AND current_organization_id = p_organization_id
           AND length(serial_number)   = length(p_from_serial_number)
           AND serial_number BETWEEN p_from_serial_number AND NVL(p_to_serial_number, p_from_serial_number);
Line: 5272

          UPDATE wms_lpn_contents
          SET last_update_date = SYSDATE
            , last_updated_by  = fnd_global.user_id
            , request_id       = l_request_id
            , quantity         = l_quantity
            , uom_code         = p_uom
            , primary_quantity = l_primary_quantity
          WHERE rowid = l_existing_record_cursor.rowid;
Line: 5284

          SET last_update_date   = SYSDATE
            , last_updated_by    = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID
            , request_id         = l_request_id
            , quantity           = quantity + l_quantity
            , uom_code           = p_uom
            , primary_quantity   = primary_quantity + round(l_primary_quantity,5)
            , secondary_quantity = CASE WHEN p_sec_uom IS NOT NULL THEN l_sec_converted_quantity + p_sec_quantity
                                        ELSE secondary_quantity END  --INVCONV kkillams
          WHERE rowid = l_existing_record_cursor.rowid;
Line: 5297

          mdebug('Inserting new item row into WLC');
Line: 5305

        INSERT INTO wms_lpn_contents (
        , last_updated_by
        , creation_date
        , created_by
        , request_id
        , lpn_content_id
        , parent_lpn_id
        , organization_id
        , inventory_item_id
        , item_description
        , revision
        , lot_number
        , quantity
        , uom_code
        , primary_quantity
        , cost_group_id
        , source_type_id
        , source_header_id
        , source_line_id
        , source_line_detail_id
        , source_name
        , serial_summary_entry
        , secondary_quantity
        , secondary_uom_code)
        VALUES (
        , fnd_global.user_id
        , SYSDATE
        , fnd_global.user_id
        , l_request_id
        , wms_lpn_contents_s.NEXTVAL
        , p_lpn_id
        , p_organization_id
        , p_content_item_id
        , p_content_item_desc
        , p_revision
        , p_lot_number
        , l_quantity
        , p_uom
        , l_primary_quantity
        , p_cost_group_id
        , p_source_type_id
        , p_source_header_id
        , p_source_line_id
        , p_source_line_detail_id
        , p_source_name
        , l_serial_summary_entry
        , round(p_sec_quantity,g_precision) --INVCONV kkillams
        , p_sec_uom      --INVCONV kkillams
Line: 5360

      l_progress := 'Pack item: Need to update parent lpns weight and volume';
Line: 5382

        INSERT INTO wms_lpn_contents (
        , last_updated_by
        , creation_date
        , created_by
        , request_id
        , lpn_content_id
        , parent_lpn_id
        , organization_id
        , inventory_item_id
        , item_description
        , revision
        , lot_number
        , serial_number
        , quantity
        , uom_code
        , primary_quantity
        , cost_group_id
        , source_type_id
        , source_header_id
        , source_line_id
        , source_line_detail_id
        , source_name
        , serial_summary_entry
        , secondary_quantity
        , secondary_uom_code
        VALUES (
        , fnd_global.user_id
        , SYSDATE
        , fnd_global.user_id
        , l_request_id
        , p_lpn_id
        , p_organization_id
        , p_content_item_id
        , p_content_item_desc
        , p_revision
        , p_lot_number
        , p_from_serial_number
        , l_quantity
        , p_uom
        , l_primary_quantity
        , p_cost_group_id
        , p_source_type_id
        , p_source_header_id
        , p_source_line_id
        , p_source_line_detail_id
        , p_source_name
        , 2
        , p_sec_quantity --INVCONV kkillams
        , p_sec_uom      --INVCONV kkillams
Line: 5437

        UPDATE wms_lpn_contents
           SET last_update_date = SYSDATE
             , last_updated_by  = fnd_global.user_id
             , request_id       = l_request_id
             , quantity         = NVL(l_one_time_item_rec.quantity, 1) + NVL(l_quantity, 1)
             , uom_code         = p_uom
             , source_type_id = p_source_type_id
             , source_header_id = p_source_header_id
             , source_line_id = p_source_line_id
             , source_line_detail_id = p_source_line_detail_id
             , source_name = p_source_name
             , secondary_quantity = CASE WHEN p_sec_uom IS NOT NULL THEN NVL(l_one_time_item_rec.secondary_quantity, 1) +
                                         ELSE secondary_quantity END --INVCONV kkillams
             , secondary_uom_code = p_sec_uom  --INVCONV kkillams
         WHERE rowid = l_one_time_item_rec.rowid;
Line: 5471

      /* Bug 2308339: Update the Organization, Sub, Locator only if Sub is LPN Controlled */
      IF( l_subinventory IS NOT NULL AND NVL(inv_cache.tosub_rec.lpn_controlled_flag, 2) = 1 ) THEN
        FOR l_child_lpn IN nested_children_cursor(p_content_lpn_id) LOOP
          -- Only if there is a difference in location, update nested
          -- lpns/items/serials with the new location
          IF ( l_content_lpn.organization_id <> p_organization_id OR
               l_content_lpn.subinventory_code <> l_subinventory OR
               l_content_lpn.locator_id <> l_locator_id ) THEN
            -- Update the location information for the packed items
            IF ( l_content_lpn.organization_id <> p_organization_id ) THEN
              UPDATE wms_lpn_contents
                 SET organization_id  = p_organization_id
                   , last_update_date = SYSDATE
                   , last_updated_by  = fnd_global.user_id
                   , request_id       = l_request_id
               WHERE organization_id = l_content_lpn.organization_id
                 AND parent_lpn_id = l_child_lpn.lpn_id;
Line: 5491

            UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
               SET current_organization_id = p_organization_id
                 , current_subinventory_code = l_subinventory
                 , current_locator_id = l_locator_id
                 , last_update_date = SYSDATE
                 , last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id
             WHERE current_organization_id = l_content_lpn.organization_id
               AND lpn_id = l_child_lpn.lpn_id;
Line: 5511

          SELECT 0 INTO l_lpn_is_empty
          FROM   dual
          WHERE EXISTS (
            SELECT 1 FROM wms_lpn_contents
            WHERE  organization_id = p_organization_id
            AND    parent_lpn_id = l_lpn.lpn_id )
          OR EXISTS (
            SELECT 1 FROM wms_license_plate_numbers
            WHERE  organization_id = p_organization_id
            AND    parent_lpn_id = l_lpn.lpn_id
            AND    lpn_id <> l_content_lpn.lpn_id );
Line: 5531

        l_progress := 'Unpack LPN: Need to update parent lpns weight and volume';
Line: 5562

        UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
          SET lpn_id                  = NULL
            , last_update_date        = SYSDATE
            , last_updated_by         = fnd_global.user_id
        WHERE inventory_item_id       = p_content_item_id
          AND current_organization_id = p_organization_id
          AND length(serial_number)   = length(p_from_serial_number)
          AND serial_number BETWEEN p_from_serial_number AND NVL(p_to_serial_number, p_from_serial_number);
Line: 5655

              UPDATE wms_lpn_contents
                SET last_update_date = SYSDATE
                  , last_updated_by  = fnd_global.user_id
                  , request_id       = l_request_id
                  , quantity         = (CASE WHEN uom_code = inv_cache.item_rec.primary_uom_code
                                              THEN Round((primary_quantity - l_item_quantity), 5)
                                              CASE WHEN uom_code = Nvl(SECONDARY_UOM_CODE,'@@@')
                                                      THEN Round((secondary_quantity - p_sec_quantity), 5)
                                                   ELSE quantity - Round(Convert_UOM(
                                                                         , l_item_quantity
                                                                         , inv_cache.item_rec.primary_uom_code
                                                                         , l_temp_record.uom_code), 5)
                                              END  )
                  , primary_quantity = Round((primary_quantity - l_item_quantity), 5)
                  , secondary_quantity =  CASE WHEN p_sec_uom IS NOT NULL
                                                  THEN Round((secondary_quantity - p_sec_quantity), 5)
                                                  ELSE secondary_quantity END
                  , secondary_uom_code = p_sec_uom
              WHERE rowid = l_temp_record.rowid;
Line: 5694

              UPDATE wms_lpn_contents
                SET last_update_date = SYSDATE
                  , last_updated_by  = fnd_global.user_id
                  , request_id       = l_request_id
                  , quantity         = quantity - l_converted_quantity
                  , primary_quantity = primary_quantity - l_item_quantity
                  , secondary_quantity =  CASE WHEN p_sec_uom IS NOT NULL
                                                  THEN (secondary_quantity - p_sec_quantity) -- bug 8671025
                                                  ELSE secondary_quantity END    --INVCONV kkillams
                  , secondary_uom_code = p_sec_uom
              WHERE rowid = l_temp_record.rowid;
Line: 5709

            mdebug('Delete column from content table and decrement total unpack quantity', G_INFO);
Line: 5710

            DELETE FROM wms_lpn_contents
            WHERE rowid = l_temp_record.rowid;
Line: 5746

          SELECT 0 INTO l_lpn_is_empty
          FROM   dual
          WHERE EXISTS (
            SELECT 1 FROM wms_lpn_contents
            WHERE  organization_id = p_organization_id
            AND    parent_lpn_id   = l_lpn.lpn_id )
            OR EXISTS (
            SELECT 1 FROM wms_license_plate_numbers
            WHERE  organization_id = p_organization_id
            AND    parent_lpn_id = l_lpn.lpn_id );
Line: 5765

        l_progress := 'Unpack item: Need to update parent lpns weight and volume';
Line: 5778

          UPDATE wms_lpn_contents
             SET last_update_date = SYSDATE
               , last_updated_by  = fnd_global.user_id
               , request_id       = l_request_id
               , quantity         = (l_one_time_item_rec.quantity - l_quantity)
               , uom_code         = p_uom
           WHERE rowid = l_one_time_item_rec.rowid;
Line: 5786

          DELETE FROM wms_lpn_contents
           WHERE rowid = l_one_time_item_rec.rowid;
Line: 5809

Line: 5821

        SELECT unit_weight
             , weight_uom_code
          INTO l_lpn_tbl(l_tmp_i).tare_weight
             , l_lpn_tbl(l_tmp_i).tare_weight_uom_code
          FROM mtl_system_items
         WHERE organization_id = l_child_lpn.organization_id
           AND inventory_item_id = l_child_lpn.inventory_item_id;
Line: 5849

      l_progress := 'Add child LPN to bulk rec to delete contents';
Line: 5854

      mdebug('Bulk Delete/Update LPNs in WLC/MSN: '||l_tmp_bulk_lpns.lpn_id.first||'-'||l_tmp_bulk_lpns.lpn_id.last, G_INFO);
Line: 5859

    DELETE FROM wms_lpn_contents
    WHERE  parent_lpn_id = l_tmp_bulk_lpns.lpn_id(bulk_i);
Line: 5863

      mdebug('Bulk delete from WLC cnt='||SQL%ROWCOUNT, G_INFO);
Line: 5868

    UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
       SET last_update_date = SYSDATE
         , last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id
         , lpn_id = NULL
     WHERE lpn_id = l_tmp_bulk_lpns.lpn_id(bulk_i);
Line: 5875

      mdebug('Bulk update MSN cnt='||SQL%ROWCOUNT, G_INFO);
Line: 5906

        SELECT unit_weight
             , weight_uom_code
          INTO l_lpn_tbl(l_tmp_i).tare_weight
             , l_lpn_tbl(l_tmp_i).tare_weight_uom_code
          FROM mtl_system_items
         WHERE organization_id = empty_lpn_rec.organization_id
           AND inventory_item_id = empty_lpn_rec.inventory_item_id;
Line: 5939

          SELECT 0 INTO l_lpn_is_empty
          FROM   dual
          WHERE EXISTS (
            -- Check to make sure that the parent lpn has no items in it
            SELECT 1 FROM wms_lpn_contents
            WHERE  organization_id = p_organization_id
            AND    parent_lpn_id = empty_lpn_rec.parent_lpn_id )
          OR EXISTS (
            -- Check to make sure that the parent lpn has no lpns in it
            -- Ignore the child lpn that will become pregenerated later since
            -- we already know it will unpacked from the parent
            SELECT 1 FROM wms_license_plate_numbers
            WHERE  organization_id = p_organization_id
            AND    parent_lpn_id = empty_lpn_rec.parent_lpn_id
            AND    lpn_id <> empty_lpn_rec.lpn_id );
Line: 5961

          l_progress := 'UPDATE Wt and Vol when making to auto unnest empty LPNs';
Line: 5995

            SELECT lpn_id
                 , inventory_item_id
                 , gross_weight
                 , gross_weight_uom_code
                 , tare_weight
                 , tare_weight_uom_code
                 , content_volume
                 , content_volume_uom_code
              INTO l_wt_vol_new.lpn_id
                 , l_wt_vol_new.inventory_item_id
                 , l_wt_vol_new.gross_weight
                 , l_wt_vol_new.gross_weight_uom_code
                 , l_wt_vol_new.tare_weight
                 , l_wt_vol_new.tare_weight_uom_code
                 , l_wt_vol_new.content_volume
                 , l_wt_vol_new.content_volume_uom_code
              FROM wms_license_plate_numbers
             WHERE lpn_id = empty_lpn_rec.parent_lpn_id;
Line: 6234

      mdebug('Done with call to WSH Create_Update_Containers', G_INFO);
Line: 6305

      mdebug('Done with call to WSH Create_Update_Containers', G_INFO);
Line: 6309

  l_progress := 'Inserting record into WLH';
Line: 6310

  INSERT INTO wms_lpn_histories (
  , caller
  , source_transaction_id
  , parent_lpn_id
  , parent_license_plate_number
  , lpn_id
  , license_plate_number
  , inventory_item_id
  , item_description
  , revision
  , lot_number
  , serial_number
  , to_serial_number
  , quantity
  , uom_code
  , organization_id
  , subinventory_code
  , locator_id
  , lpn_context
  , status_id
  , sealed_status
  , operation_mode
  , last_update_date
  , last_updated_by
  , creation_date
  , created_by
  , cost_group_id
  , outermost_lpn_id
  , source_type_id
  , source_header_id
  , source_line_id
  , source_line_detail_id
  , source_name
  , secondary_quantity
  , secondary_uom_code
  , p_caller
  , p_source_transaction_id
  , p_lpn_id
  , l_lpn.license_plate_number
  , p_content_lpn_id
  , l_content_lpn.license_plate_number
  , p_content_item_id
  , p_content_item_desc
  , p_revision
  , p_lot_number
  , p_from_serial_number
  , p_to_serial_number
  , l_quantity
  , p_uom
  , p_organization_id
  , p_subinventory
  , p_locator_id
  , NVL(l_new.lpn_context, l_lpn.lpn_context)
  , l_lpn.status_id
  , l_lpn.sealed_status
  , l_operation_mode
  , fnd_global.user_id
  , fnd_global.user_id
  , p_cost_group_id
  , DECODE(l_new.outermost_lpn_id, fnd_api.g_miss_num, NULL, NVL(l_new.outermost_lpn_id, l_lpn.outermost_lpn_id))
  , NVL(p_source_type_id, l_lpn.source_type_id)
  , NVL(p_source_header_id, l_lpn.source_header_id)
  , NVL(p_source_line_id, l_lpn.source_line_id)
  , NVL(p_source_line_detail_id, l_lpn.source_line_detail_id)
  , NVL(p_source_name, l_lpn.source_name)
  , p_sec_quantity --INVCONV kkillams
  , p_sec_uom      --INVCONV kkillams
Line: 6624

PROCEDURE Validate_Update_Wt_Volume (
  p_api_version            IN         NUMBER
, p_init_msg_list          IN         VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
, p_commit                 IN         VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
, x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
, x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
, x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
, p_lpn_id                 IN         NUMBER
, p_content_lpn_id         IN         VARCHAR2 := NULL
, p_content_item_id        IN         NUMBER   := NULL
, p_quantity               IN         NUMBER   := NULL
, p_uom                    IN         VARCHAR2 := NULL
, p_organization_id        IN         NUMBER   := NULL
, p_enforce_wv_constraints IN         NUMBER   := 2
, p_operation              IN         NUMBER
, p_action                 IN         NUMBER
, x_valid_operation        OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
) IS
l_api_name    CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'Validate_Update_Wt_Volume';
Line: 6651

END Validate_Update_Wt_Volume;
Line: 6688

   SELECT max_load_quantity
   WHERE master_organization_id = p_organization_id
   AND container_item_id = p_dest_cont_item_id
   AND load_item_id = p_source_item_id;
Line: 6695

   SELECT container_item_id, max_load_quantity, preferred_flag
   WHERE master_organization_id = p_organization_id
   AND load_item_id = p_source_item_id
   AND container_item_id IN
   (SELECT inventory_item_id
    WHERE mtl_transactions_enabled_flag = 'Y'
    AND container_item_flag = 'Y'
    AND organization_id = p_organization_id);
Line: 6839

      /* Select the most constraining value for l_max_load_quantity */
      IF (l_dest_cont_item.maximum_load_weight IS NOT NULL) THEN
         -- Check that the source item's unit weight is less than or
         -- equal to the destination container item's maximum load weight
         IF (l_temp_value <= l_dest_cont_item.maximum_load_weight) THEN
            IF (l_max_load_quantity > FLOOR (l_dest_cont_item.maximum_load_weight /
                       l_temp_value)) THEN
               l_max_load_quantity := FLOOR (l_dest_cont_item.maximum_load_weight /
Line: 7207

  SELECT max_load_quantity
    FROM wsh_container_items
   WHERE load_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
     AND container_item_id = p_container_item_id
     AND master_organization_id = p_organization_id
     AND ROWNUM < 2;
Line: 7215

  SELECT lpn_id
    FROM wms_lpn_process_temp
   WHERE process_id = l_process_id;
Line: 7220

  SELECT mmtt.cartonization_id,
         NVL(msnt1.fm_serial_number, msnt2.fm_serial_number),
         NVL(msnt1.to_serial_number, msnt2.to_serial_number)
       , mmtt.secondary_transaction_quantity --INVCONV kkillams
       , mmtt.secondary_uom_code             --INVCONV kkillams
    FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt, mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt1, mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt2
   WHERE mmtt.organization_id = p_organization_id
     AND mmtt.transaction_header_id = l_trx_header_id
     AND mtlt.transaction_temp_id(+) = mmtt.transaction_temp_id
     AND msnt1.transaction_temp_id(+) = mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id
     AND msnt2.transaction_temp_id(+) = mmtt.transaction_temp_id;
Line: 7264

  SELECT primary_uom_code, lot_control_code
    INTO l_primary_uom, l_lot_control_code
    FROM mtl_system_items
   WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
     AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id;
Line: 7381

      INTO temp
      FROM wms_lpn_process_temp
     WHERE process_id = l_process_id;
Line: 7401

    SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL
      INTO l_trx_header_id
      FROM DUAL;
Line: 7408

    x_error_code        := inv_trx_util_pub.insert_line_trx(
                             p_trx_hdr_id=> l_trx_header_id,
                             p_item_id=> p_inventory_item_id,
                             p_revision=> p_revision,
                             p_org_id=> p_organization_id,
                             p_trx_action_id=> inv_globals.g_action_containerpack,
                             p_subinv_code=> p_subinventory,
                             p_tosubinv_code=> NULL,
                             p_locator_id=> p_locator_id,
                             p_tolocator_id=> NULL,
                             p_xfr_org_id=> NULL,
                             p_trx_type_id=> inv_globals.g_type_container_pack,
                             p_trx_src_type_id=> inv_globals.g_sourcetype_inventory,
                             p_trx_qty=> p_quantity,
                             p_pri_qty=> l_primary_quantity,
                             p_uom=> p_uom,
                             p_date=> SYSDATE,
                             p_reason_id=> NULL,
                             p_user_id=> fnd_global.user_id,
                             p_frt_code=> NULL,
                             p_ship_num=> NULL,
                             p_dist_id=> NULL,
                             p_way_bill=> NULL,
                             p_exp_arr=> NULL,
                             p_cost_group=> NULL,
                             p_from_lpn_id=> NULL,
                             p_cnt_lpn_id=> NULL,
                             --p_xfr_lpn_id       => l_lpn_to_pack,
                             x_trx_tmp_id=> l_trx_tmp_id,
                             x_proc_msg=> x_proc_msg,
                             p_secondary_trx_qty =>p_sec_quantity, --INVCONV kkillams
                             p_secondary_uom =>p_sec_uom --INVCONV kkillams
Line: 7444

         mdebug('failed INSERT_LINE_TRX '|| x_error_code, 1);
Line: 7447

      fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_INSERT_LINE_TRX_FAIL');
Line: 7458

         mdebug('Insert lot entry in MTL_LOT_NUMBER_TEMP lot='|| l_lot_number, G_INFO);
Line: 7460

      x_error_code  := inv_trx_util_pub.insert_lot_trx(
                         p_trx_tmp_id=> l_trx_tmp_id,
                         p_user_id=> fnd_global.user_id,
                         p_lot_number=> l_lot_number,
                         p_trx_qty=> p_quantity,
                         p_pri_qty=> l_primary_quantity,
                         p_secondary_qty =>p_sec_quantity, --INVCONV kkillams
                         p_secondary_uom =>p_sec_uom, --INVCONV kkillams
                         x_ser_trx_id=> l_ser_trx_id,
                         x_proc_msg=> x_proc_msg
Line: 7474

           mdebug('failed INSERT_LOT_TRX lot='||l_lot_number||' '||x_error_code, G_ERROR);
Line: 7477

        fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_INSERT_LOT_TRX_FAIL');
Line: 7489

         mdebug('inserting serials '|| l_serial_number_from || '-' || l_serial_number_to || ' into mmtt', G_INFO);
Line: 7493

      x_error_code  := inv_trx_util_pub.insert_ser_trx(
                         p_trx_tmp_id=> l_trx_tmp_id,
                         p_user_id=> fnd_global.user_id,
                         p_fm_ser_num=> l_serial_number_from,
                         p_to_ser_num=> l_serial_number_to,
                         x_proc_msg=> x_proc_msg
Line: 7503

           mdebug('failed INSERT_SER_TRX '|| x_error_code, G_ERROR);
Line: 7506

        fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_INSERT_SER_TRX_FAIL');
Line: 7552

    SELECT wms_lpn_process_temp_s.NEXTVAL
      INTO l_process_id
      FROM DUAL;
Line: 7621

      UPDATE wms_license_plate_numbers
      SET lpn_context = l_lpn_source
        , last_update_date = SYSDATE
        , last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id
      WHERE lpn_id = l_lpn_to_pack;
Line: 7677

      SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL
      INTO l_trx_header_id
      FROM DUAL;
Line: 7688

      x_error_code  := inv_trx_util_pub.insert_line_trx(
                         p_trx_hdr_id=> l_trx_header_id,
                         p_item_id=> p_inventory_item_id,
                         p_revision=> p_revision,
                         p_org_id=> p_organization_id,
                         p_trx_action_id=> inv_globals.g_action_containerpack,
                         p_subinv_code=> p_subinventory,
                         p_tosubinv_code=> NULL,
                         p_locator_id=> p_locator_id,
                         p_tolocator_id=> NULL,
                         p_xfr_org_id=> NULL,
                         p_trx_type_id=> inv_globals.g_type_container_pack,
                         p_trx_src_type_id=> inv_globals.g_sourcetype_inventory,
                         p_trx_qty=> l_pack_quantity,
                         p_pri_qty=> l_primary_quantity,
                         p_uom=> l_primary_uom,
                         p_date=> SYSDATE,
                         p_reason_id=> NULL,
                         p_user_id=> fnd_global.user_id,
                         p_frt_code=> NULL,
                         p_ship_num=> NULL,
                         p_dist_id=> NULL,
                         p_way_bill=> NULL,
                         p_exp_arr=> NULL,
                         p_cost_group=> NULL,
                         p_from_lpn_id=> NULL,
                         p_cnt_lpn_id=> NULL,
                         p_xfr_lpn_id=> l_lpn_to_pack,
                         x_trx_tmp_id=> l_trx_tmp_id,
                                   x_proc_msg=> x_proc_msg,
                                   p_secondary_trx_qty =>l_sec_pack_quantity, --INVCONV kkillams
                                   p_secondary_uom =>l_sec_uom --INVCONV kkillams
Line: 7724

           mdebug('failed INSERT_LINE_TRX '|| x_error_code, G_ERROR);
Line: 7727

        fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_INSERT_LINE_TRX_FAIL');
Line: 7738

            mdebug('Insert lot entry in MTL_LOT_NUMBER_TEMP lot='|| l_lot_number, G_INFO);
Line: 7740

         x_error_code  := inv_trx_util_pub.insert_lot_trx(
                            p_trx_tmp_id=> l_trx_tmp_id,
                            p_user_id=> fnd_global.user_id,
                            p_lot_number=> l_lot_number,
                            p_trx_qty=> l_primary_quantity,
                            p_pri_qty=> l_primary_quantity,
                                           p_secondary_qty => l_sec_pack_quantity, --INVCONV kkillams
                                           p_secondary_uom =>l_sec_uom, --INVCONV kkillams
                            x_ser_trx_id=> l_ser_trx_id,
                            x_proc_msg=> x_proc_msg
Line: 7754

              mdebug('failed INSERT_LOT_TRX '|| x_error_code, 1);
Line: 7757

           fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_INSERT_LOT_TRX_FAIL');
Line: 7768

            mdebug('inserting serials '|| l_serial_number_from || '-' || l_serial_number_to || ' into mmtt', G_INFO);
Line: 7771

         x_error_code  := inv_trx_util_pub.insert_ser_trx(
                            p_trx_tmp_id=> l_trx_tmp_id,
                            p_user_id=> fnd_global.user_id,
                            p_fm_ser_num=> l_serial_number_from,
                            p_to_ser_num=> l_serial_number_to,
                            x_proc_msg=> x_proc_msg
Line: 7781

               mdebug('failed INSERT_SER_TRX '|| x_error_code, 1);
Line: 7784

            fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_INSERT_SER_TRX_FAIL');
Line: 7851

         mdebug('making insert to temp table', G_MESSAGE);
Line: 7853

      INSERT INTO wms_lpn_process_temp ( process_id, lpn_id )
      VALUES ( l_process_id, l_lpn_to_pack);
Line: 7945

DELETE FROM wms_lpn_process_temp
WHERE process_id = l_process_id;
Line: 7950

   DELETE FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
   WHERE transaction_header_id = l_trx_header_id;
Line: 8076

        UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
           SET lpn_id = p_lpn_id,
               last_update_date = SYSDATE,
               last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
               last_txn_source_type_id = p_source_type_id,
               revision = DECODE(current_status, 3, revision, p_revision),
               lot_number = DECODE(current_status, 3, lot_number, p_lot_number)
         WHERE inventory_item_id = p_content_item_id
           AND serial_number = l_current_serial
           AND current_organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 8102

      UPDATE wms_lpn_contents
         SET last_update_date = SYSDATE,
             last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
             serial_summary_entry = 1,
             source_type_id = p_source_type_id
       WHERE parent_lpn_id = p_lpn_id
         AND organization_id = p_organization_id
         AND inventory_item_id = p_content_item_id
         AND NVL(revision, G_NULL_CHAR) = NVL(p_revision, G_NULL_CHAR)
         AND NVL(lot_number, G_NULL_CHAR) = NVL(p_lot_number, G_NULL_CHAR);
Line: 8113

      UPDATE wms_license_plate_numbers
         SET last_update_date = SYSDATE,
             last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
             lpn_context = LPN_CONTEXT_WIP
       WHERE lpn_id = p_lpn_id
         AND organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 8177

  SELECT lpn_id, parent_lpn_id, inventory_item_id, organization_id,
         revision, lot_number, serial_number, cost_group_id
   WHERE Level <= p_explosion_level
   START WITH lpn_id = p_lpn_id
 CONNECT BY parent_lpn_id = PRIOR lpn_id;
Line: 8185

  SELECT lpn_id, parent_lpn_id, inventory_item_id, organization_id,
         revision, lot_number, serial_number, cost_group_id
   START WITH lpn_id = p_lpn_id
 CONNECT BY parent_lpn_id = PRIOR lpn_id;
Line: 8192

  SELECT parent_lpn_id, inventory_item_id, item_description,
           organization_id, revision, lot_number,
        serial_number, quantity, uom_code, cost_group_id,
        secondary_quantity, secondary_uom_code  --INVCONV kkillams
        , primary_quantity --16445970
   WHERE parent_lpn_id = l_current_lpn
     AND NVL(serial_summary_entry, 2) = 2;
Line: 8202

  SELECT inventory_item_id, current_organization_id, lpn_id,
           revision, lot_number, serial_number, cost_group_id
   WHERE lpn_id = l_current_lpn
   -- bug 5103594, added the Order By clause
   ORDER BY inventory_item_id, revision, lot_number, serial_number;
Line: 8285

         SELECT primary_uom_code
           INTO l_temp_uom_code
           FROM mtl_system_items
          WHERE inventory_item_id = v_lpn_serial_content.inventory_item_id
            AND organization_id = v_lpn_serial_content.current_organization_id;
Line: 8361

         SELECT primary_uom_code
           INTO l_temp_uom_code
           FROM mtl_system_items
          WHERE inventory_item_id = v_lpn_serial_content.inventory_item_id
            AND organization_id = v_lpn_serial_content.current_organization_id;
Line: 8469

      SELECT *
      INTO p_lpn
      WHERE LPN_ID  = p_lpn.lpn_id
Line: 8475

      SELECT *
      INTO p_lpn
      WHERE LPN_ID  = p_lpn.lpn_id;
Line: 8484

      SELECT *
      INTO p_lpn
      WHERE LICENSE_PLATE_NUMBER = p_lpn.license_plate_number
Line: 8490

      SELECT *
      INTO p_lpn
      WHERE LICENSE_PLATE_NUMBER = p_lpn.license_plate_number;
Line: 8499

      SELECT *
      INTO p_lpn
      WHERE LPN_ID = p_lpn.lpn_id
      AND LICENSE_PLATE_NUMBER = p_lpn.license_plate_number
Line: 8506

      SELECT *
      INTO p_lpn
      WHERE LPN_ID = p_lpn.lpn_id
      AND LICENSE_PLATE_NUMBER = p_lpn.license_plate_number;
Line: 8536

  SELECT lpn_id, lpn_context
    FROM wms_license_plate_numbers
   WHERE outermost_lpn_id = p_lpn_id;
Line: 8554

      SELECT parent_lpn_id INTO l_parent_lpn_id
        FROM wms_license_plate_numbers
       WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
         AND lpn_id = p_lpn_id;
Line: 8592

            INTO l_lpn_is_valid
            FROM mtl_reservations
           WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
             AND lpn_id = lpn_rec.lpn_id
             AND rownum < 2;
Line: 8617

            INTO l_lpn_is_valid
            FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
           WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
             AND ( ALLOCATED_LPN_ID = lpn_rec.lpn_id OR
                   lpn_id = lpn_rec.lpn_id OR
                   content_lpn_id = lpn_rec.lpn_id OR
                   transfer_lpn_id = lpn_rec.lpn_id )
             AND rownum < 2;
Line: 8642

            INTO l_lpn_is_valid
            FROM mtl_onhand_quantities_detail
           WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
             AND lpn_id = lpn_rec.lpn_id
             AND rownum < 2;
Line: 8661

            INTO l_lpn_is_valid
            FROM mtl_serial_numbers
           WHERE current_organization_id = p_organization_id
             AND lpn_id = lpn_rec.lpn_id
             AND rownum < 2;
Line: 8722

l_insert_item_rec BOOLEAN := FALSE;
Line: 8723

l_insert_lot_rec  BOOLEAN := FALSE;
Line: 8724

l_insert_ser_rec  BOOLEAN := FALSE;
Line: 8741

  SELECT lpn_id, lpn_context, subinventory_code, locator_id, parent_lpn_id
    FROM wms_license_plate_numbers
   WHERE lpn_id <> p_outermost_lpn_id
   START WITH lpn_id = p_outermost_lpn_id
 CONNECT BY parent_lpn_id = PRIOR lpn_id;
Line: 8748

  SELECT inventory_item_id, quantity, uom_code, revision, lot_number, quantity lot_quantity,
         cost_group_id, serial_summary_entry
         ,secondary_quantity, secondary_uom_code --INVCONV kkillams
    FROM wms_lpn_contents
   WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
     AND parent_lpn_id = p_parent_lpn_id
   ORDER BY inventory_item_id, revision, cost_group_id, lot_number;
Line: 8760

  SELECT serial_number
    FROM mtl_serial_numbers
   WHERE current_organization_id = p_organization_id
     AND inventory_item_id = p_item_id
     AND lpn_id = p_lpn_id
     AND NVL(revision, '@') = NVL(p_revision, '@')
     AND NVL(lot_number, '@') = NVL(p_lot_number, '@');
Line: 8790

  SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.nextval
  INTO l_trx_hdr_id
Line: 8797

    l_return_status := INV_TRX_UTIL_PUB.INSERT_LINE_TRX (
      p_trx_hdr_id      => l_trx_hdr_id
    , p_item_id         => -1
    , p_org_id          => p_organization_id
    , p_subinv_code     => Nested_LPN_rec.subinventory_code
    , p_locator_id      => Nested_LPN_rec.locator_id
    , p_trx_src_type_id => INV_GLOBALS.G_SourceType_Inventory
    , p_trx_action_id   => INV_GLOBALS.G_Action_ContainerUnPack
    , p_trx_type_id     => INV_GLOBALS.G_TYPE_CONTAINER_UNPACK
    , p_trx_qty         => 1
    , p_pri_qty         => 1
    , p_uom             => 'Ea'
    , p_date            => SYSDATE
    , p_user_id         => fnd_global.user_id
    , p_from_lpn_id     => Nested_LPN_rec.parent_lpn_id
    , p_cnt_lpn_id      => Nested_LPN_rec.lpn_id
    , x_trx_tmp_id      => l_trx_tmp_id
    , x_proc_msg        => x_msg_data );
Line: 8817

         mdebug('Insert_Line_Trx failed :'||x_msg_data,  1);
Line: 8823

      mdebug('Inserted unpack hdrid='||l_trx_hdr_id||' tempid='||l_trx_tmp_id||' lpn='||Nested_LPN_rec.lpn_id||' parlpn='|| Nested_LPN_rec.parent_lpn_id, 4);
Line: 8831

      SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.nextval
      INTO l_trx_tmp_id
      FROM DUAL;
Line: 8836

      SELECT primary_uom_code
        INTO l_primary_uom
        FROM mtl_system_items
       WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
         AND inventory_item_id = l_next_item_rec.inventory_item_id;
Line: 8873

            l_insert_lot_rec := TRUE;
Line: 8876

          l_insert_item_rec := TRUE;
Line: 8879

            l_insert_lot_rec := TRUE;
Line: 8881

            l_insert_ser_rec := TRUE;
Line: 8886

        IF ( l_insert_lot_rec ) THEN
          IF ( l_crnt_item_rec.uom_code <> l_primary_uom ) THEN
            l_converted_qty := Round(Convert_UOM(l_crnt_item_rec.inventory_item_id, l_crnt_item_rec.quantity, l_crnt_item_rec.uom_code, l_primary_uom), 5);  --13591755 added for GRUPO
Line: 8893

          l_return_status := INV_TRX_UTIL_PUB.Insert_Lot_Trx(
            p_trx_tmp_id    => l_trx_tmp_id
          , p_user_id       => fnd_global.user_id
          , p_lot_number    => l_crnt_item_rec.lot_number
          , p_trx_qty       => l_crnt_item_rec.lot_quantity
          , p_pri_qty       => l_converted_qty
          , p_secondary_qty => l_crnt_item_rec.secondary_quantity --INVCONV kkillams
          , p_secondary_uom => l_crnt_item_rec.secondary_uom_code --INVCONV kkillams
          , x_ser_trx_id    => l_ser_tmp_id
          , x_proc_msg      => x_msg_data );
Line: 8905

              mdebug('Insert_Lot_Trx failed :'||x_msg_data,  1);
Line: 8911

            mdebug('Inserted lot tempid='||l_trx_tmp_id||' lot='||l_crnt_item_rec.lot_number||' qty='||l_crnt_item_rec.lot_quantity||' stmpid='||l_ser_tmp_id, 4);
Line: 8916

            l_insert_ser_rec := TRUE;
Line: 8918

          l_insert_lot_rec := FALSE;
Line: 8922

        IF ( l_insert_ser_rec ) THEN
          OPEN LPN_serial_cur(Nested_LPN_rec.lpn_id, l_crnt_item_rec.inventory_item_id,
                              l_crnt_item_rec.revision, l_crnt_item_rec.lot_number);
Line: 8968

                mdebug('Insert ser tempid='||l_ser_tmp_id||' fmsn='||l_fm_serial||' tosn='||l_to_serial, 4);
Line: 8971

              l_return_status := INV_TRX_UTIL_PUB.Insert_Ser_Trx (
                p_trx_tmp_id => l_ser_tmp_id
              , p_user_id    => fnd_global.user_id
              , p_fm_ser_num => l_fm_serial
              , p_to_ser_num => l_to_serial
              , x_proc_msg   => x_msg_data );
Line: 8979

                  mdebug('Insert_Ser_Trx failed :'||x_msg_data,  1);
Line: 8994

          l_insert_ser_rec := FALSE;
Line: 8997

        IF ( l_insert_item_rec ) THEN
          IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
            mdebug('Insert split tmpid='||l_trx_tmp_id||' plpn='||Nested_LPN_rec.parent_lpn_id||' itm='||l_crnt_item_rec.inventory_item_id||' rev='||l_crnt_item_rec.revision||' qty='||l_crnt_item_rec.quantity||' cg='||l_crnt_item_rec.cost_group_id, 4);
Line: 9010

          INSERT INTO mtl_material_transactions_temp (
          , transaction_temp_id
          , process_flag
		  , posting_flag         --Added for the bug 15900513
          , creation_date
          , created_by
          , last_update_date
          , last_updated_by
          , last_update_login
          , transaction_date
          , organization_id
          , subinventory_code
          , locator_id
          , inventory_item_id
          , revision
          , cost_group_id
          , transaction_source_type_id
          , transaction_action_id
          , transaction_type_id
          , transaction_quantity
          , primary_quantity
          , transaction_uom
          , lpn_id
          , transfer_lpn_id
          , acct_period_id
          , secondary_transaction_quantity   --INCONV kkillams
          , secondary_uom_code               --INCONV kkillamsb
          ) VALUES (
          , l_trx_tmp_id
          , 'Y'
		  ,'Y'                    --Added for the bug 15900513
          , SYSDATE
          , fnd_global.user_id
          , SYSDATE
          , fnd_global.user_id
          , fnd_global.user_id
          , SYSDATE
          , p_organization_id
          , Nested_LPN_rec.subinventory_code
          , Nested_LPN_rec.locator_id
          , l_crnt_item_rec.inventory_item_id
          , l_crnt_item_rec.revision
          , l_crnt_item_rec.cost_group_id
          , INV_GLOBALS.G_SourceType_Inventory
          , INV_GLOBALS.G_Action_ContainerSplit
          , l_crnt_item_rec.quantity
          , l_converted_qty
          , l_crnt_item_rec.uom_code
          , Nested_LPN_rec.lpn_id
          , p_outermost_lpn_id
          , v_acct_period_id
          , l_crnt_item_rec.secondary_quantity --INCONV kkillams
          , l_crnt_item_rec.secondary_uom_code --INCONV kkillams
Line: 9069

          SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.nextval
            INTO l_trx_tmp_id
            FROM DUAL;
Line: 9075

            SELECT primary_uom_code
              INTO l_primary_uom
              FROM mtl_system_items
             WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
               AND inventory_item_id = l_next_item_rec.inventory_item_id; --bug12692678 change from l_crnt_item_rec to l_next_item_rec
Line: 9081

          l_insert_item_rec := FALSE;
Line: 9156

  SELECT rowid, lpn_id, parent_lpn_id, subinventory_code, locator_id
  WHERE lpn_id <> p_outermost_lpn_id
  START WITH lpn_id = p_outermost_lpn_id
  CONNECT BY parent_lpn_id = PRIOR lpn_id;
Line: 9194

  SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.nextval
  INTO l_trx_hdr_id
Line: 9202

    l_return_status := INV_TRX_UTIL_PUB.INSERT_LINE_TRX (
      p_trx_hdr_id      => l_trx_hdr_id
    , p_item_id         => -1
    , p_org_id          => p_organization_id
    , p_subinv_code     => lpn_rec.subinventory_code
    , p_locator_id      => lpn_rec.locator_id
    , p_trx_src_type_id => INV_GLOBALS.G_SourceType_Inventory
    , p_trx_action_id   => INV_GLOBALS.G_Action_ContainerUnPack
    , p_trx_type_id     => INV_GLOBALS.G_TYPE_CONTAINER_UNPACK
    , p_trx_qty         => 1
    , p_pri_qty         => 1
    , p_uom             => 'Ea'
    , p_date            => SYSDATE
    , p_user_id         => fnd_global.user_id
    , p_from_lpn_id     => lpn_rec.parent_lpn_id
    , p_cnt_lpn_id      => lpn_rec.lpn_id
    , x_trx_tmp_id      => l_trx_tmp_id
    , x_proc_msg        => x_msg_data );
Line: 9221

      mdebug('Inserted unpack tempid='||l_trx_tmp_id||' lpn='||lpn_rec.lpn_id||' parlpn='|| lpn_rec.parent_lpn_id, 4);
Line: 9301

  SELECT rowid, lpn_id
    FROM wms_license_plate_numbers
   WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
     AND outermost_lpn_id = p_outermost_lpn_id;
Line: 9336

    DELETE FROM wms_lpn_contents
    WHERE parent_lpn_id = lpn_rec.lpn_id;
Line: 9340

    UPDATE wms_license_plate_numbers
         , subinventory_code = NULL
         , locator_id = NULL
         , parent_lpn_id = NULL
         , outermost_lpn_id = lpn_id
         , content_volume = NULL
         , content_volume_uom_code = NULL
         , gross_weight = tare_weight
         , gross_weight_uom_code = tare_weight_uom_code
         , last_update_date = SYSDATE
         , last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id
     WHERE rowid = lpn_rec.rowid;
Line: 9394

   SELECT wda.delivery_id
     INTO l_delivery_id
     FROM wsh_delivery_details_ob_grp_v wdd,
          wsh_delivery_assignments wda
     WHERE wdd.lpn_id IN (SELECT lpn_id FROM wms_license_plate_numbers
                          WHERE outermost_lpn_id = (SELECT outermost_lpn_id
                                                    FROM wms_license_plate_numbers
                                                    WHERE lpn_id = p_lpn_id)
                          AND lpn_context = 11)
     AND wdd.released_status = 'X'  --  For LPN reuse ER : 6845650
     AND wda.parent_delivery_detail_id = wdd.delivery_detail_id
     AND ROWNUM = 1;
Line: 9483

    SELECT lpn_context INTO l_lpn_context
    FROM wms_license_plate_numbers
    WHERE lpn_id = p_lpn_id
    AND organization_id = p_org;
Line: 9493

      SELECT msikfv.concatenated_segments
      INTO l_concatenated_segments
      FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt,
        mtl_system_items_b_kfv msikfv
      WHERE transfer_lpn_id IN
        (SELECT lpn_id
        FROM wms_license_plate_numbers
          START WITH lpn_id       = p_lpn_id
          CONNECT BY PRIOR lpn_id = parent_lpn_id
      AND mmtt.inventory_item_id = msikfv.inventory_item_id
      AND mmtt.organization_id   = msikfv.organization_id
      AND msikfv.organization_id = p_org
      AND rownum                 = 1;
Line: 9508

      SELECT msikfv.concatenated_segments
      INTO l_concatenated_segments
        mtl_system_items_b_kfv msikfv
      WHERE wlc.parent_lpn_id IN
        (SELECT lpn_id
        FROM wms_license_plate_numbers
          START WITH lpn_id       = p_lpn_id
          CONNECT BY PRIOR lpn_id = parent_lpn_id
      AND wlc.inventory_item_id  = msikfv.inventory_item_id
      AND wlc.organization_id    = msikfv.organization_id
      AND msikfv.organization_id = p_org
      AND rownum                 = 1;
Line: 9567