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Line 95: -- - the assignment_id exists in PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F

91: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
92: --
93: -- Description
94: -- This procedure validates the assignment_id with the following checks:
95: -- - the assignment_id exists in PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F
96: -- - the assignment's business group must match the business group of this
97: -- tax record.
98: -- The tax record's business_group_id is also validated by checking that it
99: -- matches an existing business_group_id in PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F.

Line 99: -- matches an existing business_group_id in PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F.

95: -- - the assignment_id exists in PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F
96: -- - the assignment's business group must match the business group of this
97: -- tax record.
98: -- The tax record's business_group_id is also validated by checking that it
99: -- matches an existing business_group_id in PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F.
100: --
101: -- Pre-Conditions
102: -- None.
103: --

Line 133: l_business_group_id per_assignments_f.business_group_id%TYPE;

129: --
130: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'chk_assignment_id';
131: l_dummy varchar2(1);
132: l_api_updating boolean;
133: l_business_group_id per_assignments_f.business_group_id%TYPE;
134: --
135: cursor c1 is
136: select business_group_id
137: from per_assignments_f asg

Line 137: from per_assignments_f asg

133: l_business_group_id per_assignments_f.business_group_id%TYPE;
134: --
135: cursor c1 is
136: select business_group_id
137: from per_assignments_f asg
138: where asg.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
139: and p_effective_date between asg.effective_start_date
140: and asg.effective_end_date;
141: --

Line 188: -- raise error as assignment_id not found in per_assignments_f

184: if c1%notfound then
185: --
186: close c1;
187: --
188: -- raise error as assignment_id not found in per_assignments_f
189: -- table.
190: --
191: hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_51746_ASG_INV_ASG_ID');
192: hr_utility.raise_error;

Line 1294: from per_assignments_f asg,

1290: );
1291: --
1292: cursor csr_check_work_loc(p_csr_tmp_date in date) is
1293: select null
1294: from per_assignments_f asg,
1295: hr_locations hrl
1296: where asg.assignment_id = pay_sta_shd.g_old_rec.assignment_id
1297: and hrl.location_id = asg.location_id
1298: and asg.effective_end_date > p_csr_tmp_date

Line 1306: from per_assignments_f asg,

1302: and pus.state_code = pay_sta_shd.g_old_rec.state_code);
1303: --
1304: cursor csr_check_residence_loc(p_csr_tmp_date in date) is
1305: select null
1306: from per_assignments_f asg,
1307: per_addresses pad
1308: where asg.assignment_id = pay_sta_shd.g_old_rec.assignment_id
1309: and pad.person_id = asg.person_id
1310: and pad.primary_flag = 'Y'