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Line 90: -- to determine the depreciation basis are the ones in fa_books. Instead, I

86: -- adjusted_recoverable_cost is also set to this amount so that the asset can
87: -- depreciate to this new basis amount even if it is greater than the asset's
88: -- cost. This brings up an important point with regard to the code. The
89: -- Polish asset's adjusted_cost and adjusted_recoverable cost that it uses
90: -- to determine the depreciation basis are the ones in fa_books. Instead, I
91: -- currently use polish_deprn_basis in fa_books_summary for adjusted_cost and
92: -- polish_adj_rec_cost in fa_books_summary for adjusted_recoverable_cost.
93: -- The reason for this is that I treat the values in fa_books as the baseline.
94: -- For example, when the user changes the cost from 20,000 to 12,000, the

Line 91: -- currently use polish_deprn_basis in fa_books_summary for adjusted_cost and

87: -- depreciate to this new basis amount even if it is greater than the asset's
88: -- cost. This brings up an important point with regard to the code. The
89: -- Polish asset's adjusted_cost and adjusted_recoverable cost that it uses
90: -- to determine the depreciation basis are the ones in fa_books. Instead, I
91: -- currently use polish_deprn_basis in fa_books_summary for adjusted_cost and
92: -- polish_adj_rec_cost in fa_books_summary for adjusted_recoverable_cost.
93: -- The reason for this is that I treat the values in fa_books as the baseline.
94: -- For example, when the user changes the cost from 20,000 to 12,000, the
95: -- value of adjusted_cost and adjusted_recoverable_cost are both 12,000 in

Line 92: -- polish_adj_rec_cost in fa_books_summary for adjusted_recoverable_cost.

88: -- cost. This brings up an important point with regard to the code. The
89: -- Polish asset's adjusted_cost and adjusted_recoverable cost that it uses
90: -- to determine the depreciation basis are the ones in fa_books. Instead, I
91: -- currently use polish_deprn_basis in fa_books_summary for adjusted_cost and
92: -- polish_adj_rec_cost in fa_books_summary for adjusted_recoverable_cost.
93: -- The reason for this is that I treat the values in fa_books as the baseline.
94: -- For example, when the user changes the cost from 20,000 to 12,000, the
95: -- value of adjusted_cost and adjusted_recoverable_cost are both 12,000 in
96: -- fa_books. However, since we need to run negative adjustments through a

Line 93: -- The reason for this is that I treat the values in fa_books as the baseline.

89: -- Polish asset's adjusted_cost and adjusted_recoverable cost that it uses
90: -- to determine the depreciation basis are the ones in fa_books. Instead, I
91: -- currently use polish_deprn_basis in fa_books_summary for adjusted_cost and
92: -- polish_adj_rec_cost in fa_books_summary for adjusted_recoverable_cost.
93: -- The reason for this is that I treat the values in fa_books as the baseline.
94: -- For example, when the user changes the cost from 20,000 to 12,000, the
95: -- value of adjusted_cost and adjusted_recoverable_cost are both 12,000 in
96: -- fa_books. However, since we need to run negative adjustments through a
97: -- formula to determine the basis, etc, these numbers will be different from

Line 96: -- fa_books. However, since we need to run negative adjustments through a

92: -- polish_adj_rec_cost in fa_books_summary for adjusted_recoverable_cost.
93: -- The reason for this is that I treat the values in fa_books as the baseline.
94: -- For example, when the user changes the cost from 20,000 to 12,000, the
95: -- value of adjusted_cost and adjusted_recoverable_cost are both 12,000 in
96: -- fa_books. However, since we need to run negative adjustments through a
97: -- formula to determine the basis, etc, these numbers will be different from
98: -- the 12,000. However, I still want the user to see the 12,000, so if they
99: -- perform an subsequent transactions on the asset, they are using the 12,000
100: -- figure and not the new figure calculated by the program. Therefore, for

Line 195: -- fa_books_summary, and just use that for the current period. If

191: -- only need to be calculated at the end of the year, and at times
192: -- when a transaction occurs. However, I calculate the switch
193: -- during every period regardless. Theoretically, in the middle of a
194: -- year w/ no transactions, I could take a look at the switch_code in
195: -- fa_books_summary, and just use that for the current period. If
196: -- performance improvements need to be made, that can be one of the
197: -- first places to look. One of the reasons that I didn't do this
198: -- was that I wanted to make the code as generic as possible. That is,
199: -- when transactions occur, you do need to do the switch mid-year on

Line 202: -- fa_books_summary may not give you the value that you are looking

198: -- was that I wanted to make the code as generic as possible. That is,
199: -- when transactions occur, you do need to do the switch mid-year on
200: -- occasion. When backdated adjustments happen, you might need to do
201: -- this over a range of periods, and here the switch_code in
202: -- fa_books_summary may not give you the value that you are looking
203: -- for anymore since that was the switch value at the time of that
204: -- period, but now that the backdated adjustment has occurred, it's
205: -- obsolete. To try to avoid these complexities, I just do the
206: -- switch all the time even though there are performance drawbacks.

Line 468: fa_books bks

464: select fy.fiscal_year
465: into l_first_fiscal_year
466: from fa_fiscal_year fy,
467: fa_book_controls bc,
468: fa_books bks
469: where bc.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
470: and bc.fiscal_year_name = fy.fiscal_year_name
471: and bks.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
472: and bks.asset_id = p_Asset_Id

Line 480: fa_books bks

477: select dp.period_counter
478: into l_first_period_counter
479: from fa_deprn_periods dp,
480: fa_books bks
481: where dp.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
482: and bks.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
483: and bks.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
484: and bks.transaction_header_id_out is null

Line 523: from fa_books

519: else
521: select adjusted_cost
522: into l_old_adjusted_cost
523: from fa_books
524: where book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
525: and asset_id = p_Asset_Id
526: and transaction_header_id_out is null;
527: end if;

Line 806: from fa_books_summary

802: select polish_deprn_basis,
803: polish_adj_rec_cost
804: into l_prev_year_adjusted_cost,
805: l_prev_year_adj_rec_cost
806: from fa_books_summary
807: where book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
808: and asset_id = p_Asset_Id
809: and period_counter = l_prev_year_period_counter;

Line 840: from fa_books bks

836: select bks.adjusted_cost,
837: bks.adjusted_recoverable_cost
838: into l_prev_year_adjusted_cost,
839: l_prev_year_adj_rec_cost
840: from fa_books bks
841: where bks.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
842: and bks.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
843: and bks.rowid =
844: (

Line 846: from fa_books bks1,

842: and bks.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
843: and bks.rowid =
844: (
845: select max(bks1.rowid)
846: from fa_books bks1,
847: fa_deprn_periods dp
848: where bks1.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
849: and bks1.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
850: and bks1.book_type_code = dp.book_type_code

Line 867: from fa_books bks

863: select bks.adjusted_cost,
864: bks.adjusted_recoverable_cost
865: into l_prev_year_adjusted_cost,
866: l_prev_year_adj_rec_cost
867: from fa_books bks
868: where bks.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
869: and bks.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
870: and bks.rowid =
871: (

Line 873: from fa_books bks1

869: and bks.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
870: and bks.rowid =
871: (
872: select min(bks1.rowid)
873: from fa_books bks1
874: where bks1.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
875: and bks1.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
876: );
877: exception

Line 917: from fa_books

914: else
915: select adjusted_cost
916: into l_prev_year_adjusted_cost
917: from fa_books
918: where asset_id = p_asset_id
919: and book_type_code = p_book_type_code
920: and transaction_header_id_out is null;
921: end if;

Line 1646: from fa_books_summary

1642: select polish_deprn_basis,
1643: polish_adj_rec_cost
1644: into x_prev_basis,
1645: x_prev_adj_rec_cost
1646: from fa_books_summary
1647: where book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1648: and asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1649: and period_counter = x_bef_trxn_period_counter;

Line 1681: from fa_books bks

1677: select bks.adjusted_cost,
1678: bks.adjusted_recoverable_cost
1679: into x_prev_basis,
1680: x_prev_adj_rec_cost
1681: from fa_books bks
1682: where bks.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1683: and bks.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1684: and bks.rowid =
1685: (

Line 1687: from fa_books bks1,

1683: and bks.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1684: and bks.rowid =
1685: (
1686: select max(bks1.rowid)
1687: from fa_books bks1,
1688: fa_deprn_periods dp
1689: where bks1.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1690: and bks1.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1691: and bks1.book_type_code = dp.book_type_code

Line 1704: from fa_books bks

1700: select bks.adjusted_cost,
1701: bks.adjusted_recoverable_cost
1702: into x_prev_basis,
1703: x_prev_adj_rec_cost
1704: from fa_books bks
1705: where bks.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1706: and bks.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1707: and bks.rowid =
1708: (

Line 1710: from fa_books bks1

1706: and bks.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1707: and bks.rowid =
1708: (
1709: select min(bks1.rowid)
1710: from fa_books bks1
1711: where bks1.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1712: and bks1.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1713: );
1714: end;

Line 1903: from fa_books_summary

1899: select polish_deprn_basis,
1900: polish_adj_rec_cost
1901: into x_prev_basis,
1902: x_prev_adj_rec_cost
1903: from fa_books_summary
1904: where book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1905: and asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1906: and period_counter = x_bef_trxn_period_counter;

Line 1938: from fa_books bks

1934: select bks.adjusted_cost,
1935: bks.adjusted_recoverable_cost
1936: into x_prev_basis,
1937: x_prev_adj_rec_cost
1938: from fa_books bks
1939: where bks.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1940: and bks.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1941: and bks.rowid =
1942: (

Line 1944: from fa_books bks1,

1940: and bks.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1941: and bks.rowid =
1942: (
1943: select max(bks1.rowid)
1944: from fa_books bks1,
1945: fa_deprn_periods dp
1946: where bks1.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1947: and bks1.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1948: and bks1.book_type_code = dp.book_type_code

Line 1961: from fa_books bks

1957: select bks.adjusted_cost,
1958: bks.adjusted_recoverable_cost
1959: into x_prev_basis,
1960: x_prev_adj_rec_cost
1961: from fa_books bks
1962: where bks.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1963: and bks.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1964: and bks.rowid =
1965: (

Line 1967: from fa_books bks1

1963: and bks.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1964: and bks.rowid =
1965: (
1966: select min(bks1.rowid)
1967: from fa_books bks1
1968: where bks1.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1969: and bks1.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1970: );
1971: end;

Line 2148: from fa_books_summary

2145: begin
2146: select nvl(switch_code, 'XX')
2147: into x_switch_code
2148: from fa_books_summary
2149: where book_type_code = p_book_type_code
2150: and asset_id = p_asset_id
2151: and period_counter = p_period_counter;
2152: exception

Line 2180: from fa_books_summary

2177: begin
2178: select nvl(switch_code, 'XX')
2179: into l_prev_switch_code
2180: from fa_books_summary
2181: where book_type_code = p_book_type_code
2182: and asset_id = p_asset_id
2183: and period_counter = p_period_counter - 1;
2184: exception